The talk that Quin Duffy was gave was the kind of report you would give to your publisher/investors. Talk of player data and metrics is the kind of info you should relegate to online blogs, the average gamer who is curious as to what Company of Heroes 2 is doesn't wanna hear about this. Leave it to the die hard fans (like people on this site

) to look up that stuff on the official website blog archive.
There a few things that they should have considered going into that interview. WW2 is perceived as overdone and boring. Why is CoH2 different, why is it better than other WW2 games? Address this. Talk about how its a unique squad based RTS that uses cover and hard hitting individual tank/vehicle units, that emphasizes micro and tactics compared to the hectic macro race game that is SC2.
Yes they got shafted by twitch by video content not being available, but still, just imagine the average person who has no idea what the company of heroes franchise watching that interview, would have written it off pretty much in the first few minutes.
(Also that twitch host could not have been a big enough of a wanker if he tried to be honest lol)