
russian armor

Panzergrenadiers with schrecks and general stuff

2 Nov 2014, 15:49 PM
avatar of kafrion

Posts: 371

There is a pretty big problem with this unit right now especially versus americans

To start schrcked pgrens get too fast vet when they arm panzerschrecks and then they are pretty impossible to fight against with shermans cause 2/3 of shots dont even get near them even with the 50 cal upgrade , the same thing goes for easy8s as well , that is pretty ridiculous considering the cost of the units individually , and its even more laughable if you consider the tech costs required to get them , then the problem gets even worse with elite troops and his cursed vet ability , your opponent is just stalling for the suppertank without getting punished for that and the bad thing is that you cant do much about it go for scott and you leave the frontlines vulnerable , go for jackson and even 2 of them wont do shit against the tiger ace or even normal tiger without vet 1 and how are you gonna get vet1 when there is maximum one tank in the game by the time the ace arives , factor in that you have to pay a whooping 80 fuel to get antitank guns and you are facing an impossible problem to solve , and thats not factoring grens which are still better for a lot less resources than riflemen at mid and late game .

In the last game i played i had 2 vet 3 schrepgrens charge a 3 easy8s and a sherman with he all of them upgraded , i ended up loosing the sherman and i didnt get even one of his fucking units in retreat because of the ridiculous modifiers they get when vetted , why is that happening i should have been able to bumrush his base with the superiority i had NOT RUN FOR THE FUCKING HILLS .

I dont get the logic behind the units fanction , why do schrecks never loose a shot versus tanks even at maximum range and yet tanks miss their shots half the time ( in vcoh this was not a problem cause units didnt get veterancy for not killing , shermans were actually hiting stuff and pathing wasnt retarded and schreckblobs werent uncounterable deathmachines you could strafe the fuckers ) , why do 50 cals work worse than mg42s either stationary or in tanks despite the fact that the former are more expensive and they are in t2 FFS, why are p4s better than shermans when shermans have equiped the he shell ( at long range where it actually matters cause you dont bum rush infntry to get critted) versus infantry and much better than them with the antitank shell and yet continue to become even better with vet and much more survivable with abilities like blitz and smoke , why do i have to play against a timebomb when i face ostheer because of the super tanks they are able to get that beat any other unit at cost and yet i cant put down a damn mine to stall the tank myself , a proper mine mind you like the soviet and the OKW one , do i have to altqq when i see a tiger now , why is it that ostheer mortar is better than 75mm howitzer yet it costs a fuckload less and its a t1 unit, why is the USF mortar ht so much inferior compared to the ostheer mortar ht despite them costing the exactly the same , why does the sherman 105 never hit a thing , and the puma is so much better compared to the m10 , why is the 240 mm bility just cosmetic same as with the majors arty barrage , why is pak40 such a powerfull antitank gun compared to 57mm despite the fact that it faces inferior armor ( anyone mentioning that is2 is as good compared to tigers and panther will get flamed ) , why is it that usf flamers are mopre dangerous to their wielders than to the enemy and yet all other flamers dont face this problem , why is it that ostheer does everything better except bars . Why is it that pgrens with schrecks arent the counter to tankdestroyers which was their initial role and now with the new cover system where schrecks reliably kill infantry they are good against everything . I know that much of those problems get a bit easier to tackle with airborne commander , but this is damn fucking stupid , why do i have to put up with all this bullshit and have to pick a commander on top of it just to make it better and hope a plane crashes at the enemys base and not mine . Again is there any bloody unit in the usf arsenal whose job is not to shout out loud enoguh while doing minimal damage , untill paras come to the fucking rescue .

And i havent even mentioned OKW

Relic says that despite the fact that USF units are individually weaker they are just as strong as their counter parts when playing combined arms and more versatile , this is a laughable statement , how can the superior parts be just as strong as inferior parts combined in the same manner all things considered the same setting and how can anyone claim usf can use combined arms with their retarded faction structure , how are usf more versatile when to get the basic indirect fire , antitank and machinegun units you have to reach tier 3 and pay 130 fuel and 400mp for that and a considerably larger price for an inferior performance ??? How are the usf mre versatile when they dont have access to tiger , is a sherman a scott and jackson combo any better than the tiger in any respect despite being pricier and requiring a lot more micro babysitting .
2 Nov 2014, 15:55 PM
avatar of Thunderhun

Posts: 1617

Wall of text :(

Pls, just a few paragraphs
2 Nov 2014, 16:04 PM
avatar of WhySooSerious

Posts: 1248

Kafrion RNG is just giving you a bad day :P
2 Nov 2014, 16:17 PM
avatar of kafrion

Posts: 371

Wall of text :(

Pls, just a few paragraphs

i organised it a bit better now :)
2 Nov 2014, 16:21 PM
avatar of chipwreckt

Posts: 732


Cliffs anyone?
2 Nov 2014, 16:27 PM
avatar of kafrion

Posts: 371


Cliffs anyone?

No just l2Axis apparently
2 Nov 2014, 16:43 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

Go front with heavy armor, flank with schrecks, see how Allied armor is dying in agony.
Go front with heavy armor and Jacksons, flank with bazooka and PTRS, lie down, try not to cry.
2 Nov 2014, 16:46 PM
avatar of kafrion

Posts: 371

Go front with heavy armor, flank with schrecks, see how Allied armor is dying in agony.
Go front with heavy armor and Jacksons, flank with bazooka and PTRS, lie down, try not to cry.

DAT assymentrical balance man , working so well :snfCHVGame:
2 Nov 2014, 16:49 PM
avatar of pigsoup
Patrion 14

Posts: 4301 | Subs: 2

TL DR Version

There is a pretty big problem with this unit right now especially versus americans

-schrecked pgrens vet too fast and shermans don't kill them fast enough
-scott can deal with them, but is too risky
-shrecked pgrens help osteer stall for super heavies which even 2 jacksons cant handle
-grens are also better than rifles overall

Anecdotal Evidence

In the last game i played i had 2 vet 3 schrepgrens charge a 3 easy8s and a sherman with he all of them upgraded , i ended up loosing the sherman and i didnt get even one of his fucking units in retreat because of the ridiculous modifiers they get when vetted , why is that happening i should have been able to bumrush his base with the superiority i had NOT RUN FOR THE FUCKING HILLS .

-shrecks are too accurate opposed to tank shots
-50cal worse than 42s
-usf lacking late game makes playing usf a time bomb
-why no normal mines
-pack howie sucks
-us mortar ht sucks
-m10 sucks opposed to puma
-usf off map arties easily avoided, therefore useless
-why pak40>57mm
-usf flamer explodes more
-osteer has everything better than usf 'cept BARs
-shrecks snipe inf too much
-commander system sucks
-plane crashes stupid
-usf weapons all flash no punch
-para are good

conclusion, usf is weaker than other factions

although i agree with a few points, sounds like a flame(EDIT:) complain post and the title is misleading
2 Nov 2014, 16:55 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

DAT assymentrical balance man , working so well :snfCHVGame:

You know, Im not saying that schreck, ptrs and bazooka should be the same. For example. Schrecks do a lot of damage. Ok but lets make them more inaccurate. Bazooka has bad penetration and low damage so lets make it more accurate. Ptrs is shit in everything, even button was nerfed to oblivion, so lets give it ability to 1sec stun if it penetrates, or something like that. This is asymetrical balance. Not that shit.
2 Nov 2014, 16:56 PM
avatar of kafrion

Posts: 371

TL DR Version
although i agree with a few points, sounds like a flame post and the title is misleading

Firts of all thanks for the TLDR version

well i have included "general stuff" in the title :snfCHVGame: .

the second phase of the texting is just complaining about usf being UP imo . I dont use hard language except for in 2 places so i think its unfair to call the whole post flaming ...

I would like to know with which points you disagree though , maybe i am in the wrong here and i just dont know it .
2 Nov 2014, 16:58 PM
avatar of kafrion

Posts: 371

You know, Im not saying that schreck, ptrs and bazooka should be the same. For example. Schrecks do a lot of damage. Ok but lets make then inaccurate. Bazooka has bad penetration and low damage so lets make it more accurate. Ptrs is shit in everything, even button was nerfed to oblivion, so lets give it ability to 1sec stun if it penetrate, or something like that. This is asymetrical balance. Not that shit.

Those are valid points , i would aggree with those changes
2 Nov 2014, 17:06 PM
avatar of kafrion

Posts: 371

Anyway if i am insulting i d like to apologise but that shouldnt put people off anyway :) . Its what you say that matter not how imo .
2 Nov 2014, 17:09 PM
avatar of HardworkingBulldozer

Posts: 117

There's no reward or satisfaction when you play as USF. Deal with it.

Even if you manage to cap and control the whole map, you wil be pushed back with Pshrecks and your metal stuff will get one-shotted with Pak. :D
2 Nov 2014, 17:38 PM
avatar of MoBo111

Posts: 150

Wow people complaining about pgs and volks with schrecks, did nazi dat coming. I mean really, have you ever heared about the HE rounds of the sherman? Since patch and the new clumping mechanics they are a squadwipe machine. This entire thread seems to be a ltp issue to me.
2 Nov 2014, 17:57 PM
avatar of kafrion

Posts: 371

Wow people complaining about pgs and volks with schrecks, did nazi dat coming. I mean really, have you ever heared about the HE rounds of the sherman? Since patch and the new clumping mechanics they are a squadwipe machine. This entire thread seems to be a ltp issue to me.

i have heard of it but you seem to not have heard of reading the opening text or the harder to be hit vet bonusses both volks and pgrens get and the speed at which they gain that vet with the schrecks before you wrote whatever ... you had to , also OBVIOUSLY if i wasnt engaging with HE i would not be making the thread , but i did and i d like to see you trying to change ammo with the e8 since it doesnt have the option . Also to get the best usage of shermans HE you have to close in which means cetain death for it . Now go back to the OP and read it
2 Nov 2014, 18:11 PM
avatar of MoBo111

Posts: 150

i have heard of it but you seem to not have heard of reading the opening text or the harder to be hit vet bonusses both volks and pgrens get and the speed at which they gain that vet with the schrecks before you wrote whatever ... you had to , also OBVIOUSLY if i wasnt engaging with HE i would not be making the thread , but i did and i d like to see you trying to change ammo with the e8 since it doesnt have the option . Also to get the best usage of shermans HE you have to close in which means cetain death for it . Now go back to the OP and read it

Well you got to admit your post is a little bit long so i apologize if i have overlooked something you wrote. But in general it seems to me like one guy has his own little problems with the usf because of...reasons. You complain about the assymetrical balance, for example the pak compared to the 57mm, while the pak has the better penetration and the better range (we dont talk about the heat rounds they work only when the enemy stays still), the 57mm has a very good pen with the at rounds and it is possible to create a increased los and range with vet 1. So my opinion hasn't changed it still seems like a ltp issue to me.
2 Nov 2014, 18:35 PM
avatar of kafrion

Posts: 371

Well you got to admit your post is a little bit long so i apologize if i have overlooked something you wrote. But in general it seems to me like one guy has his own little problems with the usf because of...reasons. You complain about the assymetrical balance, for example the pak compared to the 57mm, while the pak has the better penetration and the better range (we dont talk about the heat rounds they work only when the enemy stays still), the 57mm has a very good pen with the at rounds and it is possible to create a increased los and range with vet 1. So my opinion hasn't changed it still seems like a ltp issue to me.

The ap rounds bounce far too often against the likes of panthers anbd tigers andthat what you typically want to get with your atgs , you want me to l2p and yet you compare the at guns without mentioning the targets they have to face , i think i made my point claer enough here , i dont have time to xplain myself twice , go read the OP , otherwise dont talk about it .
2 Nov 2014, 19:04 PM
avatar of Array
Donator 11

Posts: 609

Last night I had two squads of pgrens with shreks (one vet 3). Wiped by a single Sherman HE shot.

My fault for bunching them outside of cover I guess
2 Nov 2014, 20:14 PM
avatar of kafrion

Posts: 371

jump backJump back to quoted post2 Nov 2014, 19:04 PMArray
Last night I had two squads of pgrens with shreks (one vet 3). Wiped by a single Sherman HE shot.

My fault for bunching them outside of cover I guess

i am sorry for that , but that was some pretty bad rng , while i have been observing shermans being unable to land a shot for plenty of time against vetted axis troops
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