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LMG nerfs will break Axis and make them useless

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4 Sep 2014, 05:54 AM
avatar of Warthrone

Posts: 205

Permanently Banned
I fear the (rumoured)LMG nerfs are going to give soviets already more of an advantage they already have. Rifles are already ridiculously strong without M1919 spam (just the most OP thing in the game). SO the nerf wont hurt them so much. Axis will be hurt the most. (what a suprise)

Going by the history of relic and their biased view towards allies. LMG were the last hope of Axis infantry vs RIfle swarms, shock troops, Guards etc. And make cons and penals rape Grens who were already in a terrible state.

I fear now that this will see an already bigger exodus of players in the game thanks to the hordes of soviet whiners and Pro allied players getting in the ear of relic.

I forsaw the Katyusha spam being abused before it was finally nerfed to a reasonable level again. But now i forsee even more Shock and guard spam to make life EVEN WORSE for Axis. As if it wasnt already bad enough...

I can already see it from a mile away. Shock and guard spam to already trample of the grave of axis.

But hey at least it wont affect volks. Who are as useless as a pile of shyte now anyhow.

Anyhow. I find it funny over the last 3 major patches. We have seem HEAVY nerfs to axis to the point where they are getting raped so easily and abused early game. Its kind of sad watching relic destroy patch by patch their game as you see the number of players online dwindling slowly but surely. Keep it up.

I mean no offence to anyone. But players like Cruzz, Vonivan, Sib, and barton all have a heavy presecnce on this forum. THey have a heavy influence on relic and continue to post pro-allied babble that swtiches Relics view on balance and the game continues towards its death.

Its just unfortunate despite players like Hans, Jesulin and Vindicare are not as active as these players on the forums and whispering in relics ear that we get fair balance, despite them sharing my views and PROVING with continues win streaks and speaking on the stream that allies are way too abusive early game.

We are stuck with people that have agenda's to benefit their faction and this is the result.

I can only pray with a slim hope that relic somehow ignores these players for once in the interest of the player base.
4 Sep 2014, 06:36 AM
avatar of Greeb

Posts: 971

Go to post your accusing crap elsewhere.

Don't make threads about balance to use them later to accuse players or Relic of being biased.
4 Sep 2014, 06:47 AM
avatar of Warthrone

Posts: 205

Permanently Banned
jump backJump back to quoted post4 Sep 2014, 06:36 AMGreeb
Go to post your accusing crap elsewhere.

Don't make threads about balance to use them later to accuse players or Relic of being biased.

YOu can say what you want. This has been the truth. These players have influence with relic and this can be seen by the last 3 major balance patches. All to their benefit.

LIke i said. Its just sad that Hans, Jesulin do are not as prominant in relic's ears as these guys. Ever since the March deployment axis has turned into a bucket of shit, patch by patch and these influential figures are to blame.
4 Sep 2014, 06:53 AM
avatar of Greeb

Posts: 971

I'm not here to discuss with an obvious troll like you.
I just came to give my reasons to report your post to the mods.
4 Sep 2014, 06:54 AM
avatar of carloff

Posts: 301

The only the_truth here Relic want to earn money, thats all folks. They doing a good job with producing stuff to sell on the game-market. Try to think from this side...
4 Sep 2014, 06:57 AM
avatar of HappyPhace

Posts: 309

Just think for about 30 seconds, what do any of those players have to benefit from being biased to one faction or another? In tournament settings where both factions MUST be played, which they all participate in, its in their best interests for the game to be as balanced as possible. Furthermore, you're making assumptions based off of one likely change in the next patch, without considering any other possible changes.

What the actual fuck dude.
4 Sep 2014, 07:02 AM
avatar of Abdul

Posts: 896

Aren't you the one that said you will stop posting or something?
4 Sep 2014, 07:15 AM
avatar of Flamee

Posts: 710

What is this again?

Did you check Rewind events yesterday?

There Jesulin played as ostheer versus soviets and he had no trouble at all.

However, I'm not sure if I actually understood your point since your writing is just god awful.
4 Sep 2014, 07:34 AM
avatar of CptEend
Patrion 14

Posts: 369

We are stuck with people that have agenda's to benefit their faction and this is the result.

I doubt people like Sib, VonIvan and Cruzz have such agendas because they are top level players, and top level players play both Axis and Allies. They have to if they want to stand a chance in tournaments.
4 Sep 2014, 07:37 AM
avatar of R4ngerArea
Donator 11

Posts: 165

So, first the statement about the OKW is wrong ... Ok Volx are the weakest regular infantry, but did you ever play just with volx?! The rest of the inf is so effective that they mark the strongest CoH2 inf atm

second, Ost is made to play combined arms! If you jsut relay to spam grens with lmg42, ye then of course you are going to have a hard time after the next patch ... #AdaptToTheMeta
4 Sep 2014, 07:49 AM
avatar of Cruzz

Posts: 1221 | Subs: 41

Oh the glory days of balance in March, where with great skill and tactics I could make unto the field 7 grens to PIV and win every single game. Relic must be blind to not see that was the balance everyone wanted.

So I truly am curious as to why avoiding a ban, constant naming and shaming and insulting other players as well as constant derailing of threads with oneliner spam is apparently perfectly fine here all of a sudden.
4 Sep 2014, 08:09 AM
avatar of Warthrone

Posts: 205

Permanently Banned
jump backJump back to quoted post4 Sep 2014, 07:49 AMCruzz
Oh the glory days of balance in March, where with great skill and tactics I could make unto the field 7 grens to PIV and win every single game. Relic must be blind to not see that was the balance everyone wanted.

So I truly am curious as to why avoiding a ban, constant naming and shaming and insulting other players as well as constant derailing of threads with oneliner spam is apparently perfectly fine here all of a sudden.

Yes. Thats right. Silence me like you have done to some many axis players with a voice. Allow your voice to wreck havoc on balanc un-impeded. Then allow your agenda to ruin this game even more than you have already. I never said it was fair during the March Deployment. I said 3 major patches hit axis with ridiculous and heavy nerfs to the point where its almost unplayable early game and they have also reduced late game effectiveness to a great degree. e.g. OH T4 useless. P4 Ridiculously expensive. Panther sucks arse. All because of YOUR constant whining and because you, ivan and barton are in leagues with relic due to you attracting many streamers.

This was proven by hans VS YOU CRUZZ so dont make it as if im trying to target you. You got rolled by rifle spam only and hans himself is on a 27 win streak as US and barely plays US. He said the current state of the game is a sham for Axis. Particularly for OKW. And i think a player that can defeat a good player like you with rifle spam only. And parking his 2 jacksons doing absolutely nothing all game and floating tonnes of resources shows you there is an obvious problem atm.

But let me guess you will deny this. He even used two arty call ins for 400 munitions to no effect and was just trolling when he could of double equipped all his squads with a second M1919. He basically exposed the game for the balance it is atm.

Anyway i await this patch and cant wait till relic finally shoot themselves in the foot and you will see a mass exodus of players since the majority of the community love to play axis. Then you , von and barton will blame yourselves (or you probably wont) and it will be hard task to attract these players back into the game. All because 3 influential players want to play their agenda's. Awesome work.

You have abused the fact that the COh2 game community is small and steered legions of followers on the wrong path, ACTUALLY BELIEVING your view of balance. Like i said. Its just a shame that Jesulin, Hans, and Vindicare are not more vocal on the forums and have less influence than you that balance can actually be fair for once. 3 pro allied nerfs later after march deployment.

p.s. I never name called any derogatory name you on here i didnt name and shame. Im just pointing out that you have steered the community and relic in the wrong direction and unfortunately there isnt Hans to steer another view from an axis point of view. Simple.

4 Sep 2014, 08:20 AM
avatar of Cruzz

Posts: 1221 | Subs: 41

This was proven by hans VS YOU CRUZZ so dont make it as if im trying to target you. You got rolled by rifle spam only and hans himself is on a 27 win streak as US and barely plays US. He said the current state of the game is a sham for Axis. Particularly for OKW. And i think a player that can defeat a good player like you with rifle spam only.

I'm honestly flattered you think me losing proves anything. I lose to players much, much worse than Hans on a daily basis. My level of play varies pretty wildly, though that game was quite a shitty one even for me.

As for Hans whining about axis, it would have a bit more credibility to it if there had been even one point in time in the history of this game when he hadn't. He even managed to continue complaining about axis being weak during the March patch when everyone else was doing +50 streaks with grenspam. Not that I should say this right after complaining about naming and shaming, but well...

As for me having any sort of influence, don't worry, there's someone with some actual influence in the player testing team who hates my guts so nothing I say will ever be considered.

p.s. I never name called any derogatory name you on here i didnt name and shame. Im just pointing out that you have steered the community and relic in the wrong direction and unfortunately there isnt Hans to steer another view from an axis point of view. Simple.

Ah yes, so you calling me a fat fuck on the shoutbox was just you pointing out how I steer this community wrong. Another entry to add to my SS-to-English dictionary.
4 Sep 2014, 08:23 AM
avatar of Warthrone

Posts: 205

Permanently Banned
jump backJump back to quoted post4 Sep 2014, 08:20 AMCruzz

I'm honestly flattered you think me losing proves anything. I lose to players much, much worse than Hans on a daily basis. My level of play varies pretty wildly, though that game was quite a shitty one even for me.

As for Hans whining about axis, it would have a bit more credibility to it if there had been even one point in time in the history of this game when he hadn't. He even managed to continue complaining about axis being weak during the March patch when everyone else was doing +50 streaks with grenspam. Not that I should say this right after complaining about naming and shaming, but well...

Thanks for nitpicking only one part of my post. But hey selectivity at its finest. Just like balance eh?
4 Sep 2014, 08:30 AM
avatar of Cannonade

Posts: 752

jump backJump back to quoted post4 Sep 2014, 08:20 AMCruzz
Ah yes, so you calling me a fat fuck on the shoutbox was just you pointing out how I steer this community wrong. Another entry to add to my SS-to-English dictionary.

QueenRacket called me a fat fuck basement dweller and fuckboy earlier today, among other things.
Guess I add that to my NKVD-to English dictionary too.
4 Sep 2014, 08:32 AM
avatar of R4ngerArea
Donator 11

Posts: 165

WTF is happening here?!

Warthrone calm down! This is excessive flaming against single, named, players and will result in a ban!

This is no discussion what you are doing! You nail down all your frustration onto single players (who you maybe dont like) and say it's all their fault!
You also try to convince other players with this post! That's definitely not the intention you should spread!

And to be honest, there are acutally players, who got more influence onto the balance as the 3 guys you mentioned.

So keep it calm!
4 Sep 2014, 08:35 AM
avatar of Flamee

Posts: 710

Warthrone, editing constantly your posts isn't counted as having a discussion.

This discussion isn't really going anywhere and it's not based on anything reasonable. As DJDea4th said, it's just accusing or praising a bunch of known players.

Now, if there isn't any sense in this "conversation", this discussion is over.
4 Sep 2014, 08:41 AM
avatar of drChengele
Patrion 14

Posts: 640 | Subs: 1

Dismissing the obvious bias of the original post, Relic does seem to be handing balancing in a miopic fashion, with lots of changes that make you go "huh?" (which affect both factions) and this would indeed be a HUGE problem - were it not for a fact we get new balance patches regularly and the game is slowly progressing in the right direction.

If anything, I would say that they tend to err on the side that favours axis more (Tiger Ace? March Deployment anyone?), which then fucks up the meta, and then they overbuff the Soviets to compensate.
4 Sep 2014, 08:55 AM
avatar of MilkaCow

Posts: 577

1.) Didn't you say you wanted to leave this forum and I said you just made such a post to get attention? Dang brah. Nobody that ever makes a post about leaving actually wants to leave. They are just unhappy and think someone will be like 'nah stop, we need you' as the movies have it. This is not a fairytale, you are no princess. If you really stopped caring, you'd just leave.

2.) If you think this forum represents the balancing process, you have no idea at all. Like seriously. Wtf?!? It's hilarious that from the people you mentioned at steering towards "Pro Axis" and "Against Axis" only ones from the pro Axis group are in the balance Alpha D:

3.) Regarding the topic and your posts, do you even know what "LMG nerfs" means? They said LMG not LMG42. So I'd assume they really mean "LMG" as the abstract weapon class. That would mean nerfs to Guard DP-28, the American M1919A6, the German MG42 and MG34. Not sure how that is going to favor any side. It's just making those blobs of Grens / Obers / Paras+M1919 / Rifles+M1919 ... a bit less useful and less spammy.

You insult anyone who is not your opinion of having an agenda, which means 90% of all people? Maybe, but just maybe it's you who is biased and not the world?

(I was asked to insert more srs&troll)
I forsaw the Katyusha spam being abused before it was finally nerfed to a reasonable level again.

Yea. Pretty much everyone did. A mystery why it got in.

penals rape Grens


As for me having any sort of influence, don't worry, there's someone with some actual influence in the player testing team who hates my guts so nothing I say will ever be considered.

Eheheheheeheheheehehehe, yup, you are done Cruzzi. Best commit CoHcide now. Nah, honestly. I think your opinions are sometimes over the top, but also often spot on. You can trust me that they are being read and those ideas / similar ones are being discussed. Cause well, others can observe the game as well :P
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