Impact of Sleep on COH Player Performance
Even a single night of 5-6h sleep will have a very noticeable impact on your CoH performance, while several consecutive nights will have an even larger impact, taking several days to recover from
Types of Impacts
In two studies from David Dinges and the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, two major impacts of sleep deprivation were reported:
- Slower reaction time
- No reaction at all / miss of small events
Some Numbers
I guess both results are of big importance for us COH players. What I found surprising is how large the impact of even short sleep deprivation is. Here is a Chart from the AAA, n=6845. They looked at car crashes.
Comparison group are those, who slept 7h ore more (only in the day before the crash).
- Those who slept 6-7h had odds 30% higher than the base group,
- Those who slept 5-6h had a 90% higher risk
- And it gets even worse for those who slept even less...

If you dig deeper and look for the reasons, the following table gives a good indication.
For interpretation: the values “overcompensation” and “poor directional control” are imho reasons that result from a short lack of attention.
What you see is, that the reasons shift away from reasons like excessive speed and “in vehicle distraction” or misjudgement to reasons where attention plays a much larger role.
This alone is not surprising, what I found surprising is how big the effect is, even for 5 or 6 h of sleep after a single night.
Fun fact: those with less than 4h of sleep seem to have stopped judging at all :-)
Table: Reason and hours of sleep the night before crash, percentages shown

Why you might simply miss certain events (where did my squad go???)
Interesting for me were the results from the David Dinges tests, Mathew describes in his book. David had test subjects do stupid attention/reaction tests every day. A test like “report where you saw a red dot show up on the screen”. They monitored for reaction and the number of dots spotted.
Result: those who slept less, where of course slower, but they also missed(!) much more dots. They simply did not see them. Uff.
Some more things I took away:
- The tables above are for ONE night of sleep. If you sleep for e.g. 6 hours for 3 nights, things get far worse
- Those people with less sleep seriously overstated their ability to still perform (just like “suuuurre, I am not drunk, I can still drive1!”
- After a few nights of limited sleep, it takes several (sic) nights to get back to normal
- Alcohol, BAC 0.08g/dL is as bad as, gee, I forgot, 4 or 5h of sleep only, something like that
Sleep well comerades, and do not fail the rodina!
Sources, details, for those who want to look deeper into the numbers…:
- AcuteSleepDeprivationCrashRisk.pdf (
- Acute sleep deprivation and culpable motor vehicle crash involvement | SLEEP | Oxford Academic (
- Why We Sleep: The New Science of Sleep and Dreams (English Edition) eBook : Walker, Matthew