I have a question, "who the f*ck needs more players in Axis when 90% of them are top noobs?"
Got 3 random mates in last 3 matches, one of them made mgs on Ettelbruck and destroyed by Cons(molotovs) like nothing, second one didn't even know what the hell Faust is to use it against M3A1 and finally, third one was AFK for first 1 minute.
So, I was ranked #4 in OKW 2v2, but now dropped around 40.
What's the point to play Random with Oshteer/OKW?
Noob players adapt Soviets/US much easier, than Axis. That is terrible.
Also too much AFK players in beginning, may be for 30-60 seconds, but it costs a game.
Getting bored cause of it

Hope you know what I feel guys