Not these many reasons(irrelevant).
My post was talking about people come to Coh2.Org to talk about Coh2 and have fun. It had nothing to do with your post about the servers.
The servers have been trash forever. Crappy connections and horrible match making. I have bitched about Relic Match Making for years. They dont care. When the person who is championing them, fixing all their maps for free, and has some of the most played maps in the game is begging you to fix your garbage servers... I think you have a problem. Maybe?
Relic blows donkey. They are the worst. How people think Coh3 will be good is beyond anything I can comprehend so I stopped trying. It will be just like vCoh and Coh2: 95% works great but the lingering 5% of easy to fix shit will make you go insane wondering why they are sitting on their asses patting themselves on the back. If I did that at my job I would be fired immediately.
Seriously, our only possible hope is that the people leaving Relic are the problem management that keep the good people there from fixing stuff.
Are you not entertained