Dear friends,
We would like to ask for your comments and opinion regarding a new strategy and war game project, called War Cabinet.
The game will put you in the army commander's role during a War that takes place in the late 80s – 90s of XX century. The game story is about 12 years old boy and a terrible and unforgettable civil war. He desperately have been seeking for shelter, hope and new life. Ha was scared and lonely when a man – a General found him and changed his life.… Read more at:
War Cabinet will be played in two different modes: Single and Multiplayer Campaign or different battles scenarios. It will use pause-able real time planning system to offer full strategic and tactical flexibility.
You can take a look at our first video:
War Cabinet screenshots:

So what do you think? If you want to read more please visit:
War Cabinet Officer’s management interface design is ready. The purpose of this UI is to provide information about your officer’s Combat stats, Special Traits, Experience and Rewards. From here you would be able to sort and manage officers in easy and intuitive way with single click. This way you could choose best commanders for various units and missions for best results.
The interface has three main parts: The first one is located on the top. It gives you the information about the commander of the selected unit with his stats, experience, rewards and special abilities. It also shows the name and the rank of the current commanding officer.
The second one, located on the left side of the screen provides information about highlighted officer from the pool. Looking at the stats and skills you can decide what type of units would benefit most of his command. There would be five major types of land units: Infantry, Mechanized, Artillery, Armored and Anti-Air battalions. Same design will be used for Air Force, but it will utilize different categories and special abilities. Clicking on the awards icons with reveal more details what kind of medals he has and how they were earned.
The third one is located on the right side of the screen and shows the officers pool. This is the place where you can oversee overall officer’s availability, skills, decorations and seniority of the commanders.
We believe that War Cabinet interface design is created to be distinctive and user friendly in order to provide flawless game experience.
All your comments and further recommendation on that you are more than welcome.