**UPDATE v1.51: Fixed broken strategic point, removed small shacks near farm/railyard, paired town square buildings so that one side does not have more firing windows than the other***
Future changes: one building from the bottom right farm and the trainstation will be removed, opening up the flanks more. Broken fence sightbocking fix. Further retreat-pathing friendliness refining.
Hi everyone. MileWideThigh here. Just finished up my first map for CoH2, presenting it here for you.
A major storm will soon hit the region as winter begins in earnest. It is crucial that the town, its rail station, and the surrounding communes be taken before this happens. Failing to achieve victory will make reinforcement and resupply nearly impossible in the coming weeks.
Here is the tac-map (Unfortunately I do not have the time right now to make a really nice one like our (proskills) friend OnkelSam makes):

Link to the image (easier to see territory boundaries)
Here is the link to some screenshots:
Video Demo:
Here is the *up-to-date* link to google drive where you can get the file:
(Click file/download - or Ctrl+s -to download the .rar package)
2v2 Version Available Here:
Steam Community Group (for custom matchmaking):
Feel free to join this steam group so that you can easily arrange custom games with other people who have this map! As I release new maps I will continue to create steam groups for them so that people can enjoy their custom content as a community. It would be nice if this method caught on, so tell your friends!
This is a 1v1 map which features open flanks and a small town in the center. The edges, obviously, favor vehicles, while the center gives an advantage to infantry. The high resource points are in the corners, and the strategic point layout, which I think is quite balanced, can create some aggressive cutoffs. You can get a sense of the arrangement in the first screen I have provided in the album.
So far I have had a few really great games on this map and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it. To install, follow the same instructions as any other map.
Edit: Feedback is of course welcome. I have tried to design this map so that it is very competitive, but since I can only play test so much on my own I invite anyone to share their opinions here. Thanks again.
Edit2: I have reuploaded the .rar to google drive because in the original I accidentally duplicated one of the files. My apologies. The new link is accurate
Edit3: Updated post with OnkelSam's excellent advice. Thank you!
Edit4: Music bug fixed (or at least it was on my end, be sure to let me know if it persists for you).