Im so sick of losing because of vegetable teammates. Period. Almost all my friends have switched to EasyModeAxis or quit the game indefinitely.
They(axis) aren't unbeatable,I just need a teammate that wont sabotage the whole game with stupid selfish actions.
Im so sick of seeing people build 6 combat engineer squads with minesweepers to start the game,or quit immediately because they dont like a map,or lose one maxim to an ostruppen squad and give up etc.
And my latest run in has simply put me at my breaking point.
My latest lemon teammate has cost me 2 games before THEY EVEN STARTED.
I ask him (my US teammate) build a couple fuel caches on Minsk pocket so we can rush LT and counter Kubel spam. i LITERALLY wrote those exact fucking words in the chat.
Not with any sort of arrogance,anger, or sarcasm like i may be giving off right now.
I literally wrote Please build a fuel cache or two,and pinged it ONCE(not 500 times like some people like to do.) on the map where he should put it.
(He wasnt even prestige 1 which was part of the reason i was worried,which is another problem that i wont go into.)
This clown then drops immediately claiming i was bossing him around. What the actual fuck?
Strategizing is bossing around.

And with my amazing luck,i get him the VERY NEXT TIME i automatch(literally 45 seconds later.) and he drops again in the loading screen.
Costing me two games and dropping me almost 250 places in the random ladder...
I KNOW i had this coming matching with randoms,but like i said earlier. no real choice.. Which brings me to this.
PLEASE devs MAKE A FORUM SECTION for TEAM GAME PARTNERS! Either in the forum or as a tool. PLEASE.
And someone who's just as crazy as me to continue playing allies in teamgames this patch please add me. Im available on weekends.