
russian armor

artillery and late game squadwipes

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24 Dec 2014, 12:04 PM
avatar of ungodlike

Posts: 62

Buff German arty! squad wipes for everyone!

24 Dec 2014, 12:26 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

Buff German arty! squad wipes for everyone!

Brummbar, PzWerfer, Stuka, Sturmtiger, King Tiger? I think it's enough.
24 Dec 2014, 12:31 PM
avatar of MarcoRossolini

Posts: 1042

Your opponent must have been really shitty if he allowed you to have 2400 MP sa soviets

I've been on the receiving end once, the amount of shots falling made me think it was that US railway artillery equivalent.

By the time I realised I was too muni starved to send a bombing run over...
24 Dec 2014, 12:50 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

I've been on the receiving end once, the amount of shots falling made me think it was that US railway artillery equivalent.

By the time I realised I was too muni starved to send a bombing run over...

Yet it does not happen often.
Of course Relic should fix it a long time ago with some hot-fix but... Well... I think it's to hard.
24 Dec 2014, 15:49 PM
avatar of akula

Posts: 589

-buff lefh and ml20, add "spread out squad" function (default to "X" on the keyboard)
24 Dec 2014, 17:07 PM
avatar of pigsoup
Patrion 14

Posts: 4301 | Subs: 2

nerf b4 range, so if it is build in your base, it is purely defensive. thus offensive b4 is more susceptible to infantry assaults or coordinated attack

increase health so it survives stuka dive bomb with like 100 hp.

also can we make it so it can shoot through buildings or would that be too much?
24 Dec 2014, 23:53 PM
avatar of ☭ Калашникова ☭

Posts: 322

jump backJump back to quoted post24 Dec 2014, 17:07 PMpigsoup
nerf b4 range, so if it is build in your base, it is purely defensive. thus offensive b4 is more susceptible to infantry assaults or coordinated attack

increase health so it survives stuka dive bomb with like 100 hp.

also can we make it so it can shoot through buildings or would that be too much?

Ok two things about this:
1- Why should the best sationary howitzer in the game hands down be the only one that is Stuka/IL2/ToT immune?

2- If this were to happen LeFH would need a massive buff to give ost a reliable counter.

Not to mention that currently OKW has no go to counter other than yolo rushing it or 2x Stuka and hope to god you can get in range.

B4 doesn't need buffs.
The other pieces need buffs like ML and LeFH.
25 Dec 2014, 00:20 AM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

Ok two things about this:
1- Why should the best sationary howitzer in the game hands down be the only one that is Stuka/IL2/ToT immune?

2- If this were to happen LeFH would need a massive buff to give ost a reliable counter.

Not to mention that currently OKW has no go to counter other than yolo rushing it or 2x Stuka and hope to god you can get in range.

B4 doesn't need buffs.
The other pieces need buffs like ML and LeFH.

You need 1 Stuka to decrew and decrewing vetteg B-4 is equal to losing it.
Off map frim Jadg doctrine can wreck B-4 if it's builded near point.
You can use also Falsch or Jaeger on many maps to decrew it.
All you need to do as Axis is to veto some maps like crossing woods where B-4 is base can rape Axis base.
But on the other hand Train and Steel (I belive it's name in english) is a map that allows you to use falsch very efficiently and B-4 has to be build outside of the base - at least first line of points.
B-4 buff is not needed.
25 Dec 2014, 00:26 AM
avatar of pigsoup
Patrion 14

Posts: 4301 | Subs: 2

Ok two things about this:
1- Why should the best sationary howitzer in the game hands down be the only one that is Stuka/IL2/ToT immune?

2- If this were to happen LeFH would need a massive buff to give ost a reliable counter.

Not to mention that currently OKW has no go to counter other than yolo rushing it or 2x Stuka and hope to god you can get in range.

B4 doesn't need buffs.
The other pieces need buffs like ML and LeFH.

i don't want to buff it. i want to make it so it has to be set up more frontally for 100 % impact on battle field, thus making it get 1 shotted by stuka dive bomb would be unfair unless b4 gets cheaper or something.

just something of a suggestion.
25 Dec 2014, 00:37 AM
avatar of Nuclear Arbitor
Patrion 28

Posts: 2470

decrewed is not the same as a loss, you can recrew it for less mp.
25 Dec 2014, 00:50 AM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

decrewed is not the same as a loss, you can recrew it for less mp.

8/10 cases it's excatly the same. 2-3 vetted B-4 is your main unit in late game. You rely on this unit and only this unit against blobs of obers/volks and axis heavies. If you lose veterancy, you are helpless against push.

If you have vetted B4, enemy is really careful, thinks twice before do something.
Once it's decrewed, enemy can just push with all power and win very easily.

How often do you play as soviets and use b4?

It's my main commander and I know what Im talking about.
If I won't create huge advantage before losing vetted crew, I'm done.

Also cons are dying very easily. Same about T34 so most of the time you don't have enough MP to use somehow this pop cap bug.

Also against decent opponent it's hard to vet B4.
You have advantage at first strike but later, enemy won't let you aim to easily.
Of course I had games where my B-4 got vet1 with 1 strike but more often I need 4-6 shells.

25 Dec 2014, 01:27 AM
avatar of ☭ Калашникова ☭

Posts: 322

You need 1 Stuka to decrew and decrewing vetteg B-4 is equal to losing it.
Off map frim Jadg doctrine can wreck B-4 if it's builded near point.
You can use also Falsch or Jaeger on many maps to decrew it.
All you need to do as Axis is to veto some maps like crossing woods where B-4 is base can rape Axis base.
But on the other hand Train and Steel (I belive it's name in english) is a map that allows you to use falsch very efficiently and B-4 has to be build outside of the base - at least first line of points.
B-4 buff is not needed.

If i spend 240 MU on recon + stuka i expect it to be destoyed.
I am cutting 4 LMG/Shreck/almost 5 tellers Mines to do that.
Also if hes dumb enough to build a b4 next to a strat point its a l2p issue.

For referance the english term is "Rails and Metal" :)
25 Dec 2014, 01:29 AM
avatar of Nuclear Arbitor
Patrion 28

Posts: 2470

i haven't used the b4 at all but i've used other crewed weapons enough to know that losing them is a lot worse then just being decrewed. you end up bleeding dry on mp if you have to rebuild them. i have never known what vet level the b4 was at or tried to time a push based on that. to much other shit going on and it can still kill you without precision shot.

cons are shit and need a buff.

t34 i have mixed feelings about.
25 Dec 2014, 04:41 AM
avatar of CieZ

Posts: 1468 | Subs: 4

You need 1 Stuka to decrew and decrewing vetteg B-4 is equal to losing it.
Off map frim Jadg doctrine can wreck B-4 if it's builded near point.
You can use also Falsch or Jaeger on many maps to decrew it.
All you need to do as Axis is to veto some maps like crossing woods where B-4 is base can rape Axis base.
But on the other hand Train and Steel (I belive it's name in english) is a map that allows you to use falsch very efficiently and B-4 has to be build outside of the base - at least first line of points.
B-4 buff is not needed.

How is decrewing the B4 equal to losing it?

Losing the B4 means you're out 600 manpower if you were ever to rebuild it, not to mention the time it takes to save up that amount/actually build the gun.

Decrewing the B4 costs you a whopping 60 manpower assuming you recrew it with Cons which should happen 100% of the time. That's literally ONE TENTH the cost of having to build a new one. And I'm pretty sure the firing cooldown resets if you recrew it (although maybe they've finally fixed this bug by now? works with all howis if I remember correctly).

The fact of the matter is that if you do not have the only reliable answer (stuka dive bomb) to the B4, you're pretty much screwed. I'm not saying you WILL lose to game... but it is going to be extraordinarily difficult and certainly not in your favor. This pigeonholes Axis into having a Stuka dive bomb as part of their team composition because other off-maps will not guarantee a fully destroyed B4. It is just poor design when one faction is majorly pushed into countering a doctrinal unit with a doctrinal ability (at least in my opinion - the same could be said about Mark/T34/85s/Is-2s being preferable to T34/76s or even Su85s when having to fight Tigers - it just isn't a fight that the non-doctrinal Soviet armor can keep up in). Sure the Jaeger Armor commander is one of my favorites because I like the 251 mines and spotting scopes, but do I want to play that commander every. single. damn. time. that there is a B4 in the Soviet load out and Shocks show up on the field? Nope.

Or the fact that a vet 3 B4 can literally one-shot a King Tiger. Completely insane for one unit to be able to do that much damage with no way of the opponent reacting to it.
25 Dec 2014, 04:46 AM
avatar of Basilone

Posts: 1944 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post25 Dec 2014, 04:41 AMCieZ
And I'm pretty sure the firing cooldown resets if you recrew it (although maybe they've finally fixed this bug by now? works with all howis if I remember correctly).

Is that even considered a bug or just a feature? Ability cooldowns for crew served weapons have always refreshed when recrewed, I think it would have been fixed several years ago in coh1 if it wasn't Relic's intent.
25 Dec 2014, 05:23 AM
avatar of ☭ Калашникова ☭

Posts: 322

jump backJump back to quoted post25 Dec 2014, 04:41 AMCieZ

The fact of the matter is that if you do not have the only reliable answer (stuka dive bomb) to the B4, you're pretty much screwed. I'm not saying you WILL lose to game... but it is going to be extraordinarily difficult and certainly not in your favor. This pigeonholes Axis into having a Stuka dive bomb as part of their team composition because other off-maps will not guarantee a fully destroyed B4.

In a team comp Wehrmacht have a few very effective ways of killing a B4:
CAS: Recon pass + AT Strafe (140 MU)
CAS: Recon pass + Stuka (190)
Luftwaffe supply: Recon plane + Stuka (240)
Jaeger armor: Recon plane + Stuka (240)

Doctrines that require ally recon or unit recon:
Storm doctrine: Stuka (160)
Ostruppen: Railway (240)
Festung armor: Railway (240)

As for OKW.. well Hope hes stupid and you can assault arti or do dual stuka.
For wehr though there is several options Stuka and railway are both very reliable.
25 Dec 2014, 05:37 AM
avatar of CieZ

Posts: 1468 | Subs: 4

Is that even considered a bug or just a feature? Ability cooldowns for crew served weapons have always refreshed when recrewed, I think it would have been fixed several years ago in coh1 if it wasn't Relic's intent.

Yeah could just be a feature. I don't think it is game-breaking. Although I've always wanted to do the leFH 18 + Ostruppen combo... one dude builds it, fires, ostruppen guy kills the crew with Flame HT, then crews with his Ostruppen, repeat. I don't think it'd be good, but it'd be damn fun.
25 Dec 2014, 06:27 AM
avatar of Nuclear Arbitor
Patrion 28

Posts: 2470

i'm not sure it's either a bug or a feature and frankly, i don't think they care about it one way or the other.
25 Dec 2014, 10:10 AM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post25 Dec 2014, 04:41 AMCieZ

How is decrewing the B4 equal to losing it?

Losing the B4 means you're out 600 manpower if you were ever to rebuild it, not to mention the time it takes to save up that amount/actually build the gun.

Decrewing the B4 costs you a whopping 60 manpower assuming you recrew it with Cons which should happen 100% of the time. That's literally ONE TENTH the cost of having to build a new one. And I'm pretty sure the firing cooldown resets if you recrew it (although maybe they've finally fixed this bug by now? works with all howis if I remember correctly).

The fact of the matter is that if you do not have the only reliable answer (stuka dive bomb) to the B4, you're pretty much screwed. I'm not saying you WILL lose to game... but it is going to be extraordinarily difficult and certainly not in your favor. This pigeonholes Axis into having a Stuka dive bomb as part of their team composition because other off-maps will not guarantee a fully destroyed B4. It is just poor design when one faction is majorly pushed into countering a doctrinal unit with a doctrinal ability (at least in my opinion - the same could be said about Mark/T34/85s/Is-2s being preferable to T34/76s or even Su85s when having to fight Tigers - it just isn't a fight that the non-doctrinal Soviet armor can keep up in). Sure the Jaeger Armor commander is one of my favorites because I like the 251 mines and spotting scopes, but do I want to play that commander every. single. damn. time. that there is a B4 in the Soviet load out and Shocks show up on the field? Nope.

Or the fact that a vet 3 B4 can literally one-shot a King Tiger. Completely insane for one unit to be able to do that much damage with no way of the opponent reacting to it.

You don't use B4 often, do you?

It's not about manpower.
If I lose B-4 in 5-10min since build it's not bid deal.
But if I lose it around 40' of the game with vet 2/3 I'm done. I have nothing to stop enemy's blob.
I'm losing 50% rotation which makes my B-4 useless against player who knows about rotation speed, I have KV-1 vs Jadgpanzer/Panther/King Tiger.
Enemy knows I don't have vetted B-4 and in fact he can risk more.
Vetting to 2-3 again takes about 15mins (of course I can vet in 4mins but that's very unlikely), which means I won't get vet 3 again.
Loss of a vet 3 B-4 is like loss of a Tiger and replace it with Pz IV.

Just recently I had agame with friend vs OKW&OST.
We were 70 vs 400 VP. When my B-4 got vet 1.
From that point we pushed them back to 70 vs 150.
I lost my vetted crew around 60 vs 40 and since that moment they ve pushed us really heavily.
We won only because of VPs left.

By the way, OST guy had one doctrine with stuka yet he was complaining about B4 (he did not take this doctrine).
What's more, when you see recon plane it's obvious that Im looking for a target but most of the time it's too much to move units until plane is gone...

Taking main points with huge blob is also very smart vs B4...

So whose fault is that? B-4? No. It's my enemies fault that they are doing what I excatly want from them.
25 Dec 2014, 17:30 PM
avatar of Basilone

Posts: 1944 | Subs: 2

You don't use B4 often, do you?

It's not about manpower.
If I lose B-4 in 5-10min since build it's not bid deal.
But if I lose it around 40' of the game with vet 2/3 I'm done. I have nothing to stop enemy's blob.
I'm losing 50% rotation which makes my B-4 useless against player who knows about rotation speed, I have KV-1 vs Jadgpanzer/Panther/King Tiger.
Enemy knows I don't have vetted B-4 and in fact he can risk more.
Vetting to 2-3 again takes about 15mins (of course I can vet in 4mins but that's very unlikely), which means I won't get vet 3 again.
Loss of a vet 3 B-4 is like loss of a Tiger and replace it with Pz IV.

Just recently I had agame with friend vs OKW&OST.
We were 70 vs 400 VP. When my B-4 got vet 1.
From that point we pushed them back to 70 vs 150.
I lost my vetted crew around 60 vs 40 and since that moment they ve pushed us really heavily.
We won only because of VPs left.

By the way, OST guy had one doctrine with stuka yet he was complaining about B4 (he did not take this doctrine).
What's more, when you see recon plane it's obvious that Im looking for a target but most of the time it's too much to move units until plane is gone...

Taking main points with huge blob is also very smart vs B4...

So whose fault is that? B-4? No. It's my enemies fault that they are doing what I excatly want from them.

If having a artillery piece decrewed is effectively ending the game, it just goes to show that either that unit is extremely overpowered or the core non doctrinal units are extremely lack luster, or both.
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