
russian armor

Aftermath Update Impressions Thread

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19 Feb 2014, 01:15 AM
avatar of Speculator

Posts: 157

It's happening.gif. Just finished downloading the update. Thought people would like to post their impression of how COH2 is stepping forward with Aftermath.

*Servers are Up!

Updates for February 18th, 2014

-Implementation of the Battle Servers
-Improvements to the Surrender User Interface
-MP Map selection improvements
-Various Bug Fixes

-Added community member OnkelSam's “Crossing in the Woods” 2 - 4 player map

AI Updates
-AI will no longer detects or attacks mines.
-AI will no longer use artillery against targets in the fog of war it has never seen before.
-Skirmish AI will now garrison buildings more often.
-Skirmish AI will repair bridges and destroyed HQs if it has an engineer nearby.
-Skirmish AI interrupts the ambient tactic behaviours much less.
-AI will cause team weapons to tear down less often.
-Increased retreat and avoidance delays for all AI difficulties.


Command Point Pacing

We wanted to improve the early game ebb and flow by slowing down unit progression. This reduction in progression better highlights the intricate tactics at each stage of the game.


-Mortar half-track from 1 CP to 2 CP
-Jaeger Infantry Package from 2 CP to 3 CP
-Ambush Camouflage from 2 CP to 1 CP
-Panzer IV Command Tank from 7 CP to 8 CP
-PAK 43 from 7 CP to 8 CP
-LeFH 105mm Howitzer from 7 CP to 8 CP
-Tiger from 9 CP to 10 CP
-Stun Grenade CP cost from 2 to 1


-M-42 AT Gun from 1 CP to 2 CP
-Dshk HMG from 1 CP to 2 CP
-120mm Mortar from 1 CP to 2 CP
-Shock Troops from 1 CP to 2 CP
-Guard Troops from 1 CP to 2 CP
-Conscript Assault Package from 2 CP to 3 CP
-T34-85 from 7 CP to 9 CP
-B4 203mm Howitzer from 7 CP to 8 CP
-ML-20 Howitzer from 7 CP to 8 CP
-IS-2 from 9 CP to 10 CP
-Incendiary Artillery from 6 CP to 7 CP
-KV-1 from 7 CP to 8 CP
-Partisan Tank Hunters from 1 CP to 2 CP

Units and Abilities

Better align unit performance with its effectiveness in game. A few notable changes include: reduced lethality on the IL-2, it still has the capacity to wipe out a squad but should be a bit more forgiving now. Combat engineers saw a price decrease to better reflect their in-game value. S-mine fields had a few adjustments to increase their viability as well.

PAK 43

-No longer requires Battle Phase 2 to be constructed

Conscript Assault Package

-Cost from 10 MU to 30 MU
-Conscripts now get 3 PPSH sub machine guns

Precision Strike

-Precision strike now deals the same amount of damage as the main barrage weapon
-Added angle and distance scatter to B4 Precision Strike to bring it in line with similar abilities

IL-2 Sturmovik Attack

-Damage from 20 to 8
-Target lead in distance from 16 to 12
-Target lead out distance from 8 to 10
-Cost from 240 MU to 180 MU

S-Mine Field

-Cost from 80 MU to 60 MU
-Build time from 40s to 10s
-Mine spacing from 13 to 7
-Mine field can now be rotated to better enable placement

M5 Anti-air Package

-Cost from 90 MU to 120 MU
-Damage from 4.8 to 8

Panzer Tactician

-Cost from 40 MU to 30 MU

222 Armored Car

-20mm cannon damage from 25 to 20
-Upgrade cost from 70 MU to 55 MU

Target Weak Point

-Target weak point now multiplies penetration by 2 rather than setting it to a static value of 1000
-Brummbar target weak point cost from 30 MU to 40 MU

Combat Engineer

-Cost from 240 MP to 210 MP

Blitzkrieg Tactics

-Cost from 30 MU to 40 MU


Tiger Ace and Soviet Industry were not consistent in terms of value relative to other commander abilities within the game. They were adjusted to better bring them in line while maintaining their unique flair and additional tactical and strategic value to the game. The Tiger Ace has had its extreme damage and health values removed to bring it in line with other units. It now contains the veterancy modifiers granted to a vet 3 Tiger I, maintaining its threat on the field. Soviet Industry has been moved to 3 CP. This reduces the impact of the commander to the early game preventing extremely early vehicle rushes. The increased CP pacing on this ability also makes the commander less punishing, as early manpower attrition is significantly less debilitating to the commander.

Elite Troops

-Tiger Ace cost from 0 MP to 800 MP
-Tiger Ace command point cost from 16 to 14
-Tiger Ace no longer reduces all resources to 0. It now reduces MP by 25% and fuel by 90% until the Tiger Ace is destroyed
-Tiger Ace previous veterancy modifiers replaced with Tiger veterancy modifiers; this removes the double health and damage in exchange for faster rate of fire, improved accuracy, and improved mobility. Tiger Ace retains its increased sight range and lethal coaxial/hull machine guns
-Tiger Ace base acceleration/deceleration from 1.4/3 to 1.8/3.9
-Tiger Ace base max speed from 3 to 3.9
-Tiger Ace has gained the Target Weak Point ability to chew through enemy armor, drastically increasing its weapon penetration and stunning enemy crews
-Model 24 Stun Grenade cost from 15 MU to 20 MU
-Troop training recharge time from 2s to 30s
-Troop training cost from 55 MP and 20 FU to 80 MP and 25 FU

Soviet Industry

-Soviet Industry CP cost from 0 to 3

Garrison Cover

Units in garrisons were too vulnerable to small arms fire, reducing the desirability of garrisons. We want to better align the initial goal of softening garrison cover without removing its tactical value.

-Small arms damage modifier vs. garrison cover from 0.65 to 0.55
-Small arms accuracy modifier vs. garrison cover from 0.65 to 0.55
19 Feb 2014, 01:48 AM
avatar of Speculator

Posts: 157

*Updated with changelog from the official Company of Heroes 2 forum.
19 Feb 2014, 01:54 AM
avatar of WiFiDi
Honorary Member Badge

Posts: 3293

the aftermath update news page has a forum attached (check page 2 ;)) probably best for organizational purposes to post there.
19 Feb 2014, 02:51 AM
avatar of van Voort
Honorary Member Badge

Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2

Some interesting changes.

Everyone was expecting Elite Infantry to be pushed back to 2CP, but they have done that with pretty much all the call ins

This looks like doctrine won't matter until 2CP or so, so there is less incentive to select your doctrine early unless that is the point of the doctrine (basically AGrens and Ostruppen)

19 Feb 2014, 02:56 AM
avatar of wayward516

Posts: 229

Are ostruppen and assault grens still 0cp?
19 Feb 2014, 03:01 AM
avatar of What Doth Life?!
Patrion 27

Posts: 1664

Are ostruppen and assault grens still 0cp?

Yes. All changes are three posts above you.
19 Feb 2014, 03:11 AM
avatar of ferrozoica

Posts: 208

IL-2 Sturmovik Attack

-Damage from 20 to 8
-Target lead in distance from 16 to 12
-Target lead out distance from 8 to 10
-Cost from 240 MU to 180 MU

So... has the damage on the new IL-2 also been decreased or is it just the old one?
19 Feb 2014, 03:12 AM
avatar of Speculator

Posts: 157

Yes. All changes are three posts above you.

Which is disappointing. They're able to hit the field and cap territories much faster than Soviets because they don't require a building. They should've been bumped up to 1CP to even the playing field.

So... has the damage on the new IL-2 also been decreased or is it just the old one?

I'm pretty sure it's a universal change to how the IL-2 functions. The new one for the Advanced Warfare Tactics just has a script that prevents it from loitering.
19 Feb 2014, 03:23 AM
avatar of wayward516

Posts: 229

Yes. All changes are three posts above you.

just kind of hoping they'd been changed and I'd missed it somehow. That's all. Seems a bit weird that Guards Rifle and the DSHk got pushed back, and Assault Grens didn't.
19 Feb 2014, 03:36 AM
avatar of Losttruppen

Posts: 63

Which is disappointing. They're able to hit the field and cap territories much faster than Soviets because they don't require a building. They should've been bumped up to 1CP to even the playing field.

Osttruppen have half the capping speed of regular units, and Assault grens are quite expensive at 320mp so there won't be many.

Overall I like these changes, Tiger Ace seems more like a regular Tiger I with a good crew for a manpower purchase and a fuel tax instead of upfront costs. The veteran purchase is less spamable and delays tech more.

CP changes seem for the best. Really like the ambush camo decrease, should make it more viable if it gets fixed and maybe a bit cheaper. Il2 strafe still seems deadly if you stick around based on games I played against the MWNL soviet commander.

Munitions costs look good, especially Blitz and Smoke. M5 Halftrack seems interesting. Not sure about the Armoured Car. S-mines needed some love, but I'm still not sure how much I'll use them.
19 Feb 2014, 03:56 AM
avatar of Unshavenbackman

Posts: 680

Overall great changes! Time to do some 1v1 soviets again.

But as has been said the change to the Dshk Mg and 120 mm mortar seems unnecessary. If patching costs money those changes was a waste of money and decreases some of the diversity from early gameplay. Havent seen any complaints about these units in the community. But still, great changes.
19 Feb 2014, 03:56 AM
avatar of carloff

Posts: 301

Just played 1 game vs cpu couse servers are down. Ninja changes are still here. gj
19 Feb 2014, 04:07 AM
avatar of Porygon

Posts: 2779

So it is as same as the leaked one.

Pity that skillplanez are still skillplanez, but need to test first.
19 Feb 2014, 04:41 AM
avatar of Speculator

Posts: 157

Osttruppen have half the capping speed of regular units, and Assault grens are quite expensive at 320mp so there won't be many.

Not really, AssGrens are cheaper to field than penals or snipers. I can get 2 Assgrens onto the field before I build T1, cap some points, then dominate the conscript/engie or engie/MG combo that I might face. My 320 AssGren can give 360 Penals a run for it's money (and vice versa).

I'm also utterly surprised they haven't patched the Windows 8.1 compatibility issue. It doesn't ruin the game experience...but it sure is a nuisance.

BTW: Servers are up!
19 Feb 2014, 05:25 AM
avatar of Napalm

Posts: 1595 | Subs: 2

Good things and a couple ones that are questionable. Ultimately, the balance team is unaccountable. No methodology, no explanation, a black hole.

CP Adjustments that make you go 'huh'
-M-42 AT Gun from 1 CP to 2 CP - Why was this required? what is the purpose of this gun? it is now faster to get T2 and build a normal ZiS.
-Dshk HMG from 1 CP to 2 CP - Why was this required? what is the purpose of this gun? A replacement to the Maxim or an augmentation?
-120mm Mortar from 1 CP to 2 CP - Same as above.
-Conscript Assault Package from 2 CP to 3 CP - Why? These guns are required to deal with Assault Grens which...just so happen to still be coming in at 0 CP. Interesting to note that the assault package now comes in later than shock troops.
-KV-1 from 7 CP to 8 CP - Why? This tank is OK mid game at max.

19 Feb 2014, 05:26 AM
avatar of spajn
Donator 11

Posts: 927

2 months of work and this was it? What is this thing relic has talked about since october they are so excited about? just bs hype i guess.
19 Feb 2014, 05:28 AM
avatar of Mad_Hatter

Posts: 134

just kind of hoping they'd been changed and I'd missed it somehow. That's all. Seems a bit weird that Guards Rifle and the DSHk got pushed back, and Assault Grens didn't.

That would have a semblance of balance but relic and the majority of the community don't want that. Their idea of balance is everything german must have an edge to further breed bad players ... Makes beating it that much more fun :)
19 Feb 2014, 05:31 AM
avatar of Mad_Hatter

Posts: 134

jump backJump back to quoted post19 Feb 2014, 05:25 AMNapalm
Good things and a couple ones that are questionable. Ultimately, the balance team is unaccountable. No methodology, no explanation, a black hole.

CP Adjustments that make you go 'huh'
-M-42 AT Gun from 1 CP to 2 CP - Why was this required? what is the purpose of this gun? it is now faster to get T2 and build a normal ZiS.
-Dshk HMG from 1 CP to 2 CP - Why was this required? what is the purpose of this gun? A replacement to the Maxim or an augmentation?
-120mm Mortar from 1 CP to 2 CP - Same as above.
-Conscript Assault Package from 2 CP to 3 CP - Why? These guns are required to deal with Assault Grens which...just so happen to still be coming in at 0 CP. Interesting to note that the assault package now comes in later than shock troops.
-KV-1 from 7 CP to 8 CP - Why? This tank is OK mid game at max.

None of this makes sense ... At this point they should just axe the defensive doctrine commander entirely as what little use he had after the last patch probably just got removed by nerfing 3/5s of his ability with the other 2 (lolttaps and AI mines) being already useless loll

Assgrens should have gotten moved back along with ppshs and shocks ... Having them at 0 is even more ignorant now.
19 Feb 2014, 05:58 AM
avatar of cataclaw

Posts: 523

Grenadiers suck more ass now, gj.
19 Feb 2014, 06:50 AM
avatar of Smirnoff
Patrion 14

Posts: 111

jump backJump back to quoted post19 Feb 2014, 05:26 AMspajn
2 months of work and this was it? What is this thing relic has talked about since october they are so excited about? just bs hype i guess.

How can you deny the battle servers ? :o

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