
russian armor

Here are our hopes for oktober-patch

17 Oct 2014, 22:06 PM
avatar of Unshavenbackman

Posts: 680

This is not a balance-thread. Dont argue, just write down what you hope for.

I hope for a small buff to all howis except B-4.
And as I have been playing Wehr lately It would be nice if some of the commanders got better. Theres more to Coh2 than Tigers. And bug-fix of course.
17 Oct 2014, 22:17 PM
avatar of elchino7
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17 Oct 2014, 22:17 PM
avatar of dasheepeh

Posts: 2115 | Subs: 1

I hope for a call in meta fix with fixes to the USF faction, because its just weak past the 15 min mark in an even game.

I also hope they tone down OKW and their stupid vet bonuses and fix some bugs.

reliq pls
17 Oct 2014, 22:26 PM
avatar of Omega_Warrior

Posts: 2561

USF needs a lot of buffs if they are going to be in a good place:

weapon cache upgrades buff
Major artillery buff
M36 pen buff
pack howitzer
MG buff
180mm Fix
vehicle crew upgrade fix

Almost everything except rifles and shermans is underperforming.

I also hope to see the call-in changes this patch.

17 Oct 2014, 22:27 PM
avatar of BartonPL

Posts: 2807 | Subs: 6

I hope for less bugs next patch :snfBarton:
17 Oct 2014, 22:31 PM
avatar of BeltFedWombat
Patrion 14

Posts: 951

The one I see all the fucking time is the machinegun crew bug. It should have been hot-fixed.
17 Oct 2014, 22:35 PM
avatar of Medster

Posts: 13

Remove JT's ability to shoot through obstacles
17 Oct 2014, 22:37 PM
avatar of BeltFedWombat
Patrion 14

Posts: 951

Oh, and T-34 needs a small buff to penetration.
17 Oct 2014, 23:24 PM
avatar of RunToTheSun

Posts: 158

I hope for less bugs next patch :snfBarton:
17 Oct 2014, 23:48 PM
avatar of zingfreelancer

Posts: 42

Well, I for one hope they introduce some new and totally awesome bugs.
17 Oct 2014, 23:56 PM
avatar of What Doth Life?!
Patrion 27

Posts: 1664

I don't think the Howitzers need any buff whatsoever. I use them almost every multiplayer match with Terror Tactics for Soviets and Joint Operations for Ostheer and sometimes in 1v1 and I think they are both quite strong and simply require you to use the right build and manage your manpower and bleed properly.

I think Volksgrenadiers should take a bit more suppression and/or have their incoming received accuracy not get totally insane with veterancy. They can A-move with shreks at AA quad-mount M5 halftrack and solo it.

Absolute top-tier issues to deal with are:

Mg/infantry retreat bugs: these are straight up game-breaking

Conscript and Zis incoming received accuracy bugs: they are receiving an extra 15% and it's brutal.

Units halting orders when hit by AOE: also game-breaking.
18 Oct 2014, 00:20 AM
avatar of luvnest
Strategist Badge
Patrion 39

Posts: 1094 | Subs: 20

Bugs and perfomance issues pls
18 Oct 2014, 00:24 AM
avatar of Vaz

Posts: 1158

don't forget, change ISU gun to be m1 carbine.
18 Oct 2014, 00:34 AM
avatar of HerpmanTheGermman

Posts: 19

i hope for nerfs throughout all factions, just nerfs all around really. everything is too stronk. bug fixes would be nice as well.
18 Oct 2014, 01:44 AM
avatar of Pedro_Jedi

Posts: 543


Some love to the weapon caches

Rifles small buff
18 Oct 2014, 01:47 AM
avatar of Low0dds

Posts: 151

Call-in limit would be nice. Tired of same old late game call-in spamfest.
18 Oct 2014, 05:32 AM
avatar of spajn
Donator 11

Posts: 927

Fix for company of callins, soviet support weapon crew nerf, rework many soviet core units, a new more advanced ladder system.
18 Oct 2014, 06:07 AM
avatar of Mortar
Donator 22

Posts: 559

-Set up time for Kubel before suppression or fuel cost to build
-Sight buff to Jacksons
-Range nerf to Jagdtiger
-Good community maps added to automatch
18 Oct 2014, 06:30 AM
avatar of MoerserKarL
Donator 22

Posts: 1108

ISU/JT nerf pls and the stupid call in system

18 Oct 2014, 06:50 AM
avatar of raw

Posts: 644

My hopes & dreams you are asking for?

Cannot be contained in a single patch, even if Relic's patches would actually change the game.
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