
russian armor

Favourite CoH Rage moments

18 Aug 2021, 20:06 PM
avatar of DonnieChan

Posts: 2266 | Subs: 1

What are your favourite or personal typical rage moments in coh?

i Start:

  • Repair with your vehicle crew as US and retreat them accidentally

    muddling up the stuart abilities

    escape-Clicking a tank just to see it suddenly stop

    last minute bounces of 1% tanks

18 Aug 2021, 22:10 PM
avatar of Kieselberg

Posts: 268

Planes wiping my armies.

Planes wiping enemy armies.

B4 precision strike jt one shots, while announcing it 5sec prior.

Getting b4d with precision strike.
19 Aug 2021, 00:09 AM
avatar of Vaz

Posts: 1158

lose a small engagement when I quickly try to retreat a dying squad, but they die before I click, so the full health squad is instantly selected and takes the retreat command instead.
19 Aug 2021, 00:27 AM
avatar of Lady Xenarra

Posts: 953

Anything involving skill howies

CalliOP (before commander patch)

Tiger spammers ON YOUR TEAM

Being told that USF was balanced, while it was 2020 :loco:


Oh yeah, the big one that made me quit for 5 years: The Combined Arms bug
19 Aug 2021, 06:11 AM
avatar of DonnieChan

Posts: 2266 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post19 Aug 2021, 00:09 AMVaz
lose a small engagement when I quickly try to retreat a dying squad, but they die before I click, so the full health squad is instantly selected and takes the retreat command instead.

haha that's a classic :D
19 Aug 2021, 06:15 AM
avatar of DonnieChan

Posts: 2266 | Subs: 1

when you , after 5minutes waiting for the flank, finally decide to reposition your MG and in the moment you click it to set off, the opponent infantry appears
19 Aug 2021, 06:16 AM
avatar of DonnieChan

Posts: 2266 | Subs: 1

when you , after 5minutes waiting for the flank, finally decide to reposition your MG and in the moment you click it to set off, the opponent infantry appears
19 Aug 2021, 07:36 AM
avatar of WebsterBolek

Posts: 38

Before some patches:
-ZIS 3 stuck and unmobile/also immortal
-Your enginners block in Wire
-Pathfinding issues where tank sometimes want rotate back to enemy
-Your random teammate stay in base afk for some minutes
19 Aug 2021, 09:37 AM
avatar of DonnieChan

Posts: 2266 | Subs: 1

When a random teammate builds 3 caches in first 5 min, then frantically pings a fuel point, then loses his only 2 inf squads he has, then leaves
19 Aug 2021, 11:07 AM
avatar of Klement Pikhtura

Posts: 772

This one was quite recent:

I play as USF, opponent is OST at Bocage. I screwed up and allowed the guy to build a medic bunker near mid VP and he camped there hard with 2 HMGs and 2 mortars, which I though was not a big deal, thinking to myself: "That will be easy. This guy is just another camping noob".
The thing is that he seemed like having a maphack and mortared me seemingly everywhere and always outflanked me. Suffice to say, all my efforts to kill the bunker were futile. After accusing the guy of maphack and trying to do anything I could to win for 20 minutes - I quit. After watching replay I found out that he had a bunker with reinforce and medic upgrade that had like 75 or so sight range. Before patch, where this oversight was fixed, I had never seen that strat again.

These two were quite a long time ago, but still very funny moments:

Playing 4v4 with my friend as USF at Red Ball. After mass retreat, trying to reinforce all my guys. Comes burning plane and wipes three squads with ambulance and leaving 1 dude alive as USF.

2v2 as USF had a retreat point near the shed south of muni point at Crossing in the Woods. We were winning roughly 400 vs 200 VP, I own my guy hard. After my mass retreat (typical USF lmao) comes panther, the guy sees all that and calls frag bombs. In panic I tried retreating all infantry to my base, but I can't because Major is still the retreat point... Lose all my army but a Sherman. After seeing all that, I opened a menu and click "Exit to Windows"...
19 Aug 2021, 11:15 AM
avatar of FireFlyAT

Posts: 33

Units losing all the buttons (Retreat, reinforce ect.) and have to die.
19 Aug 2021, 13:05 PM
avatar of XARDAS

Posts: 42

jump backJump back to quoted post19 Aug 2021, 00:09 AMVaz
lose a small engagement when I quickly try to retreat a dying squad, but they die before I click, so the full health squad is instantly selected and takes the retreat command instead.

7 yo game and people still dont know what to do with settings ... Am not even surprised that 2/3 of community dont restart after every game and cries when they get bugsplat ...
19 Aug 2021, 13:17 PM
avatar of Klement Pikhtura

Posts: 772

I don't know if it is a some sort of clicking bug, but things like retreat hotkey press not registering and losing the squad in the process. Or the unit vaulting instead of getting behind the cover (even though you drag click to formation). Or stucking between covers.

Also the good old thing with charging rocket arty at the frontline. I swear this happens to everybody lmao
19 Aug 2021, 18:36 PM
avatar of Rosbone

Posts: 2125 | Subs: 2

- All of the moments.
- Playing the game.
- When enemy mortars erase your whole army from outside FOW as you are moving but your mortar cant hurt a static MG after 3 barrages. And then ends the game with 0 kills as enemy has 18+. Basically the game itself is an RNG shitfest that no sane human would ever play.
19 Aug 2021, 18:43 PM
avatar of Smaug

Posts: 366

panthers chasing and missing
19 Aug 2021, 19:14 PM
avatar of DonnieChan

Posts: 2266 | Subs: 1

19 Aug 2021, 19:15 PM
avatar of DonnieChan

Posts: 2266 | Subs: 1

also: countering mg s with green cover, then one of the squadmembers suddenly decides to run in front of the cover --> all suppressed
19 Aug 2021, 21:05 PM
avatar of Descolata

Posts: 486

Wiping a Sturmpioneer rush.

Losing my tanks because they felt like being ballerinas instead of reversing.

Bouncing 4 lethal shells in a row and killing the attacker for it.

Wiping a P.Gren Schreck Blob with a Calliope.

Losing all infanty and team weapons to a single rocket arty attack.

Killing a super forward Schewer truck.
19 Aug 2021, 23:34 PM
avatar of Rocket

Posts: 728

Shermans spinning in circles on vehicle fires.

Playing allies during Leig Fest

Playing anyone who used CAS back when it was an op doctrine of nothing but skill planes with giant area coverage

Panthers always escaping with 1 percent health because kill shot bounces

Ost sniper especially when it had body armor running right next to a full flanking squad and still lives

Losing light vehicles chasing down ost sniper with a sliver of health and it still lives

ost turbo mortar spam vs UKF one hits squad leave 1 model left you hit retreat and homing mortar hit the retreating model

20 Aug 2021, 00:36 AM
avatar of TheGentlemenTroll

Posts: 1044 | Subs: 1

I had a 76mm sherman bounce twice then miss twice then die to a 1 hp panther.
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