
russian armor

Off the top off my head Balance Fantasy

3 Jan 2015, 12:59 PM
avatar of austerlitz

Posts: 1705

Just been playing the game a lot lately with all factions to understand it better and these are my balance thoughts .Nothing too serious-feel free to troll suggestions.


Units -

Tier 1 - Add mortar.Buildable with ambulance out.
Rifleman -same

Upgrade - Bazooka 15 muni less(like g43 to lmg42)

Upgrade - BAR1918 - Either not fireable on the move (main cause of successful blob overrunning suppression tools)or DPS of BAR reduced on the move to garand level.

57mm AT gun- 15% penetration increase.15% price increase(roughly from 270 mp to 310 mp)

M36 jackson- +20% armor,15% penetration, -20% damage(200 from 240),price +10 fuel.(this feel will increase survivability and pen issues while also toning down its capability to 2-3 shot(or 1 shot when there are 2) midtier medium tanks from out of sight.)

Teching cost to t2.from 200 mp to 100 mp.But no free lieutenant.Have to buy the unit.This will mean it will cost(reducing 100 mp)220 mp extra from now for usf to get the lieutenant-i think quite fair price.(This will hopefully prevent from easy outnbumbering and overwhelming of ost earlygame by free unit,MP disparity)
Same equation for Captain.Teching price reduced to 100 mp.Have to buy captain.(effective cost 260mp).
Note- I intend this 'buy the unit' thing only for the first teching instance.Once first teching is done.Second teching(whichever was chosen) can revert back to free .This is because only the first free unit is problem.

Major upkeep reduced to 3 from 5.
Lieutenant upkeep reduced to 5 from 8.
Captain upkeep reduced to 5 from 8.

Commanders -

Airborne company:
Airborne infantry -reinforce cost to 34.This unit once upgraded is the most beastly and due to same reinforce cost(28mp) as rifles very easily spammable.(especially compared to 40 mp plus pzgrens and fallschirms).Elite inf that can drop anywhere cheaper reinforce than basic grens is problem.
Reduce para losses to the bad drop thing.

Armor company :
Submachine gun crews -Useless ability.Replace with increasing repair rate on crews.
Wolverine TD - Totally overshadowed by jackson.Camoflage(while static) ability at vet 2.Increase vet gain rate of base unit by 20%
Bulldozer tank - Not used.Replace with sherman upgun upgrade option.Should be an universal upgrade with a fuel cost.Increases penetration of sherman by 20%.Can no longer switch to anti HE shells but 110 fuel spammable anti tank sherman.Let armor company feel like armor.

Infantry Company :
Priest SP - fuel cost from 115 to 100 fuel.Right now too much because shells don't land at once,so after first hit they are of less value (when not used vs OKW trucks).

Mechanized Company :
M3 halftrack assault group - Just badly designed.USF already has 2 excellent stock light vehicles.If it wanted to use doctrinal one,greyhound is top choice.On top of this already has a light vehicle in the commander in jeep.Needs to be replaced by camoflage ability for 57 mm AT guns.The doctrine has no AT support which is its biggest weakness.

Recon Support Company :
Forward observers/Pathfinders -One of these 2 need to go/Two perform very similar roles and waste of space.Replace with camoflage for AT gun.
Greyhound - Splash dmg reduced a bit to prevent multiple squad wipe.
Airborne assault group - Lacklustre final ability.The AT gun dropped needs to be vet 2 at least to make this worth anything.

New Units wishlist -

Sherman firefly(on a allied co-ordination commander -representing how anglo-american allies fought together often)

Overall with USF i tried to reduce infantryspam,increase AT options and lategame penetration.


Global Changes - I feel OKW has excess manpower due to low tech cost.All trucks from 200 mp to 250 mp.( i would put 300 mp for flak truck ,but since destruction is issue can't increase more)

Return from Fuel cache reduced to 50% from current 66%.I feel multiple fuel caches in large team games allow OKW to profit too much from wehr partner getting heavy armor quicker than was intended by design.

Volksgrenadiers - Panzershreck -25% to -30% accuracy at long range.Shreck upgrade cost 80 muni from 90.-33% XP gain to prevent fast vet 4-5.

Raketenwerfer - Reduced aim time and better accuracy.
Either Range increased to normal AT gun to cover the gap in volks long range with price increased to 300 mp.Or keep range same ,price 250 mp.Main problem is unit getting one shotted by mediums when not in building.Not sure exactly how to fix this.

King tiger -Frontal armor from 425 to 400.Rear armor from 225 to 200.Price from 260 fuel to 250 fuel.

IR halftrack - From from 200 mp to 160 mp,25 fuel to 15 fuel to encourage more use.

Jagdpanzer IV -From 130 fuel to 120 fuel,so panther is not automatic choice.

Sturmtiger - From 560 mp to 500mp,from 160 fuel to 140 fuel.( i suspect it will still be useless

Schu mine - cost reduced from 25 muni to 20 muni.(Hope this encourages more mining earlygame from OKW along with volks shreck nerf,but muni cost reduction for more combined arms)

Breakthrough Doctrine:
Sturmoffizer - Cost reduced to 250 mp from 280mp.Less used after nerf,and can't get veterancy either.
Jagdtiger - Cost from 290 fuel to 270 fuel .Much weaker after nerf.

Luftwaffe Ground Forces :
Fallschirmjager - Not upto mark.High callin cost at 440 mp justified due to unique entry.But huge reinforce unjustified for maintenance thereafter especially when compared to paratroopers/shocks.Reinforce to 35 MP.
Flak emplacement cost - Main problem too easy to decrew due to 2 members.Either increase crew to 3 or decrease cost from 250 mp,10 fuel to 150 mp 10 fuel.

Elite Armor Doctrine:
Emergency repair - Repairing critical dmg only for 20 secs is not worth it for 50 muni,as crit dmg is usually engine and won't have that much time.Either needs to be like t-34/85 repair or less cost - 25 muni.
HEAT shells - Needs to be a passive ability that increases base penetration of tanks.This will allow pz 4Js to take on heavy armor without bouncing all the time and actually make this doctrine's battlegroup viable lategame.
Panzer 4 battlegroup - 210 fuel is too much with fuel cap.Especially when u need 110 munition per tank for upgrades.Should be 190 fuel for battlegroup.90 munition per tank upgrade.

Fortifications doctrine :
Change on flak emplacement as earlier.
Bunker and s-mine.Nobody uses it much.Add passive -5 munitions cost for schu mine on this ability.This will make schus spammable(15 muni) even with muni cap,and make fortifications more defensively powerful.

Scavenge Doctrine:
Thorough Scavenging -Lacklustre.Add ability-sturmpios can now use demo charge.

Unit wishlist -
Iconic 88 mm flak36 with rotatable emplacement.
Nebelwerfer 'screeming mimi' towed rocket launcher.
Hummel/Wespe SPG.

Overall i wanted OKW to be less spammy with MP cost increase in trucks and volks shreck nerf.KT slightly less immortal.Faction overall less powerful in large teamgames by fuel cache nerf.Wanted more variety.


I want to change vet 1 abilities for both soviet and wehr factions in many cases-

Teching costs-
T1-T2 - From 200 MP 45fuel to 100 mp 35 fuel.
T3-T4 - From 55 fuel to 45 fuel.

Grenadier - Vet 1 autoheal slowly.

Mg42 +10% suppression.
Units can't launch grenade while suppressed.Global change applied across all factions to prevent frontal suppressed units owning mgs.

Sniper -25% recieved accuracy for a bit more survivability.

Sdkfz221 armored car - HP from 200 to standard 340.Fix machine gun bug.Price from 210 mp and 15 fuel to 250 mp,20 fuel.

Sdkfz251 -Flame upgrade unlocked at t2.But after atleast one other unit has been built from t2 building.This way it won't be too late as in t3,not too early either.

Panzergrenadier - Recieved accuracy back to .25% -what it was for about a patch a while ago before it was renerfed 'for being a bug'.Vet 1 self heal.
or reinforce cost to 34 - same as shock troops.

Stug III - Price increase to 320 mp 100 fuel.Penetration increase 15%.Vet1 camoflage replace Target weak point.

Panzer4 - Price -5 fuel 120 fuel from 125.

Brummbarr -Price 140 fuel from 160 fuel.Replace TWP at vet 1 with barrage ability.

Panzerwerfer ability - Less scatter/more AOE to be more closer to katyusha in effectiveness.

S-mine field can be laid in pairs than all four together.
Factionwide -Main gun accuracy reduced when using blitz.

Ideas on commander overhaul.
Apart from this -Command tank should be 115 fuel instead of 125 fuel and 7 CP from 8cp to increase usage.

Lefh artillery -500mp from 600mp.3 more shells to land.
Elefant to 250 fuel from 260 fuel.
250 halftrack with pzgren from 55 fuel to 35 fuel.Halftrack costs 200 mp 30 fuel by itself(even though 250 has 240 hp compared to 320 for 251 and can't reinforce).Panzergrenadier squad seperate costs 340 mp.Total should cost 540 mp 30 fuel(even with track diff).Costs 20 mp and 25 fuel more.

Unit wishlist -


Overall i tried to make wehrmacht earlygame especially vs usf more survivable by tech cost and t4 slightly more accesible.Other than that redundant units boosted to increase usage.


Global - Total popcap of russia -120 instead of 100 to represent massive size of red army.Useful in large team games.

Conscript - 1 DP LMG available for upgrade either fatre building t3 or t4,or universal upgrade from HQ..15% increased recieved accuracy when oorrah active.

Sniper -Sprint removed.

Penals- -15% recieved accuracy combat survival package upgrade available after t3 or t4 built for 60 mp each.Should give better late game survivability.

Maxim - Build time increased by 50% to deter spam.

T-34/76 - Reload time back to what it was during kv-1 'bug' before it was fixed.
Vet 1 ability- 'Surround and overwhelm' - Penetration increased by 5% for every friendly tank nearby.Stacks upto 3 times for upto 15%.This will increase lategame viability.
both with 5 fuel 20 mp cost increase.

SU-85 -vet 1 camoflage ability.

Guards Rifle - Buyback lost weapons.Vet1 - Camo when in cover with ambush attack bonus.
Or toggle PTRS with mosin nagants button.

ISU-152 - -10 fuel to 250 fuel in accordance with reduced power.

T-34/85 dual call in from 260 fuel to 270 fuel.

IS-2 - 350 armor from 375 armor (in accordance with KT nerf).Mp from 640 to 600.
Vet 1 -accuracy increased.

Other Doctrinal unit changes -
ml-20 howitzer.From 600 mp to 500 mp.

B-4.Vet 3 ability plus 50% dmg reduced to 20% dmg to prevent one shotting king tigers more or less.

m-42 45 mm gun.Base penetration increased 10%.
Vet1 penetration increased 15%

KV-2 mp cost from 640 to 500 mp.

Partisans - Presence of partisan in enemy sector reduces income.partisans can stay camoflaged while in green cover.This means they can hide behind enemy lines if unnoticed continue to drain his income/supply just like real life.

FHQ - needs sector to be captured or atleast neutral before conversion.

Unit Wishlist -
T-34/57 -Cheap tank similar to t-34/76 but with better AT oerformance but no real AI power.
122 mm m-30 howitzer.
Sniper Ace(with ability to shoot top gunner)

3 Jan 2015, 20:40 PM
avatar of austerlitz

Posts: 1705

Did anyone read the whole thing?<444>_<444>
3 Jan 2015, 21:00 PM
avatar of Vez

Posts: 141

I did and I found your idea interesting. I hope Relic will consider some of these options.
3 Jan 2015, 21:33 PM
avatar of Unshavenbackman

Posts: 680

For once these changes are reasonable and it seems that you have a good insight in all factions, very nice ideas on Wehr and Soviets.

3 Jan 2015, 21:35 PM
avatar of Sarantini
Honorary Member Badge
Donator 22

Posts: 2181

nice partisan idea
3 Jan 2015, 21:35 PM
avatar of NinjaWJ

Posts: 2070

I read the red army and ostheer changes. will finish up later.

Red Army

i like the changes..I guess i can agree with the nerfs to several units dueto increase popcap for the late game. Would be interesting dynamic. interested to see how it plays out. I love your partisan suggestion. would really add an interesting dynamic to the game and the commander. I disagree with the T34/85 nerf though. It is already kinda pricey. %50 percent increase build time for maxim is kinda hard harsh too. Since cons can get dp, maybe leave maxim alone. perhaps people will use cons now instead of maxim spam.

nice changes, but im not sure about the scout car (maybe comes out faster instead of health?) and some of the stuff to infantry. Grens already really good vs Soviet.
3 Jan 2015, 21:50 PM
avatar of WhySooSerious

Posts: 1248

3 Jan 2015, 21:53 PM
avatar of RMMLz

Posts: 1802 | Subs: 1

-They are probably not gonna change the unit set up in tiers, this is not alpha and it's VERY unlikely to see changes like this

-I think its better to buff bazooka rather than making it cheap. It should be a viable mid game counter against medium armor.

-USF needs more AT power, increased Pen makes sense to me

-Jackson needs some love, I think a little HP increase, or even acceleration increase would be better though. It has paper armor already and even with +15% armor increase it's not gonna stop panthers from penetrating (and IMO it should not deflect shots) just make it a bit more resistant to rushes because USF does not have support units like Schrek blobs to counter tank rushes

-+1 for upkeep reduction.

-Bulldozer is not that bad. one lucky shot and the whole blob is gone. It also frequently decrews Paks and Ratekens.

- Changes on schreks and heavy units are needed, specially super heavy nerfs. I would love to actually use a sturmtiger or IR HT.

-Bunkers and specially S-mines are game changers! I would always transfer muni and try to build a few mine fields. Does wonders.

-I think Luftwaffe commander is terrible. MG34 is needed (although UP), FJs are OP early game and the rest is not useful.

-Ostheer tech cost reduction +1

-Mgs need some love, all of them.

-I think stug is fine, specially in open maps.

-increased pop cap for russians? No way.

-I think -20% reduced received accuracy at vet 2 or 3 would be better. They die like flies.

-SU85 needs increased accuracy.
3 Jan 2015, 22:02 PM
avatar of austerlitz

Posts: 1705

I read the red army and ostheer changes. will finish up later.

Red Army

i like the changes..I guess i can agree with the nerfs to several units dueto increase popcap for the late game. Would be interesting dynamic. interested to see how it plays out. I love your partisan suggestion. would really add an interesting dynamic to the game and the commander. I disagree with the T34/85 nerf though. It is already kinda pricey. %50 percent increase build time for maxim is kinda hard harsh too. Since cons can get dp, maybe leave maxim alone. perhaps people will use cons now instead of maxim spam.

nice changes, but im not sure about the scout car (maybe comes out faster instead of health?) and some of the stuff to infantry. Grens already really good vs Soviet.

I increased popcap to make red army feel more massive.
t-34/85 i only increased 10 fuel.Its still cheaper than individual.Right now each tank costs 5 fuel and 10mp more than pz4 despite much superior performance and no teching -thats why made change.
50% build time will in reality maybe amount to 10-15 secs only.This is only to ensure that sov player uses conscript with maxim,not just maxim alone-which if he does he may find himslef outnumbered in initial fight before he can flawlessly build up that optimal level of 3-4 maxims.
Glad people liked partisans idea.

On scout car i only increased health to that of reinforcehalftrack which isn't that great.And increased p and fuel cost too.Plus u need 75 muni upg to make use of it.Right now 1 AT grenade=75% health gone and engine dmg which is=dead+75 muni investment lost.I only wanted to change this a bit.

I didn't change grenadier at all..every wehrplayer builds med bunker anyway.Besides autoheal rate would be much slower at vet1,similar to coh1.
On panzergrenadier i only reverted it back to what it was 2 patches earlier..everyone will agree it wasn't OP.
I added lategame buffs for cons and penals too,a bit vet buff for guards ad didn't touch shocks either.

3 Jan 2015, 22:12 PM
avatar of braciszek

Posts: 2053

At vet 0, volksgrenadiers with panzerschrecks have pretty bad accuracy. Volks gain accuracy increases, which is good for their rifles, but it also means that their panzerschrecks become laser guided. High vet volks schreck blobs aren't affected at all, so there really is no nerf there. (A solution would be to prohibit all handheld AT from allowing infantry to gain vet ridiculously fast, but CoH2 is not capable of that) The panzerschreck cheats the vet system. :/

Everything else looks great. But about HEAT shells... It would only affect TANKS and tank destroyers, not light armor like the puma...

About the Sturmtiger, I liked when the Sturmtiger had 5 extra attack range past its sight range because it meant you could send a scout to attack the enemy, and then your ninja Sturmtiger would attack out of sight range and nuke the enemy. It was a rewarding tactic that punishes an enemy that does not scout the Fog of War well.

3 Jan 2015, 22:17 PM
avatar of NinjaWJ

Posts: 2070

fair enough on your comments on ostheer

the advanced warfare commander t34/85 should get a price decrease (it is 140 right now, a little too pricey).

i know what you are getting at for the Maxim, but 10-15 seconds, while not bad later on, is going to hurt the early game, especially the first maxim being produced. means that soviet mg comes out slower if you build maxim first. Im not sure that is very good change.

I feel most OKW changes are okay, but i disagree with Jagdtiger change and the Volks. Perhaps flat nerf to accuracy without muni reduction would be good (imo). Jagdtiger also got a buff last patch so no need to fuel reduction. It is still a monster on open maps, so fuel reduction will make it OP on those maps.

3 Jan 2015, 22:19 PM
avatar of pigsoup
Patrion 14

Posts: 4301 | Subs: 2

Did anyone read the whole thing?<444>_<444>

yep and +1 for the effort.

although i do not agree with every thing, i think there are definitely cool idea in that list, i.e. t34 surround and overwhelm, partisan, guards, m10, falls, 222, etc etc...
3 Jan 2015, 22:25 PM
avatar of ungodlike

Posts: 62

What about Obersoldaten, no reduction of damage from the lmg34? or muni cost for lmg?
3 Jan 2015, 22:32 PM
avatar of austerlitz

Posts: 1705

What about Obersoldaten, no reduction of damage from the lmg34? or muni cost for lmg?

Already nerfed volks,KT,fuel income from cache,plus increased MP cost of trucks.Not sure nerfing obers too at the same time is wise,problems vs shocks.But muni cost for lmg maybe ..not sure.
In general i didn't touch elite infantry fighting power(except adjustment to reinforce cost) in any factions,only to pzgren which was 'elite' only in name and has trouble beating vetted conscripts often.
3 Jan 2015, 22:34 PM
avatar of Mr. Someguy

Posts: 4928

M36 jackson- 20% armor,15% penetration, -20% damage(200 from 240),price +10 fuel.(this feel will increase survivability and pen issues while also toning down its capability to 2-3 shot(or 1 shot when there are 2) midtier medium tanks from out of sight.)
Wolverine TD - Totally overshadowed by jackson.Camoflage(while static) ability at vet 2.Increase vet gain rate of base unit by 20%
Bulldozer tank - Not used.Replace with sherman upgun upgrade option.Should be an universal upgrade with a fuel cost.Increases penetration of sherman by 20%.Can no longer switch to anti HE shells but 110 fuel spammable anti tank sherman.Let armor company feel like armor.
Greyhound - Splash dmg reduced a bit to prevent multiple squad wipe.
Sherman firefly(on a allied co-ordination commander -representing how anglo-american allies fought together often)

- M36 would still be strong against Medium Tanks. I think the Jackson's gun should be remmodeled after after the Panther or old IS-2 guns.
- Personal opinion but I think the M10 should just get a sight increase like the Puma has, or passive vehicle detection of the same radius so it's not a scout unit but may still hunt tanks.
- This idea makes no sense, you want to replace all Shermans with Bulldozers that are better at AT?
- This change to the Greyhound does not solve the issues it faces.
- Sherman Fireflies were not used by the US Army.

Volksgrenadiers - Panzershreck -25% to -30% accuracy at long range.Shreck upgrade cost 80 muni from 90.
Jagdpanzer IV -From 130 fuel to 120 fuel,so panther is not automatic choice.
Flak emplacement cost - Main problem too easy to decrew due to 2 members.Either increase crew to 3 or decrease cost from 250 mp,10 fuel to 150 mp 10 fuel.
Emergency repair - Repairing critical dmg only for 20 secs is not worth it for 50 muni,as crit dmg is usually engine and won't have that much time.Either needs to be like t-34/85 repair or less cost - 25 muni.
Sdkfz221 armored car - HP from 200 to standard 340.Fix machine gun bug.Price from 210 mp and 15 fuel to 250 mp,20 fuel.
Stug III - Price increase to 320 mp 100 fuel.Penetration increase 15%.Vet1 camoflage replace Target weak point.

- This change to the Panzerschreck will not reduce spam or reliance.
- This change will not make the Jagdpanzer more viable, at 470MP it's still only 20 less than the far superior Panther.
- This won't help the Flak much, the crew need health buffs. Even though 80 is standard for all crews, the Flak crew is way too fragile.
- Emergency Repair costs 50 and does what Critical Repair does for 10. Reduce time to 5 seconds and cost to 15, increase abandonment chance. Alternatively, nerf Critical Repair and find a balance there.
- Really do not like the StuG nerf, especially since the new Jackson will still 2-shot it. It would be even less useful than before. StuG should gain health, AT ability, 60 range, and cost 100 fuel.
- Obersoldaten need reworked, maybe along the lines of a Vet 3 Grenadier squad with some extra bonuses, + gaining Vet 4 and Vet 5?
- Double M1919 LMG spam is still too strong against Wehrmacht.

Conscript - 1 DP LMG available for upgrade either fatre building t3 or t4,or universal upgrade from HQ..15% increased recieved accuracy when oorrah active.
Penals- -15% recieved accuracy combat survival package upgrade available after t3 or t4 built for 60 mp each.Should give better late game survivability.
T-34/76 - Vet 1 ability- 'Surround and overwhelm' - Penetration increased by 5% for every friendly tank nearby. Stacks upto 3 times for upto 15%.This will increase lategame viability.
IS-2 - 350 armor from 375 armor (in accordance with KT nerf).Mp from 640 to 600.
B-4- Vet 3 ability plus 50% dmg reduced to 20% dmg to prevent one shotting king tigers more or less.

- PPSh's would be better, though at range they should align with rifle DPS so they aren't a nerf. DP's I feel would be treading too much on the Grenadier's niche.
- Penals are fine imo, they are cheaper than Riflemen and have less damage over range, but more up close. They have 6 man squads with no accuracy penalty, making them more durable than most infantry including Conscripts.
- Personally I think this sounds less useful than Point Capture. 5-15% is relatively low on the T-34's already low penetration, at long range it will barely become equal to a Panzer IV.
- IS-2 is fine as-is imo, even with KT nerf.
- B-4 needs a rework, it's a big RNG canon that gives you a 1/10 chance to do massive damage, and if the RNG smiles upon you enough, you can do massive damage every shot, but must pay instead of pray.
- Surprised there was no mention of the SU-76 here.
3 Jan 2015, 23:02 PM
avatar of austerlitz

Posts: 1705

- This idea makes no sense, you want to replace all Shermans with Bulldozers that are better at AT?

- Sherman Fireflies were not used by the US Army.

- This change to the Panzerschreck will not reduce spam or reliance.
- This change will not make the Jagdpanzer more viable, at 470MP it's still only 20 less than the far superior Panther.
- This won't help the Flak much, the crew need health buffs. Even though 80 is standard for all crews, the Flak crew is way too fragile.
- Really do not like the StuG nerf, especially since the new Jackson will still 2-shot it. It would be even less useful than before. StuG should gain health, AT ability, 60 range, and cost 100 fuel.
- Double M1919 LMG spam is still too strong against Wehrmacht.

- PPSh's would be better, though at range they should align with rifle DPS so they aren't a nerf. DP's I feel would be treading too much on the Grenadier's niche.
- Penals are fine imo, they are cheaper than Riflemen and have less damage over range, but more up close. They have 6 man squads with no accuracy penalty, making them more durable than most infantry including Conscripts.
- Personally I think this sounds less useful than Point Capture. 5-15% is relatively low on the T-34's already low penetration, at long range it will barely become equal to a Panzer IV.
- Surprised there was no mention of the SU-76 here.

No i want if exercising the universal upgrade from HQ to turn all shermans into anti tank tanks(with HE ammo switch disabled and AI ability much reduced) at 110 fuel spamable for armor attacks(attacks being jackson weakpoint due to health)leaving enemy infantry to be dealt with by rifles or stuart/motor howitzer in accordance with anme armor company.

Thats why i mentioned allied co-operation commander.Meaning American troops operating in close proximity to british unit for a particular battle.

Its will be better than current,what is other option?
Fuel rather than MP is limiting factor for OKW.120 fuel is better than 175 .
Relic won't change Hp model for 1 unit i think.
Agreed stug change didn't really satisfy me.
Not sure how to address this.

LMG Grens would still beat DP cons,but lategame it will make cons more scaleable.
Penals are good earlygame,but lategame not so much.I think this modest upgrade which will cost mp will keep earlygame balance intact while scaling a bit better lategame.
I can't pin down the figure on'surround and overhwlem'.This is because, i could have opted for upto 25% pen.But inevitably this will make soviet industry spamming t-34s unstoppable..so if a further boost is needed price of t-34 will have to e increased because evn with 25 fuel diff it often beats pz4 depending on RNg and who got off first shot.

3 Jan 2015, 23:19 PM
avatar of G4bb4_G4nd4lf
Donator 33

Posts: 658

It is still a monster on open maps, so fuel reduction will make it OP on those maps.

How can a cost reduction of 20 fuel suddenly make it OP? Especially in 4v4s (which you seem to play exclusively) 20 fuel is nothing and someone who wants to get a JT will get one even if he has to pay 270 instead of 290.

To be honest, a cost reduction won't make any difference in larger teamgames.

BUT: A small cost reduction and lowering the CP requirement by 1 (or 2?) will make the JT more attractive in 2v2s. Right now, it's an overpriced Elefant for a faction that has to sacrifice almost any other vehicle to get a JT.

On topic: There are definitely nice ideas in this huge list and I agree with quite many things.

Some notes:

- 50% income of caches for OKW: How would that work? Fuel caches grant 3 fuel. Currently 2 fuel/min for OKW. 50% would mean OKW got 1,5 fuel per minute. It's either 100%, 66% or 33% (or 0%).

- The shreck itself doesn't need to be changed IMO - it just shouldn't be available for cheap infantry like volks. Give it to Sturms, AI upgrade + Pzfaust for volks and shrecks aren't a problem anymore.

- 120 pop cap for soviets...well, I don't really know what to think about that tbh.

- "Units can't launch grenade while suppressed." That's a good idea and all HMGs would actually benefit from this change. Definitely +1 from my side.

- The partisan changes sound interesting. How much would the income be reduced by partisans?

- The penal combat package should cost munitions like every other upgrade. It wouldn't make a big difference though - Soviets don't really have a muni shortage.

- Elefant costs 260 fuel? Wut? I thought it's 245 :huhsign:
3 Jan 2015, 23:23 PM
avatar of l4hti

Posts: 476

Yeah make partisans able to cloak and HOLD FIRE.. Then they would feel much better
4 Jan 2015, 00:03 AM
avatar of Doomlord52

Posts: 960

Great list; would really improve the game. My only suggestions/concerns are focused around the OKW changes - I'm just not 100% sure if your suggestions would fix the faction (OKW is incredibly flawed).

Global Changes - I feel OKW has excess manpower due to low tech cost.All trucks from 200 mp to 250 mp.( i would put 300 mp for flak truck ,but since destruction is issue can't increase more)

The only way I could see this working is if you could cancel setup and not have it destroy the truck. 200mp is already a pretty big loss early game (losing your first truck is basically GG, but then again, that shouldn't happen). While I agree that they are a bit too cheap, the actual setup is a fairly big risk. I could see the cost increase working if you could 'cancel' setup (takes ~5-10 seconds) and then could move the truck out of the area. Even if it was a partial loss (say, 50% refund), I think it could work.

Return from Fuel cache reduced to 50% from current 66%.I feel multiple fuel caches in large team games allow OKW to profit too much from wehr partner getting heavy armor quicker than was intended by design.

I agree in large games that it can get kind of crazy (i've had games as OKW where I was floating over 500 fuel, despite building panthers like crazy), but this only really works in those big games. In 1v1 or even 2v2, this could put OKW at a pretty big disadvantage.

Volksgrenadiers - Panzershreck -25% to -30% accuracy at long range.Shreck upgrade cost 80 muni from 90.

Raketenwerfer - Reduced aim time and better accuracy.
Either Range increased to normal AT gun to cover the gap in volks long range with price increased to 300 mp.Or keep range same ,price 250 mp.Main problem is unit getting one shotted by mediums when not in building.Not sure exactly how to fix this.

I feel like these are tied together, since it's basically OKW's early game AT. The problem with the shrek long-range nerf as well as fuel nerf, is that they would be lacking late-game long-range mobile AT.

I still prefer my suggestion to fix OKW AT:

1. Remove shreks from Volks, replace with Fausts (~35muni each).
2. Put shreks on Obers (1 for 60-75muni).
3. Put the OST's Pak on the T2 truck (thing needs a 4th unit, anyway).
4. Make the Raketten-thing not miss 95% of the time.

The main complaint I got about that was that Obers would become too OP (good AI and AT), but remember; every shrek increases AT at the cost of AI (guy trades rifle/STG44 for shrek). In addition, it would only be possible to have shreks OR doctrine STGs, not both.

Mg42 -10% suppression.
Units can't launch grenade while suppressed.Global change applied across all factions to prevent frontal suppressed units owning mgs.

I like the global change, but I don't think the MG42 warrants the suppression nerf considering its current state. Maybe if its setup/turn time was decent the -10% supression would work, but right now, the MG42 isn't even required for Wehr to work.

Wehr - Sniper -25% recieved accuracy for a bit more survivability.
Sov - Sniper -Sprint removed.

I would prefer no change to the Wehr sniper and the Sov sniper changed to 1-man. The Sov 2-man sniper is just far too easy to get high amounts of vet on (hard to kill, especially early game), and makes sniper fights incredibly one sided (Wehr sniper misses = dead, Sov Sniper misses = retreat). I would like to see the Sov sniper brought to 1-man along with the removal of sprint.

Basically, make it closer to the US vs. Wehr snipers of CoH1; they're very similar with minor differences to how their vet works.

SU-85 -vet 1 camoflage ability.

Dear god no.

SU-85s are already disgusting enough as it is (they out range almost everything). The last thing I want is an invisible SU-85 (so I can't be prepared for it) hitting my Panther (which it can 2-3 shot anyway) with a first-strike bonus (making it a 2-shot kill). The only way I would even remotely agree with this is if it had a setup/tear down time AND over-all reduced range or reduced pen (bring it inline with other tanks).

Over all, a great list of changes. I also like the unit wish list - it's pretty good. My only question would be regarding the OKW nebel, as it would need to be different enough to make it useful over the Stuka. IMO it could be more incendiary-based similar to the Coh1 nebel, or perhaps have more range (but a setup/teardown time) combined with a circular arty-like attack (instead of the stuka's line).
4 Jan 2015, 03:28 AM
avatar of austerlitz

Posts: 1705

Mg42 wasn't -10% suppression,it was plus 10% to make it more useful.
On the nebel,i'm thinking a manpower only towed unit like in vcoh which would fit in with fuel starved OKW.Slow,very vulnerable and certainly less dmg than stuka but mp only like vcoh nebel.Would be doctrinal.
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