
russian armor

Men of War - Assault Squad GOTY

21 Mar 2014, 05:17 AM
avatar of MVwhine

Posts: 107

I know that MoWAS2 is already out, should be better and still in early access, but Men of War Assault Squad GOTY is at 5$ right now. Should I just grab it or should I go for the MoWAS2? I've played the earlier games of the franchise and it was loads of fun and at 5$, it's sooo tempting to grab ATM.

Is the multiplayer still alive? Are there any of you here who play it and will play with me if I get it?
21 Mar 2014, 07:31 AM
avatar of Von Kluge
Patrion 14

Posts: 3548 | Subs: 2

I'd suggest you get the goty edition. Have both the games and the difference between the two is very small...
21 Mar 2014, 07:50 AM
avatar of MVwhine

Posts: 107

Do they have dedicated servers for the multiplayer?
21 Mar 2014, 15:14 PM
avatar of BartonPL

Posts: 2807 | Subs: 6

I'd save money for MoW:AS2, when i get my SNF money prize my first buy will be this game
21 Mar 2014, 17:25 PM
avatar of cataclaw

Posts: 523

I highly recommend it, its really fun to play! I'l post in this thread if i decide to stream a bit of it.
3 Apr 2014, 01:31 AM
avatar of coh2player

Posts: 1571

I'd suggest you get the goty edition. Have both the games and the difference between the two is very small...

I don't own any MOW titles but I am also considering buy one. Is MoW and MoW:AS nearly the same in terms of multiplayer for Germans and Soviets? Is it possible to play AI battles on multiplayer (no skirmish?)?
11 Apr 2014, 16:54 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 236

The entire MOW series is pretty much the same in terms of overall game play style, but with improvements upon each release. The only real depressing down side to AS1 and AS2 is there's no campaign the like in the first one. The campaign in the first one is really good.
11 Apr 2014, 17:34 PM
avatar of Mile

Posts: 22

The entire MOW series is pretty much the same in terms of overall game play style, but with improvements upon each release. The only real depressing down side to AS1 and AS2 is there's no campaign the like in the first one. The campaign in the first one is really good.

AS2 is currently still under heavy development game is expecting its full release Q2-Q3 2014 as such campaign story and factions hell even the intro movie and the credits are missing. Cut the devs some slack they are a very small team of people who currently have alot of projects going for them. They are also really open with their community as such you can always check out the steam forums on all news regarding the day to day things they are doing with the game. I am a fan of the series even tho i am new to it actually.
13 Apr 2014, 19:20 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 236

jump backJump back to quoted post11 Apr 2014, 17:34 PMMile

AS2 is currently still under heavy development game is expecting its full release Q2-Q3 2014 as such campaign story and factions hell even the intro movie and the credits are missing. Cut the devs some slack they are a very small team of people who currently have alot of projects going for them. They are also really open with their community as such you can always check out the steam forums on all news regarding the day to day things they are doing with the game. I am a fan of the series even tho i am new to it actually.

Oh definitely I really love the devs for this game series. I heard a rumor there was no legitimate campaign similar to faces of war or Men of war 1. That's all. I heard the skirmish style was all we were pretty much getting for any style of single player. Although if that's not true I look forward to what they bring us.

Currently the game has been updated and can be played fairly well.
15 Apr 2014, 15:12 PM
avatar of coh2player

Posts: 1571

Having played MOW more and with stats tables:

Overall, like COH2 the Germans are definitely have a solid edge in tanks that is not fully offset by weaknesses.

The Panzer IV G, Panzer IV H and Stug III G are both very good for their cost (400-450 (?), 600 and 500 respectively) because their frontal armor beats the core allied guns.

In comparison, the American tanks are actually more expensive than the Germans for their value..the 75mm M4 is 500, which is 150 more than the Panzer IV stubby (equivalent value)

The Sherman 76mm (equivalent to Panzer IV G) and M-10 Wolverine are both battle worthy tanks that cost 850 and 600. Overpriced compared to the equivalent German armor.

The Jumbo, which has good (Tiger like) frontal armor, is 1000- around the same price as the tiger but without the powerful 88mm.

The USA is quite underpowered in this game (USSR fairs better) with such overpriced units. US infantry and at guns do not make up for it, as they are not cheap either.
15 Apr 2014, 15:18 PM
avatar of Burts

Posts: 1702

This is a great game. However, do not buy assault squad since gamespy dies on may 26, which means no multiplayer for all men of war games
except the new assault squad 2.

This game has many similarities with coh 2, however one difference is that the t-34 is not a battering ram but can go toe to toe with panzer IV.

Also, panzer IV g only has 50mm armor, less than the t-34 or m4a sherman. If facing panzer IV H,aim for the turret since it has 80mm in the hull but only 50mm in the turret.

That's the problem with coh 2 t-34s, apparently relic somehow thought that the t-34 had paper armor,however the t-34 had sloped armor (which the panzer IV did not!) meaning that the t-34 actually had more armor except againts panzer IV H,and even then it only had 50mm turret armor and 80mm hull armor.

15 Apr 2014, 16:09 PM
avatar of coh2player

Posts: 1571

Yes, the Soviet tanks (like IRL) fair well in MOW:AS. I like MOW:AS's attention to realism better than coh2.

The T-34/76 can knock out Panthers (like IRL) easily through flank penetrations. They can easily knock out Panzer IV F/Gs through the front. They can knock out the Panzer IV H through the turret front. The cost is low (IIRC 350 ?) which is 150 less than the Sherman 75mm. (yet their tank fighting capability is roughly similar and both are good against soft targets)

The T-34/85 is a very good core tank and can counter panzers and Stugs quite well if it fires first. Its gun has a little more penetration than the German 75mm L/48.

They also pay attention to reload rates, and the Soviet tanks seem to reload slower than the German. (due to ergonomics and multi-part ammunition on some). The Soviets also, like IRL, have less ammo than the German tanks so they have to resupply more often.


USA really gets screwed over in this game though. The CW, USSR, and the Germans have better tanks and value than they do.

This game is harder than most. On the AI Skirmish missions, even 'normal' is very time consuming for me. I won Carenten (as USA) the other night and it took me over 2 hours. Even 'easy' is almost an hour long slog.

I found fighting all the stug III Gs, Panzer IV H, Pumas, and Tigers with a handful of overpriced, paper armor, and weak gunned USA armor (Sherman 75, Jumbo 75, Chaffee light, M8, M10) and antitank guns (57mm @ 225...) to be a bad proposition. So I spammed rifle squads and bazookas just to hold the front line.

In retrospect, it looks to me that the only cost effective thing with the USA in this skirmish is the infantry. The AT gun is essential but overpriced and underpowered (76mm US AT gun would have been much better...). The essential M10 76mm comes too late. It should be available earlier. The German 'Caen' map is so much easier as you get the Tiger, pz IV H, and Stug III G very early on.
15 Apr 2014, 20:00 PM
avatar of Mile

Posts: 22

Coh2player Good point the only problem is you forget that the game is based on realism and that realism is not just number of US armor but their armor is sloped just like the soviet which germans did not have until panther. Yes the prices are not equal and as such they should not be so. You will note that putting a sherman in a hull down position makes it almost invincible the gun is a 75 mm it can easily deal with enemy tanks at closer range which you can afford at times. But to tell you the truth tanks can be realy short lived a player with good infantry skill and micro will not even think of calling a tank to counter a tank. Game is not meant to be played in ways of putting 1 thing in front of the other it is called an RTS games but in my eyes it is truly a tactical game. This is the game which gives you experience with why and how a battle or skirmish was fought in ww2.
15 Apr 2014, 20:32 PM
avatar of coh2player

Posts: 1571


The sloped armor effect helps certain AFV like the T-34, panther, Jagdpanther, King Tiger, IS-2, etc. quite a lot. Other tanks however are unlucky and have vertical plates.

The first time I played MOW:AS..I used COH tactics and I lost 15+ tanks (stug IIIG, Pz4 H, pzIII J, 1 Tiger) before I took Caen. I used hardly any infantry.

I quickly realized that infantry was king of defense in this game and now I spam infantry & bazookas constantly. The longer I play, the thicker and less porous the 'infantry line' is. My infantry kill over half of the attacking enemy tanks. Still, they can't really hold that well against a heavy panzer attack. The Panzers absolutely wreak infantry in this game and a single HE round will kill a bunched up squad. The infantry also have limited anti-tank grenades and the bazooka men have to get real close.

However, I need tanks to attack successfully and infantry & a mortar alone does not cut it. Tanks have the speed and power to seal the deal and take a cap zone in a way that infantry simply cannot (especially since fire fights between infantry can last a long time).

It's just easier to have good tanks, with good front armor and capable of long range overwatch... like the Germans do and not have to sacrifice infantry against explosions, tanks and anti-tank guns.


Does this mean that AS2 FULL VERSION will be coming out around May 26??
16 Apr 2014, 09:46 AM
avatar of Mile

Posts: 22


The sloped armor effect helps certain AFV like the T-34, panther, Jagdpanther, King Tiger, IS-2, etc. quite a lot. Other tanks however are unlucky and have vertical plates.

The first time I played MOW:AS..I used COH tactics and I lost 15+ tanks (stug IIIG, Pz4 H, pzIII J, 1 Tiger) before I took Caen. I used hardly any infantry.

I quickly realized that infantry was king of defense in this game and now I spam infantry & bazookas constantly. The longer I play, the thicker and less porous the 'infantry line' is. My infantry kill over half of the attacking enemy tanks. Still, they can't really hold that well against a heavy panzer attack. The Panzers absolutely wreak infantry in this game and a single HE round will kill a bunched up squad. The infantry also have limited anti-tank grenades and the bazooka men have to get real close.

However, I need tanks to attack successfully and infantry & a mortar alone does not cut it. Tanks have the speed and power to seal the deal and take a cap zone in a way that infantry simply cannot (especially since fire fights between infantry can last a long time).

It's just easier to have good tanks, with good front armor and capable of long range overwatch... like the Germans do and not have to sacrifice infantry against explosions, tanks and anti-tank guns.


Does this mean that AS2 FULL VERSION will be coming out around May 26??

First of all the text you are writing i am a long time player of this series and i am taking part in the beta development since it started. I cannot agree when you say the sloped armor helps only some units when it helps every single tank with sloped armor. I can only guess you lack the knowledge of tank battle. M4 sherman was a huge success in africa with his M3 lee brother against the german panzer such is true in the game. You will note that angling a tank in this game and choosing the correct encounter is the key to its performance ( Not all tanks are meant for spearhead assault). Also here is a quick tip for you load APCR ( otherwise known as gold ammo in other games) those baby's whie only 75mm can destroy panthers frontal sloped armor.

Infantry and infantry that s the key to this game there is no tank that a guy with a bazooka cannot destroy. Trust me when i say if you spam enough of these guys and put them behind walls or in bushes just so that they are stealth they will prove to be your greatest weapon of all. Ambush is the key for this squads this game although old uses the true sight mechanic for a very long time. Next at guns if you put them in key positions across the map which everyone can see they are capable of also killing every german armor that comes around or tracking it which in this game means the tank itself is as good as dead. Next thing you are given the might of the US motor the Pershing and the Super Pershing which have 1 of the best armors in the game. They also have an insane range of firing 1 of those can take on the whole of the german assault.

Good tanks are only as good as the player in the game is. All i can say for you if its too hard for you try co-op practice makes perfect in this game the more you play the more you will start thinking in the game it is not pure micro it is a true battlefield in which decisions must be made quickly.

AS2 Full Version release does not have a set date all i can say that it is Q2 2014 but that can also be moved to Q3 depends on the games progress

16 Apr 2014, 14:10 PM
avatar of coh2player

Posts: 1571

One the things that is different here (than COH) is the fact that the AT guns are actually quite effective against infantry.

And Infantry is more effective in the defense rather than the offense to me, as sometimes there isn't enough cover to reach the cap zone efficiently. Mortars and MGs break the dead lock in the offense but they are expensive to replace (275, 125) and take a while to pound away the AT guns and MGs. The same resources can be put into a light AFV.

In my Carentan normal game, I destroyed 1,400+ troops and 97 vehicles with 650+ losses and 47 (game miscount? I don't remember making or using that many) vehicle losses. I did make big mistakes: I used air power badly (tried to knock out the 88s, nebels, and 50s) instead of using airborne to toss nades in (10 times more expensive..what I did). I forgot to build HMGs (I only manned the capzone MGs) and more mortars after I lost the first one.

I tried to win faster but the incessant massed armor counterattacks got a lot of my m8s, Chaffees and shermans. Only the m10 wolverine was adequate but they fell to the Tiger spam.

So I spammed infantry and bazooka squads constantly just to hold the line. My losses were huge.

One of the features of the blitzkrieg game that I really liked was how there was an option to toggle section/squad formations. As in, the troops could move in various patterns. This would have come in handy as I often want the troops to spread out and not bunch up.
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