
russian armor

Ninja changes for 9.9 patch

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11 Sep 2014, 18:25 PM
avatar of Cannonade

Posts: 752

Yes, I was under impression that all Support Teams shared the incoming small arms modifier. Including PaK and ZiS.

Can someone confirm definitively whether that has been the case or not?
11 Sep 2014, 18:27 PM
avatar of Sarantini
Honorary Member Badge
Donator 22

Posts: 2181

all support teams except for atguns
its listed somewhere int he changelog when they added it
11 Sep 2014, 18:35 PM
avatar of IpKaiFung
Benefactor 115

Posts: 1708 | Subs: 2

ALL AT guns never had the modifier, axis and allied alike until today when it got applied to the soviet ATGs :lol:
11 Sep 2014, 18:41 PM
avatar of Cannonade

Posts: 752

Seems I falsely assumed the modifier applied to the weapon crews universally, since the crews otherwise have identical stats per faction.

Anyways, I guess Relic knows what they are doing by adding it to Sov ATGs, even if some sov-fanbois will no doubt rip themselves two fresh new buttholes over this.
11 Sep 2014, 18:44 PM
avatar of Burts

Posts: 1702

Seems I falsely assumed the modifier applied to the weapon crews universally, since the crews otherwise have identical stats per faction.

Anyways, I guess Relic knows what they are doing by adding it to Sov ATGs, even if some sov-fanbois will no doubt rip themselves two fresh new buttholes over this.

No they don't and it was an unintended mistake.
11 Sep 2014, 18:46 PM
avatar of Cannonade

Posts: 752

jump backJump back to quoted post11 Sep 2014, 18:44 PMBurts

No they don't and it was an unintended mistake.

Oh? You got a source for that?
11 Sep 2014, 18:47 PM
avatar of elchino7
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2

Yes, I was under impression that all Support Teams shared the incoming small arms modifier. Including PaK and ZiS.

Can someone confirm definitively whether that has been the case or not?

​Update September 10th, 2013
Weapon Teams

Focus on improving early game flow and balance. Weapon teams should be support units rather than front line soldiers. The Maxim and MG42 had their weapon profiles adjusted slightly, resulting in some performance modifications. As a result of this change, the Maxim should suppression slightly faster than before. Their overall DPS remains relatively unchanged. The changes to weapon traverse make flanking a MG easier when using multiple squads.

HMG and Mortar Teams
• Now receive 25% more damage

Replace damage with increase accuracy (i think it was a later to the RA vs Damage patch, this was to reduce overkills coming from explosives to support weapons)

Anyways, I guess Relic knows what they are doing by adding it to Sov ATGs, even if some sov-fanbois will no doubt rip themselves two fresh new buttholes over this.

Unless they added it as an oficcial change or make any state about it, for the magnitude of the change, i guess it's unintentional.
Following your line of thought we should trust everysingle change they make because they know what they do (i guess we should had accepted, for 24hs, that change to maxims right?)

If this is an intended way to bring it in line with others AT guns survivability, i guess it's time to give it the same AT capabalities others AT guns have.

ALL AT guns never had the modifier, axis and allied alike until today when it got applied to the soviet ATGs :lol:

I guess they are compensating for the maxim non intended bug/buff.
2 Wrongs makes 1 right...right?
11 Sep 2014, 18:53 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17908 | Subs: 8

Seems I falsely assumed the modifier applied to the weapon crews universally, since the crews otherwise have identical stats per faction.

Anyways, I guess Relic knows what they are doing by adding it to Sov ATGs, even if some sov-fanbois will no doubt rip themselves two fresh new buttholes over this.

That is some high quality trolling sir as I refuse to believe you are THAT stupid to actually think such a glaring bug is intended.

Unless you firmly believed last night that maxims loosing 125% rec acc penalty was intended change as well.
11 Sep 2014, 19:04 PM
avatar of zarok47

Posts: 587

25% recieved accuracy modifier on baby zis too?
Well its not like anybody ever used it to begin with.

I hope this isnt intentional.
11 Sep 2014, 20:59 PM
avatar of Nuclear Arbitor
Patrion 28

Posts: 2470

the m-42 really should be doing 120 damage and have very high pen fall off so that it can at least damage medium tanks up close.
11 Sep 2014, 22:08 PM
avatar of ☭ Калашникова ☭

Posts: 322

Gotta be careful on what you do to the m-42, any buff is thus then amplified by the FHQ, And knowing relic it will be a massive overbuff.
11 Sep 2014, 22:25 PM
avatar of dek0y

Posts: 44

Oh? You got a source for that?

AT gun received accuracy seems to be unintentional

11 Sep 2014, 22:52 PM
avatar of Unshavenbackman

Posts: 680

jump backJump back to quoted post11 Sep 2014, 15:12 PMCruzz
Well...the hotfix fixed the soviet weapon crews. And also added 25% received accuracy to ZiS and the miniatgun, which they never had before. Hooray.

Nothing escapes Cruzz. GJ!Keep it up.
11 Sep 2014, 23:02 PM
avatar of KovuTalli

Posts: 332

It feel's like tank MG's got a buff too, be either top MG's or hull MG's, Panther ones at least (might be to do with the accuracy buff they got) but MG42's for sure got a new sound now.
12 Sep 2014, 01:37 AM
avatar of juggernauth

Posts: 118

They also fixed Jagdpanzer's skirts, finally :p
12 Sep 2014, 07:19 AM
avatar of Greeb

Posts: 971

Great job nerfing ZiS but keeping its stupid camouflage movement.

Please, increase barrage cost too.
60 ammo is too cheap.
12 Sep 2014, 07:24 AM
avatar of Cannonade

Posts: 752

jump backJump back to quoted post11 Sep 2014, 22:25 PMdek0y

AT gun received accuracy seems to be unintentional


Yes, stated as unintentional.

He also talks about hotfix costs/organisation, and since they already put out a hotfix, dunno how long it might be till they put out another to fix this oversight.

Shame it didn't make it into the last one.
12 Sep 2014, 07:44 AM
avatar of FestiveLongJohns
Patrion 15

Posts: 1157 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post11 Sep 2014, 03:00 AMSierra

I may not be a mathematical genius, but I do recognize the influence that specific changes in numbers can have to the overall flow of gameplay. I can already tell you that the kubelwagen changes while significant won't be enough. The Sturmpioneer changes were damaging to the overall OKW gameplay and will likely result in less people playing as OKW, and OKW as a whole playing less effectively than ever before.

So ask this question, balance is balanced, but balanced for "whom"?

The kuebl is a god damn monster, if you can't see that then you're doing it wrong. Sorry mate, but you won't be here long with this holier than thou attitude.
12 Sep 2014, 08:49 AM
avatar of JohnnyB

Posts: 2396 | Subs: 1

Nothing wrong with the kubel, it is now where is supposed to be. The only problem that OKW has right now is the sturmpio nerf. It's not ok to be obliged with a 4 models squad without armor, which costs alot and takes forever to reinforce, to be obliged to charge into almost melee combat. At least, speed up the reinforcement time, and lower a little the reinforcement cost!
12 Sep 2014, 08:58 AM
avatar of Sierra

Posts: 432

The kuebl is a god damn monster, if you can't see that then you're doing it wrong. Sorry mate, but you won't be here long with this holier than thou attitude.

Thou art not holy enough for mine site to bear. Ye must have the devilish sins of apathy and wrath purged from ye, or thine soul shall surely perish into thine flaming pit of Hell! Amen.

jump backJump back to quoted post12 Sep 2014, 08:49 AMJohnnyB
Nothing wrong with the kubel, it is now where is supposed to be. The only problem that OKW has right now is the sturmpio nerf. It's not ok to be obliged with a 4 models squad without armor, which costs alot and takes forever to reinforce, to be obliged to charge into almost melee combat. At least, speed up the reinforcement time, and lower a little the reinforcement cost!

This, Kubels fine, hell with a little finesse it was okay-ish before. I used it almost every game. Sturmpioneers on the other hand are not okay.

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