Crash Game Coh2

Posts: 192

Posts: 192

Posts: 641 | Subs: 1

Posts: 192

Posts: 192
Crash Report #433351
Sorry our game seems to have crashed!

Posts: 192
OS NT 6.1 (sp1.0) x64, 6126MB Physical Memory, 4597 Physical Available, 4095 Virtual Total, 3958 Virtual Available, 6124 Page file.
WORKING-DIR [C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Company of Heroes 2]
USER [BlackSNake]
22:35:38.29 Primary CPU is a 2801MHz [Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2300 CPU @ 2.80GHz]
22:35:38.29 Architecture [0], Level [6], Revision [10759].
22:35:38.29 4 logical processor(s) detected.
22:35:38.29 4 physical processor(s) detected.
22:35:38.29 1 processor(s) nodes detected.
22:35:38.29 MATHBOX -- Version=6, Mode=SSE
22:35:38.29 MOD -- Initializing mod 'RelicCoH2'.
22:35:38.31 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\Data.sga 742009665 [4465675921915363153]
22:35:38.32 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\Sound.sga 121846343 [16738610615010741306]
22:35:38.32 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\Sound.1.sga 38376245 [5999931322007490984]
22:35:38.33 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\MPScenarios.sga 522997141 [8672726814208020289]
22:35:38.33 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\UI.sga 60713628 [6196468916250275010]
22:35:38.33 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtArmies.sga 46701382 [5072860005402534721]
22:35:38.33 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtArmies.1.sga 3696157 [12129943800055508745]
22:35:38.33 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtEnvironment.sga 855451233 [14805338148617440357]
22:35:38.34 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtEnvironment.1.sga 12411574 [7041205651744523304]
22:35:38.34 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtGermanEF.sga 940566667 [2951707804841577906]
22:35:38.34 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtGermanEF.1.sga 462527637 [9390730553526279221]
22:35:38.34 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtSovietEF.sga 755707354 [6630070636505974439]
22:35:38.34 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtSovietEF.1.sga 507950060 [3696215749641442891]
22:35:38.34 Archive 'CoH2\Archives\Autotest' is missing! Skipping.
22:35:38.34 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SPScenariosEF.sga 523132623 [10064279886437257160]
22:35:38.35 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SPScenariosEF.1.sga 172857470 [2771734794869583818]
22:35:38.35 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\TOWScenarios.sga 343994884 [7811587915922964419]
22:35:38.36 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\TOWScenarios.1.sga 186896361 [10312798156432353541]
22:35:38.36 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\DLC1Scenarios.sga 78959788 [13892415758615118788]
22:35:38.36 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\DLC2Scenarios.sga 70424588 [4761520501536699515]
22:35:38.36 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\DLC3Scenarios.sga 61534795 [5674106921726307298]
22:35:38.37 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtHigh.sga 281532535 [7642218333979450380]
22:35:38.37 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtHigh.1.sga 27502429 [12547036092066570626]
22:35:38.38 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SoundHigh.sga 1345795725 [13199969298230256804]
22:35:38.38 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SoundHigh.1.sga 19684541 [8791216193063018979]
22:35:38.39 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SoundSpeechEnglish.sga 562407101 [12308947390631594915]
22:35:38.39 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SoundSpeechEnglish.1.sga 22118043 [13552050742375148378]
22:35:38.40 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SoundSPSpeechEFEnglish.sga 182843876 [191969942427995936]
22:35:38.40 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SoundSPSpeechEFEnglish.1.sga 44362968 [1009901107665233423]
22:35:38.40 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SoundSpeechDLCEnglish.sga 33616865 [8520485253646831872]
22:35:38.41 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\AttribArchive.sga 15336536 [13003667868608713242]
22:35:38.44 GAME -- Resetting fp control word.
22:35:40.09 WW2Mod -- PropertyBagManager Loaded in 1.650000s
22:35:48.62 ToolFramework: Opening Document: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Company of Heroes 2\CoH2\Data\scenarios\Sjasstroij.sgb'
22:35:48.62 WorldBuilder opening document C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Company of Heroes 2\CoH2\Data\scenarios\Sjasstroij.sgb
22:35:48.66 SPDx11 -- Adapter [NVIDIA GeForce GT 440]: 1488MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 2559MB shared system memory.
22:35:48.67 SPOOGE - Driver[DirectX11_Rendering_Device] version[4,37]
22:35:48.68 SPDx11 -- New Device RefCount [2], New DeviceContext RefCount [1]
22:35:48.68 SPDx11 -- Adapter Description = NVIDIA GeForce GT 440
22:35:48.68 SPDx11 -- Driver Vendor = 0x000010de Device = 0x00000dc0 SubSys = 0x23111462 Rev = 0x000000a1
22:35:48.68 SPDx11 -- Driver Version Product = 9 Version = 18 SubVersion = 0 Build = 331.58
22:35:48.68 SPDx11 -- Driver LUID = 0x00000000-0x00006c81
22:35:48.68 SPDx11 -- 1488MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 2559MB shared system memory available.
22:35:48.68 SPDx11 -- [1] GPUs found.
22:35:48.68 ShaderDatabase: using shader profile [ps50]
22:35:48.70 SPDx11 -- CreateSwapChain: 943x655 @ 0/1Hz (0.000000Hz). Sample count/quality: 1/0. Back buffers: 2.
22:35:48.70 SPDx11 -- Actual SwapChain buffer set by DXGI: 943x655 @ 0/1Hz = Refresh Rate: 0.00
22:35:48.70 SPDx11 -- ResizeTarget: 943x655 @ 0/1Hz = Refresh Rate: 0.00
22:35:48.70 SPDx11 -- Setting SwapChain State to: WINDOW
22:35:48.70 SPDx11 -- Actual SwapChain buffer set by DXGI: 943x655 @ 0/1Hz = Refresh Rate: 0.00
22:35:48.70 SPDx11 -- Resizing target to make sure Refresh rate is set properly after FullScreen mode change
22:35:48.70 SPDx11 -- ResizeTarget: 943x655 @ 0/0Hz = Refresh Rate: 0.00
22:35:48.70 SPDx11 -- Actual SwapChain buffer set by DXGI: 943x655 @ 0/1Hz = Refresh Rate: 0.00
22:35:48.73 SPDx11 -- device requires no additional virtual address space textures.
22:35:49.20 SPDx11 -- GPU can do [2260] pixels per usecond. At [943x655x1] this is [3659] screens per second. with a CPU overhead of [0.000000] ms, GPU Usage Time [43.990818] ms, QueryWaitCPU time [46.000004] ms
22:35:50.16 SPDx11 -- GPU can do [51] pixels per usecond. At [1024x1024x1] this is [49] screens per second. with a CPU overhead of [0.000000] ms, GPU Usage Time [81.581215] ms, QueryWaitCPU time [83.000008] ms
22:35:50.32 FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, missing alias 'TOOLSDATA:autoloddecimator.lua'
22:35:50.46 SOUND -- Initializing ...
22:35:50.46 Error, could not open lua language group file:
22:35:50.50 INNIMapDCA Key not found: combat
22:35:50.50 INNIMapDCA Key not found: sir_filters_enabled
22:35:50.55 INNIMapDCA Key not found: tiger_radio_fuzz:

22:35:50.55 INNIMapDCA Key not found: winter
22:35:50.70 SOUND -- Initialization completed!
22:35:50.83 SCENARIO -- Failed to open stream for Scenario 'DATA

22:35:50.83 SCENARIO -- Failed to open stream for Scenario 'DATA

22:35:50.94 GAME -- (WorldManager) Cannot find original scenario "2P_COH2_SnowTown" referenced from data

22:35:51.33 TChunkManagerIO::Load version 2001l
22:35:51.44 TERRAINTEXTURE -- compositor added RenderTarget of size 3772 x 2620
22:35:52.65 PHYSICS -- Created node factory 'HVOK'
22:35:52.65 PHYSICS -- Created node factory 'DMMY'
22:36:03.06 INNIMapDCA Key not found: tinitus::time
22:36:12.18 MemoryBudget -- Could not load memory budget file [data:MemoryBudget.lua].
22:36:12.83 Regenerating ImpassMap data...
22:36:12.83 Impass Data was already valid, but regenerating...
22:36:13.69 DeferredView - Start creating view [ WaterView ] textures
22:36:13.69 SPDx11 -- 1488MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 2559MB shared system memory available.
22:36:13.69 SPDx11 -- 1488MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 2559MB shared system memory available.
22:36:13.69 DeferredView - Finished creating view [ WaterView ] textures
22:36:13.69 DeferredView - Start creating view [ WorldView ] textures
22:36:13.69 SPDx11 -- 1488MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 2559MB shared system memory available.
22:36:13.69 SPDx11 -- 1488MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 2559MB shared system memory available.
22:36:13.69 DeferredView - Finished creating view [ WorldView ] textures
22:36:13.99 SPDX11 --- doing mode change using DXGI resize target and set fullscreen state [939x659], Refresh rate: 0.00
22:36:13.99 SPDx11 -- ResizeTarget: 939x659 @ 0/1Hz = Refresh Rate: 0.00
22:36:13.99 SPDx11 -- Setting SwapChain State to: WINDOW
22:36:13.99 SPDx11 -- Actual SwapChain buffer set by DXGI: 939x659 @ 0/1Hz = Refresh Rate: 0.00
22:36:13.99 SPDx11 -- Resizing target to make sure Refresh rate is set properly after FullScreen mode change
22:36:13.99 SPDx11 -- ResizeTarget: 939x659 @ 0/0Hz = Refresh Rate: 0.00
22:36:13.99 SPDx11 -- Actual SwapChain buffer set by DXGI: 939x659 @ 0/1Hz = Refresh Rate: 0.00
22:36:13.99 SPDx11 -- Actual SwapChain buffer set by DXGI: 939x659 @ 0/1Hz = Refresh Rate: 0.00
22:36:14.75 SPDx11 -- GPU can do [2117] pixels per usecond. At [939x659x1] this is [3421] screens per second. with a CPU overhead of [0.000000] ms, GPU Usage Time [47.058685] ms, QueryWaitCPU time [49.000004] ms
22:36:15.68 SPDx11 -- GPU can do [51] pixels per usecond. At [1024x1024x1] this is [49] screens per second. with a CPU overhead of [0.000000] ms, GPU Usage Time [81.330368] ms, QueryWaitCPU time [83.000008] ms
22:36:15.68 DeferredView - Start creating view [ WaterView ] textures
22:36:15.68 SPDx11 -- 1488MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 2559MB shared system memory available.
22:36:15.68 SPDx11 -- 1488MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 2559MB shared system memory available.
22:36:15.68 DeferredView - Finished creating view [ WaterView ] textures
22:36:15.68 DeferredView - Start creating view [ WorldView ] textures
22:36:15.68 SPDx11 -- 1488MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 2559MB shared system memory available.
22:36:15.68 SPDx11 -- 1488MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 2559MB shared system memory available.
22:36:15.68 DeferredView - Finished creating view [ WorldView ] textures
22:36:17.75 VizView Render - Warning view has no passes defined, adding a default dummy plain render pass
22:39:54.13 ToolFramework: Closing Document: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Company of Heroes 2\CoH2\Data\scenarios\Sjasstroij.sgb'
22:39:57.21 SOUND -- Shutting down ...
22:39:57.22 SOUND -- Shark Thread - Shutdown received
22:39:57.25 SOUND -- Shutdown completed!
22:39:57.52 Dx11DynamicBuffer stats : allocations=[0/4096] elements=[0/4096]
22:39:57.52 Dx11DynamicBuffer [coh2_gameplay] stats : allocations=[16/1024] elements=[16/1024]
22:39:57.52 Dx11DynamicBuffer [rain] stats : allocations=[1/1024] elements=[1/1024]
22:39:57.52 Dx11DynamicBuffer [atmospheric_sky] stats : allocations=[2/4096] elements=[2/4096]
22:39:57.52 Dx11DynamicBuffer [terrainbasemesh] stats : allocations=[3/4096] elements=[3/4096]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [terraintileblend] stats : allocations=[0/60] elements=[0/60]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [coh2_object] stats : allocations=[12444/21840] elements=[12444/21840]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [coh2_foliage] stats : allocations=[7087/8192] elements=[7087/8192]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [fxshader_displacement] stats : allocations=[0/4096] elements=[0/4096]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [coh2_terrainblend] stats : allocations=[12/2048] elements=[12/2048]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [coh2_building_panel] stats : allocations=[698/1024] elements=[698/1024]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [coh2_building_ribbon] stats : allocations=[698/1365] elements=[698/1365]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [fxmesh_alpha] stats : allocations=[0/4096] elements=[0/4096]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [fxmesh_additive] stats : allocations=[0/4096] elements=[0/4096]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [fxmesh] stats : allocations=[0/4096] elements=[0/4096]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [coh2_object_uvanim] stats : allocations=[1362/1365] elements=[1362/1365]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [coh2_soldier] stats : allocations=[1213/1365] elements=[1213/1365]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [coh2_vehicle] stats : allocations=[5/1024] elements=[5/1024]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [coh2_vehicle_uvanim] stats : allocations=[0/1365] elements=[0/1365]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [fxmesh_additive_falloff] stats : allocations=[0/4096] elements=[0/4096]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [simple_cube_face] stats : allocations=[0/1365] elements=[0/1365]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [snowtracks_blur] stats : allocations=[0/4096] elements=[0/4096]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [depth_erode_filter] stats : allocations=[0/455] elements=[0/455]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [depth_lao_filter] stats : allocations=[0/32] elements=[0/32]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [deferred_ambientocclusion_pass] stats : allocations=[0/1365] elements=[0/1365]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [deferred_lighting_pass] stats : allocations=[0/682] elements=[0/682]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [deferred_combiner_pass] stats : allocations=[0/4096] elements=[0/4096]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [pp_hdr] stats : allocations=[0/240] elements=[0/240]
22:39:57.53 Dx11DynamicBuffer [MatrixArray] stats : allocations=[14796/20000] elements=[139063/240000]
22:39:57.69 DLLDriverLinker -- 0 DLL drivers found.
22:39:57.80 MOD -- Shutting down mod.
Application closed without errors

Posts: 357
2) Does your custom map have any custom script in the "MapName_ID.scar" file, such as custom pop cap, or resource count?

Posts: 192

Posts: 192
Application closed with error code 1129468744 .. WTF

Posts: 192

Posts: 357
As for the custom script, if you are one letter/character off in the script, a missing comma for example, it will cause a crash, but it sounds like you found your problem with the player bases'.

Posts: 192

Posts: 192

Posts: 357
Essentially remove any custom script, and see if the game runs the map.

Posts: 192

Posts: 3421 | Subs: 11
Other than the error code.

Posts: 192
OS NT 6.1 (sp1.0) x64, 6126MB Physical Memory, 2703 Physical Available, 4095 Virtual Total, 3893 Virtual Available, 6124 Page file.
WORKING-DIR [C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Company of Heroes 2]
USER [BlackSNake]
12:49:17.20 GAME -- Current Steam name is [[1er BC]-Asman]
12:49:17.20 GAME -- steam returned language 'french'
12:49:17.21 Primary CPU is a 2801MHz [Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2300 CPU @ 2.80GHz]
12:49:17.21 Architecture [0], Level [6], Revision [10759].
12:49:17.21 4 logical processor(s) detected.
12:49:17.21 4 physical processor(s) detected.
12:49:17.21 1 processor(s) nodes detected.
12:49:17.21 MATHBOX -- Version=6, Mode=SSE
12:49:17.21 Using [C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\] as base writable folder
12:49:17.21 Game -- System temp path is [C:\Users\BLACKS~1\AppData\Local\Temp\]
12:49:17.21 MOD -- Initializing mod 'RelicCoH2'.
12:49:17.25 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\Data.sga 742009665 [4465675921915363153]
12:49:17.26 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\Sound.sga 121846343 [16738610615010741306]
12:49:17.28 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\Sound.1.sga 38376245 [5999931322007490984]
12:49:17.29 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\MPScenarios.sga 522997141 [8672726814208020289]
12:49:17.30 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\UI.sga 60713628 [6196468916250275010]
12:49:17.30 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtArmies.sga 46701382 [5072860005402534721]
12:49:17.30 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtArmies.1.sga 3696157 [12129943800055508745]
12:49:17.31 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtEnvironment.sga 855451233 [14805338148617440357]
12:49:17.31 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtEnvironment.1.sga 12411574 [7041205651744523304]
12:49:17.32 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtGermanEF.sga 940566667 [2951707804841577906]
12:49:17.32 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtGermanEF.1.sga 462527637 [9390730553526279221]
12:49:17.33 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtSovietEF.sga 755707354 [6630070636505974439]
12:49:17.33 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtSovietEF.1.sga 507950060 [3696215749641442891]
12:49:17.33 Archive 'CoH2\Archives\Autotest' is missing! Skipping.
12:49:17.34 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SPScenariosEF.sga 523132623 [10064279886437257160]
12:49:17.35 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SPScenariosEF.1.sga 172857470 [2771734794869583818]
12:49:17.37 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\TOWScenarios.sga 343994884 [7811587915922964419]
12:49:17.38 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\TOWScenarios.1.sga 186896361 [10312798156432353541]
12:49:17.39 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\DLC1Scenarios.sga 78959788 [13892415758615118788]
12:49:17.40 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\DLC2Scenarios.sga 70424588 [4761520501536699515]
12:49:17.41 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\DLC3Scenarios.sga 61534795 [5674106921726307298]
12:49:17.42 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtHigh.sga 281532535 [7642218333979450380]
12:49:17.43 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtHigh.1.sga 27502429 [12547036092066570626]
12:49:17.44 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SoundHigh.sga 1345795725 [13199969298230256804]
12:49:17.45 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SoundHigh.1.sga 19684541 [8791216193063018979]
12:49:17.48 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SoundSpeechFrench.sga 575174248 [11531953560505222317]
12:49:17.49 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SoundSpeechFrench.1.sga 20470927 [6572587606669181211]
12:49:17.50 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SoundSPSpeechEFFrench.sga 180740784 [5684267718890600600]
12:49:17.51 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SoundSPSpeechEFFrench.1.sga 38299089 [57099908799154008]
12:49:17.52 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SoundSpeechDLCFrench.sga 33599717 [18254116639994589929]
12:49:17.54 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\AttribArchive.sga 15336536 [13003667868608713242]
12:49:17.57 GAME -- Resetting fp control word.
12:49:19.30 WW2Mod -- PropertyBagManager Loaded in 1.728000s
12:49:19.32 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\Kiew.sga 11407734 [0]
12:49:19.32 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\Koursk.sga 2204591 [0]
12:49:19.32 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\Sjasstroij.sga 13014951 [0]
12:49:19.32 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\202808883.sga 13767841 [0]
12:49:19.32 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\202809730.sga 21787716 [0]
12:49:19.32 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\202820737.sga 11287225 [0]
12:49:19.32 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\202868305.sga 13157450 [0]
12:49:19.32 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\202943684.sga 18451026 [0]
12:49:19.32 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\203308528.sga 20849829 [0]
12:49:19.32 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\206694643.sga 21269426 [0]
12:49:19.32 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\207037256.sga 11197468 [0]
12:49:19.32 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\208661145.sga 6589984 [0]
12:49:19.33 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\211491737.sga 20729247 [0]
12:49:19.33 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\213053179.sga 17628016 [0]
12:49:19.33 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\214458154.sga 13439434 [0]
12:49:19.33 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\214552824.sga 11891846 [0]
12:49:19.33 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\214728902.sga 32075345 [0]
12:49:19.33 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\216960506.sga 16642151 [0]
12:49:19.33 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\217213959.sga 7661640 [0]
12:49:19.33 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\217532054.sga 11406141 [0]
12:49:19.33 Registry current user [Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers] has an entry for forcing [steam.exe] to run in compatibility mode.
12:49:19.33 GAME -- Compatibility mode detected. THIS IS UNSUPPORTED. Odd things might happen.
12:49:21.21 GameApp::InitSteam: steam already initialized
12:49:21.21 NET -- NetworkManager::Create - creating network manager
12:49:21.21 NET -- SteamService: region is [FR]
12:49:21.21 NET -- SteamService: local address is []
12:49:21.22 NET -- SteamService: computer name is [BlackSNake-HP]
12:49:21.22 NET -- SteamService: Local user SteamID is [76561198006815996]
12:49:21.22 NET -- SessionInternal: Instantiating
12:49:21.22 NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 202
12:49:21.22 NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 201
12:49:21.22 NET -- Session::Initialize - info, initializing session object, using threads.
12:49:21.22 NET -- Session::Initialize - info, initializing session object, using threads.
12:49:21.22 NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 0
12:49:21.22 NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 1
12:49:21.22 NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 2
12:49:21.22 NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 3
12:49:21.22 NET -- Net::ThreadFunction - Entering network thread function...
12:49:21.22 NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 4
12:49:21.22 NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 5
12:49:21.22 NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 6
12:49:21.22 NET -- Transport:

12:49:21.22 NET -- SteamLoginService:

12:49:21.22 NET -- OnConnect: successful connection established, enabling reconnect
12:49:21.22 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:21.22 NET -- OnConnect: this wasnt a reconnect, no need for autologin
12:49:21.22 NET -- SteamLoginService:

12:49:21.22 NET -- AccountInternal::IsProfileSelected - no profile, no associated profile event.
12:49:21.22 NET -- OnLogin: no previous login, auto selecting profile not required
12:49:21.22 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:21.22 NET -- SteamLoginService:

12:49:21.22 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:21.22 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:21.22 NET -- Profile selected on controller#0
12:49:21.22 NET -- AccountInternal::IsProfileSelected - no profile, no associated profile event.
12:49:21.22 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:21.22 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 1/131
12:49:21.23 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 42/131
12:49:21.23 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 44/131
12:49:21.23 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 45/131
12:49:21.23 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 46/131
12:49:21.23 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 47/131
12:49:21.23 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 48/131
12:49:21.23 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 49/131
12:49:21.23 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 50/131
12:49:21.23 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 51/131
12:49:21.23 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 52/131
12:49:21.23 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 57/131
12:49:21.23 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 58/131
12:49:21.23 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 59/131
12:49:21.23 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 60/131
12:49:21.23 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 61/131
12:49:21.23 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 62/131
12:49:21.23 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 63/131
12:49:21.23 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 67/131
12:49:21.23 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 72/131
12:49:21.23 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 74/131
12:49:21.23 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 75/131
12:49:21.23 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 76/131
12:49:21.23 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 77/131
12:49:21.24 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 97/131
12:49:21.24 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 98/131
12:49:21.24 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 99/131
12:49:21.24 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 100/131
12:49:21.24 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 102/131
12:49:21.24 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 104/131
12:49:21.24 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 106/131
12:49:21.24 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 107/131
12:49:21.24 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 108/131
12:49:21.24 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 109/131
12:49:21.24 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 110/131
12:49:21.24 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 111/131
12:49:21.24 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 112/131
12:49:21.24 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 113/131
12:49:21.24 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 114/131
12:49:21.24 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 115/131
12:49:21.24 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 116/131
12:49:21.24 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 117/131
12:49:21.24 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 118/131
12:49:21.24 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 119/131
12:49:21.24 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 120/131
12:49:21.24 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 121/131
12:49:21.24 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 122/131
12:49:21.24 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 123/131
12:49:21.24 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 124/131
12:49:21.24 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 125/131
12:49:21.24 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 126/131
12:49:21.24 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 127/131
12:49:21.24 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 128/131
12:49:21.24 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 129/131
12:49:21.24 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 130/131
12:49:21.24 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:21.25 RLServerManager::Create - creating network manager
12:49:21.25 WorldwideLoginService::WorldwideLoginService - initializing
12:49:21.25 WorldwideLoginService::WorldwideLoginService - using hostname
12:49:21.25 WorldwideLoginService::WorldwideLoginService - server account will be /steam/76561198006815996
12:49:22.35 GAME -- Company Of Heroes 2, Build [], Language [french]
12:49:22.36 Plat::Win32 -- Desktop PPI 96, DPI Scaling: 1.000000
12:49:22.38 SPDx11 -- Adapter [NVIDIA GeForce GT 440]: 1488MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 2559MB shared system memory.
12:49:22.38 OPTION -- effectsdensity: 0
12:49:22.38 OPTION -- effectsfidelity: 0
12:49:22.38 OPTION -- modeldetail: 128
12:49:22.38 OPTION -- postprocessing: 0
12:49:22.38 OPTION -- raindetail: 1
12:49:22.38 OPTION -- reflections: 0
12:49:22.38 OPTION -- ambocclquality: 1
12:49:22.38 OPTION -- shadows: 1
12:49:22.38 OPTION -- shrubsdetail: 0
12:49:22.38 OPTION -- terraindetail: 1
12:49:22.38 OPTION -- snowdetail: 1
12:49:22.38 OPTION -- antialiasing: 0
12:49:22.38 OPTION -- verticalsync: 1
12:49:22.38 OPTION -- physics: 0
12:49:22.38 OPTION -- texturedetail: 2
12:49:22.38 OPTION -- worldviewquality: 2
12:49:22.40 SPOOGE - Driver[DirectX11_Rendering_Device] version[4,37]
12:49:22.40 GAME -- Desktop refresh rate is 60.000000Hz
12:49:22.40 GAME -- Configuration selected refresh rate is (60.014999Hz) 60015/1000
12:49:22.40 GAME -- Final selected refresh rate 60.014999Hz
12:49:22.40 GAME -- Resolution set to 1280x768 @ (60.014999Hz) 60015/1000 (fullscreen).
12:49:22.41 SPDx11 -- New Device RefCount [2], New DeviceContext RefCount [1]
12:49:22.41 SPDx11 -- Adapter Description = NVIDIA GeForce GT 440
12:49:22.41 SPDx11 -- Driver Vendor = 0x000010de Device = 0x00000dc0 SubSys = 0x23111462 Rev = 0x000000a1
12:49:22.41 SPDx11 -- Driver Version Product = 9 Version = 18 SubVersion = 0 Build = 332.21
12:49:22.41 SPDx11 -- Driver LUID = 0x00000000-0x00006a63
12:49:22.41 SPDx11 -- 1488MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 2559MB shared system memory available.
12:49:22.41 SPDx11 -- [1] GPUs found.
12:49:22.41 ShaderDatabase: using shader profile [ps50]
12:49:22.43 SPDx11 -- CreateSwapChain: 1280x768 @ 60015/1000Hz (60.014999Hz). Sample count/quality: 1/0. Back buffers: 2.
12:49:23.13 SPDx11 -- Actual SwapChain buffer set by DXGI: 1280x768 @ 60015/1000Hz = Refresh Rate: 60.01
12:49:23.14 SPDx11 -- ResizeTarget: 1280x768 @ 60015/1000Hz = Refresh Rate: 60.01
12:49:23.17 SPDx11 -- Setting SwapChain State to: FULLSCREEN
12:49:23.17 SPDx11 -- Actual SwapChain buffer set by DXGI: 1280x768 @ 60015/1000Hz = Refresh Rate: 60.01
12:49:23.17 SPDx11 -- Resizing target to make sure Refresh rate is set properly after FullScreen mode change
12:49:23.17 SPDx11 -- ResizeTarget: 1280x768 @ 0/0Hz = Refresh Rate: 0.00
12:49:23.29 SPDx11 -- Actual SwapChain buffer set by DXGI: 1280x768 @ 60015/1000Hz = Refresh Rate: 60.01
12:49:23.29 SPDx11 -- Gamma Caps - Scale/Offset supported: no, Max: 1.00, Min: 0.00, Number of Control Points: 256.
12:49:23.37 SPDx11 -- Gamma Caps - Scale/Offset supported: no, Max: 1.00, Min: 0.00, Number of Control Points: 256.
12:49:23.38 SPDx11 -- device requires no additional virtual address space textures, although test may be faulty.
12:49:23.38 SPDx11 -- Setting SwapChain State to: FULLSCREEN
12:49:23.38 SPDx11 -- Actual SwapChain buffer set by DXGI: 1280x768 @ 60015/1000Hz = Refresh Rate: 60.01
12:49:23.38 SPDx11 -- Resizing target to make sure Refresh rate is set properly after FullScreen mode change
12:49:23.38 SPDx11 -- ResizeTarget: 1280x768 @ 0/0Hz = Refresh Rate: 0.00
12:49:23.44 SPDx11 -- Actual SwapChain buffer set by DXGI: 1280x768 @ 60015/1000Hz = Refresh Rate: 60.01
12:49:23.90 SPDx11 -- GPU can do [2265] pixels per usecond. At [1280x768x1] this is [2304] screens per second. with a CPU overhead of [0.000000] ms, GPU Usage Time [43.828735] ms, QueryWaitCPU time [46.000004] ms
12:49:24.84 SPDx11 -- GPU can do [51] pixels per usecond. At [1024x1024x1] this is [49] screens per second. with a CPU overhead of [0.000000] ms, GPU Usage Time [81.422882] ms, QueryWaitCPU time [83.000008] ms
12:49:24.84 FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, missing alias 'TOOLSDATA:autoloddecimator.lua'
12:49:24.95 SOUND -- Initializing ...
12:49:25.05 INNIMapDCA Key not found: tiger_radio_fuzz:

12:49:25.19 SOUND -- Initialization completed!
12:49:25.26 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

12:49:25.26 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

12:49:25.26 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

12:49:25.26 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

12:49:25.26 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

12:49:25.26 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

12:49:25.26 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

12:49:25.26 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

12:49:25.26 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

12:49:25.26 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

12:49:25.26 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

12:49:25.26 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

12:49:25.26 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

12:49:25.26 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

12:49:25.26 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

12:49:25.26 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

12:49:25.26 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

12:49:25.26 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

12:49:25.26 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

12:49:25.26 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

12:49:25.26 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

12:49:25.26 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

12:49:25.26 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

12:49:25.26 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

12:49:25.26 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

12:49:25.26 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

12:49:25.26 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

12:49:25.26 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

12:49:25.26 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

12:49:25.26 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

12:49:25.26 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

12:49:25.26 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

12:49:25.26 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

12:49:25.26 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

12:49:25.26 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:25.26 RLServer::WorldwideLoginService::LongPoller::ThreadFunction - Entering
12:49:25.26 GDS client init status 0
12:49:25.31 SCENARIO -- Failed to open stream for Scenario 'DATA

12:49:25.31 SCENARIO -- Failed to open stream for Scenario 'DATA

12:49:25.42 GAME -- (WorldManager) Cannot find original scenario "2P_COH2_SnowTown" referenced from data

12:49:27.73 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:28.12 GameObjLoader 10b87210 - resetting counters
12:49:28.12 GameObjLoader 10b87210 - Created loader
12:49:28.12 GameObjLoader 10b873b0 - resetting counters
12:49:28.12 GameObjLoader 10b873b0 - Created loader
12:49:28.19 CRC & Version Info : exe 0x00002e23:data 0x0b7d53c8
12:49:28.19 Initializing Scaleform D3D11 HAL
12:49:30.91 Ignoring replay [PLAYBACK:epic battel.rec] as it is version [0] and current build is [11811]
12:49:30.91 GAME -- Error reading header for recorded game PLAYBACK:epic battel.rec
12:49:30.91 Ignoring replay [PLAYBACK:hard1.rec] as it is version [0] and current build is [11811]
12:49:30.91 GAME -- Error reading header for recorded game PLAYBACK:hard1.rec
12:49:30.91 Ignoring replay [PLAYBACK:Nice Game.rec] as it is version [0] and current build is [11811]
12:49:30.91 GAME -- Error reading header for recorded game PLAYBACK:Nice Game.rec
12:49:31.01 Ignoring replay [PLAYBACK:epic battel.rec] as it is version [0] and current build is [11811]
12:49:31.01 GAME -- Error reading header for recorded game PLAYBACK:epic battel.rec
12:49:31.01 Ignoring replay [PLAYBACK:hard1.rec] as it is version [0] and current build is [11811]
12:49:31.01 GAME -- Error reading header for recorded game PLAYBACK:hard1.rec
12:49:31.01 Ignoring replay [PLAYBACK:Nice Game.rec] as it is version [0] and current build is [11811]
12:49:31.01 GAME -- Error reading header for recorded game PLAYBACK:Nice Game.rec
12:49:31.17 SFLoader -- UI DATA:UI\Bin\COH2UI.gfx loaded in 2.969000s
12:49:31.17 MUTING SOUNDS
12:49:34.69 Steam returned an error while trying to get the published file details
12:49:34.69 SteamAuthManager requesting app ticket
12:49:34.69 SteamAuthManager::GetAuthToken state ID : 1
12:49:35.08 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:35.08 OnRequestEncryptedAppTicket callback. Failed? : N
12:49:35.08 SteamAuthManager CacheApplicationTicket at t=17
12:49:35.08 Steam returned an error while trying to get the published file details
12:49:35.08 SteamAuthManager::GetAuthToken state ID : 2
12:49:35.09 Creating curl handle
12:49:35.09 Adding curl handle
12:49:35.44 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:36.38 HttpRequestAsync:

12:49:36.41 AccountPlatformLoginAsync - response good: 1898 bytes, [0,[],[["E
12:49:36.41 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:36.41 NET -- Progression::UpdateLeaderboardData - Updating leaderboard data
12:49:36.41 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:36.41 NET -- Progression::UpdateLeaderboardData - Updating leaderboard data
12:49:36.41 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:36.41 NET -- Progression::UpdateLeaderboardData - Updating leaderboard data
12:49:36.41 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:36.41 NET -- Progression::UpdateLeaderboardData - Updating leaderboard data
12:49:36.41 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:36.41 NET -- Progression::UpdateLeaderboardData - Updating leaderboard data
12:49:36.41 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:36.41 NET -- Progression::UpdateLeaderboardData - Updating leaderboard data
12:49:36.41 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:36.41 NET -- Progression::UpdateLeaderboardData - Updating leaderboard data
12:49:36.41 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:36.41 NET -- Progression::UpdateLeaderboardData - Updating leaderboard data
12:49:36.41 RelicLinkListener:

12:49:36.44 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:36.44 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:36.44 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:36.44 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:36.44 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:36.44 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:36.44 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:36.44 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:36.44 Creating curl handle
12:49:36.44 Adding curl handle
12:49:36.64 HttpRequestAsync:

12:49:36.68 GetNewsAsync - response good: 6 bytes, [0,[]]
12:49:36.98 Creating curl handle
12:49:36.98 Adding curl handle
12:49:37.18 HttpRequestAsync:

12:49:37.21 AutomatchMapCache - response good: 6779 bytes, [0,[[1,"2p
12:49:37.22 Ignoring replay [PLAYBACK:epic battel.rec] as it is version [0] and current build is [11811]
12:49:37.22 GAME -- Error reading header for recorded game PLAYBACK:epic battel.rec
12:49:37.22 Ignoring replay [PLAYBACK:hard1.rec] as it is version [0] and current build is [11811]
12:49:37.22 GAME -- Error reading header for recorded game PLAYBACK:hard1.rec
12:49:37.22 Ignoring replay [PLAYBACK:Nice Game.rec] as it is version [0] and current build is [11811]
12:49:37.22 GAME -- Error reading header for recorded game PLAYBACK:Nice Game.rec
12:49:37.49 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:37.49 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:37.49 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:37.49 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:37.49 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:37.49 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:37.49 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:37.49 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:37.56 NET -- SteamUploadEntryAsync succeeded
12:49:37.56 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:37.56 NET -- SteamUploadEntryAsync succeeded
12:49:37.56 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:37.56 NET -- SteamUploadEntryAsync succeeded
12:49:37.56 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:37.56 NET -- SteamUploadEntryAsync succeeded
12:49:37.56 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:37.56 NET -- SteamUploadEntryAsync succeeded
12:49:37.56 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:37.56 NET -- SteamUploadEntryAsync succeeded
12:49:37.56 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:37.56 NET -- SteamUploadEntryAsync succeeded
12:49:37.56 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:49:37.56 NET -- SteamUploadEntryAsync succeeded
12:49:37.56 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:50:00.54 DB -- Unable to load symbols.
12:50:00.54 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:50:00.57 NET -- Created Sessioninfo
12:50:00.57 NET -- Session::Reset with reason 999 and AdvertisementInternal::ResetSession()
12:50:00.57 NET -- starting online hosting
12:50:00.57 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:50:00.57 AccountInternal::Connect - Connecting to server
12:50:00.57 WorldwideLoginService - *** Connecting to server:
12:50:00.64 NET -- Session::GetState - info, session's state changed to [1

12:50:00.64 NET -- SteamHostAsync:

12:50:00.64 SteamAuthManager::GetAuthToken state ID : 3
12:50:00.64 SteamAuthManager got cached ticket
12:50:00.67 Creating curl handle
12:50:00.67 Adding curl handle
12:50:01.00 HttpRequestAsync:

12:50:01.04 ConnectAsync - response good: 66 bytes, [0,"fpghp1
12:50:01.04 ConnectAsync - response good: 66 bytes, [0,"fpghp1
12:50:01.04 RelicLinkListener:

12:50:01.04 NET -- Party:

12:50:01.07 Creating curl handle
12:50:01.07 Adding curl handle
12:50:01.07 NET -- SteamHostAsync:

12:50:01.07 NET -- SteamService::AddKnownLobby: added pub/mms/2348769431 (type=101)
12:50:01.07 NET -- SteamService::UpdateKnownLobby: owner of pub/mms/2348769431 set to pub/user/46550268
12:50:01.07 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:50:01.07 NET -- SteamService:

12:50:01.07 NET -- SteamService:

12:50:01.10 NET -- OnServiceJoinSuccess - joined online session, server leave notification required
12:50:01.10 NET -- starting local hosting connection info (steam://101

12:50:01.10 NET -- Creating new route for peer 1 with address steam://101

12:50:01.10 NET -- !!Created new route for peer 1 with address steam://101

12:50:01.10 NET -- Connection listener, setting remoteID to 2 for localID 2
12:50:01.10 NET -- CHALLENGE -- Session::Host setting m_localPeerPtr->m_challengeToken:
12:50:01.11 NET -- Transport:

12:50:01.14 NET -- Session::GetState - info, session's state changed to [2

12:50:01.14 NET -- ValidateCustomData: called with 182 bytes of custom data
12:50:01.14 NET -- Host accepted Peer 1 into the match at address steam://101

12:50:01.14 NET -- SessionInternal:

12:50:01.14 NET -- OnAddSessionMember - sessionID (101), peer is local (yes), is host (yes), and has peerID (1)
12:50:01.14 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 2, sessionID[101]
12:50:01.14 NET -- PeerID 1 is CONNECTED and has avg packet size of 0
12:50:01.14 NET -- Routes for peer 1:
12:50:01.14 NET -- Route at index 0, is steam://101

12:50:01.17 NET -- Session::GetState - info, session's state changed to [3

12:50:01.17 NET -- hosting - Session is connected
12:50:01.17 NET -- Net:

12:50:01.20 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:50:01.24 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

12:50:01.24 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

12:50:01.24 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

12:50:01.24 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

12:50:01.24 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

12:50:01.24 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

12:50:01.24 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

12:50:01.24 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

12:50:01.24 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

12:50:01.24 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

12:50:01.24 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

12:50:01.24 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

12:50:01.24 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

12:50:01.24 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

12:50:01.24 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

12:50:01.24 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

12:50:01.24 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

12:50:01.24 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

12:50:01.24 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

12:50:01.24 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

12:50:01.24 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

12:50:01.24 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

12:50:01.24 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

12:50:01.24 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

12:50:01.24 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

12:50:01.24 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

12:50:01.24 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

12:50:01.74 NET -- SteamService:

12:50:01.77 NET -- SteamService:

12:50:01.80 NET -- SteamUpdateAdvertisementAsync:

12:50:01.84 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:50:01.87 NET -- HostAsync - completed with HostResult = 0
12:50:01.87 Party:

12:50:01.87 Party:

12:50:01.87 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 3, sessionID[101]
12:50:01.87 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 4, sessionID[101]
12:50:01.87 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 5, sessionID[101]
12:50:01.87 NET -- SetMaxPlayers - max players changed to 8
12:50:01.87 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 6, sessionID[101]
12:50:01.87 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 7, sessionID[101]
12:50:01.87 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 8, sessionID[101]
12:50:01.87 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:50:01.92 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:50:01.92 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 9, sessionID[101]
12:50:01.92 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 10, sessionID[101]
12:50:01.92 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 11, sessionID[101]
12:50:01.92 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 12, sessionID[101]
12:50:01.92 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 13, sessionID[101]
12:50:01.92 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 14, sessionID[101]
12:50:01.92 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 15, sessionID[101]
12:50:01.92 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 16, sessionID[101]
12:50:02.06 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:50:02.07 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

12:50:02.09 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

12:50:02.47 NET -- SteamService:

12:50:02.50 NET -- SteamUpdateAdvertisementAsync:

12:50:02.50 NET -- SteamService:

12:50:02.54 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:50:02.54 NET -- SteamUpdateAdvertisementAsync:

12:50:02.57 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:50:03.10 HttpRequestAsync:

12:50:03.20 ProcessLongPollResult - response good, processing=1: [[["Avatar
12:50:03.25 Creating curl handle
12:50:03.25 Adding curl handle
12:50:05.61 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 17, sessionID[101]
12:50:05.64 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:50:05.67 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

12:50:06.07 NET -- SteamService:

12:50:06.10 NET -- SteamUpdateAdvertisementAsync:

12:50:06.12 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:50:06.84 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 18, sessionID[101]
12:50:06.84 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 19, sessionID[101]
12:50:06.87 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:50:06.91 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

12:50:06.91 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

12:50:07.24 NET -- SteamService:

12:50:07.30 NET -- SteamService:

12:50:07.34 NET -- SteamUpdateAdvertisementAsync:

12:50:07.37 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:50:08.94 Party:

12:50:08.97 Party:

12:50:09.00 DB -- Unable to load symbols.
12:50:09.00 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:50:09.00 Party:

12:50:09.04 NET -- Created Sessioninfo
12:50:09.04 NET -- Session::Reset with reason 999 and AdvertisementInternal::ResetSession()
12:50:09.04 NET -- starting online (no lobby) hosting
12:50:09.04 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:50:09.07 NET -- Session::GetState - info, session's state changed to [1

12:50:09.07 NET -- SteamHostAsync:

12:50:09.07 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:50:09.10 NET -- OnServiceJoinSuccess - joined online session, server leave notification required
12:50:09.10 NET -- starting local hosting connection info (steam://100

12:50:09.10 NET -- Creating new route for peer 1 with address steam://100

12:50:09.10 NET -- !!Created new route for peer 1 with address steam://100

12:50:09.10 NET -- Connection listener, setting remoteID to 3 for localID 3
12:50:09.10 NET -- CHALLENGE -- Session::Host setting m_localPeerPtr->m_challengeToken:
12:50:09.11 NET -- Transport:

12:50:09.14 NET -- Session::GetState - info, session's state changed to [2

12:50:09.14 NET -- ValidateCustomData: called with 894 bytes of custom data
12:50:09.14 NET -- Host accepted Peer 1 into the match at address steam://100

12:50:09.14 NET -- SessionInternal:

12:50:09.14 NET -- OnAddSessionMember - sessionID (100), peer is local (yes), is host (yes), and has peerID (1)
12:50:09.14 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 2, sessionID[100]
12:50:09.14 NET -- PeerID 1 is CONNECTED and has avg packet size of 0
12:50:09.14 NET -- Routes for peer 1:
12:50:09.14 NET -- Route at index 0, is steam://100

12:50:09.17 NET -- Session::GetState - info, session's state changed to [3

12:50:09.17 NET -- hosting - Session is connected
12:50:09.17 NET -- Net:

12:50:09.20 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:50:09.24 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:50:09.27 NET -- HostAsync - completed with HostResult = 0
12:50:09.27 NET -- Net:

12:50:09.27 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 3, sessionID[100]
12:50:09.27 NET -- SessionInternal:

12:50:09.27 NET -- SetMaxPlayers - max players changed to 8
12:50:09.27 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 4, sessionID[100]
12:50:09.27 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 5, sessionID[100]
12:50:09.27 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 6, sessionID[100]
12:50:09.27 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 7, sessionID[100]
12:50:09.27 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 8, sessionID[100]
12:50:09.27 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 9, sessionID[100]
12:50:09.27 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 10, sessionID[100]
12:50:09.27 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 11, sessionID[100]
12:50:09.27 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 12, sessionID[100]
12:50:09.27 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 13, sessionID[100]
12:50:09.27 NET -- QuickMatchInternal:

12:50:09.27 NET -- QuickMatchInternal:

12:50:09.27 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:50:09.27 Party:

12:50:09.30 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:50:09.30 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 14, sessionID[100]
12:50:09.30 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 15, sessionID[100]
12:50:09.30 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 16, sessionID[100]
12:50:09.30 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 17, sessionID[100]
12:50:09.30 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 18, sessionID[100]
12:50:09.30 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 19, sessionID[100]
12:50:09.30 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 20, sessionID[100]
12:50:09.30 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 21, sessionID[100]
12:50:09.30 Party:

12:50:09.34 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:50:09.34 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:50:09.34 NET -- Swapping source = [0][[1er BC]-Asman], target = [6][]
12:50:09.34 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 22, sessionID[100]
12:50:09.34 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 23, sessionID[100]
12:50:09.34 Party:

12:50:09.37 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:50:09.37 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:50:09.37 Party:

12:50:09.40 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:50:09.40 Party:

12:50:09.40 Party:

12:50:09.40 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 20, sessionID[101]
12:50:09.40 MatchCountdownHelper:

12:50:09.40 MatchCountdownHelper: Sending StartGame message!
12:50:09.40 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 24, sessionID[100]
12:50:09.40 NET -- SessionInternal:

12:50:09.44 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:50:09.44 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:50:09.44 MOD - Setting player (0) race to: 0
12:50:09.44 MOD - Setting player (1) race to: 1
12:50:09.44 NET -- Net:

12:50:09.44 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

12:50:09.47 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:50:09.47 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

12:50:09.80 NET -- SteamService:

12:50:09.90 NET -- SteamService:

12:50:09.94 NET -- SteamUpdateAdvertisementAsync:

12:50:10.26 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:50:10.57 GAME -- Recording game
12:50:10.94 scoped_curl_pool: updating session change number 1
12:50:11.30 scoped_curl_pool: updating session change number 1
12:50:11.72 scoped_curl_pool: finished
12:50:12.12 scoped_curl_pool: updating session change number 1
12:50:12.25 OBJECTSCAR -- Initialization failed - could not load scar type BP list.
12:50:12.64 INNIMapDCA Key not found: tinitus::time
12:50:12.86 GameObjLoader - upgrading load_count from 0 to 1990
12:50:12.87 PHYSICS -- Created node factory 'HVOK'
12:50:12.87 PHYSICS -- Created node factory 'DMMY'
12:50:15.15 Dx11Program : Unable to find shader script for 'max_alphablend' in the ShaderDatabase.
12:50:15.15 Unable to load shader [max_alphablend] so replacing with [defaultshader]
12:50:18.65 GameObjLoader 10b87210 - resetting counters
12:50:18.65 GameObjLoader 10b87210 - LOAD_DONE
12:50:21.00 NET -- Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
12:50:21.28 GAME - SessionSetup
12:50:21.28 MUTING SOUNDS
12:50:21.48 TChunkManagerIO::Load version 2001l
12:50:21.50 TERRAINTEXTURE -- compositor added RenderTarget of size 2880 x 1728
12:50:22.42 GAME - CreateGEWorld in 1140 ms
12:50:22.43 GAME - SessionSetup finished in 1151 ms
12:50:22.44 GAME - WaterReflectionManagerSetup
12:50:22.44 GAME - WaterReflectionManagerSetup finished in 0 ms
12:50:22.66 SimWorld::LoadWinCondition: - [DATA

12:50:23.47 MOD -- Player (unused player) (frame 0) (KillPlayer)
12:50:23.47 MOD -- Player (unused player) (frame 0) (KillPlayer)
12:50:23.47 MOD -- Player (unused player) (frame 0) (KillPlayer)
12:50:23.47 MOD -- Player (unused player) (frame 0) (KillPlayer)
12:50:23.47 MOD -- Player (unused player) (frame 0) (KillPlayer)
12:50:23.47 MOD -- Player (unused player) (frame 0) (KillPlayer)
12:50:23.79 SPEECHMANAGER -- Loaded in 0.012755 seconds
12:50:23.89 TwoPop sound file 'dev/440hz' not loaded
12:50:24.19 GameObjLoader - upgrading load_count from 0 to 1886
12:50:24.85 GameObjLoader 10b873b0 - resetting counters
12:50:24.85 GameObjLoader 10b873b0 - LOAD_DONE
12:50:24.90 PreloadResources took 0ms.
12:50:24.95 SIM -- Setting SyncErrorChecking level to None
12:50:26.40 DeferredView - Start creating view [ WaterView ] textures
12:50:26.40 SPDx11 -- 1488MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 2559MB shared system memory available.
12:50:26.40 SPDx11 -- 1488MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 2559MB shared system memory available.
12:50:26.40 DeferredView - Finished creating view [ WaterView ] textures
12:50:26.40 DeferredView - Start creating view [ WorldView ] textures
12:50:26.40 SPDx11 -- 1488MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 2559MB shared system memory available.
12:50:26.40 SPDx11 -- 1488MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 2559MB shared system memory available.
12:50:26.40 DeferredView - Finished creating view [ WorldView ] textures
12:50:26.40 UN MUTING SOUNDS
12:50:26.40 PerformanceRecorder:

12:50:26.40 GAME -- Starting mission...
12:50:26.60 MEM -- heap use 1352 mb, heap uncommitted 32 mb, heap total 1385 mb, available virtual 2021 mb, total virtual 4095 mb
12:50:26.72 AccountInternal::Connect - Connecting to server
12:50:26.72 WorldwideLoginService - *** Disconnecting from server
12:50:26.81 Creating curl handle
12:50:26.81 Adding curl handle
12:50:26.81 MOD -- Player IA standard set to AI Type: AI Player (frame 1) (CmdAI)
12:50:26.83 VizView Render - Warning view has no passes defined, adding a default dummy plain render pass
12:50:27.02 HttpRequestAsync:

12:50:27.04 WorldwideMatchCreateOrReportSinglePlayerAsync - response good: 883 bytes, [0,"22c1f4
12:50:28.23 Creating curl handle
12:50:28.23 Adding curl handle
12:50:28.43 HttpRequestAsync:

12:50:28.45 DisconnectAsync - response good: 3 bytes, [0]
12:50:28.45 DisconnectAsync - response good: 3 bytes, [0]
12:50:28.45 RelicLinkListener:

12:50:28.45 NET -- Party:

12:51:22.00 NET -- Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
12:52:23.00 NET -- Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
12:52:28.91 GAME -- SimulationController:

12:52:28.91 MUTING SOUNDS
12:52:30.89 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:52:30.89 GAME -- Frame 968 - SimKillPlayer - Destroying SimPlayer 1001, reason 3
12:52:30.89 MOD -- Player IA standard (network abort) (frame 968) (KillPlayer)
12:52:30.89 GAME -- Frame 968 - SimKillPlayer - Destroying SimPlayer 1006, reason 3
12:52:30.89 MOD -- Player [1er BC]-Asman (network abort) (frame 968) (KillPlayer)
12:52:30.89 MOD -- Game Over at frame 968
12:52:30.90 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:52:30.92 NET -- Session:

12:52:30.92 NET -- Marking PeerID 1 for death address[steam://100

12:52:30.92 NET -- QOSController::RemoveActivePeer - removing peer 1
12:52:30.92 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:52:30.97 NET -- Deleting route with ID 3 and remoteID 3 and address steam://100

12:52:30.97 NET -- Transport::Close for connectionID 3
12:52:30.97 NET -- Setting state to closed for listener with ID 3 and remoteID 3 with address steam://100

12:52:30.97 NET -- Closed connection for PeerID 1 at steam://100

12:52:30.97 NET -- SessionInternal:

12:52:30.97 NET -- OnRemoveSessionMember - sessionID (100), peerID (1)
12:52:30.97 NET -- RemoveStation - sessionID (100), peerID (1), we are the host, updating slot info, session info and cie
12:52:30.97 NET -- Session:

12:52:30.97 NET -- LeaveSessionInternal - needLeave=1
12:52:30.97 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:52:30.97 NET -- Destroyed Sessioninfo
12:52:30.97 NET -- Session::GetState - info, session's state changed to [1

12:52:30.97 NET -- RemoveAllPeers - flushing local session peer data
12:52:30.97 NET -- Session::Reset with reason 999 and SessionInternal::RemoveAllPeers
12:52:30.97 NET -- Clearing known urls.
12:52:30.97 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:52:30.97 NET -- Disconnect process - nothing to do
12:52:30.97 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:52:30.97 AccountInternal::Connect - Connecting to server
12:52:30.97 WorldwideLoginService - *** Connecting to server:
12:52:30.99 NET -- SteamLeaveAsync:

12:52:30.99 NET -- SteamService::LeaveKnownLobby: tried to leave unknown lobby (pub/user/46550268)
12:52:30.99 SteamAuthManager::GetAuthToken state ID : 3
12:52:30.99 SteamAuthManager got cached ticket
12:52:30.99 Party:

12:52:30.99 NET -- Net:

12:52:30.99 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

12:52:30.99 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 21, sessionID[101]
12:52:30.99 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 22, sessionID[101]
12:52:30.99 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 23, sessionID[101]
12:52:31.00 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:52:31.00 Creating curl handle
12:52:31.00 Adding curl handle
12:52:31.02 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

12:52:31.35 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:52:31.37 NET -- SteamService:

12:52:31.42 NET -- SteamService:

12:52:31.64 NET -- SteamUpdateAdvertisementAsync:

12:52:31.65 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:52:31.95 GameObj:

12:52:31.95 GetMaxFrameTimeFromProfile: players=2 expected FPS=100.000000, bars=0, max avg=0.000, sd=0.000, 0 samples =
12:52:31.95 PerformanceRecorder::EndRecording - game size=2, max average=0.021798, worst frame=0.010000
12:52:31.95 Recording: No [2 players]
12:52:31.95 Max/Avg: 0.02, 0.02 sec (fps=45.87, 57.80) (6 samples)
12:52:31.95 Bars: 0
12:52:32.46 GameObjLoader 10b873b0 - Unload
12:52:32.46 GameObjLoader 10b873b0 - resetting counters
12:52:32.59 GameObjLoader 10b87210 - Unload
12:52:32.59 GameObjLoader 10b87210 - resetting counters
12:52:33.20 Ignoring replay [PLAYBACK:epic battel.rec] as it is version [0] and current build is [11811]
12:52:33.20 GAME -- Error reading header for recorded game PLAYBACK:epic battel.rec
12:52:33.20 Ignoring replay [PLAYBACK:hard1.rec] as it is version [0] and current build is [11811]
12:52:33.20 GAME -- Error reading header for recorded game PLAYBACK:hard1.rec
12:52:33.20 Ignoring replay [PLAYBACK:Nice Game.rec] as it is version [0] and current build is [11811]
12:52:33.20 GAME -- Error reading header for recorded game PLAYBACK:Nice Game.rec
12:52:33.34 Ignoring replay [PLAYBACK:epic battel.rec] as it is version [0] and current build is [11811]
12:52:33.34 GAME -- Error reading header for recorded game PLAYBACK:epic battel.rec
12:52:33.34 Ignoring replay [PLAYBACK:hard1.rec] as it is version [0] and current build is [11811]
12:52:33.34 GAME -- Error reading header for recorded game PLAYBACK:hard1.rec
12:52:33.34 Ignoring replay [PLAYBACK:Nice Game.rec] as it is version [0] and current build is [11811]
12:52:33.34 GAME -- Error reading header for recorded game PLAYBACK:Nice Game.rec
12:52:33.45 HttpRequestAsync:

12:52:33.48 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:52:33.48 ConnectAsync - response good: 66 bytes, [0,"ifbehz
12:52:33.48 ConnectAsync - response good: 66 bytes, [0,"ifbehz
12:52:33.48 RelicLinkListener:

12:52:33.48 NET -- Party:

12:52:33.51 Creating curl handle
12:52:33.51 Adding curl handle
12:52:33.53 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:52:33.95 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:52:34.54 SOUND -- Shutting down ...
12:52:34.59 SOUND -- Shark Thread - Shutdown received
12:52:34.62 SOUND -- Shutdown completed!
12:52:34.76 Purging: Resource [TextureSet]-[\art\armies\soviet\badges\default_dif] still referenced! [visible]
12:52:34.76 Purging: Resource [TextureSet]-[\art\armies\german\badges\default_dif] still referenced! [visible]
12:52:34.76 Dx11DynamicBuffer stats : allocations=[0/4096] elements=[0/4096]
12:52:34.76 Dx11DynamicBuffer [coh2_gameplay] stats : allocations=[7/1024] elements=[7/1024]
12:52:34.76 Dx11DynamicBuffer [fxshader_displacement] stats : allocations=[0/4096] elements=[0/4096]
12:52:34.76 Dx11DynamicBuffer [coh2_soldier] stats : allocations=[338/1365] elements=[338/1365]
12:52:34.76 Dx11DynamicBuffer [coh2_object_uvanim] stats : allocations=[84/1365] elements=[84/1365]
12:52:34.76 Dx11DynamicBuffer [coh2_object] stats : allocations=[435/1365] elements=[435/1365]
12:52:34.76 Dx11DynamicBuffer [coh2_vehicle] stats : allocations=[3/1024] elements=[3/1024]
12:52:34.76 Dx11DynamicBuffer [coh2_terrainblend] stats : allocations=[70/2048] elements=[70/2048]
12:52:34.76 Dx11DynamicBuffer [coh2_vehicle_uvanim] stats : allocations=[2/1365] elements=[2/1365]
12:52:34.77 Dx11DynamicBuffer [coh2_foliage] stats : allocations=[173/2048] elements=[173/2048]
12:52:34.77 Dx11DynamicBuffer [coh2_building_panel] stats : allocations=[7/1024] elements=[7/1024]
12:52:34.77 Dx11DynamicBuffer [coh2_building_ribbon] stats : allocations=[7/1365] elements=[7/1365]
12:52:34.77 Dx11DynamicBuffer [atmospheric_sky] stats : allocations=[2/4096] elements=[2/4096]
12:52:34.77 Dx11DynamicBuffer [fxmesh_additive_falloff] stats : allocations=[0/4096] elements=[0/4096]
12:52:34.77 Dx11DynamicBuffer [fxmesh] stats : allocations=[1/4096] elements=[1/4096]
12:52:34.77 Dx11DynamicBuffer [fxmesh_alpha] stats : allocations=[4/4096] elements=[4/4096]
12:52:34.77 Dx11DynamicBuffer [fxmesh_alpha_falloff] stats : allocations=[0/4096] elements=[0/4096]
12:52:34.77 Dx11DynamicBuffer [fxmesh_additive] stats : allocations=[0/4096] elements=[0/4096]
12:52:34.77 Dx11DynamicBuffer [rain] stats : allocations=[0/1024] elements=[0/1024]
12:52:34.77 Dx11DynamicBuffer [terrainbasemesh] stats : allocations=[3/4096] elements=[3/4096]
12:52:34.77 Dx11DynamicBuffer [terraintileblend] stats : allocations=[0/60] elements=[0/60]
12:52:34.77 Dx11DynamicBuffer [ui] stats : allocations=[0/4096] elements=[0/4096]
12:52:34.77 Dx11DynamicBuffer [simple_cube_face] stats : allocations=[0/1365] elements=[0/1365]
12:52:34.77 Dx11DynamicBuffer [deferred_ambientocclusion_pass] stats : allocations=[0/1365] elements=[0/1365]
12:52:34.77 Dx11DynamicBuffer [deferred_lighting_pass] stats : allocations=[0/682] elements=[0/682]
12:52:34.77 Dx11DynamicBuffer [deferred_combiner_pass] stats : allocations=[0/4096] elements=[0/4096]
12:52:34.77 Dx11DynamicBuffer [pp_hdr] stats : allocations=[0/240] elements=[0/240]
12:52:34.78 Dx11DynamicBuffer [MatrixArray] stats : allocations=[893/5000] elements=[9938/60000]
12:52:34.78 SPDx11 -- Gamma Caps - Scale/Offset supported: no, Max: 1.00, Min: 0.00, Number of Control Points: 256.
12:52:35.30 DLLDriverLinker -- 0 DLL drivers found.
12:52:35.31 HttpRequestAsync:

12:52:35.40 NET -- MessageInternal:

12:52:35.40 NET -- MessageInternal:

12:52:35.40 NET -- MessageInternal:

Posts: 192
12:52:35.40 NET -- Clearing known urls.
12:52:35.40 NET -- RemoveAllPeers - flushing local session peer data
12:52:35.40 NET -- Session::Reset with reason 999 and SessionInternal::RemoveAllPeers
12:52:35.40 NET -- Deleting route with ID 2 and remoteID 2 and address steam://101

12:52:35.40 NET -- Transport::Close for connectionID 2
12:52:35.40 NET -- Setting state to closed for listener with ID 2 and remoteID 2 with address steam://101

12:52:35.40 NET -- Closed connection for PeerID 1 at steam://101

12:52:35.40 NET -- RemoveStation - sessionID (101), peerID (1), we are the host, updating slot info, session info and cie
12:52:35.40 NET -- LeaveSessionInternal - needLeave=1
12:52:35.40 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

12:52:35.40 NET -- Destroyed Sessioninfo
12:52:35.40 NET -- Clearing known urls.
12:52:35.40 NET -- NetworkManager:

12:52:35.40 NET -- MessageInternal:

12:52:35.40 NET -- MessageInternal:

12:52:35.40 NET -- SessionInternal: Fade to black
12:52:35.40 NET -- Transport::Close for connectionID 1
12:52:35.40 NET -- Setting state to closed for listener with ID 1 and remoteID 0 with address lan://
12:52:35.40 NET -- Net::ThreadFunction - Returning from the network thread function...
12:52:35.40 NET -- Transport::~Transport: clearing listener map
12:52:35.40 NET -- CallManager - terminating all server calls in progress (0 in progress)
12:52:35.40 NET -- AsyncJobDriver::~AsyncJobDriver() - dynamically allocated job LeaveSessionAsync is still running
12:52:35.40 NET -- AsyncJobDriver::~AsyncJobDriver() - dynamically allocated job SteamStoreUserStatsExtAsync is still running
12:52:35.40 NET -- AsyncJobDriver::~AsyncJobDriver() - dynamically allocated job ServiceLeaveSessionAsync is still running
12:52:35.40 NET -- Datastore -- uninitialize complete
12:52:35.40 NET -- SteamService::LeaveKnownLobby: unable to find new owner for pub/mms/2348769431
12:52:35.40 ProcessLongPollResult - response good, processing=1: [[["Avatar
12:52:35.41 Creating curl handle
12:52:35.41 Adding curl handle
12:52:35.46 Creating curl handle
12:52:35.46 Adding curl handle
12:52:35.58 HttpRequestAsync:

12:52:35.59 AccountPlatformLogoutAsync - response good: 3 bytes, [0]
12:52:35.59 CallManager - terminating all server calls in progress (1 in progress)
12:52:35.59 WorldwideLoginService::~WorldwideLoginService - uninitializing
12:52:35.61 RLServer::WorldwideLoginService::LongPoller::ThreadFunction - Exiting
12:52:35.61 RLServerManager:

12:52:35.61 MOD -- Shutting down mod.
12:52:35.69 FILESYSTEM -- filepath failed to remove alias, missing alias 'stats'
Application closed without errors

Posts: 3421 | Subs: 11
I'd like to see the one where there is an error code.
Please use for posting long text files.

Posts: 192
RELICCOH2 started at 2014-01-24 10:09
OS NT 6.1 (sp1.0) x64, 6126MB Physical Memory, 3940 Physical Available, 4095 Virtual Total, 3893 Virtual Available, 6124 Page file.
WORKING-DIR [C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Company of Heroes 2]
USER [BlackSNake]
10:09:50.66 GAME -- Current Steam name is [[1er BC]-Asman]
10:09:50.66 GAME -- steam returned language 'french'
10:09:50.67 Primary CPU is a 2801MHz [Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2300 CPU @ 2.80GHz]
10:09:50.67 Architecture [0], Level [6], Revision [10759].
10:09:50.67 4 logical processor(s) detected.
10:09:50.67 4 physical processor(s) detected.
10:09:50.67 1 processor(s) nodes detected.
10:09:50.67 MATHBOX -- Version=6, Mode=SSE
10:09:50.67 Using [C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\] as base writable folder
10:09:50.67 Game -- System temp path is [C:\Users\BLACKS~1\AppData\Local\Temp\]
10:09:50.68 MOD -- Initializing mod 'RelicCoH2'.
10:09:50.71 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\Data.sga 742009665 [4465675921915363153]
10:09:50.73 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\Sound.sga 121846343 [16738610615010741306]
10:09:50.75 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\Sound.1.sga 38376245 [5999931322007490984]
10:09:50.76 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\MPScenarios.sga 522997141 [8672726814208020289]
10:09:50.77 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\UI.sga 60713628 [6196468916250275010]
10:09:50.77 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtArmies.sga 46701382 [5072860005402534721]
10:09:50.77 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtArmies.1.sga 3696157 [12129943800055508745]
10:09:50.78 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtEnvironment.sga 855451233 [14805338148617440357]
10:09:50.78 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtEnvironment.1.sga 12411574 [7041205651744523304]
10:09:50.79 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtGermanEF.sga 940566667 [2951707804841577906]
10:09:50.79 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtGermanEF.1.sga 462527637 [9390730553526279221]
10:09:50.80 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtSovietEF.sga 755707354 [6630070636505974439]
10:09:50.80 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtSovietEF.1.sga 507950060 [3696215749641442891]
10:09:50.80 Archive 'CoH2\Archives\Autotest' is missing! Skipping.
10:09:50.81 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SPScenariosEF.sga 523132623 [10064279886437257160]
10:09:50.82 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SPScenariosEF.1.sga 172857470 [2771734794869583818]
10:09:50.84 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\TOWScenarios.sga 343994884 [7811587915922964419]
10:09:50.85 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\TOWScenarios.1.sga 186896361 [10312798156432353541]
10:09:50.86 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\DLC1Scenarios.sga 78959788 [13892415758615118788]
10:09:50.87 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\DLC2Scenarios.sga 70424588 [4761520501536699515]
10:09:50.88 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\DLC3Scenarios.sga 61534795 [5674106921726307298]
10:09:50.89 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtHigh.sga 281532535 [7642218333979450380]
10:09:50.90 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtHigh.1.sga 27502429 [12547036092066570626]
10:09:50.91 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SoundHigh.sga 1345795725 [13199969298230256804]
10:09:50.92 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SoundHigh.1.sga 19684541 [8791216193063018979]
10:09:50.95 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SoundSpeechFrench.sga 575174248 [11531953560505222317]
10:09:50.99 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SoundSpeechFrench.1.sga 20470927 [6572587606669181211]
10:09:51.03 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SoundSPSpeechEFFrench.sga 180740784 [5684267718890600600]
10:09:51.05 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SoundSPSpeechEFFrench.1.sga 38299089 [57099908799154008]
10:09:51.09 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SoundSpeechDLCFrench.sga 33599717 [18254116639994589929]
10:09:51.10 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\AttribArchive.sga 15336536 [13003667868608713242]
10:09:51.14 GAME -- Resetting fp control word.
10:09:52.86 WW2Mod -- PropertyBagManager Loaded in 1.712000s
10:09:52.91 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\Kiew.sga 11407734 [0]
10:09:52.94 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\Koursk.sga 2204591 [0]
10:09:52.94 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\Sjasstroij.sga 13027234 [0]
10:09:52.96 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\202808883.sga 13767841 [0]
10:09:52.97 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\202809730.sga 21787716 [0]
10:09:52.99 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\202820737.sga 11287225 [0]
10:09:53.00 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\202868305.sga 13157450 [0]
10:09:53.02 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\202943684.sga 18451026 [0]
10:09:53.02 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\203308528.sga 20849829 [0]
10:09:53.04 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\206694643.sga 21269426 [0]
10:09:53.06 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\207037256.sga 11197468 [0]
10:09:53.07 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\208661145.sga 6589984 [0]
10:09:53.07 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\211491737.sga 20729247 [0]
10:09:53.09 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\213053179.sga 17628016 [0]
10:09:53.10 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\214458154.sga 13439434 [0]
10:09:53.12 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\214552824.sga 11891846 [0]
10:09:53.13 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\214728902.sga 32075345 [0]
10:09:53.15 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\216960506.sga 16642151 [0]
10:09:53.17 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\217213959.sga 7661640 [0]
10:09:53.18 ARC -- C:\Users\BlackSNake\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\217532054.sga 11406141 [0]
10:09:53.18 Registry current user [Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers] has an entry for forcing [steam.exe] to run in compatibility mode.
10:09:53.18 GAME -- Compatibility mode detected. THIS IS UNSUPPORTED. Odd things might happen.
10:09:55.15 GameApp::InitSteam: steam already initialized
10:09:55.15 NET -- NetworkManager::Create - creating network manager
10:09:55.15 NET -- SteamService: region is [FR]
10:09:55.15 NET -- SteamService: local address is []
10:09:55.15 NET -- SteamService: computer name is [BlackSNake-HP]
10:09:55.15 NET -- SteamService: Local user SteamID is [76561198006815996]
10:09:55.15 NET -- SessionInternal: Instantiating
10:09:55.15 NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 202
10:09:55.15 NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 201
10:09:55.15 NET -- Session::Initialize - info, initializing session object, using threads.
10:09:55.15 NET -- Session::Initialize - info, initializing session object, using threads.
10:09:55.15 NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 0
10:09:55.15 NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 1
10:09:55.15 NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 2
10:09:55.15 NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 3
10:09:55.15 NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 4
10:09:55.15 NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 5
10:09:55.15 NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 6
10:09:55.15 NET -- Net::ThreadFunction - Entering network thread function...
10:09:55.15 NET -- Transport:

10:09:55.16 NET -- SteamLoginService:

10:09:55.16 NET -- OnConnect: successful connection established, enabling reconnect
10:09:55.16 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:09:55.16 NET -- OnConnect: this wasnt a reconnect, no need for autologin
10:09:55.16 NET -- SteamLoginService:

10:09:55.16 NET -- AccountInternal::IsProfileSelected - no profile, no associated profile event.
10:09:55.16 NET -- OnLogin: no previous login, auto selecting profile not required
10:09:55.16 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:09:55.16 NET -- SteamLoginService:

10:09:55.16 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:09:55.16 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:09:55.16 NET -- Profile selected on controller#0
10:09:55.16 NET -- AccountInternal::IsProfileSelected - no profile, no associated profile event.
10:09:55.16 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:09:55.16 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 1/131
10:09:55.16 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 42/131
10:09:55.16 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 44/131
10:09:55.16 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 45/131
10:09:55.16 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 46/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 47/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 48/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 49/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 50/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 51/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 52/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 57/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 58/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 59/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 60/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 61/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 62/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 63/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 67/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 72/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 74/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 75/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 76/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 77/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 97/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 98/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 99/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 100/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 102/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 104/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 106/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 107/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 108/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 109/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 110/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 111/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 112/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 113/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 114/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 115/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 116/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 117/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 118/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 119/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 120/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 121/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 122/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 123/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 124/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 125/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 126/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 127/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 128/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 129/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 130/131
10:09:55.17 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:09:55.18 RLServerManager::Create - creating network manager
10:09:55.18 WorldwideLoginService::WorldwideLoginService - initializing
10:09:55.18 WorldwideLoginService::WorldwideLoginService - using hostname
10:09:55.18 WorldwideLoginService::WorldwideLoginService - server account will be /steam/76561198006815996
10:09:56.27 GAME -- Company Of Heroes 2, Build [], Language [french]
10:09:56.27 Plat::Win32 -- Desktop PPI 96, DPI Scaling: 1.000000
10:09:56.30 SPDx11 -- Adapter [NVIDIA GeForce GT 440]: 1488MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 2559MB shared system memory.
10:09:56.30 OPTION -- effectsdensity: 0
10:09:56.30 OPTION -- effectsfidelity: 0
10:09:56.30 OPTION -- modeldetail: 128
10:09:56.30 OPTION -- postprocessing: 0
10:09:56.30 OPTION -- raindetail: 1
10:09:56.30 OPTION -- reflections: 0
10:09:56.30 OPTION -- ambocclquality: 1
10:09:56.30 OPTION -- shadows: 1
10:09:56.30 OPTION -- shrubsdetail: 0
10:09:56.30 OPTION -- terraindetail: 1
10:09:56.30 OPTION -- snowdetail: 1
10:09:56.30 OPTION -- antialiasing: 0
10:09:56.30 OPTION -- verticalsync: 1
10:09:56.30 OPTION -- physics: 0
10:09:56.30 OPTION -- texturedetail: 2
10:09:56.30 OPTION -- worldviewquality: 2
10:09:56.32 SPOOGE - Driver[DirectX11_Rendering_Device] version[4,37]
10:09:56.32 GAME -- Desktop refresh rate is 60.000000Hz
10:09:56.32 GAME -- Configuration selected refresh rate is (60.014999Hz) 60015/1000
10:09:56.32 GAME -- Final selected refresh rate 60.014999Hz
10:09:56.32 GAME -- Resolution set to 1280x768 @ (60.014999Hz) 60015/1000 (fullscreen).
10:09:56.32 SPDx11 -- New Device RefCount [2], New DeviceContext RefCount [1]
10:09:56.32 SPDx11 -- Adapter Description = NVIDIA GeForce GT 440
10:09:56.32 SPDx11 -- Driver Vendor = 0x000010de Device = 0x00000dc0 SubSys = 0x23111462 Rev = 0x000000a1
10:09:56.32 SPDx11 -- Driver Version Product = 9 Version = 18 SubVersion = 0 Build = 332.21
10:09:56.32 SPDx11 -- Driver LUID = 0x00000000-0x000068e9
10:09:56.33 SPDx11 -- 1488MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 2559MB shared system memory available.
10:09:56.33 SPDx11 -- [1] GPUs found.
10:09:56.33 ShaderDatabase: using shader profile [ps50]
10:09:56.35 SPDx11 -- CreateSwapChain: 1280x768 @ 60015/1000Hz (60.014999Hz). Sample count/quality: 1/0. Back buffers: 2.
10:09:57.62 SPDx11 -- Actual SwapChain buffer set by DXGI: 1280x768 @ 60015/1000Hz = Refresh Rate: 60.01
10:09:57.62 SPDx11 -- ResizeTarget: 1280x768 @ 60015/1000Hz = Refresh Rate: 60.01
10:09:57.67 SPDx11 -- Setting SwapChain State to: FULLSCREEN
10:09:57.67 SPDx11 -- Actual SwapChain buffer set by DXGI: 1280x768 @ 60015/1000Hz = Refresh Rate: 60.01
10:09:57.67 SPDx11 -- Resizing target to make sure Refresh rate is set properly after FullScreen mode change
10:09:57.67 SPDx11 -- ResizeTarget: 1280x768 @ 0/0Hz = Refresh Rate: 0.00
10:09:57.75 SPDx11 -- Actual SwapChain buffer set by DXGI: 1280x768 @ 60015/1000Hz = Refresh Rate: 60.01
10:09:57.75 SPDx11 -- Gamma Caps - Scale/Offset supported: no, Max: 1.00, Min: 0.00, Number of Control Points: 256.
10:09:57.82 SPDx11 -- Gamma Caps - Scale/Offset supported: no, Max: 1.00, Min: 0.00, Number of Control Points: 256.
10:09:57.83 SPDx11 -- device requires no additional virtual address space textures, although test may be faulty.
10:09:57.83 SPDx11 -- Setting SwapChain State to: FULLSCREEN
10:09:57.83 SPDx11 -- Actual SwapChain buffer set by DXGI: 1280x768 @ 60015/1000Hz = Refresh Rate: 60.01
10:09:57.83 SPDx11 -- Resizing target to make sure Refresh rate is set properly after FullScreen mode change
10:09:57.83 SPDx11 -- ResizeTarget: 1280x768 @ 0/0Hz = Refresh Rate: 0.00
10:09:57.90 SPDx11 -- Actual SwapChain buffer set by DXGI: 1280x768 @ 60015/1000Hz = Refresh Rate: 60.01
10:09:58.36 SPDx11 -- GPU can do [2265] pixels per usecond. At [1280x768x1] this is [2304] screens per second. with a CPU overhead of [0.000000] ms, GPU Usage Time [43.833954] ms, QueryWaitCPU time [46.000004] ms
10:09:59.31 SPDx11 -- GPU can do [51] pixels per usecond. At [1024x1024x1] this is [49] screens per second. with a CPU overhead of [0.000000] ms, GPU Usage Time [81.601341] ms, QueryWaitCPU time [83.000008] ms
10:09:59.31 FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, missing alias 'TOOLSDATA:autoloddecimator.lua'
10:09:59.42 SOUND -- Initializing ...
10:09:59.58 INNIMapDCA Key not found: tiger_radio_fuzz:

10:09:59.72 SOUND -- Initialization completed!
10:09:59.80 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

10:09:59.80 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

10:09:59.80 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

10:09:59.80 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

10:09:59.80 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

10:09:59.80 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

10:09:59.80 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

10:09:59.80 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

10:09:59.80 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

10:09:59.80 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

10:09:59.80 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

10:09:59.80 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

10:09:59.80 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

10:09:59.80 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

10:09:59.80 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

10:09:59.80 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

10:09:59.80 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

10:09:59.80 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

10:09:59.80 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

10:09:59.80 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

10:09:59.80 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

10:09:59.80 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

10:09:59.80 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

10:09:59.80 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

10:09:59.80 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

10:09:59.80 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

10:09:59.80 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

10:09:59.80 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

10:09:59.80 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

10:09:59.80 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

10:09:59.80 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

10:09:59.80 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

10:09:59.80 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

10:09:59.80 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

10:09:59.80 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:09:59.80 RLServer::WorldwideLoginService::LongPoller::ThreadFunction - Entering
10:09:59.80 GDS client init status 0
10:09:59.84 SCENARIO -- Failed to open stream for Scenario 'DATA

10:09:59.84 SCENARIO -- Failed to open stream for Scenario 'DATA

10:09:59.96 GAME -- (WorldManager) Cannot find original scenario "2P_COH2_SnowTown" referenced from data

10:10:02.69 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:03.07 GameObjLoader 11bf9b48 - resetting counters
10:10:03.07 GameObjLoader 11bf9b48 - Created loader
10:10:03.07 GameObjLoader 11bf9ce8 - resetting counters
10:10:03.07 GameObjLoader 11bf9ce8 - Created loader
10:10:03.19 CRC & Version Info : exe 0x00002e23:data 0x0b7d53c8
10:10:03.19 Initializing Scaleform D3D11 HAL
10:10:06.86 Ignoring replay [PLAYBACK:epic battel.rec] as it is version [0] and current build is [11811]
10:10:06.86 GAME -- Error reading header for recorded game PLAYBACK:epic battel.rec
10:10:06.89 Ignoring replay [PLAYBACK:hard1.rec] as it is version [0] and current build is [11811]
10:10:06.92 GAME -- Error reading header for recorded game PLAYBACK:hard1.rec
10:10:07.04 Ignoring replay [PLAYBACK:Nice Game.rec] as it is version [0] and current build is [11811]
10:10:07.05 GAME -- Error reading header for recorded game PLAYBACK:Nice Game.rec
10:10:07.95 Ignoring replay [PLAYBACK:epic battel.rec] as it is version [0] and current build is [11811]
10:10:07.95 GAME -- Error reading header for recorded game PLAYBACK:epic battel.rec
10:10:07.95 Ignoring replay [PLAYBACK:hard1.rec] as it is version [0] and current build is [11811]
10:10:07.95 GAME -- Error reading header for recorded game PLAYBACK:hard1.rec
10:10:07.95 Ignoring replay [PLAYBACK:Nice Game.rec] as it is version [0] and current build is [11811]
10:10:07.95 GAME -- Error reading header for recorded game PLAYBACK:Nice Game.rec
10:10:08.11 SFLoader -- UI DATA:UI\Bin\COH2UI.gfx loaded in 4.918000s
10:10:08.12 MUTING SOUNDS
10:10:10.76 Steam returned an error while trying to get the published file details
10:10:10.76 SteamAuthManager requesting app ticket
10:10:10.76 SteamAuthManager::GetAuthToken state ID : 1
10:10:11.18 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:11.18 OnRequestEncryptedAppTicket callback. Failed? : N
10:10:11.18 SteamAuthManager CacheApplicationTicket at t=20
10:10:11.18 Steam returned an error while trying to get the published file details
10:10:11.18 SteamAuthManager::GetAuthToken state ID : 2
10:10:11.20 Creating curl handle
10:10:11.20 Adding curl handle
10:10:11.59 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:12.07 HttpRequestAsync:

10:10:12.10 AccountPlatformLoginAsync - response good: 1898 bytes, [0,[],[["E
10:10:12.10 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:12.10 NET -- Progression::UpdateLeaderboardData - Updating leaderboard data
10:10:12.10 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:12.10 NET -- Progression::UpdateLeaderboardData - Updating leaderboard data
10:10:12.10 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:12.10 NET -- Progression::UpdateLeaderboardData - Updating leaderboard data
10:10:12.10 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:12.10 NET -- Progression::UpdateLeaderboardData - Updating leaderboard data
10:10:12.10 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:12.10 NET -- Progression::UpdateLeaderboardData - Updating leaderboard data
10:10:12.10 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:12.10 NET -- Progression::UpdateLeaderboardData - Updating leaderboard data
10:10:12.10 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:12.10 NET -- Progression::UpdateLeaderboardData - Updating leaderboard data
10:10:12.10 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:12.10 NET -- Progression::UpdateLeaderboardData - Updating leaderboard data
10:10:12.10 RelicLinkListener:

10:10:12.13 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:12.13 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:12.13 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:12.13 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:12.13 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:12.13 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:12.13 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:12.13 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:12.13 Creating curl handle
10:10:12.13 Adding curl handle
10:10:12.38 HttpRequestAsync:

10:10:12.41 GetNewsAsync - response good: 6 bytes, [0,[]]
10:10:12.67 Creating curl handle
10:10:12.67 Adding curl handle
10:10:13.24 HttpRequestAsync:

10:10:13.26 AutomatchMapCache - response good: 6779 bytes, [0,[[1,"2p
10:10:13.27 Ignoring replay [PLAYBACK:epic battel.rec] as it is version [0] and current build is [11811]
10:10:13.27 GAME -- Error reading header for recorded game PLAYBACK:epic battel.rec
10:10:13.28 Ignoring replay [PLAYBACK:hard1.rec] as it is version [0] and current build is [11811]
10:10:13.28 GAME -- Error reading header for recorded game PLAYBACK:hard1.rec
10:10:13.28 Ignoring replay [PLAYBACK:Nice Game.rec] as it is version [0] and current build is [11811]
10:10:13.28 GAME -- Error reading header for recorded game PLAYBACK:Nice Game.rec
10:10:13.86 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:13.86 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:13.86 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:13.86 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:13.86 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:13.86 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:13.86 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:13.88 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:13.90 NET -- SteamUploadEntryAsync succeeded
10:10:13.90 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:13.90 NET -- SteamUploadEntryAsync succeeded
10:10:13.90 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:13.90 NET -- SteamUploadEntryAsync succeeded
10:10:13.90 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:13.90 NET -- SteamUploadEntryAsync succeeded
10:10:13.90 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:13.90 NET -- SteamUploadEntryAsync succeeded
10:10:13.90 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:13.90 NET -- SteamUploadEntryAsync succeeded
10:10:13.90 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:13.90 NET -- SteamUploadEntryAsync succeeded
10:10:13.90 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:13.91 NET -- SteamUploadEntryAsync succeeded
10:10:13.91 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:20.80 DB -- Unable to load symbols.
10:10:20.80 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:20.83 NET -- Created Sessioninfo
10:10:20.83 NET -- Session::Reset with reason 999 and AdvertisementInternal::ResetSession()
10:10:20.83 NET -- starting online hosting
10:10:20.83 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:20.83 AccountInternal::Connect - Connecting to server
10:10:20.83 WorldwideLoginService - *** Connecting to server:
10:10:20.89 NET -- Session::GetState - info, session's state changed to [1

10:10:20.89 NET -- SteamHostAsync:

10:10:20.89 SteamAuthManager::GetAuthToken state ID : 3
10:10:20.89 SteamAuthManager got cached ticket
10:10:20.92 Creating curl handle
10:10:20.92 Adding curl handle
10:10:21.23 HttpRequestAsync:

10:10:21.26 ConnectAsync - response good: 66 bytes, [0,"5dn9lp
10:10:21.26 ConnectAsync - response good: 66 bytes, [0,"5dn9lp
10:10:21.26 RelicLinkListener:

10:10:21.26 NET -- Party:

10:10:21.30 NET -- SteamHostAsync:

10:10:21.30 NET -- SteamService::AddKnownLobby: added pub/mms/2350067214 (type=101)
10:10:21.30 NET -- SteamService::UpdateKnownLobby: owner of pub/mms/2350067214 set to pub/user/46550268
10:10:21.30 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:21.30 NET -- SteamService:

10:10:21.30 NET -- SteamService:

10:10:21.33 Creating curl handle
10:10:21.33 Adding curl handle
10:10:21.33 NET -- OnServiceJoinSuccess - joined online session, server leave notification required
10:10:21.33 NET -- starting local hosting connection info (steam://101

10:10:21.33 NET -- Creating new route for peer 1 with address steam://101

10:10:21.33 NET -- !!Created new route for peer 1 with address steam://101

10:10:21.33 NET -- Connection listener, setting remoteID to 2 for localID 2
10:10:21.33 NET -- CHALLENGE -- Session::Host setting m_localPeerPtr->m_challengeToken:
10:10:21.34 NET -- Transport:

10:10:21.36 NET -- Session::GetState - info, session's state changed to [2

10:10:21.36 NET -- ValidateCustomData: called with 182 bytes of custom data
10:10:21.36 NET -- Host accepted Peer 1 into the match at address steam://101

10:10:21.36 NET -- SessionInternal:

10:10:21.36 NET -- OnAddSessionMember - sessionID (101), peer is local (yes), is host (yes), and has peerID (1)
10:10:21.36 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 2, sessionID[101]
10:10:21.37 NET -- PeerID 1 is CONNECTED and has avg packet size of 0
10:10:21.37 NET -- Routes for peer 1:
10:10:21.37 NET -- Route at index 0, is steam://101

10:10:21.40 NET -- Session::GetState - info, session's state changed to [3

10:10:21.40 NET -- hosting - Session is connected
10:10:21.40 NET -- Net:

10:10:21.43 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:21.46 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:21.46 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:21.46 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:21.46 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:21.46 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:21.46 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:21.46 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:21.46 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:21.46 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:21.46 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:21.46 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:21.46 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:21.46 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:21.46 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:21.46 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:21.46 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:21.46 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:21.46 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:21.46 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:21.46 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:21.46 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:21.47 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:21.47 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:21.47 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:21.47 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:21.47 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:21.47 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:21.86 NET -- SteamService:

10:10:21.86 NET -- SteamService:

10:10:21.90 NET -- SteamUpdateAdvertisementAsync:

10:10:21.93 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:21.96 NET -- HostAsync - completed with HostResult = 0
10:10:21.96 Party:

10:10:21.96 Party:

10:10:21.96 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 3, sessionID[101]
10:10:21.96 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 4, sessionID[101]
10:10:21.96 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 5, sessionID[101]
10:10:21.96 NET -- SetMaxPlayers - max players changed to 8
10:10:21.96 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 6, sessionID[101]
10:10:21.96 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 7, sessionID[101]
10:10:21.96 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 8, sessionID[101]
10:10:21.96 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:22.01 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:22.01 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 9, sessionID[101]
10:10:22.01 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 10, sessionID[101]
10:10:22.01 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 11, sessionID[101]
10:10:22.01 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 12, sessionID[101]
10:10:22.01 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 13, sessionID[101]
10:10:22.01 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 14, sessionID[101]
10:10:22.01 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 15, sessionID[101]
10:10:22.01 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 16, sessionID[101]
10:10:22.21 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:22.21 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:22.26 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:22.56 NET -- SteamService:

10:10:22.56 NET -- SteamService:

10:10:22.60 NET -- SteamUpdateAdvertisementAsync:

10:10:22.60 NET -- SteamUpdateAdvertisementAsync:

10:10:22.63 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:22.63 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:23.20 HttpRequestAsync:

10:10:23.30 ProcessLongPollResult - response good, processing=1: [[["Avatar
10:10:23.35 Creating curl handle
10:10:23.35 Adding curl handle
10:10:29.50 NET -- SetMaxPlayers - max players changed to 8
10:10:29.50 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 17, sessionID[101]
10:10:29.50 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 18, sessionID[101]
10:10:29.53 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:29.56 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:29.94 NET -- SteamService:

10:10:29.98 NET -- SteamUpdateAdvertisementAsync:

10:10:30.01 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:36.38 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 19, sessionID[101]
10:10:36.38 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 20, sessionID[101]
10:10:36.41 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:36.46 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:36.46 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:36.81 NET -- SteamService:

10:10:36.91 NET -- SteamService:

10:10:36.94 NET -- SteamUpdateAdvertisementAsync:

10:10:36.98 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:37.15 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 21, sessionID[101]
10:10:37.15 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 22, sessionID[101]
10:10:37.18 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:37.21 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:37.21 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:37.61 NET -- SteamService:

10:10:37.61 NET -- SteamService:

10:10:37.64 NET -- SteamUpdateAdvertisementAsync:

10:10:37.68 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:38.05 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 23, sessionID[101]
10:10:38.05 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 24, sessionID[101]
10:10:38.08 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:38.11 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:38.11 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:38.48 NET -- SteamService:

10:10:38.58 NET -- SteamService:

10:10:38.61 NET -- SteamUpdateAdvertisementAsync:

10:10:38.64 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:38.88 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 25, sessionID[101]
10:10:38.88 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 26, sessionID[101]
10:10:38.91 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:38.95 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:38.95 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:39.41 NET -- SteamService:

10:10:39.48 NET -- SteamService:

10:10:39.51 NET -- SteamUpdateAdvertisementAsync:

10:10:39.54 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:40.05 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 27, sessionID[101]
10:10:40.05 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 28, sessionID[101]
10:10:40.08 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:40.13 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:40.13 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:40.61 NET -- SteamService:

10:10:40.68 NET -- SteamService:

10:10:40.71 NET -- SteamUpdateAdvertisementAsync:

10:10:40.74 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:40.81 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 29, sessionID[101]
10:10:40.81 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 30, sessionID[101]
10:10:40.84 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:40.88 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:40.88 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:41.31 NET -- SteamService:

10:10:41.34 NET -- SteamService:

10:10:41.38 NET -- SteamUpdateAdvertisementAsync:

10:10:41.41 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:41.71 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 31, sessionID[101]
10:10:41.71 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 32, sessionID[101]
10:10:41.74 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:41.78 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:41.78 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:42.21 NET -- SteamService:

10:10:42.24 NET -- SteamService:

10:10:42.28 NET -- SteamUpdateAdvertisementAsync:

10:10:42.31 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:44.38 Party:

10:10:44.41 Party:

10:10:44.44 DB -- Unable to load symbols.
10:10:44.44 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:44.44 Party:

10:10:44.48 NET -- Created Sessioninfo
10:10:44.48 NET -- Session::Reset with reason 999 and AdvertisementInternal::ResetSession()
10:10:44.48 NET -- starting online (no lobby) hosting
10:10:44.48 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:44.51 NET -- Session::GetState - info, session's state changed to [1

10:10:44.51 NET -- SteamHostAsync:

10:10:44.51 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:44.54 NET -- OnServiceJoinSuccess - joined online session, server leave notification required
10:10:44.54 NET -- starting local hosting connection info (steam://100

10:10:44.54 NET -- Creating new route for peer 1 with address steam://100

10:10:44.54 NET -- !!Created new route for peer 1 with address steam://100

10:10:44.54 NET -- Connection listener, setting remoteID to 3 for localID 3
10:10:44.54 NET -- CHALLENGE -- Session::Host setting m_localPeerPtr->m_challengeToken:
10:10:44.55 NET -- Transport:

10:10:44.57 NET -- Session::GetState - info, session's state changed to [2

10:10:44.57 NET -- ValidateCustomData: called with 894 bytes of custom data
10:10:44.58 NET -- Host accepted Peer 1 into the match at address steam://100

10:10:44.58 NET -- SessionInternal:

10:10:44.58 NET -- OnAddSessionMember - sessionID (100), peer is local (yes), is host (yes), and has peerID (1)
10:10:44.58 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 2, sessionID[100]
10:10:44.58 NET -- PeerID 1 is CONNECTED and has avg packet size of 0
10:10:44.58 NET -- Routes for peer 1:
10:10:44.58 NET -- Route at index 0, is steam://100

10:10:44.61 NET -- Session::GetState - info, session's state changed to [3

10:10:44.61 NET -- hosting - Session is connected
10:10:44.61 NET -- Net:

10:10:44.64 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:44.67 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:44.71 NET -- HostAsync - completed with HostResult = 0
10:10:44.71 NET -- Net:

10:10:44.71 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 3, sessionID[100]
10:10:44.71 NET -- SessionInternal:

10:10:44.71 NET -- SetMaxPlayers - max players changed to 8
10:10:44.71 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 4, sessionID[100]
10:10:44.71 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 5, sessionID[100]
10:10:44.71 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 6, sessionID[100]
10:10:44.71 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 7, sessionID[100]
10:10:44.71 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 8, sessionID[100]
10:10:44.71 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 9, sessionID[100]
10:10:44.71 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 10, sessionID[100]
10:10:44.71 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 11, sessionID[100]
10:10:44.71 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 12, sessionID[100]
10:10:44.71 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 13, sessionID[100]
10:10:44.71 NET -- QuickMatchInternal:

10:10:44.71 NET -- QuickMatchInternal:

10:10:44.71 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:44.71 Party:

10:10:44.74 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:44.74 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 14, sessionID[100]
10:10:44.74 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 15, sessionID[100]
10:10:44.74 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 16, sessionID[100]
10:10:44.74 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 17, sessionID[100]
10:10:44.74 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 18, sessionID[100]
10:10:44.74 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 19, sessionID[100]
10:10:44.74 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 20, sessionID[100]
10:10:44.74 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 21, sessionID[100]
10:10:44.74 Party:

10:10:44.77 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:44.78 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:44.78 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 22, sessionID[100]
10:10:44.78 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 23, sessionID[100]
10:10:44.78 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 24, sessionID[100]
10:10:44.78 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 25, sessionID[100]
10:10:44.78 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 26, sessionID[100]
10:10:44.78 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 27, sessionID[100]
10:10:44.78 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 28, sessionID[100]
10:10:44.78 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 29, sessionID[100]
10:10:44.78 Party:

10:10:44.81 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:44.81 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:44.81 Party:

10:10:44.84 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:44.84 Party:

10:10:44.84 Party:

10:10:44.84 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 33, sessionID[101]
10:10:44.84 MatchCountdownHelper:

10:10:44.84 MatchCountdownHelper: Sending StartGame message!
10:10:44.84 NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 30, sessionID[100]
10:10:44.84 NET -- SessionInternal:

10:10:44.87 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:44.88 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:44.88 MOD - Setting player (0) race to: 1
10:10:44.88 MOD - Setting player (1) race to: 0
10:10:44.88 MOD - Setting player (2) race to: 1
10:10:44.88 MOD - Setting player (3) race to: 0
10:10:44.88 MOD - Setting player (4) race to: 1
10:10:44.88 MOD - Setting player (5) race to: 0
10:10:44.88 MOD - Setting player (6) race to: 1
10:10:44.88 MOD - Setting player (7) race to: 0
10:10:44.88 NET -- Net:

10:10:44.88 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:44.91 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:44.91 NET -- SteamLobbyService:

10:10:45.17 NET -- SteamService:

10:10:45.34 NET -- SteamService:

10:10:45.37 NET -- SteamUpdateAdvertisementAsync:

10:10:45.71 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:10:46.01 GAME -- Recording game
10:10:46.37 scoped_curl_pool: updating session change number 1
10:10:46.73 scoped_curl_pool: updating session change number 1
10:10:47.16 scoped_curl_pool: finished
10:10:47.56 scoped_curl_pool: updating session change number 1
10:10:47.71 OBJECTSCAR -- Initialization failed - could not load scar type BP list.
10:10:48.40 INNIMapDCA Key not found: tinitus::time
10:10:48.68 GameObjLoader - upgrading load_count from 0 to 2510
10:10:48.71 PHYSICS -- Created node factory 'HVOK'
10:10:48.71 PHYSICS -- Created node factory 'DMMY'
10:10:53.59 HttpRequestAsync:

10:10:53.70 ProcessLongPollResult - response good, processing=0: [[]]
10:10:53.74 Creating curl handle
10:10:53.74 Adding curl handle
10:10:55.00 NET -- Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
10:10:57.40 Dx11Program : Unable to find shader script for 'max_alphablend' in the ShaderDatabase.
10:10:57.40 Unable to load shader [max_alphablend] so replacing with [defaultshader]
10:11:08.96 GameObjLoader 11bf9b48 - resetting counters
10:11:08.96 GameObjLoader 11bf9b48 - LOAD_DONE
10:11:12.44 GAME - SessionSetup
10:11:12.44 MUTING SOUNDS
10:11:12.73 TChunkManagerIO::Load version 2001l
10:11:12.79 TERRAINTEXTURE -- compositor added RenderTarget of size 2880 x 1728
10:11:15.27 GAME - CreateGEWorld in 2838 ms
10:11:15.38 GAME - SessionSetup finished in 2945 ms
10:11:15.41 GAME - WaterReflectionManagerSetup
10:11:15.41 GAME - WaterReflectionManagerSetup finished in 0 ms
10:11:15.65 SimWorld::LoadWinCondition: - [DATA

10:11:18.83 SPEECHMANAGER -- Loaded in 0.026368 seconds
10:11:18.95 TwoPop sound file 'dev/440hz' not loaded
10:11:19.57 GameObjLoader - upgrading load_count from 0 to 2217
10:11:24.07 HttpRequestAsync:

10:11:24.22 Creating curl handle
10:11:24.22 Adding curl handle
10:11:24.48 ProcessLongPollResult - response good, processing=0: [[]]
10:11:26.63 GameObjLoader 11bf9ce8 - resetting counters
10:11:26.63 GameObjLoader 11bf9ce8 - LOAD_DONE
10:11:27.68 PreloadResources took 0ms.
10:11:27.75 SIM -- Setting SyncErrorChecking level to None
10:11:54.60 HttpRequestAsync:

10:11:54.68 ProcessLongPollResult - response good, processing=0: [[]]
10:11:54.75 Creating curl handle
10:11:54.75 Adding curl handle
10:11:56.00 NET -- Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
10:12:24.98 HttpRequestAsync:

10:12:25.05 ProcessLongPollResult - response good, processing=0: [[]]
10:12:25.13 Creating curl handle
10:12:25.13 Adding curl handle
10:12:55.35 HttpRequestAsync:

10:12:55.43 ProcessLongPollResult - response good, processing=0: [[]]
10:12:55.50 Creating curl handle
10:12:55.50 Adding curl handle
10:12:57.00 NET -- Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
10:13:25.73 HttpRequestAsync:

10:13:25.81 ProcessLongPollResult - response good, processing=0: [[]]
10:13:25.88 Creating curl handle
10:13:25.88 Adding curl handle
10:13:42.26 DeferredView - Start creating view [ WaterView ] textures
10:13:42.26 SPDx11 -- 1488MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 2559MB shared system memory available.
10:13:42.26 SPDx11 -- 1488MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 2559MB shared system memory available.
10:13:42.26 DeferredView - Finished creating view [ WaterView ] textures
10:13:42.26 DeferredView - Start creating view [ WorldView ] textures
10:13:42.26 SPDx11 -- 1488MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 2559MB shared system memory available.
10:13:42.26 SPDx11 -- 1488MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 2559MB shared system memory available.
10:13:42.26 DeferredView - Finished creating view [ WorldView ] textures
10:13:42.26 UN MUTING SOUNDS
10:13:42.26 PerformanceRecorder:

10:13:42.26 GAME -- Starting mission...
10:13:42.67 MEM -- heap use 1803 mb, heap uncommitted 40 mb, heap total 1844 mb, available virtual 1517 mb, total virtual 4095 mb
10:13:42.79 AccountInternal::Connect - Connecting to server
10:13:42.79 WorldwideLoginService - *** Disconnecting from server
10:13:43.12 Creating curl handle
10:13:43.12 Adding curl handle
10:13:43.12 MOD -- Player IA standard set to AI Type: AI Player (frame 1) (CmdAI)
10:13:43.12 MOD -- Player IA standard set to AI Type: AI Player (frame 1) (CmdAI)
10:13:43.12 MOD -- Player IA standard set to AI Type: AI Player (frame 1) (CmdAI)
10:13:43.12 MOD -- Player IA standard set to AI Type: AI Player (frame 1) (CmdAI)
10:13:43.12 MOD -- Player IA standard set to AI Type: AI Player (frame 1) (CmdAI)
10:13:43.12 MOD -- Player IA standard set to AI Type: AI Player (frame 1) (CmdAI)
10:13:43.12 MOD -- Player IA standard set to AI Type: AI Player (frame 1) (CmdAI)
10:13:43.15 VizView Render - Warning view has no passes defined, adding a default dummy plain render pass
10:13:43.76 HttpRequestAsync:

10:13:44.05 SPDx11 -- Setting SwapChain State to: FULLSCREEN
10:13:45.09 Error 87 trying to FormatMessage(317)
10:13:45.09 Error [317][<unknown>] trying to FormatMessageW(2289696802).
Desc: The resource or request is not currently available, but it might become available later.
Code: 34, Facility: 2170, Severity: 1
Call: [pSwapChain->SetFullscreenState( bFullScreenMode ? TRUE : FALSE, nullptr )]
10:13:45.09 DB -- Unable to load symbols.
10:13:45.09 SPDx11 -- Could not set SwapChain fullscreen state. Result: 0x887a0022.
10:13:45.09 SPDx11 -- Failed to set SwapChain to requested window mode will force Mode to match SwapChain, SwapChain is: WINDOW Requested Mode was: FULLSCREEN
10:13:45.75 WorldwideMatchCreateOrReportSinglePlayerAsync - response good: 883 bytes, [0,"aeb141
10:13:45.79 Creating curl handle
10:13:45.79 Adding curl handle
10:13:45.79 GAME -- SimulationController:

10:13:45.79 MUTING SOUNDS
10:13:45.99 HttpRequestAsync:

10:13:46.04 DisconnectAsync - response good: 3 bytes, [0]
10:13:46.04 DisconnectAsync - response good: 3 bytes, [0]
10:13:46.04 RelicLinkListener:

10:13:46.04 NET -- Party:

10:13:58.00 NET -- Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
10:14:30.42 GAME -- SimulationController:

10:14:30.42 UN MUTING SOUNDS
10:14:32.54 SPDx11 -- Setting SwapChain State to: FULLSCREEN
10:14:33.25 SPDx11 -- Actual SwapChain buffer set by DXGI: 1280x768 @ 60015/1000Hz = Refresh Rate: 60.01
10:14:33.25 SPDx11 -- Resizing target to make sure Refresh rate is set properly after FullScreen mode change
10:14:33.25 SPDx11 -- ResizeTarget: 1280x768 @ 0/0Hz = Refresh Rate: 0.00
10:14:33.38 SPDx11 -- Actual SwapChain buffer set by DXGI: 1280x768 @ 60015/1000Hz = Refresh Rate: 60.01
10:14:59.00 NET -- Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
10:15:55.16 NET -- AsyncJobDriver:

10:15:55.20 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

10:15:55.20 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

10:15:55.20 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

10:15:55.20 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

10:15:55.20 NET -- SteamGetRelationshipsAsync:

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Ladders Top 10
#Steam AliasWL%Streak
- 1.43063.872+8
- 2.57180.877+10
- 3.800454.638-1
- 4.303163.650+3
- 5.313114.733+9
- 6.12744.743+1
- 7.194101.658-1
- 8.282161.637+1
- 9.371284.566-1
- 10.17773.708+3
Replay highlight
cblanco ★
보드카 중대
Heartless Jäger