
russian armor

USA is f****g broken

19 Nov 2014, 21:50 PM
avatar of nukmasta

Posts: 23

erorr 500 sorry mods....i dunno why it posted twice without my post

Tell me community how is USA not a broken faction. Im always scrambling for a counter....even when I hold most the map (we are talking 75/85% of the map including fuel)

There is only so much USA can do to counter every thing wher (even okw) throws at them.

What USA doesnt have that EVERY OTHER FACTION HAS

-Early mortar
-Early MG
-Early nades (need to spend 25 fuel most expensive nades)
-Early Structure demo

-Late game Infantry (garabage at this point even vetted)
-Late game COMPETENT AT (jackson is very paper)
-Late game arty (howister tank is paper and howitser is wayyyy to rng)

Why must I be defensive, when you have to be offensive to win the map....its a fucked up meta if you ask me....

Why do axis always get rewarded for "sitting back" "doing nothing"

I miss coh 1.....If you capped or cut of resources in that game it was crucial...this game is so stupid with the resource points...

I feel like the game has very little map tactical value..its all about...who can turtle and harass harder
19 Nov 2014, 21:56 PM
avatar of Mr. Someguy

Posts: 4928

Then go back to CoH1? It's not gone, it's still there...
19 Nov 2014, 21:58 PM
avatar of nukmasta

Posts: 23

Then go back to CoH1? It's not gone, it's still there...

That's not the point.... can you read?
19 Nov 2014, 22:09 PM
avatar of Thunderhun

Posts: 1617

Both OKW and USF lacks a main units/counters.....these need to be added to multi ASAP.

Like countering snipers.
USF can't do shit vs german defensive line.
19 Nov 2014, 22:16 PM
avatar of ilGetUSomDay

Posts: 612

well you are already doing it wrong. Go watch streams, USA has to always be hyper aggressive otherwise your opponents with better late game will quickly surpass you. Pack howi is way better than a regular mortar, and its cost is representative. The only real problem with the pack howi is the Teir it is in, the stuart is under preforming and the while the little AT guns is cheap, neither help you directly deal with infantry.

So you must choose like Soviets and play out your game with your strengths and weaknesses made up for by the decisions you make.

T1 is great for early game and getting you a lead, however you quickly need the captain tech or the Major in order to keep pace and aggression because in the mid game after your early game advantage starts to taper you need something to once again to keep the momentum going. Captain is a safer mid game bet with some nice utility in it, however unless your anti infantry needs are met elsewhere (either in call in or by also having lieutenant) you will also stagnate in the mid game. Also captain tech is less mobile, so in order to maintain inertia you have to keep the line constantly moving up and you ambulance near by.

If you are really good and ballsy you can go lieutenant right into major, with the draw back being early light armor is much harder to deal with unless you invest into bazookas (even then its rough because zooks are terrible).

The most conferrable thing you can do is do both lieutenant and Major, but know your tanks will be farther behind so you really have to make sure you use all your advantages well and set the axis player severely behind.
19 Nov 2014, 22:16 PM
avatar of Mr. Someguy

Posts: 4928

That's not the point.... can you read?
I miss coh 1.....If you capped or cut of resources in that game it was crucial...this game is so stupid with the resource points...
19 Nov 2014, 22:19 PM
avatar of and

Posts: 140

The most conferrable thing you can do is do both lieutenant and Major, but know your tanks will be farther behind so you really have to make sure you use all your advantages well and set the axis player severely behind.

Which is stupid, because the factions are more or less equal in the early game now. While the OP is being a bit rage-y, there might be a slight hint of truth in his observations.
19 Nov 2014, 22:20 PM
avatar of Viento

Posts: 73

erorr 500 sorry mods....i dunno why it posted twice without my post

Tell me community how is USA not a broken faction. Im always scrambling for a counter....even when I hold most the map (we are talking 75/85% of the map including fuel)

There is only so much USA can do to counter every thing wher (even okw) throws at them.

What USA doesnt have that EVERY OTHER FACTION HAS

-Early mortar
-Early MG
-Early nades (need to spend 25 fuel most expensive nades)
-Early Structure demo

-Late game Infantry (garabage at this point even vetted)
-Late game COMPETENT AT (jackson is very paper)
-Late game arty (howister tank is paper and howitser is wayyyy to rng)

Why must I be defensive, when you have to be offensive to win the map....its a fucked up meta if you ask me....

Why do axis always get rewarded for "sitting back" "doing nothing"

I miss coh 1.....If you capped or cut of resources in that game it was crucial...this game is so stupid with the resource points...

I feel like the game has very little map tactical value..its all about...who can turtle and harass harder

19 Nov 2014, 22:26 PM
avatar of UGBEAR

Posts: 954

Jumbo 76mm now, these so less for Allied unit option, wonder why reric give so many units for germans
19 Nov 2014, 22:26 PM
avatar of nukmasta

Posts: 23

T1 is great for early game and getting you a lead, however you quickly need the captain tech or the Major in order to keep pace and aggression because in the mid game after your early game advantage starts to taper you need something to once again to keep the momentum going. Captain is a safer mid game bet with some nice utility in it, however unless your anti infantry needs are met elsewhere (either in call in or by also having lieutenant) you will also stagnate in the mid game. Also captain tech is less mobile, so in order to maintain inertia you have to keep the line constantly moving up and you ambulance near by.

If you are really good and ballsy you can go lieutenant right into major, with the draw back being early light armor is much harder to deal with unless you invest into bazookas (even then its rough because zooks are terrible).

The most conferrable thing you can do is do both lieutenant and Major, but know your tanks will be farther behind so you really have to make sure you use all your advantages well and set the axis player severely behind.

That is the problem....

I should not have to make such a game breaking decision at that point in the match. AT gun needs to be T2 like every other fucking faction cause zooks are not a viable option (its t1 for okw)

I usually when I hold both fuels.....go straight into major. I push them back into their little corner....they just sit back and wait...

I run try and micro to run over units...but it only seems to work against okw? Grens with shrecks are sometimes really hard even with HE rounds and cant run over them?

Its just stupid...playing USA forces you to make wayyyy more decisions than the axis faction

Also, why do we need fuel for everything? the bars n such shouldnt cost any fuel if we arent getting any late game infantry

19 Nov 2014, 22:28 PM
avatar of ilGetUSomDay

Posts: 612

jump backJump back to quoted post19 Nov 2014, 22:19 PMand

Which is stupid, because the factions are more or less equal in the early game now. While the OP is being a bit rage-y, there might be a slight hint of truth in his observations.

Well really it is that people finally figured out early game against USF while developers viewed OKW as underpowered. The combination of player skill increasing and buffs recently has really shown everyone how it is USF that is struggling as a design (something myself and many others guessed at release).

USF still has a rather large early game advantage, however as player skill gets higher that advantage time linearly goes down, to the point where it is really only a few minutes where USF has actual advantage and the next few that are for average players still US favored, is really how skilled the allies player is at playing their hand.

This is very clearly (almost obviously) evident in 4v4s and which is also why it is unusual to see more than one US player in a game (their advantages quickly die off as more players are added)
19 Nov 2014, 22:28 PM
avatar of dasheepeh

Posts: 2115 | Subs: 1

You wont accomplish anything with rants.
19 Nov 2014, 22:30 PM
avatar of ilGetUSomDay

Posts: 612

That is the problem....

I should not have to make such a game breaking decision at that point in the match. AT gun needs to be T2 like every other fucking faction (its t1 for okw)

I usually when I hold both fuels.....go straight into major. I push them back into their little corner....they just sit back and wait...

I run try and micro to run over units...but it only seems to work against okw? Grens with shrecks are sometimes really hard even with HE rounds and cant run over them?

Its just stupid...playing USA forces you to make wayyyy more decisions than the axis faction

technically you can access the AT gun at the same time as any other faction, it comes down to whether or not you invest into captain first or not.

It is true that OKW players after 12 minutes have a vastly easier time, but that is not true for Ostheer. Really right now it comes down to Ostheer is struggling, OKW is the most powerful, and USF is the most gimmicky.

We have been waiting for Relic to notice this for some time
19 Nov 2014, 22:30 PM
avatar of nukmasta

Posts: 23

You wont accomplish anything with rants.

tell that to hitler
19 Nov 2014, 22:32 PM
avatar of nukmasta

Posts: 23

technically you can access the AT gun at the same time as any other faction, it comes down to whether or not you invest into captain first or not.

Yes, but it costs 80 Fuel to do that....and thats considering you have no bars....no zooks...nades...

and THEN you need the manpower....its insane
19 Nov 2014, 22:33 PM
avatar of CasTroy

Posts: 559

Well you are already doing it wrong. Go watch streams, USA has to always be hyper aggressive

Exactly! There is no camping while playing U.S.-Forces.

at OP:

Furthermore there are excellent U.S.-Forces Guides here on CoH2.org which can help you to improve your gameplay.
19 Nov 2014, 22:35 PM
avatar of ilGetUSomDay

Posts: 612

Yes, but it costs 80 Fuel to do that....and thats considering you have no bars....no zooks...nades...

and THEN you need the manpower....its insane

welcome to soviets and Ostheer lives
19 Nov 2014, 22:45 PM
avatar of Aerohank

Posts: 2693 | Subs: 1

Ugh. Yes you are right OP. The only way to get a decent combined arms force with USF is when you have the Elite Rifleman + EZ-8 doctrine. Too bad I don't have that doctrine, because all I get from warspoils is duplicate Scavanger Doctrine commanders and a shitload of useless bullitins.

19 Nov 2014, 22:46 PM
avatar of nukmasta

Posts: 23

jump backJump back to quoted post19 Nov 2014, 22:33 PMCasTroy

Exactly! There is no camping while playing U.S.-Forces.

at OP:

Furthermore there are excellent U.S.-Forces Guides here on CoH2.org which can help you to improve your gameplay.

Thats not goot advice...Theres ovbisouly a point in the game where you have to somewhat camp....like the guy who spammed 4 mgs early game

What is the reward for having to micro and try so hard for allies....nothing....i think ill just play axis....less work...EZ win
19 Nov 2014, 22:48 PM
avatar of Romeo
Honorary Member Badge
Benefactor 115

Posts: 1970 | Subs: 5

Tell me community how is USA not a broken faction. Im always scrambling for a counter....even when I hold most the map (we are talking 75/85% of the map including fuel)

Okay, I will do my best.

There is only so much USA can do to counter every thing wher (even okw) throws at them.

What USA doesnt have that EVERY OTHER FACTION HAS

Before going into the list point by point I will preface it with this: Every faction has holes in its tech structure. Ostheer has no light tank, OKW has no generalist medium tank, Soviets have so many bad core units that they have to rely almost entirely on call-ins. As for your specific complaints...

-Early mortar

Well technically USF does have the mortar halftrack and pack howitzer. Both are definitely under performing at the moment but that's not an error in faction design, just balance. I suggest voting for those units here and here. Furthermore, OKW has no mortar AT ALL.

-Early MG

It doesn't come that late. Again, OKW is somewhat lacking in this area too. However I certainly think it should perform better for a unit with such a high price tag and tech requirements. You can vote for it here.

-Early nades (need to spend 25 fuel most expensive nades)

I'm pretty sure USF can get grenades faster than any other faction. Airborne can also throw cooked nades without doing the research at all. Plus grenade research gives USF the extremely useful smoke rifle nade. I think this is arguably one of the areas in which USF actually excels compared to other factions.

-Early Structure demo

Well, neither axis faction has demo charges at all and USF does have access to them through armor company or mechanized, later on. So really I don't think this argument holds much water.

-Late game Infantry (garabage at this point even vetted)

Paratroopers are excellent late game infantry.

-Late game COMPETENT AT (jackson is very paper)

The american AT Gun is definitely lacking. The Jackson could probably use a boost to its AP rounds ability and acceleration but otherwise I think it's fine.

-Late game arty (howister tank is paper and howitser is wayyyy to rng)

Pathfinder and Mechanized artillery are arguably the best off-map artillery abilities in the game. The priest performs well in its role in my opinion, which is rare for mobile artillery so I am in no hurry to go changing it. Other USF indirect fire units have already been discussed.

Why must I be defensive, when you have to be offensive to win the map....its a fucked up meta if you ask me....

I certainly don't play defensively at all, and I have had my share of success.

Why do axis always get rewarded for "sitting back" "doing nothing"

Defending against waves and waves of allied assaults is not really sitting back and doing nothing if you ask me.

I miss coh 1.....If you capped or cut of resources in that game it was crucial...this game is so stupid with the resource points...

I feel like the game has very little map tactical value..its all about...who can turtle and harass harder

I completely disagree but since these complaints really have nothing to do with USF at all I won't even bother to address them. The coh1 vs coh2 debate is pointless in my opinion. Play the game you like the best, nobody is forcing your hand.
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