
russian armor

Personal CoH2 feedback

1 Jan 2015, 16:02 PM
avatar of Spielführer

Posts: 320

Hi folks, Hi Relic,

First of all I have to thank Relic for Company of Heroes 2 and additional for the new content they are releasing and the support for the game and to introduce myself. My nickname is Spielführer and I am member of the Blitzkrieg Mod Team. Anyway, I want to write some stuff down what I dislike or where I disagree with the stuff Relic made and where is in my opinion enough space for improvement. It’s about the game in general, some history and also some balance stuff and also some castles in the sky and wishes for the future. Since the new year has started, maybe a good new year resolution.

So, how I understand the game the Wehrmacht (Ostheer) is the German Army on the Eastern Front from 1941 until 1945 and represents a mix or an average of the Wehrmacht at this point. It is all about a lack of versatility, instead has units for a specific task on the battlefield. Also the German Infantry tactics was based on squad size (Gruppe) with MG42. While 75% of the firepower is provided by the MG42 (or in general MG) and normal Rifleman (Schützen) are to protect the MG and to pop off the suppressed infantry. Later on this dramatically changes and it is going to the OKW and it’s Volksgrenadiere.
The Oberkommando West is different. It features the German Army in 1944, gathering all stuff together for a last offensive – the Ardennes Assault or Watch on the Rhine or however you want to call it. It got some advanced stuff from late war but on the other side struggles with economical collapse. German Army had changed at that point. E.g. are Volksgrenadiere. The description says “Volksgrenadiers are reformed from hardened veterans, recovering wounded and new recruits.” While it is not wrong, it is also not complete. The old Infantry Divisions were renamed to Volksgrenadier-Divisions to boost morale and to link up with the population and the fighting troops. Also the fighting style changed. The Volksgrenadier-Divisions were smaller and therefore needed tactics and firepower to replace the lost manpower. Therefore those units were provided with a lot of G43, StG44, PzFst 60 and so on. I think it is not well represented in the game. Also while I play the German Army late 1944 early 1945, I have to field old stuff like Panzer II with 20mm cannon while German Army had late war stuff for that task and those outdated stuff was mainly back in the fatherland for training etc. In fact I play a mix of wounded soldiers, out of a sudden elite Waffen-SS Soliders (Obersoldaten which is by the way the most pathetic name ever), early Panzer II and than Kingtiger. I ask myself where is the mechanized stuff (SdKfz upgraded with 75mm canon) Panther Ausf. G with Infared to work together with the UHU IR Halftrack, late Tiger I (that is different from early Tiger) etc. And overall stuff that was common at that time (SdKfz in different variations) The idea behind it is great, same as it was on Panzer Elite that was “Panzerelite” without even Panzers (Marder III anyone?) But i think the way how it was implemented lacks in some kind.

So I want to write down some points that do not fit, could be improved, bugs and other stuff.

Bugs and stuff that bothers me:

  • First of all the HMG42. Since it represents the Wehrmacht from 1941 up to 1945, the most common MG was the MG34 and so it would make sense to switch from MG42 to MG34.
  • Grenade abilities, especially the Rifle Grenade doesn't work properly. The ability triggers, but the Grenade will never come out. Also the model who is about to throw is sometimes delayed by 1-2 seconds. The ability needs to trigger instantly and not the complete squad needs to stop, but only the thrower.
  • Initial Sturmpio squad getting stuck at the HQ in the beginning of the game.
  • Retreating units stuck at HQ, need 5 extra seconds to actually stop retreating
  • Raketenwerfer stuck in buildings, Paks that won't set up properly on shattered ground (same goes for howitzers who won't fire at all).
  • 251 HT has no muzzle flash / firing animation


  • The German MGs currently underperform and do not suppress enough and the turret rotation is kinda slow. This needs to be addressed. When you compare it with the MG42 from CoH1 it was a real blob control measure, especially in houses. That is how it should be!
  • German Sniper is too risky to be field unlike in CoH1. One Volley and they are down. It needs to be a little bit tougher. Currently it is high risk, low reward unit.
  • Ambush Camouflage, Sniper stun round too expensive, Signal Relay, HEAT Rounds all that stuff that is way too expensive
  • Make emplacements worth building (20mm Flak e.g.) It is only hitting the dirt, not effectively doing its job and does not even gain veterancy. Why isn’t it possible like the emplacements like Panzer Elite got them?
  • Improve Field Howitzers

What should also be done balancewise?

  • Leichte Infanteriegeschütz 18 should have aoe dmg increased on near hits
  • LEIG Hollow barrage damage upped to 100 to make it slightly better at anti-vehicle
  • Raketenwerfer setup reduced – make it response faster
  • Ostwind minimum range removed
  • Reduce Demolition charge AOE slightly, lower armor a bit


Why was so much stuff wrecked from CoH1?

  • Obersoldaten renamed (this name does not even exist, same bull**** like Knight Cross Holders)
  • Sturmgrenadiere reworked to something more like Shock Troopers (just an info -> The Name Sturmgrenadier covers no official outfit, but designates those among serving in front line duty, battle hardened veterans with most combat experience) German Army had 3 kind of Shock Troopers (Sturmpioniere, Sturmgrenadiere and the Stoßtruppen are no unit but normally a tactic)
  • Why does the Infantry Halftrack from the Mechanized Assault Commander not an MG facing front? M3 and other HTs have it as standard and are not even doctrinal. And it was standard on that german vehicle, now it lacks it?

  • Where is the S-Mine launcher (Nahverteidigungswaffe) from the Tiger Ace? Can’t it be built in again or as an upgrade? I remember those very good voice files like “Motor to 450PS, Tiger on the prowl etc”
  • Where is direct control so that you can manually turn the turret? Where is all the good stuff?
  • Why are so many Commanders not reworked to be actual useful? Same goes to some (in theory nice abilities)
  • Why are nice models wrecked and used the old ones over and over again. Example? What is with Scavenge Doctrine. Instead of an Ostwind, the Wirbelwind would been a nice addition.
  • In General, were are all those nice vehicles and units? Luftwaffe Ground Forces, Wirbelwind, Quad Emplacement, Hummel and all that stuff. I really miss that nice stuff. Sticky Bombs. Also more variety would be nice (Eihandgranate that was common for Volksgrenadiere, Stielhandgranate 24 “Potato Masher” etc.)

Most stuff Is now about Germans, but US and Russian should follow next. I think it is enough wall of text for the moment and not biased.

Credits go also to:
luvnest and his state of the game report ( http://www.coh2.org/topic/28016/luvnest-s-state-of-the-game-report )
coh-hq.de and members for discussions and feedback
Blitzkrieg Mod Team for discussions and feedback that were most stuff is based on
coh2.org community for it's insane amount of trolls that moan about stuff instead of bringing some useful stuff into the discussion
1 Jan 2015, 16:23 PM
avatar of l4hti

Posts: 476

I agree with some things you have, but copy-pasting from Luvnest´s topic without reference is not a good manner.
1 Jan 2015, 16:30 PM
avatar of Spielführer

Posts: 320

If it is about the same problem, i do not have to reengineer the wheel new. Was easier to search the post and copy it than rather type it on my own with my lousy english
1 Jan 2015, 16:31 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

Why only about Axis?
I don't agree with sniper part.
I saw a lot o replays (1v1/2v2) where sniper had 30-50 kills.

I would add to wishlist Flak 88 as doctrinal AA&AT unit for Ostheer.
1 Jan 2015, 16:35 PM
avatar of Existant
Donator 22

Posts: 284

Yea K Lets not list anything about the allies. They sure don't need any kind of improvement or balance at all. Only GERMANS need reworked. German factions are weak, everything about them, lets make them the most powerful they can be. Fuck the allies! Oh btw this thread should be called 'german factions feedback'
1 Jan 2015, 16:37 PM
avatar of gokkel

Posts: 542

Good old Sniper. In some game I lately built a Sniper and what happens? Of course the first time a ZiS-3 took a shot from long range at my sniper it got hit and died :rolleyes:
1 Jan 2015, 16:47 PM
avatar of Spielführer

Posts: 320

Why only about Axis?
I would add to wishlist Flak 88 as doctrinal AA&AT unit for Ostheer.

Are you guys even reading the complete post?! But indeed, the Flak 88 would be awesome. So i will quote myself

Most stuff Is now about Germans, but US and Russian should follow next. I think it is enough wall of text for the moment

Yea K Lets not list anything about the allies. They sure don't need any kind of improvement or balance at all. Only GERMANS need reworked. German factions are weak, everything about them, lets make them the most powerful they can be. Fuck the allies! Oh btw this thread should be called 'german factions feedback'

Maybe you should learn to read you troll.
1 Jan 2015, 16:49 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

My bad, I stopped at last point.
1 Jan 2015, 16:52 PM
avatar of Khan

Posts: 578

Really lol? NOTHING about Vet5 volks blob running rampant, reking everything? Nothing about Obersoldatten being terminators?
1 Jan 2015, 17:00 PM
avatar of Spielführer

Posts: 320

Well, to be honest, i have no problems with Rifleman Blob (what else should the US build that much) and the Volks Blob is just because some other stuff is not viable enough. I rarely see UHU IR Halftrack, Sturmtiger and other stuff. Other Infantry is also not that potent, Fallschirmjäger are not worth imho (especially with those bad made FG42), Sturmpioniere die really fast, the Raketenwerfer is too slow paced with setup, aiming etc so that you are almost forced to have Shrecks. So the bad stuff is here in the other units. Also if MGs would be viable as blob control measure (.50 cal) etc. than blobs would not be so viable.

Obersoldaten are easily done with M4 Sherman and M8 Scott, but it is hard because of the Volks Blob that is not good counterable because of other stuff. But i think it was discussed enough with Volks, Obersoldaten and other stuff.

So i think it is pudding from you to make this thread bad because of 2 units that are not addressed here and before discussed enough. Else you are free to make your own thread about this units.
1 Jan 2015, 17:04 PM
avatar of Existant
Donator 22

Posts: 284

Damn I am sorry, you mentioned the m3.
1 Jan 2015, 17:13 PM
avatar of sneakking

Posts: 655

Permanently Banned
This post is basically "I wish this game was more historically accurate." Nothing inherently wrong with that but I doubt the majority of players here will agree with the notion of that being the primary cause for concern or need to bring change.
1 Jan 2015, 17:33 PM
avatar of Spielführer

Posts: 320

No i don't think so. I really like the game how it is, i just dislike the bugs and also that Relic wrecked so many good stuff, like i mentioned direct control, the stuff from the Tiger Ace Campaign, the SdKfz 250 Infantry Halftrack having no MG facing front etc.
1 Jan 2015, 17:40 PM
avatar of l4hti

Posts: 476

250 HT havent got machine gun, because it comes with a LMG squad or Panzergrenadier squad.
1 Jan 2015, 17:43 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8

I like the part where you don't agree with fictional unit name and want to replace it with another fictional unit name for historical accuracy.

And stop saying CoH1 this, CoH1 that.
Its not coh1 and it won't be.
1 Jan 2015, 17:43 PM
avatar of Spielführer

Posts: 320

That is not really a reason, isn't it? In CoH1 you had also MG facing front and i do not see a reason how this could be a gamebreaker for 40fuel...

I will not replace Obersoldaten with a fictional unit name, but with a unit name that suits. And Sturmgrenadiere was a honor name for battle hardened veterans (what kinda suits imho) Even if it is no official name.

It is the same bullshit like Knight Cross Holders.

And i stop when i want to stop, not when you want it to. I also would like to see you stop even existing.

And i do not see a reason why it is not discussable that Relic is wasting a lot of it potential. CoH1 had really some good stuff, but instead they reengineered the wheel. They even got the Model for the SdKfz 250. I just dislike that they wreck so much good stuff. And that is the point. So you should just sotp
1 Jan 2015, 18:02 PM
avatar of Mettiu

Posts: 100

I agree with most stuff OP mentioned. And I would add one bug that really needs fixing. Its units stucking on dead bodies. This really needs fix.
1 Jan 2015, 18:28 PM
avatar of luvnest
Strategist Badge
Patrion 39

Posts: 1094 | Subs: 20

Well this is pretty much my state of the game report with more effort on historical accuracy and unit suggestions/rework ideas. You could have at least asked before just copy & pasting it in your thread.
1 Jan 2015, 18:30 PM
avatar of Spielführer

Posts: 320

I think there is no copyright on bugs like the initial Sturmpioneer Squad stucking at the HQ.
1 Jan 2015, 18:35 PM
avatar of luvnest
Strategist Badge
Patrion 39

Posts: 1094 | Subs: 20

I think there is no copyright on bugs like the initial Sturmpioneer Squad stucking at the HQ.

Of course there is none, but at least referencing to it instead of copying it would be just a sign of good manners.
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