
russian armor

AA Playthrough

13 Dec 2014, 14:46 PM
avatar of van Voort
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BAKER 45/69

DOG 300/70

FOX 26/93

With 7 missions left I will want to use DOG again for at least one or they will waste strength (5 reinforcement every turn)

FOX I need to use again soon too

Remaining Missions:


Stourmont 2

Espeler 5

Houffalise 4

The first two of those have no time limit, especially as how I believe Stourmont I can delay at my start indefinitely

Houffalise awards medals based on time but I believe I will gain more by farming vet and not losing units

Eschdorf is also at 3


Wiltz 2 Railsplitters

Vielsalm 3 Watchtowers

Bullingen 4 Preservation

13 Dec 2014, 14:49 PM
avatar of van Voort
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Bullingen will be a Ranger mission as that is limited manpower but they get the Manpower boost at 2CP so that really suits them

Stourmont and Vielsam are split off so I can take my time on them

Dog to Wiltz seems the best next move as that will block units from Espeler and Houffalise retreating to Eschdrof
13 Dec 2014, 15:21 PM
avatar of van Voort
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A random event that gives me +10 experience on the Company that is maxed out

The reason I am taking Dog to Wiltz is because the mission is to destroy command trucks as quickly as possible

Starting with a Sherman will really help that

MAJOR Specialisation in Vielsam....

Ok, that is worth getting, sending FOX there

Hard route in though, 3 enemy sectors causes me to lose 15


Here there are 3 watchtowers replacing the VP spots

Supply drops will be coming in and both my the German's ticker will decrease

Picking up supplies boosts your ticker

Medals based on how many VP I have left at the end

Securing the towers means you can see where supplies land

So I will do that first:


1 now to each tower

After I take each one start connecting up my economy


First air drop left

Got it

Kubel is annoying, trying and draw it onto the base guns


2nd Airdrop, which I cannot see so it must be on the right which is cut off

Nope, it is on the left again

Got it


Now with 3 Rangers I can try and push right as they've taken that

Kubel is down but they have Puma and MGs, leave that

3rd Airdrop Mid


MP blitz





4th Airdrop left

Got it

Puma is down

Flak truck will be unpleasant as I have only 1 zook

2nd zook, but PIV J

Pull back

Drop is left again which is good


HMG for the Church

5th Airdrop to MID

If I get this it should be over

208 to 0 should be the best score possible

40/+8 GOLD 3

30 RQ

And Major Specialisation

Which means the MAJOR is free and when his retreat point is setup it boosts resource gain in that sector

Germans flee and die

None go to Stourmont

13 Dec 2014, 15:24 PM
avatar of van Voort
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Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2

Previous Efforts:

41/-12 Gold Total Domination 5 DOG

25/-29 Bronze Tank Grab 2 DOG

26/-18 Silver Hardpoint 1 DOG

18/-24 Silver Watchtower 3 Baker
13 Dec 2014, 15:25 PM
avatar of van Voort
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So I think with MAJ spec I will want to use the Rangers a lot now

That means Baker will the ones to go farm in Houffalise, which makes perfect sense as they are the weakest strength right now
13 Dec 2014, 21:10 PM
avatar of van Voort
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So, DOG will resume their march on Wiltz

Random Event:

M20s in Houffalize

Hmm, maybe Baker there next


And, I don't get a Sherman this time


Fine, I can have zooks already unlocked and a howitzer for the flak

I know I will be up against Falls

OK, rels to start moving left

Rifles to get Zooks and then right

How and HMG to fuel point



Hmg to church and cap behind with howi

1st truck mid left, excellent, howi will be in range

Push RELs onto their fuel

HMG, use that to lock down left


One down, move how to engage the other and take their fuel with the infantry


Maj comes in at Vet 3

Got a truck not yet setup, but cannot get enough fire on it

Yep, too close to their base, retreat



There is another truck moving over on the right

Max out with zooks, leave their fuel


Puma, and that other truck is still behind the other

Chase with Sherman

Found the flaktruck, artillery on it


Sherman is not winning v the flak track, will drop back

Send RELS to spot for Artillery again




13 Dec 2014, 22:46 PM
avatar of van Voort
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Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2

Send Recoc, try to find last truck

Mid right by their base not even set up


0/-2 GOLD

30 RQ:

One flees to Espeler and one dies

Previous Efforts:

32/-40 Bronze Victory 2 BAKER

9/-18 Defeat Watchtower 4 ABLE

19/-27 Silver Watchtower 4 ABLE

20/-13 Gold Domination 1 BAKER

30/-10 Gold Domination 3 FOX
14 Dec 2014, 01:33 AM
avatar of van Voort
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Ok, Baker into Houffalize

I know to expect Tank Traps, a PAK 43 at the final VP and more vehicles

For medals this is against the clock (and also capturing artillery), but I think I will gain more by taking my time, not taking losses and farming VET

Random Event:

Jacksons - Eschdrof

Not needed


Ok, Cav + Halftrack + Rels to first point


Exit and repair while I wait for Rifles

I really want 3 before taking the first gun



Rifles go left, Cav down road

Looks like I will take them out for one loss


Optional mission, abandoned tank to the left


Recew Artillery with RELS then reinforce

Get in in action to help the top

Build a fighting position to protect Gun while I take right piece


MG protecting the gun to get taken out by Halftrack

Need to crew that urgently because the top need help

Will drop Time on Target up there too


Fighting position by 2nd Gun


Another mg at the munitions point I can kill by driving there

There is an MHT around too

I will try ad get the right point and take out the MHT before trying for the tank, though I will probe there with the halftrack

Call in Dual Stuarts, send them to scout across the river right. Think there is nothing there

Ok, that attempt right did not go well, lost one Stuart

Zook up



Left attempt softened them up, but took damage to half track

Have to use Call in Artillery on top again

And again

This time for right:

Stuarts from Right, Sherman down road, Inf from Left

MHT and the wreck stop my Stuarts getting in to take out the flak then the Raketen so I lose the Sherman

Next time...

However with the flak down I can do this with infantry


Company now at VET 1

Whilst that is going on move the MAJ and retreat point up to behind the munitions

MUNITIONS on the right, back up with another Fighting Position


So that I can see if I can get Mortor fire on the top from the fuel point where the tank is

Take out the MG with the halftrack and drop Artillery on the tank

Now leave and send the tanks in

Time on Target needed top again

Tank down, +15% experience

MORTOR, see if it can get in range

Looks like it


Decrew everything and wait

Yep, mortars are in range

Heal inf and probe final point

recon pass

That's a lot

Let the mortars deal with it

Get ready to recrew tanks in case of Counter Attack

Send away CAPTAIN


Need TOT top again

Maybe send away the Stuarts as I can get Shermans now if I want, however they have some VET so I shall keep them

Their counter attack has chosen to go right after driving off the mortors, so I shall send the armour there

Dealt with, now a matter for farming vet by hitting the top without taking the point

I shall move the Scott down back to town to help me deal with the tanks blocking the final approach

Panzers do not like being shelled by the Scott

Get it out of there and throw everything else in, lost it

Lets do this the old fashioned way then...


This will now be a matter of farming vet with artillery and mortars, I will try a few rifle probes, then Shermans, then Stuarts and cycle through

Of course all they have are Luchs and infantry

So I can just park the tanks there and be done

Move the mortars up there too

A while later

I haven't seen anything except Volks and MGs for a while

Oh look, Luchs, Obers + Falls

Now back to Volks + MGs

Move the Major up so he can get Vet too

I wonder what happens if you get more than 999 kills on a unit if it breaks the counter

So I shall send one Sherman to the bridge, pull everything else back slightly and put the mortars on hold fire

Much later

This thing has 700 kills and the Company isn't even at Vet 2 yet
14 Dec 2014, 01:49 AM
avatar of van Voort
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The answer is, it loops around the top:


Oh well

And I am not gaining Vet it seems

So I shall pull back and let them retake it

Note to self:

The overall experience meter goes down when I decrew my tanks

Plan B:

Move my tanks over to the friendly base, maybe the Company can gain vet there
14 Dec 2014, 02:34 AM
avatar of van Voort
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Well, lets try and take the point and see what happens

Which was annoying as I lost the 1000 kill Sherman to a IV/70




26 RQ

Basically it seems that as long as you capture both guns you cannot do worse than Silver

Previous Efforts:

47/-17 Silver 2 ABLE

50/-42 Silver 5 ABLE

46/-13 Gold 2 BAKER

40/-7 Silver 1 FOX
14 Dec 2014, 04:08 AM
avatar of van Voort
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Walk the Rangers around before going into Stourmont

Captain spec is available there but I cannot get back

Distress Call which I answer + 10 Experience

Lt Spec in Espeler

Worth it

Go there now

Wpn rack in Eschdrorf

Stil Esepeler

This is a quiet, take your time mission

Need to Kill Command Trucks without getting spotted by IR Halftracks (which you also kill for medals)

This will basically be building slowly but surely


Get the nearest point



I wil double zook 3 Ranger squads and use them to kill the halftracks, then work on Shermans


Ok, first half track will be the one guarding the fuel point

Skirt along the bottom

Dble Sturm pios in Cover, one with Vet 3 is expensive to deal with

PFs and Volks on the IR, pull out


MAJOR (Just needs to build, doesn't cost anything)

Volks down for no loss, lets take advantage of the PFs in Red Cover

Them charging me was a nice bonus

Vet 4 MG34 is not welcome but dead

Take it out and pull back

Sturms down now get close for PFs

At VET 1 now

Responding 221 dead

It is not easy to get that half track on the fuel point because you cannot go in the front without it seeing you and another covering the back

So I will try popping into the houses after healing

That worked


Off to the left


Cannot take out MGs from the buildings so use the tank

MG has moved, let's drop some cluster bombs and pull back

PAK chasing me is nice

One truck down

Maximum zooks now


Next IR Halftrack can be taken from the side

Luchs is irrelevant to me...

But I have been very lucky not to run into the next IR

2nd DOZER will clear the church as there is usually a sniper there

I will leave that IR right for the minute



IR halftrack is backed up by the repairing tank, but takeable

Got it without too much alert, but the Jagd has noticed me

That is for dealing with by Major Artillery later

Tank is down 15% Experience

Ok left is down now, clear right

Pull everybody back to base



Next IR I can take with tanks


Clear the churchyard with Rangers, Grenade the church


There is a PAK-43 at the top, maybe I can use that on the Jagdtiger and gain the Vet

It takes out the next IT halfrtrack

And I can get the flak truck with it

No range on the Jagd though it seems


That sniper is annoying, drop accuracy round on it

Just lost the PAK, but that's fine as it can't hit anything and little vet


Now take out that Jadg with the Major, then kill everything else

Vet 5 volks in a building need grenades

Recon plane gets shot down onto an IR Halftrack, which prompts me being reminded not to engage them with indirect assets

Sneak the RELs as recon to save munitions

That was a bad idea...

Moving IR can get ambushed and killed, but ups the alert first

Send Rangers against Jagd

Jagdtiger is chasing me down, now we can mob it with Shermans

Got it

Pull back to mid, now take from the left side

That's a lot, but I have plenty of tanks

Last halftrack down

I could just go for the last truck, but I want to clean the top for the VET

Did lose a Sherman killing one of those PIVs


30 RQ

All Germans dead on retreat
14 Dec 2014, 16:47 PM
avatar of van Voort
Honorary Member Badge

Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2

Previous efforts:

39/-20 GOLD 3 ABLE

77/-29 GOLD 4 FOX

67/-5 GOLD 4 DOG

45/-22 GOLD 5 ABLE

14 Dec 2014, 16:59 PM
avatar of van Voort
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Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2

Left with:

Espeler 3

Bullingen 4

Stourmont 2

BAKER 152/54

DOG 300/73

FOX 179/50

So, I can probably level up BAKER and FOX to Vet 2, and Baker has further to go which should mean they have 2 missions v 1 for FOX

Bullingen involves restricted manpower, and I have Rangers (with Stock Munitions> Manpower), and a free LT and MAJ

So that is where I am taking them after walking around

Attack a Patrol for 5 EXP

Assault Grenadiers, Snipers, Hvy Armour and Vet troops

Limited manpower, which normally I can boost by killing enemy officers

Start with Ambulance and RELs

Send Ambulance and RELS to go capping VP



Leaves me 10 MP

After I get the VP I will drop back and connect my economy, I will want Zooks fast

Ok, medics get shot at by Sturms so pull them out and get them backcapping


I will withdraw

14 Dec 2014, 17:28 PM
avatar of van Voort
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Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2

Try again, this time cap left only and don't overextend

Same build

Bring Ambulance back after taking left to back cap right

RELS extend up to their munitions but have to retreat

My LT arrives the same time as their officer

First contact is STURMS, try to get behind them with Rangers

Officer, Rangers get blown to bits and have to retreat

LT + RIFLES kill Officer and force retreat

Now I have more MP, shall elect not to use conversion at this time as I will need munitions for zooks

750 MP

Reinforce Rangers and RELS



Have enough fuel I can buy a tank, so lets use that MP blitz


Save the other MP for another

Another officer

Vet 2

Got him

Retreat Rangers


Kill those guys trying to get the mid VP

750 MP

Clear the right

And there is a VET 3 Sturmtiger


Sturm tiger is abandoned but makes no difference at this point

Win 250: 0

32/-4 GOLD 4

Previous Efforts:

0/-3 Defeat Armoured Assault 4 DOG
2/-1 Defeat Armoured Assault 4 BAKER
4/-16 Defeat Armoured Assault 4 ABLE

Where my first playthrough ran out of men

20/-20 Silver Preservation 3 FOX
21/-11 Bronze Railsplitters 4 DOG
9/-9 Defeat Tank Grab 3 ABLE
0/-20 Bronze Tank Grab 3 DOG
14 Dec 2014, 17:43 PM
avatar of van Voort
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Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2

Ok, walk Baker around and then hit Stourmont

Convoy Ambush + 10 EXP


Actually winning this mission is not too bad, but I usually get screwed to get the other fuel points and side mission

I don't think any time begins until I actually cap the Sanatarium point, so I shall take the opportunity to build up before that

I have 3 Rifles, Cav Rifle, REL and Halftrack


Don't need to unlock anything as there will be plenty of stuff lying around


Probe left first because there is free stuff

Ok, lets start htting stuff


Hit the sanatorium, use the Cav and Flamer RELS to clear it

HMG in there
14 Dec 2014, 22:26 PM
avatar of van Voort
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Supress and clear what is in it, but don't cap it yet

Send RELs to get wire and tank traps up around the perimeter




Now at pop cap so I might as well cap it

Set up retreat point right behind some fighting positions

1st Attack:

Puma + 2 Volks

It runs out of fuel

I will recrew it with a REL

Recrew and repair, now we can start hitting stuff.

Top fuel point first

Not sure what optional mission we will get, not seen intelligence yet

Clear the house, then top fuel

Leave Puma to deal with 2nd attack

Nope, mission is officer kill

Can do that with the tanks and rifles

Of course also defastating the area with Artilley helps...

Lost a fighting position

Also lost a few too many rifles pushing on that position

But frees up some pop cap

Decrew and repair



In proof that tank traps do odd things to pathing, STUG is somehow behind the Sanatourim

Send the Puma and Rifles to deal with it

So they have all decided to come through the wall

Pull the Shermans back too

Lost HMG

Clean right and push on fuel

Build some more positions and tank traps to fill the hole in the wall

Major recon right but does not quite cover fuel

Go in and kill everything

Next (last?) attack is P-IV that has run out of fuel and a IV/70

Drop artillery on that

Take the last point for vet

Pull back and get ready for final attack

Shooting at me on the right and running out of fuel


Recrew everything

Despite tank traps they are still trying to get through the wall


81/-15 GOLD


32/-47 Defeat 1 DOG

13/-47 Defeat 1 DOG

39/-14 Silver 1 DOG

42/-30 Gold 1 DOG

28/-46 Defeat 3 FOX

42/-18 Silver 3 FOX

33/-27 Gold 2 DOG
15 Dec 2014, 07:45 AM
avatar of van Voort
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Well, Ecshdorf left

Night Raid

DOG 300/83

BAKER 243/39

FOX 216/40

As Fox will be well suited to close in fighting like we will see, and have the Free LT and MAJ I will go with them

So I start with


First thing I get will be the LT, then MAJ ASAP as those are free

There are three routes into town:

Left and Right are narrow but the easiest to clear and you can set up rally points on either side

Mid is well dug in

So I will go left for fuel first, then go right and maybe hit the mid from behind later

Try this with the Stuart by itself, but taking faust hits



Ok, got that Inf to go to munitions, Stuart to follow when repaired

Major locking down the fuel point gives me another 6 Fuel

I will not bother to unlock anything as I recall there is plenty of good stuff lying around

PFs with MG42s are nasty



Pick up stuff and take PAK from behind

Let the tanks take point for a bit while I heal

Officer in the area

Helpfully the way I am going

DO not like shreks but love HE



Unbind the Major and move him up


Ok, that fight was going ok until the STUG turned up


Whoah, lost some Rangers to the VIP guards

Stug is now abandoned

Repair and heal


Ok, Recon to check for AT

Nah, just shreks

Killed the VIP, 10% Experience

Clear top right for good measure

Pull tanks back and repair

Use RELS to take STUG



Rangers to go cap

Send another recon up because I am sure there is an 88 around here

Yep, there it is

Drop Cluster Bombs and Major artillery on it

Go in with taks

Nasty Raketnwerfer, we hates it

Cluster bomb it but it gets a Sherman

Pull Tanks back o repair


Got the PIV, abandoned, and the rakten

Think there is another 88 to the left


No, just a 40 but arti it anywhay

Send the STUG to top right so it REL crew can build Muni Cache

Use rangers to take out top roadblock

There is the other88


Send the Rangers to check it whilst the tanks set off the AP mines on the road and clear the bottom roadblock

88 is NOT down

It is now

Convoy has left, so now I will drive around the map and kill everything

Convoy is behind me, so I need to run away to kill more stuff

66/-13 SILVER


41/-31 Silver 4 BAKER

28/-38 Silver 4 ABLE

31/-31 Silver 3 BAKER

36/-32 Silver 4 FOX

15 Dec 2014, 08:28 AM
avatar of van Voort
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Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2

Well final score:


Surviving Companies: 6,000

Requistion: 23,900

Strength: 4,830

Vet: 3,500

Medals: 7,250
3 Mar 2015, 16:48 PM
avatar of Brick Top

Posts: 1168

Only just playing through AA now due to having no Internet.

Imo I don't see the point in trying to max score out. The system isnt ideal, and it ruins the fun (no upgrades, having to cheese, farm exp etc).

But im taking some good tips from here about which companys are good on which missions etc.

Side note: I guess you know, but ive not seen it mentioned, if your mission is going badly, instead of withdrawing, you can exit to desktop which will not save any company strength loss. Kinda a small exploit, but there if you want to use it.
4 Mar 2015, 00:43 AM
avatar of van Voort
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Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2

You'd be right, you only really need to get above 20,000 to get all the drops.

Trying to get high score is more of an intellectual exercise and self-imposed challenge than anything else
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