Its not a model thing, targeting priority is focusing fire on the weapon itself rather then entity operating it and since weapon can't be broken before its decrewed it ends up like that.
tp_homing false=>true
tp_homing_inf false=>true
Make it like other Team weapon
Sexton stuck like this for the whole match. I've seen it happen to the LeFH as well.
I think this problem is caused by not remove "upgrade\howitzer_lock_out_mp".
The barrage ability was interrupted for some reason,
the "action_list\end_self_actions\delay(1S)\upgrade_remove\howitzer_lock_out_mp" was not executed.
If move "delay(1S)\upgrade_remove\howitzer_lock_out_mp" to "upgrade\howitzer_lock_out_mp"
(like "upgrade\b4_203mm_howitzer_barrage_lockouts")
this problem should be avoided.
sorry my english is not good