Yes, it's still P2P. Has been stated somewhere in the official forum too.
still p2p and that's the way i like it tbh. i don't want to rely on someone elses server to determine if i can play the game or not.
Posts: 3293
Yes, it's still P2P. Has been stated somewhere in the official forum too.
Posts: 642
still p2p and that's the way i like it tbh. i don't want to rely on someone elses server to determine if i can play the game or not.
Posts: 3293
Hey guys, i am writing this as a player who dumped over 1000 hours in CoH multiplayer over 4 years. I have to say that i quit CoH for the simple reason that not smurfs or ragers or droppers or anything trivial but the prevalence of maphacks over highly ranked players and thus smurfs. I probably knew all the higher players and was playing almost all the time with them since its not a big community to have a lot of highly ranked players.
The thing is the mechanics of CoH allowed some really nasty maphacks that you could only detect by watching replays and seeing suspicious or sometimes blatant moves that showed it. Although it had always been a question mark with arty right on top of you in first try but you never could be sure of it. Then i found one of said hacks in google. (yes I know how to differentiate between a virus and legit thing so please don't make unncessary comment like "oh it could be a virus lolol")
After seeing first hand what it was capable of and how fool i was to waste my time thinking they could just had a hunch or something, I literally quit CoH forever.
I am asking here since there still are 3 months to the actual game release, is there any anti-maphack mechanic involved in CoH 2 ? if not will you be doing incorporating something as such? If there is such a thing it is instant collectors edition pre-order for me.
if not