ok, tested tge spy, but is extremely hard to see which pixel is the absolute one ( mainly due to the fact that the screen is 55 inches, and in 4k .-. )
but it appears to be 5,48 ( as close as i can see, with my face practically kissing the glass )
okay, fine
its very easy now to make the script right.
just copy the stuff from the first post of mine into a ahk-script
then change every position from xxx, xxx to xxx+3, xxx+25
for example:
PixelSearch, , , 456, 668, 458, 670, 0x192380 , 5
PixelSearch, , , 459, 693, 461, 695, 0x192380 , 5
and then it should run prefectly

oh, and next time, use magnifier