1. Current call-in meta:
This is a well-known problem. Strats like T1 + T2 into Tiger/IS-2 spam are just dumb and are not fun to play against and with.
Different ideas on how to deal with that appeared on forums, like connecting call-ins to teching or simply increasing CP requirements.
My solution: Limiting every heavy tank (CPs at or above 10) to 2 AND freezing the fuel income once a second heavy gets called in.
This rule does not apply on T-34/85s though because it's a double call-in. A limit of 4 seems reasonable.
This removes the stupid heavy tank spam and forces the player to actually think about getting either a new heavy or to invest fuel into support units.
Some players might see this as a nerf to soviets which rely on these call-ins. FIne. Give some stock units some love then: More armor for SU-85s, more health for SU-76s etc.
I'm seriously fed up with those fooking super heavy spam fests. Getting heavy tanks is a no brainer atm and having 2+ Tigers/IS-2s at once is nothing special in anything above 1v1s.
2. Wehrmacht teching cost
Battlephases are overpriced atm which makes getting T4 not viable most of the time and players go for Tigers instead.
Reducing MP costs from 200 to 125 for each BP should do the trick. It first looks like a huge cost reduction but it really isn't. You still have to pay 120-160 MP for the buildings.
3. Unit spacing
Since the cover system has been reworked, squads tend to bunch up which results in regular squad wipes.
Adding a "spread out" button and/or introducing a minimum range between models when out of cover is definitely a good way to prevent frustrating RNG wipes.
Units that need some tweaking:
1. The Sturmtiger:
What else?

This unit is a huge gamble and never really pays off for its cost.
+5 range and a small fuel price reduction of 10 should make this tank more viable. Enabling it to aim at units again would also help but isn't needed IMO.
2. The le.IG:
Weird vet bonuses, expensive MP cost and high pop cap (9 I think) and on top of that a bad performance: that's the le.IG.

There are 2 possible ways to make this unit somewhat attractive. An MP cost reduction to 280-300 and pop cap at 7 OR simple buffs (accuracy and/or damage).
Currently, this unit is nothing but a waste of popcap and ressources. Even against heavy team weapon spam I always regret getting this unit.
The "hollow charge" ability is ridiculous...an anti-vehicle barrage? Wut?
This ability would be much better if it worked like the JT's timed ability - more damage for 30 seconds.
3. The Jagdtiger:
No, this unit does not any buffs

The only thing that needs to be adjusted IMO is its CP requirement and its fuel cost. A CP requirement of 12 and a fuel cost reduction of 20-30 seems reasonable for a super late/expensive elefant.
A JT in 2v2s is extremely rare - impossible in 1v1s.
In 3v3s and 4v4s, however, you see JTs reguarly. These changes won't change that but they'll make the JT in 2v2s slightly more achieveable.
These are just some ideas that came up to my mind.
Constructive feedback is appreciated.
EDIT: Yay! My first thread