
russian armor

Soviet Tank Hunter Commander

25 Nov 2014, 11:00 AM
avatar of Bulbulator

Posts: 10

Hello mates!

Just got miself a new commander,never testet it before. anyone playd with it? How does it work in large teamgames? or is it better to use in 1v1 or 2v2? Hows the ptrs rifles works on cons? are those little at nades better than original 1 at nade? What about those mines?
25 Nov 2014, 17:31 PM
avatar of DakkaIsMagic

Posts: 403

The PTRSs let you passively soft-counter armor for late game, the Gernades work like a very small area attack,'they work in tandgent with the AT mines beacuse they do very little stun but always crew stun. You still want to get the normal AT gernades for snareing armor.

The Airstrike is awesome beacuse it also crewstuns and ks good at gibing small groups of inf.

Fav commander Soviet commander.
26 Nov 2014, 07:45 AM
avatar of ElSlayer

Posts: 1605 | Subs: 1

Never heard of. Maybe you mean Light Vehicle Hunter Tactics?
26 Nov 2014, 10:21 AM
26 Nov 2014, 11:27 AM
avatar of Jadame!

Posts: 1122

Completely useless NKVD-tier commander. Relic should rename it into kubel hunting tactics.
26 Nov 2014, 23:20 PM
avatar of Jonky

Posts: 118

Hey, so a lot of people dislike the commander Bulbulator because the abilities don't look amazing. In my opinion this is because the commander plays nothing like normal soviets do.
I've been experimenting in 2v2 using Tank Hunter Tactics with my friend and I have a few tips. With a little practice you'll grow to love this commander.
Firstly, the commander is far better against Ostheer in my opinion than OKW due to the armour types the two have and the way they use them.
Secondly you really want to start with 5-6 conscripts at the beginning to control fuel and mid-late game you want to build about two munitions caches. Keep those cons alive! Begin to upgrade them with PTRS but float around 100 munis for your AT Grenade abilities. I also tend to tech molotovs after 3rd con and AT grenade after 5th.
After you have 5-6 cons go for tier 2 but get nothing for the moment unless you need maxims for crowd control. Using your normal AT nade will slow medium vehicles and you can hit them with a good volley of the other Nades (remember to use full squads to throw). PTRS will kill light vehicles without problem. Stick together in groups of 2-3 and an unwary Panther can be easily killed by 2 squads doing this.

So after this there are many things you can do, I have recently been experimenting with spamming SU-76 and then a couple of Katyushas which works really well as the barrages work wonders against infantry and 76's are decent vs armour - amazing combined with your uber AT conscripts (make sure you spread your SU-76s and kite so chasing one will put you under flank/rear fire from others + rushing cons).

Also your ally really needs to go a Shock Doctrine and have some SU-85s/AT guns on standby. Build some Maxims late game to control VPs and pin for barrages. Any time you are under threat use your AT plane strike. Use it either on slowed vehicles or where you think he isn't looking. It's also good against infantry hilariously and stuns vehicles briefly.

Key thing with this is experiment and bear in mind that you can do a lot of different things you wouldn't usually because your infantry collectively soft counter vehicles.

I haven't got the proper micro to try out the mines and haven't had much use from salvage yet (again due to my poor micro while mass controlling units across the field). Good luck, no matter what others say I do think this commander has a place in 2v2s if used right.
26 Nov 2014, 23:24 PM
avatar of Jonky

Posts: 118

Also never ever chuck those group AT nades at the front of a heavy vehicle, it's dodgy even on medium ones; but if you're at their rear then they will demolish it's health.
27 Nov 2014, 07:08 AM
avatar of ElSlayer

Posts: 1605 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post26 Nov 2014, 23:20 PMJonky
Using your normal AT nade will slow medium vehicles and you can hit them with a good volley of the other Nades (remember to use full squads to throw).


Stick together in groups of 2-3 and an unwary Panther can be easily killed by 2 squads doing this.

Panther can be reliably penetrated with AT grenade only with rear armor hit.
Without engine damage its backward moving speed faster (or at least as fast) as your oorahing cons.

Even with engine damaged it moving at almost the same speed as cons without oorah being active.
AT grenade volley needs a fair amount of time between mouse click and actual throwing.
In order to score a good rear armor hit with volley you need to move cons FAR behind Panther.

Any half-decent player can prevent that from happening just clicking "move backwards" in time.

Maybe we're playing different games?
27 Nov 2014, 09:02 AM
avatar of Jonky

Posts: 118

Panther can be reliably penetrated with AT grenade only with rear armor hit.
Without engine damage its backward moving speed faster (or at least as fast) as your oorahing cons.

Even with engine damaged it moving at almost the same speed as cons without oorah being active.
AT grenade volley needs a fair amount of time between mouse click and actual throwing.
In order to score a good rear armor hit with volley you need to move cons FAR behind Panther.

Any half-decent player can prevent that from happening just clicking "move backwards" in time.

Maybe we're playing different games?

If you look I did say never to throw it at the front of the vehicle. I've seen this kind of conversation here a thousand times - my next reply should be something like 'learn to multi-flank', yours would be this, this and this stops them and the Panther is too fast; usually the last one is l2p noob.

You're right the Panther is too fast, that's why I said an unwary Panther. Especially with the reveal of your AT Nade volley from behind. This is key not in your pushes but rather in a panther chasing into your territory to finish off a wounded tank: with the right positioning you should have - cons in front, tanks spread round behind - a Panther cannot chase in or it will die.
5 Dec 2014, 17:28 PM
avatar of WingZero

Posts: 1484

Garbage commander.
5 Dec 2014, 19:04 PM
avatar of Gneckes

Posts: 196

Thank you so much for your constructive and well-phrased feedback.
6 Dec 2014, 15:20 PM
avatar of comm_ash
Patrion 14

Posts: 1194 | Subs: 1

Yay, another underused commander!

Alright, so the tank hunter tactics is one I have started to use recently, and have fallen in love with recently. Here is why:

2CP: RPG-40 Anti-Tank Grenade Assault: 50 munition ability for all conscript squads that allows them to throw a series of light AT grenades. Each squad member currently alive throws one grenade, so it is best used on full squads. Unfortunatly, this assault has no extra chance of damaging an engine, so it should be used in order to supplement other AT options after a vehicle snare has damaged the enemy engine. Furthermore, the grenades to no seek their targets, and thus must be only called on vehicles that either wont be moving, or will be moving towards the throwing squad. These nades have less penetration than even the regular conscript AT grenade, so they must be used upon the rear of heavier armor such as p4s and panthers.

2CP: PMD-6 Light AT Mine: Do not let the name fool you, this is perhaps the most or second most powerful ability in the doctrine, and an extremely cheap one at that. They are a 5 munition mine that can be built by either your CE squad or your conscripts. These mines, while cheap, are also some of the most annoying/ powerful weapons when used correctly. If there is ever a break in the action, have each of your squads qued up to spam these mines, they are exceedingly cheap, yet powerful. What do they do? They have a 100% chance to stun ANY VEHICLE, regardless of armor. Kubel? stun. Panther? stun. King Tiger? stun. These mines are a menace to an enemy if they are spammed across assault paths and on flanking routes, and will have such numbers that minesweepers will have a hard time sweeping them.

3CP: Conscript PTRS package: 50 munition upgrade that gives you 2 PTRS rifles. A very cheap and versatile upgrade that gives your cons a little more bang for their buck. They lose 2 rifles worth of AI firepower (which is almost a negligible difference at long range) and gain 2 rifles that can effectively be used to counter any vehicle up to a panzer 4. This upgrade is especially effective vs. OKW heavy mechanized builds (T2 -> fast luchs) and to help screen an allied sniper squad. They are support AT units, and as such should always be kept with a dedicated AT unit behind sandbags to increase their durability, and at range to maximize their effectiveness.

3CP: Engineer Salvage Kit: a 100mu upgrade for CE squads that locks out the upgrade for a minesweeper or flamethrower. Currently bugged to not have an icon sometimes. Very situational upgrade, but it can easily pay for itself 10x over. This salvage lets you salvage any wrecked unit much like the OKW can, however it is much more powerful in terms of the resources it gives you. Resources are gained based on the health of the wreck being scavenged, the resources being manpower and fuel. A JT wreck scavenged 2-3 times can net you 300mp and 100 fu.

10CP: IL2 PTAB Bombing Run: Coming in at 10CP, this may just be the best AT weapon that the soviets have at their disposal. What does it do? It is a 180mu directional bombing run (like stuka frag run and IL2 precision bombing run) that stuns any armor within the blast zone and deals INSANELY HIGH damage to armor in the center of the hit. Don't let the description fool you, it is also very effective vs. infantry, which lets you stomp those supported KT Blobs with impunity. If you don't believe me when I talk about its power, go ahead see the attached replay to see tank hunter tactics in action!

Conclusion: Soviet tank hunter tactics is a very solid doctrine to support conscript spam or the average 4 conscript -> T2 build order. Due to the lack of late game call-in armor, T4 is recommended to make you a very specialized defensive player. AT grenades are a must upgrade for this commander, and 2 munitions caches are ptimal to give you enough to spam those light mines and bombing runs in the lategame. As a general rule of tumb, you should almost never upgrade more than 2 of your conscripts with PTRS rifles to allow you to have a good number of screening squads that can be used offensively and to close vs. enemies to throw the AT nades. Remember comrades, even a King Tiger is no match for the flood of our infantry using spam grenade tactics!

Build Order Suggestion Team Games:
required upgrades
Zis (Optional)
muni cache
muni cache
fuel cache (optional)
SU85 (If even game or losing game, otherwise skip)
CE scavenge upgrade

Basically, you should be a supporting force on the map, allowing your teammate(s) to focus on enemy infantry while you cover their flanks against enemy armor assaults. 2 SU85s will allow you to chip away at even a KT's help while your conscript light AT mine spam will render it unusable for quite a while. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

PRO TIP: For extra cheesy mine madness, have an ally go defensive tactics and setup the light anti-personnel mines all over the map to counter enemy infantry pushes, with light AT mines interspersed. The addition of heavy-mortars to your line will help crush enemy forward T1 play and bunker spam. Tank Traps will help disrupt enemy pathing and protect your squishy important units (su85/ Katyusha).
6 Dec 2014, 16:17 PM
avatar of Frost

Posts: 1024 | Subs: 1

@Up, Great feedback about this commander. And also, what do you think, it can work in 1v1?
7 Dec 2014, 01:28 AM
avatar of comm_ash
Patrion 14

Posts: 1194 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post6 Dec 2014, 16:17 PMFrost
@Up, Great feedback about this commander. And also, what do you think, it can work in 1v1?

Not quite sure what @UP means, so I will assume you are asking me so my ego can level up. :}

I would say that it is a good 1v1 commander, in so far as it allows people who want to go for t4 or conscript spam to have good AT support for the early / midgame. The only problems I would see is that it would be slightly harder to mine all the flanks due to the mobile nature of a con-heavy build in a 1v1, and that it may be hard to find the man power to put down your caches. Once you get the caches down, and a pretty solid defense set up, you should easily be able to camp at least 2 VPs, and siege an OKW forward base quite easily with your SU85s and Katyushas. The biggest weakness of this build would be a hard flank by 2 P4s, with minesweeper support, so you will probably have to keep units watching all the flanking routes to ensure you don't get assaulted. It may be a good idea to plant mines around your SU85s as well, to stun enemies that get through your main defenses, but remember that these mines may stun you as well if set off. Your enemy (if OKW) will probably try spamming obers/ falschims, so your 2 maxims may need to become 3, and your micro will be need to be on spot to suppress them before they frontally wipe your crew. A good rule of thumb would be to upgrade Molotovs and put sandbags everywhere, with conscripts at the bags closest to the enemy and maxims slightly behind in order to support your conscript defense.
28 Jan 2015, 21:32 PM
avatar of ElSlayer

Posts: 1605 | Subs: 1

3 Feb 2015, 09:05 AM
avatar of Brick Top

Posts: 1162

I think it could work reasonably in 1v1 by going T1-T3, spam cons followed by T34's

Soviet tier 3 rapes inf early on, and the extra At the cons can provide will allow the T34s to overcome German armour as it comes out.

The only thing this might struggle with is heavy defensive play with support weapons due to the lack of indirect fire. Sometimes T34 will pick it appart, but well played paks would see them off. Potentially the bombing strike could help if their forces were too tightly grouped.
3 Feb 2015, 19:03 PM
avatar of DakkaIsMagic

Posts: 403


As the title says, I find its a rude surprize for the Axis players and helps when they overreach any armor.
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