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Streamer Saturday!

13 Feb 2014, 18:04 PM
avatar of HelpingHans
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Posts: 1838 | Subs: 17

All this talk about getting the community growing again got me thinking. Why don't we start organising a certain time period on Saturdays where streamers take it in turns to be featured on social media outlets? For instance, one week StephennJF is featured and then the next it could be Siberian. Obviously streamers can't commit to these times every single week and therefore we should plan this a week in advance so that at-least one streamer can fill the spot.

Another thing, take alook below at this facebook post and what do you think is wrong with it?

It's not eye catching whatsoever and proof of this can be seen by the small number of likes. In order to attract potential viewers we need something bright and colorful that shout's "HEY YOU, LOOK AT ME!". Therefore I suggest some CoH2 fan art that is related to the streamer to be also featured in the link.

Lastly it could be a good idea after the show for streamers to highlight there best clip from that session to be then featured the day after.

Thanks for your feedback!
1 of 3 Relic postsRelic 13 Feb 2014, 18:07 PM
avatar of Noun

Posts: 454 | Subs: 9

Thanks for setting this up Hans.

And I agree. On Facebook things with big images always do better. Having a great picture to go along with a link helps it. That's why the majority of what we post has pictures, or videos.

This one in particular was a cock up on my part, because the system we use to post for some reason always screws up links to Twitch. It's something I have to remember, and most of the time I do.

This time I screwed it up.

13 Feb 2014, 18:10 PM
avatar of Kreatiir

Posts: 2819

Great initiative Hans!
13 Feb 2014, 18:11 PM
avatar of Tristan44

Posts: 915

Let's try to get lesser known streamers in the mix too. Watching those same guys who always stream is great but we are growing the community right? Let's get other streamers on board as well. I for one would like to start streaming but without a webcam I have held back. Knowing that this will be a thing might convince to go out and finally buy one! Let's bring all the streamers of various skill types to the table!!
13 Feb 2014, 18:20 PM
avatar of HelpingHans
Strategist Badge
Donator 11

Posts: 1838 | Subs: 17

Let's try to get lesser known streamers in the mix too. Watching those same guys who always stream is great but we are growing the community right? Let's get other streamers on board as well. I for one would like to start streaming but without a webcam I have held back. Knowing that this will be a thing might convince to go out and finally buy one! Let's bring all the streamers of various skill types to the table!!

Totally agree however those people that are featured need to be fairly decent at the game and semi-professional in their casting in order to show case it well. No offence to any of the new streamers but if you want people to start watching CoH2 streams you want the best chance possible. If anyone wants any help on improving their stream, please feel free to contact me.
2 of 3 Relic postsRelic 13 Feb 2014, 18:26 PM
avatar of Noun

Posts: 454 | Subs: 9

I think the process should have a way to apply, so we can review sample streams. But getting new people in would be a goal.
13 Feb 2014, 19:32 PM
avatar of sluzbenik

Posts: 878

Ah, but streams are an excellent way for people to learn the game too. If you stream, then other people can watch you play and give you tips and other assistance.

So how about some kind of "expert" logo next to high-skill streamers? Honestly, only Hans and Stefenn really commentate their games well, and explain what they're doing and why they're doing it. So that should be the biggest hurtle applicants have to get over, being able to talk and play. I'm sure there are a lot of top 100 players who can't/don't want to do that but may stream.

In any case, I really don't think you should make it some elitist thing. I think all streamers should stay on the same page on COH2.org. What Relic does in featuring people is their business...

Also, the people who have viewers have either been doing it for a long time and have followings, or give stuff away to attract them. I know there have been a couple of new streamers, who are definitely not top tier, doing that...

3 of 3 Relic postsRelic 13 Feb 2014, 19:33 PM
avatar of Noun

Posts: 454 | Subs: 9

Yeah, I wouldn't want this to just be "elite" streamers or anything. We'd want to share the love as widely as possible.

Even though that's how diseases spread.
13 Feb 2014, 21:27 PM
avatar of Stonethecrow01

Posts: 379

lol @diseases comment :P

I'm looking forward to this. At the moment I usually only watch Siberian, Stephen, & occasionally Hans. I'd like to be introduced to some other casters but it's kind of hard to figure out who is good (at both the game and commentation).
13 Feb 2014, 21:33 PM
avatar of VonIvan

Posts: 2487 | Subs: 21

I'm looking forward to this. At the moment I usually only watch Siberian, Stephen, & occasionally Hans. I'd like to be introduced to some other casters but it's kind of hard to figure out who is good (at both the game and commentation).

Maybe you should look at the leaderboards.
13 Feb 2014, 21:39 PM
avatar of Unshavenbackman

Posts: 680

lol @diseases comment :P

I'm looking forward to this. At the moment I usually only watch Siberian, Stephen, & occasionally Hans. I'd like to be introduced to some other casters but it's kind of hard to figure out who is good (at both the game and commentation).

Skill is good. But its also important to "shoot them in the dick".
13 Feb 2014, 21:46 PM
avatar of Rogers

Posts: 1210 | Subs: 1

13 Feb 2014, 21:54 PM
avatar of sluzbenik

Posts: 878

This is what it sounds like when doves cry.

14 Feb 2014, 13:44 PM
avatar of HelpingHans
Strategist Badge
Donator 11

Posts: 1838 | Subs: 17

Please could other streamers reply to this thread to say if you would be interested in taking part. Cheers!
14 Feb 2014, 13:50 PM
avatar of akosi

Posts: 1734

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jump backJump back to quoted post13 Feb 2014, 21:33 PMVonIvan

Maybe you should look at the leaderboards.

14 Feb 2014, 13:53 PM
avatar of Darc Reaver

Posts: 194

It's naaaaaaaaaaice idea

14 Feb 2014, 14:03 PM
avatar of StephennJF

Posts: 934

14 Feb 2014, 14:25 PM
avatar of cataclaw

Posts: 523

As long as it is not for the most popular streamers only, yes its a great idea. There are some great streamers out there that barely get any exposure that still put out a lot of good content, if not at times better. How would one balance whom gets in and who does not though?
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