The following game has been totally reworked by fans, it is made much more bugfree and it now supports high resolutions, ingame online game browser, dedicated servers, adjustable gamespeed and Peacetime, replay system, mapmaker. (And much more)
See for a short comparison:
The game is found here, and requires the original Peasants Rebellion, buyable on the second link. Buying it there, will partly support this Fan-team that has made it possible to play K&M multiplayer like this.

Knights and Merchants: The Shattered Kingdom is a medieval-time based real-time strategy (RTS) video game. It was developed by Joymania Entertainment (since changed to Joymania Development) and published by TopWare Interactive in 1998. The player takes the role of the captain of the palace guards and leads the soldiers and citizens to victory. The game did not receive a strong critical or popular reception in the UK and the US, but elsewhere it was more popular, consequently a follow up game was released called Knights and Merchants: The Peasants Rebellion.

I would like to ask you all to try this awesome reworked game. It has the charm of the original, but the functionality of a modern game and a decent active community. For the no rush fans there is the 90 min PT, 2,5x PT-speed and 2x speed afterwards. For the skilled people the 70 min PT, 2x speed. There are more open maps, or more closed, easily defendable maps. Either way, everyone gets some sugar.
Here you can find the forums, a good shoutcaster and in his shoutcasts; examples of the complex strategies that are possible (rushes, iron focused, and defensive).