Mechanics I've used here are a result of messing around and testing. I find this way to be the easiest and fastest way of creating a tactical map in GIMP. If you have better ideas feel free to post them (especially for water).
I highly recommend you to watch the video and read up OnkelSam's tutorial how this is done in Photoshop before you start:
Getting started
I've created some PNG files which you'll need to download. I've created summer and winter variations of the background and the borders for square maps. I've also created a palette image which you can use for painting the various layers.
Files can be downloaded here:
So let's get started:
- Save your overhead map in Worldbuilder and open it up in GIMP (map_mm.tga)
- Open layers view in GIMP:

- Create new layer for Borders

- Open up Borders.png in GIMP and copy and paste it into the Borders layer.
- If you need to scale the borders use GIMP's scaling tool

- Here's how your image should look now:

- Use color picker tool and pick the road color from palette.png

- Now create new layer for roads in between borders and background layer.
- We're gonna use GIMP's Path tool for painting the roads. Make sure you have Road layer selected and road color picked.
- Using Path tool takes a bit of practise to make smooth curves for the roads.
- Here's an example of one of my Paths:

- To paint the road, click on Stroke Path button.
- Dialog appears in which you'll select the width of your road. I'm using 12 pixels for mainroads and 8 for smaller roads.

- Click Stroke to paint the road.

- Rinse and repeat for every road you have on your map. The final outcome of mine is:
Road outlines
- Now we need to make those darker edges for roads, Use Fuzzy select tool to select all the roads.
- With all the roads selected. Go to top Select menu and click Grow.
- Dialog appears asking you how many pixels you want to grow the selection, 3 or 2 pixels is adequate
- Now make a new layer between background and roads layer
- Go to palette.png and pick road outline color

- Now use Bucket fill tool to fill the current selection with outline color. Notice that the road outline layer must be below the roads layer.
- Here's the result so far:

- Use Color Picker tool to pick the building color from palette.png

- Create new layer for buildings.
- Use Rectangular select tool to select buildings and Bucket fill them with the building color.
- Result should look something like this:

- For diagonal buildings you will need to fill a rectangle and then use Rotate tool to align the building block properly.
NOTE: You can use water map or Freeselect tool to select all water parts from the map. I personally think results look better with Freeselect. Here's how to do it with watermap anyway:
- Create new layer for water in your map image.
- Use Export Water map in Worldbuilder and open the exported Tga in GIMP. My map only has a little bit of water.
- In your watermap, select all the black with Fuzzy select tool and hit delete, this makes adjusting water map easier.
- Hit CTRL+A to select the whole water map image, copy it and paste it into your newly created waterlayer.
- This one is a bit tricky, use scaling tool to adjust the white parts with the water in your map. Mine looks like this:

- Click Scale to finish the scaling.
- Now go to palette.png again and pick the watercolor

- Select all the water with Fuzzy select tool and fill them with Bucket fill tool.
- Now select Dodge/Burn tool, check Burn, use soft brush and paint little soft darkened edges around the water splats:

- Unselect the water selection. We want to soften the edges a bit so go to Filters>Blur>Gaussian Blur.
- Adjust the blur values 3px Horizontal and 3x Vertical is fine for me.
- Next we want to get some texture on the water, go to Filters menu>Noise>HSV Noise. Adjust the values as you like but don't go over the top.
- Hit OK to apply the noise.
Finishing it up
- Now only thing we need to do is to apply the background and clean up the image a bit. I've only made square summer/winter so far. Open it up in GIMP.
- Hit CTRL+A to select the whole background and Copy it.
- Go to your map image and create new layer above the original background.
- Paste the background into the layer.

- The road outlines and buildings look a bit jagged atm. Use Filters>Blur>Gaussian blur to soften these layers up a bit.

- Looks much better.
- Now we want to make the objects fade into the borders of the map.
- Use Eraser tool and pick softest brush you can find. Increase the size to something like 150-200 and start erasing all the layers from the edge of the image:

- That's it! Go to File>Export and select TGA as a filetype.
- Here's the final product:

- Not perfect, but will do