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Are you taking a break from the CoH2 title?

Are you taking a break from the CoH2 title?
Option Distribution Votes
Total votes: 230
12 Sep 2014, 11:30 AM
avatar of Napalm

Posts: 1595 | Subs: 2

Hello internet strangers,

I've got a general sense that the community is shrinking. Would like to find out why.
12 Sep 2014, 11:49 AM
avatar of Abdul

Posts: 896

Well, sadly the last balance patch has annoyed many people. I have several team mates that do not want to play until the next patch, or have switched to axis only.
12 Sep 2014, 11:49 AM
avatar of Unshavenbackman

Posts: 680

Any stats to back up your senses? It has been and is about 6000 online at evenings my time. That number seems pretty stable.
12 Sep 2014, 11:50 AM
avatar of Flamee

Posts: 710

I also did a small comparison between past few days and there hasn't been any radical changes.

Myself? Nope, not taking a break. :D
12 Sep 2014, 11:56 AM
avatar of The amazing Chandler

Posts: 1355

I play COH 2 because i want to have fun and the small balance and bug problems are not enough to drive me away. Imo, some people take games to seriusly. I think that this behavour is a little sick, but hey, thats just me... I will keep playing the game....
12 Sep 2014, 12:25 PM
avatar of whispa

Posts: 34

Kind of a stacked poll no?
12 Sep 2014, 12:28 PM
avatar of Steiner500

Posts: 183

jump backJump back to quoted post12 Sep 2014, 11:30 AMNapalm
Hello internet strangers,

I've got a general sense that the community is shrinking. Would like to find out why.


And i give a shit on the Whiners!
12 Sep 2014, 12:31 PM
avatar of Ztormi

Posts: 249

Already had my break last patch. It lasted around two weeks I guess.
12 Sep 2014, 12:40 PM
avatar of nigo
Senior Editor Badge

Posts: 2238 | Subs: 15


And i give a shit on the Whiners!

12 Sep 2014, 12:43 PM
avatar of ludd3emm

Posts: 292

I've had my break between January and the release of WFA. :)

Despite what people say this game is so much better then it was before.
12 Sep 2014, 12:48 PM
avatar of Khan

Posts: 578

Au contraire... I've found myself to be enjoying the game a lot more recently.
12 Sep 2014, 12:52 PM
avatar of FrikadelleXXL

Posts: 390

Permanently Banned
Switched to axis and enjoy dem possibilities and different tactics you can use! :)
12 Sep 2014, 12:59 PM
avatar of raw

Posts: 644

Switched to axis and enjoy dem possibilities and different tactics you can use! :)

I enjoy opponents just outright quitting the game (on some maps at least).
12 Sep 2014, 13:23 PM
avatar of Cannonade

Posts: 752

jump backJump back to quoted post12 Sep 2014, 11:30 AMNapalm
I've got a general sense that the community is shrinking. Would like to find out why.

Seems your perception was wrong, compared to the results.

But ofc players who have left might no longer be here voting.
12 Sep 2014, 13:26 PM
avatar of JohnnyB

Posts: 2396 | Subs: 1

Why are some people thinking this patch is favouring Axis? Beats me....
12 Sep 2014, 13:57 PM
avatar of MilkaCow

Posts: 577

Just playing the Alpha since I have less lag there and I find it more interesting. In general I am not playing that much CoH2, as I am to a degree sick of it. I played a lot when WFA was in Alpha and after release, probably too much. Besides that I am not really happy about some bugs.
12 Sep 2014, 14:01 PM
avatar of Kronosaur0s

Posts: 1701

jump backJump back to quoted post12 Sep 2014, 13:26 PMJohnnyB
Why are some people thinking this patch is favouring Axis? Beats me....

Because they nerfed maxim spam to oblivion.

Wait a moment, :snfAmi:
12 Sep 2014, 14:35 PM
avatar of steel

Posts: 1963 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post12 Sep 2014, 13:26 PMJohnnyB
Why are some people thinking this patch is favouring Axis? Beats me....
Because Germans got buffed to the point where they blitzkrieg every map and every enemy :snfCHVGame:
12 Sep 2014, 15:15 PM
avatar of Unbekannter Soldat

Posts: 51

yes ever since the new factions came in and they lowered the range of my pak 43 its just not fun anymore. i am a german fanboy i only play ostheer, but its just how i feel
12 Sep 2014, 17:09 PM
avatar of Volsky

Posts: 344

Voted Yes-Bored; not only because of the stale meta and blech balance, but because its a buggy, poorly optimized game that eats my PC alive and craps out bugsplats every couple games.

I have a vCoH mod I'd rather work on and other games that are frankly much more fun. CoH2 has become 'abuse or lose'; this is the same reason I hated CoHO.

Until CoH2 re-enables modding, from here on out, I can't see myself playing it for the foreseeable future--I just have no interest in playing an e-sport-afied game.
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