I welcome and greatly appreciate all help from the artist in helping create these emotes. The specifications for these image are below:
-Custom emoticons-
On average, channels with custom emoticons sell more than 3x the amount of subscriptions as channels that do not take advantage of them. We highly encourage you to create your own custom emoticons! Each emoticon must be added as a 28x28, 56x56, and 112x112 pixel images in transparent .png format, cannot be text-based, and cannot include any content you do not own unless you have express written permission (which must be provided to us).
-Chat badges –
A custom subscriber chat badge is a great way for you to identify your loyal subscribers. Create a custom chat badge that looks awesome, and your viewers will be proud to sport it next to their name in your channel! Your custom chat badge must be 18x18 pixels in transparent .png format. Similar to emoticons, your chat badge cannot include any content you do not own without express written permission. You can submit or change your custom chat badge to partnerhelp@twitch.tv with the subject line “Subscription Chat Badge - (your channel name)”.