
russian armor

Stuka dive bombing no smoke

17 Sep 2021, 01:22 AM
avatar of Katukov

Posts: 786 | Subs: 1

Is there any reason why this ability STILL does not have a red flare indicator on it's dropping location?

it does not fit in line with other bombing strikes and strafes in this regard, there is not much else to be really said.

The audio que actually starting takes around 3 to 4 seconds to play, which means you're going to have to react FAST to avoid team weapon deaths, even then, you have absolutely no idea where it's ACTUALLY landing, i have witnessed my ally losing several squads because this ability was thrown on the retreat path instead of frontline, funny to witness, but still.
17 Sep 2021, 02:26 AM
avatar of Gbpirate
Senior Editor Badge

Posts: 1150

Balance, maybe?

It always has been a bit silly, but you've got to #justdodge and pray.
The funny thing is that the tooltip says that the dive bomber drops a 50kg bomb... that's definitely Kinderparty.
17 Sep 2021, 02:43 AM
avatar of XARDAS

Posts: 42

jump backJump back to quoted post17 Sep 2021, 01:22 AMKatukov
Is there any reason why this ability STILL does not have a red flare indicator on it's dropping location?

it does not fit in line with other bombing strikes and strafes in this regard, there is not much else to be really said.

The audio que actually starting takes around 3 to 4 seconds to play, which means you're going to have to react FAST to avoid team weapon deaths, even then, you have absolutely no idea where it's ACTUALLY landing, i have witnessed my ally losing several squads because this ability was thrown on the retreat path instead of frontline, funny to witness, but still.

7 ...7 seconds from the point when u can heart it untill it drops ... No idea where it is actually landing? :) Sure your enemy dropped it randomly on some empty space and deffinetly not on your stacked tanks or retreat point ...

Another day - Another stupid post by Katukov
17 Sep 2021, 03:38 AM
avatar of SkysTheLimit

Posts: 3423 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post17 Sep 2021, 01:22 AMKatukov
Is there any reason why this ability STILL does not have a red flare indicator on it's dropping location?

Because of how long it takes to land. If they added red flares they would need to make it hit faster. And probably reduce the volume of the warning

If they just added red flares and changed nothing else it would be the easiest ability to dodge in the game
17 Sep 2021, 05:38 AM
avatar of KoRneY

Posts: 682

jump backJump back to quoted post17 Sep 2021, 01:22 AMKatukov
Is there any reason why this ability STILL does not have a red flare indicator on it's dropping location?

it does not fit in line with other bombing strikes and strafes in this regard, there is not much else to be really said.

The audio que actually starting takes around 3 to 4 seconds to play, which means you're going to have to react FAST to avoid team weapon deaths, even then, you have absolutely no idea where it's ACTUALLY landing, i have witnessed my ally losing several squads because this ability was thrown on the retreat path instead of frontline, funny to witness, but still.

Opponent lead his strike by 6-7 seconds and you go on the forums and push for a nerf? How many times have you hit a retreating squad with a dive bomb?
17 Sep 2021, 06:27 AM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

The grass is greener on the other side of the fence.

Why does Stuka dive bomb cost the same as Concentrated fire operation when it does less damage?

Why does Stuka dive bomb has single hit when Concentrated fire operation get multiple hits?

Why does Stuka dive bomb has is CP 12 when Concentrated fire operation is CP 10?
17 Sep 2021, 20:10 PM
avatar of Protos Angelus

Posts: 1515

The only problem with the Stuka dive bomb is that the sound bugs out (as many things bug out in the game). I remember 3-4 games ago where I'm reinforcing my 2 rifles on a frontline ambo and I'm thinking how to organize a push and I'm literally on the screen where the bomb will drop. No sound queue, nothing. No Doppler effect buzz and suddenly. Poof. Gone. Reduced to atoms. The delay is large and it's a fine balanced ability but as the okw/ost/usf snare and rifle nade and whatnot, the bugging out can cost you a lot. But that's it.
17 Sep 2021, 20:22 PM
avatar of Grim

Posts: 1096

I remember when they ninja buffed it's kill radius by 100%(?) despite no one asking for it.

People only found out due to someone sifting through the files XD
17 Sep 2021, 23:31 PM
avatar of KoRneY

Posts: 682

If it got ninja buffed to 400 damage it's probably because 200 was not enough
18 Sep 2021, 04:05 AM
avatar of Ashmole

Posts: 61

I think the fear it induces is pretty thematic because it causes you to have to scramble to move everything around. I think they should make it a little less likely to wipe full health units though.
18 Sep 2021, 06:16 AM
18 Sep 2021, 06:27 AM
avatar of Klement Pikhtura

Posts: 772

I'm starting to think that this is a feature. Also no callout from your units.
18 Sep 2021, 07:24 AM
avatar of Descolata

Posts: 486

Id suggest just dont implement in CoH3, as Stuka Dive Bomb does cause accessibility issues.
18 Sep 2021, 08:45 AM
avatar of Grim

Posts: 1096

jump backJump back to quoted post17 Sep 2021, 23:31 PMKoRneY
If it got ninja buffed to 400 damage it's probably because 200 was not enough

Kill radius not damage, so the area of effect in which it would wipe infantry pretty much.
18 Sep 2021, 09:52 AM
avatar of YRon²y

Posts: 221

I agree. This ability should get some flare.

Planes masking the sound of the stuka or simply the sound being bugged is enough to get ur whole army wiped.

Wouldn't be the first time i get no warning before my army explodes.

Shit design.

I know this is asking for it, but what about people with hearing issues...

I'd rather see it get some flares and reduce the timing it drops or something.
18 Sep 2021, 11:19 AM
avatar of Kurobane

Posts: 658

The only problem with the Stuka dive bomb is that the sound bugs out (as many things bug out in the game). I remember 3-4 games ago where I'm reinforcing my 2 rifles on a frontline ambo and I'm thinking how to organize a push and I'm literally on the screen where the bomb will drop. No sound queue, nothing. No Doppler effect buzz and suddenly. Poof. Gone. Reduced to atoms. The delay is large and it's a fine balanced ability but as the okw/ost/usf snare and rifle nade and whatnot, the bugging out can cost you a lot. But that's it.

I believe this is a bug due to certain sound settings. Certain Sound Setting Options make it difficult to hear important things like the Stuka Bomb Sound.
18 Sep 2021, 13:01 PM
avatar of Esxile

Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1

Remembered someone with hearing issue asking to get a visual effect so he could detect it. But there are probably not enough deaf people playing the game to change it.
18 Sep 2021, 15:34 PM
avatar of Sumi

Posts: 132

Lmao I was talking about the same thing in the chat the other day. They decided to add red flares to terror tactics in soviets, that ability can only manage to make your units retreat not wipe them but somehow it needed red flares, even the retreat or pinning down is not 100% guaranteed. If that ability need red flare then there is no possible explanation that Stuka dive bomb does not get red flare. If you are talking about uniqueness IR pathfinders had their barrage timing nerfed so the units could retreat in time along with the nerf to butterfly mines. Stuka behind your front line can do hell lot of damage.

If you claim that you are able to pin point the stuka dive bomb with 100% accuracy 4 seconds before impact then you are straight up lying. What you do is take a best guess and act on it, GUESS being the keyword. In late game when you have lots of arty, TWs, FRP lying around you cannot make the best guess to which it will attack. Even managing your micro in the late game is difficult enough in team games for you to abandon your units and try saving your units from stuka dive with your best guess. This is literally not how the game is designed. Such a lethal bombing run should need red flares. Don't blurt about uniqueness when all the balance team try to do is remove uniqueness from the game.
18 Sep 2021, 16:51 PM
avatar of Kurobane

Posts: 658

The ability should have been similar to the Soviet IL-2 Bombing Strike (which got removed from almost every commander recently)

This way you could see the plane and have a chance to counter it with AA units. Instead of being like the V1 bomb from COH 1.
18 Sep 2021, 16:55 PM
avatar of Klement Pikhtura

Posts: 772

The ability should have been similar to the Soviet IL-2 Bombing Strike (which got removed from almost every commander recently)

This way you could see the plane and have a chance to counter it with AA units. Instead of being like the V1 bomb from COH 1.

I've never seen AA counter an IL2 bombing strike.
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