Dead Rail is a small/medium map for 2-4 player.
//Update 4 final
*fixed lamps at night
*fixed tanks can no more use footbridge
*updated minimap
+added dynamic weather and time of day
-removed night version
//Update 3
*fixed midtown better gameplay
*fixed better water
*fixed better atmosphere
+added night version
+added loading screens for both day and night versions
//Update 2
*fixed midtown buildings too big
*fixed riparian gras clipping and bad splines
+added 2 landbridges for infantry
-removed 2 footbridges
//Update 1
*fixed minimap
*fixed team spawns
*fixed player spawn 1 not enough space
+added 2 vehicle bridges
-removed 2 footbridges
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Big thx to:
Low-res screenshots: