Special thanks goes to Reborn members, Xcom, Pez, Basilone, Marinez, Newport, Bloodhound, Amipolezifunk, Arma, Blitz, Trane, Nosliw, Lt, Nine, Uber, Hissy, Budwise, Soapy and if I forgot any Reborn members that helped im sorry!
Also thanks to anyone else who has helped me in the past with anything map related

WhiteFlashs Map Pack Download Here
Individual downloads and tactical maps are below.
HOW TO PLAY (at the bottom of this post!)
Argentan Crossroads (2)

Alsace Moselle (4)

Le Paradis (6)

Kurland Pocket (2)

Loire Valley(6) <also known as Valley Conflict (6)>

HOW TO PLAY Map Install Instructions:
- Download the map file and GR_MAPS (save all to desktop)
- Extract the map file
- Start up GR_MAPS and hit "select new maps"
- Navigate to the map file and open
- Click on "put in game" and enjoy! (restart COH if it is running)
- If your playing a new version of the same map be sure to use the "remove maps" tab under GR_MAPS to get rid of the old version of the map, before adding the new version.