
russian armor

Explanation of username

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9 Jan 2015, 16:18 PM
avatar of MajorBloodnok
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jump backJump back to quoted post9 Jan 2015, 16:05 PMsteel
Did you use your laptop on top of the oven?:snfCHVGame:

Nah! :D It was probably an Amstrad! ;) (Sounds Scandinavian, but was not - skimped on fan installation, to keep down cost ;) )
9 Jan 2015, 16:19 PM
avatar of Mirage357

Posts: 341

jump backJump back to quoted post9 Jan 2015, 13:55 PMsteel
I just revived this thread woohoo! :D

LOL Congratulations STEEL.

Well when I first got into gaming my tag was Casper, as that is my real life nickname. After some years of gaming FPS it was later changed to Mirage after a national BF2 clan war where I scored +70 kills for less than a dozen deaths in a single round after which the opposing clan leader referenced that shooting at me was like trying to hit a mirage. So Mirage is obvious enough in itself due to the definition of the word.

The 357 originates from the first clan I was ever a part of in fact it was the one that went national, our tag was .357mm surrounded by a roman short sword. So my name in games often comes up as (]:::[Mirage.357mm:::::> Just insert Casper for the earlier version. As not all games allow those characters to be inserted I developed it Mirage.357mm, Mirage357mm, Mirage.357. Finally I left it at Mirage357 because of how many times people decided to try and inform of what I already knew, that a .357 round was not in mm but in fact in inches.

To this day (]:::[Mirage.357mm:::::> is still the name on my steam profile.
9 Jan 2015, 16:43 PM
avatar of luvnest
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Patrion 39

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In the first match that I played with Ostheer I ordered my Grenadiers to leave a building and they said 'get out of this Luvnest'. Thought it was hilarious and made it my nick name.

Before that my username was... Fritz :snfBarton:
9 Jan 2015, 16:46 PM
avatar of steel

Posts: 1963 | Subs: 1

In the first match that I played with Ostheer I ordered my Grenadiers to leave a building and they said 'get out of this Luvnest'. Thought it was hilarious and made it my nick name.

Before that my username was... Fritz :snfBarton:
What would that line be in German? :help:

Fritz? lol. :snfBarton:

LOL Congratulations STEEL.
For a while there, you creeped the hell out of me. :p CAPS can be scary.:snfQuinn:
9 Jan 2015, 16:49 PM
avatar of luvnest
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jump backJump back to quoted post9 Jan 2015, 16:46 PMsteel
What would that line be in German? :help:

Fritz? lol. :snfBarton:

You got a problem with that? :snfQuinn:

Get out of this Lovenest loosely translated would be "Raus aus diesem Liebesnest"
9 Jan 2015, 16:52 PM
avatar of Winterfeld

Posts: 249

Years ago we had a LAN party and everyone used a nickname. So i needed one too and i took a word we talk about in english classes some days before: Fanatic. Sadly it's also a very common nickname. :nahnah:

Well thats pretty cool actually. The name sounds familiar, did one of your forefathers serve in the Seven Years War?You played CoH1 as well didn't you?

Yes, thats actually true, he is kind of the most famous person in the family :P Became close friends with the German Emperor and died in battle :)
Here is link, the german page holds even more information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Karl_von_Winterfeldt
9 Jan 2015, 19:42 PM
avatar of maskedmonkey2

Posts: 262

Needed to sign up to play SOCOM 2 on the ps2. Maskedmonkey was taken, so I became the second.
10 Jan 2015, 00:49 AM
avatar of Von Kluge
Patrion 14

Posts: 3548 | Subs: 2

VonKluge because I love the axis fanctions and because VonAwesome was taken. :snfCHVGame:
11 Jan 2015, 08:44 AM
avatar of Mirage357

Posts: 341

VonKluge because I love the axis fanctions and because VonAwesome was taken. :snfCHVGame:

I'm surprised you didn't go for VonFührer :lol:
11 Jan 2015, 09:50 AM
avatar of CelticsREP

Posts: 151

Being a basketball player/fan and the Boston Celtics being my favourite team, I decided to carry the REPutation of them everywhere I go MVGame
11 Jan 2015, 10:16 AM
avatar of gunther09
Donator 22

Posts: 538

my name is gunther ;-)
12 Jan 2015, 08:25 AM
avatar of somenbjorn

Posts: 923

my name is gunther ;-)

and born in 1909 or 2009? :P
12 Jan 2015, 08:38 AM
avatar of steel

Posts: 1963 | Subs: 1

and born in 1909 or 2009? :P
Are we twins? I was about to ask that myself. :D
12 Jan 2015, 10:26 AM
avatar of Jackas4life
Benefactor 115

Posts: 486 | Subs: 1

Mine is probably just a boring story, but my account name started when I signed up for PSN back in 07, they wouldn't accepted double "S" so I just did one. When trophies (achievements) came out I was hunting for them to get a high number, which even to this day I like to think I got an impressive number, but due to this I pretty much got attached to the account not wanting to lose them.

The name has grown on me since I use it for everything now. Can't think of anything I wouldn't use it on.

What I do like about it I know it is a unique name. (Don't have to worry about it been taken unlike some other names.
13 Jan 2015, 09:10 AM
avatar of Lümmel
Patrion 14

Posts: 542 | Subs: 1

Dict.cc says Lümmel means something like 'little tyke' in english.
In Germany boys are called 'Lümmel' when they are cheeky or when they have done something nasty. :crazy:
13 Jan 2015, 10:23 AM
avatar of Ful4n0

Posts: 345

I´m spanish, and here there is an idiom that says something like "fulano y mengano" being "fulano" and "mengano" two real names that we use when talking about actions that doesn´t matter who has performed (those actions)

When I started to play Starcraft online with a mate, I got "fulano" and my mate "mengano"....

then, I used that nickname everytime I played a game online, and while creating a smurf account in COH1, I tunned into "Ful4n0"....that is.

In addition, "fulana" in spain is a synonymous of "bitch", "whore".....so is sooo coool my nickname xD.

Excuse my bad english (studying to improve it as much as I can).

13 Jan 2015, 10:54 AM
avatar of FichtenMoped
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FichtenMoped is basically a nickname for "chainsaw" in Germany and since I got my license to use my chainsaw in the public forests of Germany some friends started calling me FichtenMoped ^^
13 Jan 2015, 11:00 AM
avatar of CptEend
Patrion 14

Posts: 369

I used the SittingDuck nickname back when I played a lot of CoD4. Of course, SittingDuck wasn't very original, but CoD4 didn't care about duplicate names, so I could take it anyway. When I later wanted to use the name for other accounts I couldn't use it however, cause it was pretty much always already taken. So I ended up trying several things with Duck in them (such as RubberDuckyNL in XboX Live), including the Dutch translation Eend. For CoH I just prefixed Cpt with Eend, just because I get to command stuff in CoH, and as such I deserve a military title Kappa
13 Jan 2015, 19:34 PM
avatar of Metalon

Posts: 24

Metal - ON. I came up with it 10 years ago when i went through a Metal-period in my teenage years.
13 Jan 2015, 23:24 PM
avatar of steel

Posts: 1963 | Subs: 1

FichtenMoped is basically a nickname for "chainsaw" in Germany and since I got my license to use my chainsaw in the public forests of Germany some friends started calling me FichtenMoped ^^
You got a chainsaw license!? :o

Why get one though? ;) Experience?
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