Hi my problem is as following, the tactical map is made and uploaded to the map, but do not show in the tactical map overview in steam workshop. But when you launch the game and look in lobby and the tactical map in game it is there
So question, what is wrong?
The tactical map view from steam workshop !

https://i.ibb.co/ySZ30ZK/notshowing-tactical-map-in-coh2.jpg" alt=""]
The tactical map that you can see ingame when pulling up the tactical map ingame.

https://i.ibb.co/BVzT3wS/tactical-map-ingame.jpg" alt=""]
This is fine as this is the map!
The tactical map in lobby:

https://i.ibb.co/c1tBn1M/tactical-map.jpg" alt=""]
you will find the map in steam workshop here:
Project Dukla Pass
Close up of the tactical map :

https://i.ibb.co/W5z59G3/Duklapass-overview.jpg" alt=""]
Hope someone can help isolating what cause this! Cheers Von.