1.When you ignore a player on steam, that player can still join your hosted game even if you kick them out so ignore is not working.
2.Input lag,long delay,freeze,stuttering,lockups inside the menu and lobby.
3.when you host a game and leave it, whoever joined your game first gets delegated host so the game does not shutdown, bug but i do like this bug! it's nice when you want a friend to check the lobby, no need to close the game down.
4.Black screen problem in game at random times, even in the lobby.
i have 3 monitors it happens on them all since this new patch.
5.Leaderboards repeat the first 45 players.
6.2v2 AT stats count the same player 2 times. player1 player1 instead of player1 player2.
7.Games hosted in the lobby are visible but disappear very often.
8.Sometimes you can't move your units or build structures forcing you to leave game.

9.Syncerrors happen pretty much 6 out of 10 games if not more its BAD
10.When having additional factions in the game (like on Eastern Front mod, or if you modded a custom faction yourself) you can't pick it in game. This is a huge issue for many single player mods that rely on additional factions.
11.Replay analyzer no longer works COHRA
12.Offline friends who don't even own the game show up in game as offline. People who own the game should be displayed. Not people who don't own the game.
Steam reads your entire friends list into the game even people who don't have the game.
13.On the leaderboards check the 4 boxes on the right. you can scroll them down to the infinite. could be the reason for the lag , freeze , stuttering lockups.
14.Basic game level is always level 1 it does not increase at all needs fixing.
15.I found out that if you join a chat channel that does not contain many players
the freeze lag and lockups goes away. So if i join GameReplays busy chat i have all the problems.
16.Ranks do not display the correct rank of players on the loading screen even for 2v2 AT games.
17.Fieldrepairs does not work sometimes.
18.Can not build wehrmacht kampfkraft center sometimes.
19.Small input delay during the start of every game when building pioneers on engineers you have to click back on hq to reproduce them.
20.Getting kicked from games at random intervals with not a single kick message pop up once. I've not seen any screen pop up asking to kick a player on this new patch.
21.Some users have reported problems with screen going black at random times i have also had this problem.