Work In Progress
6p Rock Quarry Workshop


An old Rock Quarry, abandoned and forgotten, was the ideal location for testing new German Weapons. After discovering anomalous magnetic readings, the Germans began conducting experiments, which set off a massive magnetic event. The allies have caught wind of this facilty, and are now racing to have it for their own. 4-8-15-16-23-42
Most of the sectors are excessively right angled and symmetric. That might change, but it might not. The setting is in a small strip mine rock quarry, which naturally has a lot of straight lines. It was dug out of a river bed, after damming the flow. A recent air strike destroyed the small dam, and flooded the basin, leaving a mess of mud and debris. This was my attempt to design a map with Mud Tech center stage, while attempting tournament style game play. There is some unit routing, but no extreme choke points. The "south" fuel point is also an additional off map reinforcement location, but the only way for vehicles to get down from that sector is to travel the south road around to the munition points, after repairing the appropriate bridges'. There are a few stair ways for infantry access around the map.
The auxiliary off map reinforcement location, can be trouble at times, calling in a vehicle too close will result in them coming from the aux location, requiring a long diversion to get them too the front. I am considering adding in ramps to accommodate vehicles to get down quickly, but it would take away from the importance of bridge repair. It would be nice if we had infantry only off map reinforcement points, but none the less....
Completion: 40% Lacks Splats, moderate cover, moderate object detail, minimum Tile painting. Playable
(additional screenshots will be posted soon)