
russian armor

[WIP] (2-4) Bystraya Voda

3 Dec 2013, 21:50 PM
avatar of Qvazar

Posts: 881

Remember, the north area is far from complete, there's supposed to be houses, bushes, cover, etc.
3 Dec 2013, 21:54 PM
avatar of PaRaNo1a
Patrion 26

Posts: 600

jump backJump back to quoted post3 Dec 2013, 21:50 PMQvazar
Remember, the north area is far from complete, there's supposed to be houses, bushes, cover, etc.

You said, ideas, so I am tossing you some around to play with =)
4 Dec 2013, 09:29 AM
avatar of Tabuya

Posts: 3

Love to see new maps. Just played a 1v1 against hard computer to get a feel for the map and this is what i found:

1. night map? awesome!
2. Vehicles cannot exit the western base to the north, the hill is too steep
3. Roads do not give negative cover
4. I like the river, i especially like the way it covers the base on one side. Would it be possible to get the river around the base? as a frozen moat? Would be very cool
5. Strat point and vic point are too close to the base. Units were shooting and reinforcing from closest building while i was capping. Almost impossible to get the victory point at the opposite player's base.
6. I like the single fuel. I was playing as russians and i ended up making a fuel depot but I think it's possible to compensate the fuel if you do not have it by simply having a lot of strat points. I think russians will tipically go south while the ostheer goes north. It obviously needs some further testing but I like it.
7. I think some of the shrubbery on the north side of the river is not a shotblocker. But I'm not sure, I just saw one of my tanks fire over it like it was not there but just once. I couldn't copy it so maybe i'm mistaken.
8. Like the name, does it mean anything?

Ok so lots of cool things and lots of work. Keep it up.

Best regards,

4 Dec 2013, 10:31 AM
avatar of Qvazar

Posts: 881

jump backJump back to quoted post4 Dec 2013, 09:29 AMTabuya

Love to see new maps. Just played a 1v1 against hard computer to get a feel for the map and this is what i found:

1. night map? awesome!
2. Vehicles cannot exit the western base to the north, the hill is too steep
3. Roads do not give negative cover
4. I like the river, i especially like the way it covers the base on one side. Would it be possible to get the river around the base? as a frozen moat? Would be very cool
5. Strat point and vic point are too close to the base. Units were shooting and reinforcing from closest building while i was capping. Almost impossible to get the victory point at the opposite player's base.
6. I like the single fuel. I was playing as russians and i ended up making a fuel depot but I think it's possible to compensate the fuel if you do not have it by simply having a lot of strat points. I think russians will tipically go south while the ostheer goes north. It obviously needs some further testing but I like it.
7. I think some of the shrubbery on the north side of the river is not a shotblocker. But I'm not sure, I just saw one of my tanks fire over it like it was not there but just once. I couldn't copy it so maybe i'm mistaken.
8. Like the name, does it mean anything?

Ok so lots of cool things and lots of work. Keep it up.

Best regards,


Thanks for the great feedback! :)

1) It's supposed to transition to morning atmosphere, it didn't do that?
2) There's supposed to be a bridge, I don't know why it's not there. It disappears ingame :(
3) I'll see if I can fix that. I would also like to use another road texture, maybe that will fix it.
4) A frozen moat? That might be too risky. Hmm, I'll think about it.
5) Ok, it definitely shouldn't be like that. I'll move them.
6) Yeah, 2 strat points = 1 fuel point worth of fuel. Ostheer could also cut the fuel off , or cap it and rush an Ostwind before the soviets can get that SU-85 out. On the other hand, if soviets can get the munitions, there won't be any schrecks or tellers around.
7) Everything is copied from the same base spline, so it should be :)
8) I just google translated "Rough River" or something like that, and thought it sounded cool.. :D
4 Dec 2013, 22:32 PM
avatar of PaRaNo1a
Patrion 26

Posts: 600

jump backJump back to quoted post4 Dec 2013, 10:31 AMQvazar

8) I just google translated "Rough River" or something like that, and thought it sounded cool.. :D

Actually Bystraya Voda means Fast Water.
If you want Rough River you should name it Bystraya Reka or Zhestkaya Reka (But this one is grammatically incorrect in Russian) .
5 Dec 2013, 00:12 AM
avatar of wooof

Posts: 950 | Subs: 1

Best way is to test ingame how much time a unit needs to get from point a -> b from both sides.
So yeah, Testing testing testing =)

theres actually a ruler tool (just to the right of NIS). you can measure the distance between objects or 2 points on the ground. it will tell you the distance in a straight line or based on pathing. you can even change it to calculate pathing for infantry or different vehicles. that way you can see where certain units will fit, or what objects they can crush.
5 Dec 2013, 09:33 AM
avatar of Qvazar

Posts: 881

jump backJump back to quoted post5 Dec 2013, 00:12 AMwooof

theres actually a ruler tool (just to the right of NIS). you can measure the distance between objects or 2 points on the ground. it will tell you the distance in a straight line or based on pathing. you can even change it to calculate pathing for infantry or different vehicles. that way you can see where certain units will fit, or what objects they can crush.

The Worldbuilder continues to amaze me! That tool will surely come in good use.
12 Dec 2013, 17:59 PM
avatar of akosi

Posts: 1734

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upload to steamworksohp
12 Dec 2013, 18:26 PM
avatar of Qvazar

Posts: 881

The map is now on Steam Workshop. It is still a work in progress though, but feel free to play it and post any feedback! :)
27 Dec 2013, 02:37 AM
avatar of Qvazar

Posts: 881

New version is up!
Updated the first post with changelist and link to steam workshop.

Change list
27/12 2013 Christmas holidays! Finally had time to work on the map, and I think it's now very close to how I want envisioned it.
  • Moved VPs.
  • Reworked sector layout to get more cutoff possibilities.
  • The north of the map is reworked.
  • Added base bunkers.
  • Strat points moved further away from the bases, to avoid being able to reinforce from base while defending them.
  • Base exits reworked.
  • Probably a lot of things I forgot.
27 Dec 2013, 19:05 PM
avatar of BartonPL

Posts: 2807 | Subs: 6

one question - this map is mostly designed for 1v1 or 2v2 ?
27 Dec 2013, 19:45 PM
avatar of Qvazar

Posts: 881

28 Dec 2013, 15:09 PM
avatar of BartonPL

Posts: 2807 | Subs: 6

I think that It would be great to add additional muni point next to bases and remove north east muni, so there would be 3 muni points 1 fuel and rest strat points
28 Dec 2013, 17:13 PM
avatar of Qvazar

Posts: 881

I think that It would be great to add additional muni point next to bases and remove north east muni, so there would be 3 muni points 1 fuel and rest strat points

I see what you mean. But wouldn't 3 muni points be too much?
28 Dec 2013, 23:21 PM
avatar of BartonPL

Posts: 2807 | Subs: 6

I don't think so, anyway, 3 muni points would allow epic off-map planes and abilities more often
28 Dec 2013, 23:37 PM
avatar of Spanky
Senior Strategist Badge

Posts: 1820 | Subs: 2

Relic made the resource sytem specific, 10 strat points, 2 fuel points and 2 muni points. I've heard, if you change those, you might get some weird errors with either popcap or income.
29 Dec 2013, 01:24 AM
avatar of Sarantini
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jump backJump back to quoted post28 Dec 2013, 23:37 PMSpanky
Relic made the resource sytem specific, 10 strat points, 2 fuel points and 2 muni points. I've heard, if you change those, you might get some weird errors with either popcap or income.

The game works exactly the same, you just have different resource income. Relic them self have maps with 1 muni (kholowwinter/rzehv summer) or more muni points (prypjat winter)
but 3 seems quite much for a 1v1 map.
29 Dec 2013, 01:37 AM
avatar of Qvazar

Posts: 881

It's just the economy, unit and ability cost, that is balanced around 10 strat points, 2 fuel points and 2 munition points.
If you stray too far from that, the economy will feel off.

This map has 12 strat points, 2 munition points and 1 fuel point.

On a standard map, the total income is:
10 * 5 + 2 * 11 = +72 munitions
10 * 3 + 2 * 7 = +44 fuel

The total income on Bystraya Voda is:
12 * 5 + 2 * 11 = +82 munitions
12 * 3 + 7 = +43 fuel

So the total income on the map is already like a standard map with an additional munitions point.

You still want more munitions? :)
29 Dec 2013, 09:42 AM
avatar of BartonPL

Posts: 2807 | Subs: 6

yes, change strat points near base on east area into munitions points, and that muni on north east change to strat point
29 Dec 2013, 13:46 PM
avatar of Brummbær

Posts: 59

I just played a match as Soviet against the ai and the fight was big fun, waving for- and backwards. I did not miss more fuel points and based on the map layout it was not such a big problem the germans had more tanks. But that could become a problem in pvp. Overall: Great map! =)

Some things i came across and maybe i'll repeat something already written:

1. Some of the splats and splines look a bit unrealistic because the textures are to big. That's no problem if you reduce the opacity (for splines it's good to soften their look by reducing their opacity on parts of the whole lenght) or if it's a spline, fix the tilling to the width.
2. Some territories seam to "overlap". Maybe their boarders are a bit to small. No big problem.
3. Some of the cliffs were passable which i think was not your intention. If you want the to be impassable without adjusting their height you can use the impass-editing-tool (trafic light symbol) or by adding "move blockers".
4. Grass. Don't use it to cover whole areas. Instead you could use more splats/splines.
5. I don't know if you intended the map to have no blizzards but I missed 'em.
6. Starting territories are a bit cramped. Because of the map size it's possible to finish off the enemy with artillery, built in your own starting territory - that's what i did.
7. You should place some objects in the non-playable areas. They may be blackend out but the shapes can still be seen. There are some very nice oob-objects under visuals/environment.
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