The 53 tonnes of steel monster from USSR horrified Finnish people in 1941: "What the hell is coming from there"
Fall 1941 Finnish troops met in Salla the kind of monster, that with that we we're in real trouble. Gigantic KV-2 tank drove to Finnish defense lines, it had so good armor that it almost couldn't be destroyed.
It was a colossal revelation (length 6,79 meters, height 3,65 meters, armor thickness 110m, weapon 152mm cannon) that surprised Finnish in the beginning of Continuation War. 53 tonnes of steel weight giant was moving towards JR 33 I battalion in middle of rain in 21.8.1941. The diaries describes the awful sighting as gigantic ugliness and steel house or fortress.
"Look at that fucking thing boys, what the hell comes from there",
"That thing doesn't exist"
anti-tank gun team said.
Light pst-guns and pst-rifles just bounced from the sides of the tank.
Lonely and invincible tank left after shooting a while but returned in few hours. This time Finnish pioneers had set new mines to the roads. There was a lot of explosions. Tank rolled through the mine field without damages.
When KV-2 hit onto eight armored mines, it had to stop. It still didn't lose its ability to fight. The tough six men crew just continued shooting from immobile steel monster. It's turret didn't move anymore.
Pioneers stacked up 30 kg of explosives in the roof of tank. Tank caught fire from the inside and finally exploded. Finally the battle between steel monster ended. Many Finnish was injured in the battle and atleast one pioneer died when setting the minefield.

So.. a bit OP I would say?

You can find the whole article from here if you're interested: