I meant that as in: If you had a stack of the beautiful things on a table in front of you today, then you would have one hell of an expensive collection. How much it costed to make a MP44 or how much it was worth at the time i dont know. However, looking at the current prices of old war weapons, the sum of the MP44's under and on the table in front of him range around 500k-1000k. They are worth a lot these days and you can buy a good car for the price of an MP44. It'll still be worth it IMO
Forum discussion of the cost of production for items made during WW2. Price for production wasnt always constant, varies per source, and may or may not be government controlled (and i say that in which a ton of resources were used to produce certain items for much cheaper compared to other weapons - since heavy production started to center around that item).
Actually the StG44 is not a MP but the first assault rifle used in combat and heavily affected the invention of the AK-47 Kalashnikov. As you probably know, assault rifles combine the firepower of a submachine gun with the accuracy and range of a rifle.
Great link by the way.