The boxes only appear in the first game after I start the PC. It started like one week ago.
Can someone figure out the problem?
This is the warnings.log:
RELICCOH2 started at 2020-10-23 23:10
OS Win 10.0 (sp0.0) x64, 16317MB Physical Memory, 12022 Physical Available, 4095 Virtual Total, 3914 Virtual Available, 2432 Page file.
WORKING-DIR [F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Company of Heroes 2]
USER [Lemmi]
23:10:38.08 GAME -- Current Steam name is [Company of Zeroes ☠]
23:10:38.08 GAME -- steam returned language 'english'
23:10:38.08 Primary CPU is a 4001MHz [Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz]
23:10:38.08 Architecture [0], Level [6], Revision [24067].
23:10:38.08 8 logical processor(s) detected.
23:10:38.08 4 physical processor(s) detected.
23:10:38.08 1 processor(s) nodes detected.
23:10:38.08 MATHBOX -- Version=6, Mode=SSE
23:10:38.08 Using [C:\Users\Lemmi\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\] as base writable folder
23:10:38.08 Game -- System temp path is [C:\Users\Lemmi\AppData\Local\Temp\]
23:10:38.08 MOD -- Initializing mod 'RelicCoH2'.
23:10:38.10 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\Data.sga 934868737 B [ID:3f9691c3371ee5335e5869d3a0d93406] [Ver:9304c8dbf1724fdbb9b880043a5872ea] [Sig:1138031775656209991]
23:10:38.13 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\Sound.sga 228830651 B [ID:9246d5cc8bf2de31ead8251719e1e576] [Ver:5d538532f09a12ba850fc138604d90f6] [Sig:8524121488149815030]
23:10:38.13 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SoundXP1.sga 21693342 B [ID:9246d5cc8bf2de31ead8251719e1e576] [Ver:9d448119eea20f8d46d7ca91ec744b64] [Sig:11623608031005062619]
23:10:38.13 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtArmies.sga 57561496 B [ID:d4ab83d0ba0afd4850bbc4c68b0de2be] [Ver:4d35d45e0ca25883ffd101f6e7756a75] [Sig:15971162909323790790]
23:10:38.14 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtEnvironment.sga 1261847418 B [ID:4f6a38d9c40d3e11956b769b00d6e689] [Ver:1e466317017b89b3b6abc1e660158aca] [Sig:2987429791343530539]
23:10:38.14 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtGermanEF.sga 2933248568 B [ID:fb66b7917c474a33e86456a40dbf2c3a] [Ver:1ce5e722b2b1083d1fda20d6d27d8138] [Sig:17163876218381474211]
23:10:38.15 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtSovietEF.sga 3874094760 B [ID:b0e52e8ac61727b4a5101571c7e7110f] [Ver:b900563d3d67bc75519fe3f06ae97c87] [Sig:8123542430233781353]
23:10:38.15 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtAEF.sga 1140832185 B [ID:fd7aa5f8e53fa6a558246d44bedd4cfe] [Ver:dae4ef071b679ada5ef7da57f1650576] [Sig:6869274613505808193]
23:10:38.15 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtAEFSkins.sga 4286146719 B [ID:ab441482fcc7ddcd25e040085b81d68f] [Ver:a97f86ebe2bfa48123a111b0684b6190] [Sig:10657079685989519814]
23:10:38.16 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtWestGerman.sga 3677233788 B [ID:9ff4d0503a24bdca4dbe1104f7ff37f2] [Ver:5184b7dedf3b1306a11fdd7c4eddaecf] [Sig:11965138268928265446]
23:10:38.16 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SoundXP2.sga 199001 B [ID:9246d5cc8bf2de31ead8251719e1e576] [Ver:f366468fa94af97a5c1162b6e2d15048] [Sig:10774136334522067768]
23:10:38.16 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtBritish.sga 1881461665 B [ID:391ad53485bf023c2e0f5d508470e0ef] [Ver:fe39aed086974b887b0226f3a27b02ff] [Sig:9116098201042581152]
23:10:38.16 Archive 'CoH2\Archives\Autotest' is missing! Skipping.
23:10:38.17 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\MPScenarios.sga 1759948512 B [ID:f361bb544d19f9ad0702abba3ec58d36] [Ver:3a1c9ad50a7856504ce0edd99239b64c] [Sig:6775182361582889461]
23:10:38.17 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\MPXP1Scenarios.sga 269790819 B [ID:8a2c949c3e230925cf294a12321e9211] [Ver:5ac22a7e5353206a3a22a1dc55c2b390] [Sig:17297509811321721924]
23:10:38.18 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SPScenariosEF.sga 340823058 B [ID:4a2cbc10218aac5e8be4aa494ef1f3ca] [Ver:8d5319d7d263dc71b339d0e9eb0749e6] [Sig:2663722838476071541]
23:10:38.20 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\TOWScenarios.sga 202972788 B [ID:035c09486ef2563f69e781962b46c2e4] [Ver:4af5f9991f7439515903c4e823eb6d5b] [Sig:15664664613644561291]
23:10:38.21 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\DLC1Scenarios.sga 57382901 B [ID:afbdc084e5c98c193cae218ca8e468c8] [Ver:835075f6a5f1e80e222870afaa2dba63] [Sig:2003273899295354318]
23:10:38.23 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\DLC2Scenarios.sga 77535344 B [ID:61eefbc53442d10441d77bbd23b1bc36] [Ver:2a89f0387fad0a4511b4cff6e31dad70] [Sig:7602096073382315002]
23:10:38.24 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\DLC3Scenarios.sga 47253904 B [ID:48c74893c09599be2d61b911563bcab9] [Ver:0d32db24ed4fe982dd70a7b408127123] [Sig:14104588085748238941]
23:10:38.24 Archive 'CoH2\Archives\SPScenariosAA' is missing! Skipping.
23:10:38.25 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\UIHigh.sga 70319893 B [ID:097c8294ec5ed0723b16d8e06f606718] [Ver:638410e4c3c38b38b923ebfbf5d53ea5] [Sig:12202169395001433784]
23:10:38.26 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtHigh.sga 315847340 B [ID:d3bf60728712cf58911b326bde74de8f] [Ver:847622c90833749464691f53f5551808] [Sig:5409437059135526689]
23:10:38.26 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtHighXP1.sga 38526653 B [ID:d3bf60728712cf58911b326bde74de8f] [Ver:492a236c5c9b8d70491763cec03b4772] [Sig:3557666920090964639]
23:10:38.26 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\ArtHighXP2.sga 19687049 B [ID:d3bf60728712cf58911b326bde74de8f] [Ver:06478f3805ceebd8fb602339a6ba9c37] [Sig:15122607373192102247]
23:10:38.27 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SoundHigh.sga 1031467146 B [ID:3730f31a8f731e6cbc26a00244f571cc] [Ver:a12e581cdaa369cbc269c9ecce6390f7] [Sig:18214921420031089867]
23:10:38.28 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SoundHighXP1.sga 89990965 B [ID:3730f31a8f731e6cbc26a00244f571cc] [Ver:1cc1bf361529d9db2191610baac4fa3e] [Sig:5801087545420265863]
23:10:38.28 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SoundHighXP2.sga 37088744 B [ID:3730f31a8f731e6cbc26a00244f571cc] [Ver:4cfa3cc7075c50a459ea894027042002] [Sig:10443542780852497330]
23:10:38.30 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SoundSpeechEnglish.sga 560293192 B [ID:527dd6c09d9403281e2886d358abf509] [Ver:9a7462132b8b852d1d72cb0b257d179c] [Sig:1825285703711461]
23:10:38.30 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SoundSPSpeechEFEnglish.sga 156636969 B [ID:9347118f8eb48257082ac67d7e00c15b] [Ver:54dde0af87a44506b2be5ba79188c95a] [Sig:1272187853708733765]
23:10:38.31 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SoundSpeechDLCEnglish.sga 32966778 B [ID:d37d3bfe48368bcdb2c411ff42ef8710] [Ver:b433112008e82a573ba71d453775932d] [Sig:334711823410206087]
23:10:38.32 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SoundSpeechXP1English.sga 707027968 B [ID:a1f1b169de1b782d9d5b7311ab866728] [Ver:1b2ae23d21ac080b04a8e4d3583b3243] [Sig:850014712724766770]
23:10:38.33 Archive 'CoH2\Archives\SoundSpeechAAEnglish' is missing! Skipping.
23:10:38.33 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\SoundSpeechXP2English.sga 153241711 B [ID:8bb786e9b6bc36e64e1a83cb83e26f4a] [Ver:3e936bc4ca5d3d43ac80ba8a1b0a5d80] [Sig:2614238819969098953]
23:10:38.35 ARC -- CoH2\Archives\AttribArchive.sga 28511327 B [ID:abe931d3adfbab4e871d2dacd29916d3] [Ver:3cfd986f20fa84263831bf1bf89fd62e] [Sig:17172531547763164683]
23:10:38.38 GAME -- Resetting fp control word.
23:10:39.97 WW2Mod -- PropertyBagManager Loaded in 1.598000s
23:10:39.98 ARC -- C:\Users\Lemmi\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\218392622.sga 10430608 B [ID:148bad83ed30ab50cf9ec150050aeec9] [Ver:5f6c1a606cbda926402f058b7f277ace] [Sig:0]
23:10:39.98 ARC -- C:\Users\Lemmi\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\221539158.sga 12331812 B [ID:4d74abb901de6d7d08c97151e9857153] [Ver:5b989bb689c87d7703d7113d1acec001] [Sig:0]
23:10:39.98 ARC -- C:\Users\Lemmi\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\226214391.sga 8340408 B [ID:19bd3425a73acf2832aa34e6f206ea19] [Ver:8cddae7deb97c5fe2da7e0d8a10a6403] [Sig:0]
23:10:39.98 ARC -- C:\Users\Lemmi\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\369210409.sga 20171882 B [ID:84d3b35e25e9348136eb39f74a8d1d14] [Ver:f2e142cb56059bc8520b03876870edb3] [Sig:0]
23:10:39.98 ARC -- C:\Users\Lemmi\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\437896057.sga 1814150 B [ID:ee6c8d68ed5df0df22f26ccc904b34c5] [Ver:bdf6aa59a15cb34448928036ba591acc] [Sig:0]
23:10:39.98 ARC -- C:\Users\Lemmi\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\540750203.sga 7760145 B [ID:59c4c8b2c517b71192d817515863ffe3] [Ver:7e7a6abd80ad5b44da8461f9331e6fb3] [Sig:0]
23:10:39.98 ARC -- C:\Users\Lemmi\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\subscriptions\697202761.sga 16999470 B [ID:30ac9dc287d3a2c0c7026282d96e27cb] [Ver:8bb3bfbd4d04e4eaecb50fd4ce108767] [Sig:0]
23:10:39.98 ARC -- C:\Users\Lemmi\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\gamemode\subscriptions\692412438.sga 3351007 B [ID:5ed2ead7bbf94c01833685dfa1f23ac1] [Ver:60ff095ec12e8b8dfa71a870acc1238d] [Sig:0]
23:10:39.98 GameApp::InitSteam: steam already initialized
23:10:39.99 SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 1/99
23:10:40.00 SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 42/99
23:10:40.00 SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 44/99
23:10:40.00 SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 45/99
23:10:40.00 SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 46/99
23:10:40.00 SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 47/99
23:10:40.00 SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 48/99
23:10:40.00 SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 49/99
23:10:40.00 SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 50/99
23:10:40.00 SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 51/99
23:10:40.00 SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 52/99
23:10:40.00 SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 57/99
23:10:40.00 SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 58/99
23:10:40.00 SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 59/99
23:10:40.00 SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 60/99
23:10:40.00 SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 62/99
23:10:40.00 SteamApps->BGetDLCDataByIndex - failed, index: 63/99
23:10:40.01 NetworkManager::Create - creating network manager
23:10:41.09 WorldwideLoginService::WorldwideLoginService - initializing
23:10:41.09 Opened the CA system store.
23:10:41.09 Certificate for Baltimore CyberTrust Root has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for Microsoft Root Certificate Authority has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for Thawte Timestamping CA has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for Microsoft Root Authority has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for Symantec Enterprise Mobile Root for Microsoft has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for Microsoft Root Certificate Authority 2011 has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for Microsoft Authenticode(tm) Root Authority has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for Blizzard Local Cert has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for Microsoft Root Certificate Authority 2010 has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for Microsoft ECC TS Root Certificate Authority 2018 has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corp. has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for NO LIABILITY ACCEPTED, (c)97 VeriSign, Inc. has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for Microsoft ECC Product Root Certificate Authority 2018 has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for Microsoft Time Stamp Root Certificate Authority 2014 has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for thawte Primary Root CA - G3 has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for UTN-USERFirst-Object has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for DigiCert Global Root G2 has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for QuoVadis Root Certification Authority has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for GeoTrust Global CA has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for DST Root CA X3 has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for SwissSign Gold CA - G2 has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for GlobalSign has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for Baltimore CyberTrust Root has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for Equifax Secure Certificate Authority has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for AAA Certificate Services has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for USERTrust ECC Certification Authority has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for Starfield Root Certificate Authority - G2 has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for Entrust Root Certification Authority has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for GlobalSign Root CA has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for COMODO RSA Certification Authority has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for Starfield Class 2 Certification Authority has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for DigiCert Global Root CA has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for COMODO ECC Certification Authority has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for GTE CyberTrust Global Root has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for thawte Primary Root CA has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for Entrust Root Certification Authority - G2 has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for SecureTrust CA has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for Deutsche Telekom Root CA 2 has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for GlobalSign has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for Thawte Premium Server CA has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for Certum CA has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for Starfield Services Root Certificate Authority has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for T-TeleSec GlobalRoot Class 2 has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for D-TRUST Root Class 3 CA 2 2009 has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for Hotspot 2.0 Trust Root CA - 03 has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for Certification Authority (2048) has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5 has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for Go Daddy Root Certificate Authority - G2 has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for StartCom Certification Authority has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for VeriSign Universal Root Certification Authority has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for USERTrust RSA Certification Authority has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for Go Daddy Class 2 Certification Authority has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G3 has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for QuoVadis Root CA 2 G3 has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for Certum Trusted Network CA has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for Microsoft ECC Product Root Certificate Authority 2018 has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for DigiCert Assured ID Root CA has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority - G3 has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for AddTrust External CA Root has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 Certificate for Microsoft Time Stamp Root Certificate Authority 2014 has been retrieved.
23:10:41.09 successfully decoded into x509
23:10:41.09 64 certificates loaded
23:10:41.09 WinTransport - CreateSocket exclusive broadcast socket was available.
23:10:41.09 WinTransport - CreateSocket listening for broadcasts on default port
23:10:41.09 RLink::WorldwideLoginService::LongPoller::ThreadFunction - Entering network thread function...
23:10:41.11 WinTransport - Host Name: DESKTOP-OT8LQOT, aliases: , type=AF_INET, len=4
23:10:41.11 WinTransport - Host IP Address #0:
23:10:41.11 WinTransport - Interface #0: ip:, broadcast:, flags=IFF_UP IFF_BROADCAST IFF_MULTICAST
23:10:41.11 WinTransport - Interface #1: ip:, broadcast:, flags=IFF_UP IFF_LOOPBACK IFF_MULTICAST
23:10:41.11 Transport:

23:10:41.11 SessionManager - Peer Header Size = 15 bytes
23:10:41.11 SessionManager - Game Data overhead = 4 bytes
23:10:41.11 SessionManager - Proxy overhead = 7 bytes
23:10:41.11 RLink::ThreadFunction - Entering network thread function...
23:10:41.13 Not able to open the offline items file
23:10:41.13 AutomatchInternal: Instantiating
23:10:41.13 MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel fffffffe
23:10:41.13 MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel fffffffb
23:10:41.13 MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel fffffffd
23:10:41.13 Not able to open the offline items file
23:10:41.13 MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 00000001
23:10:41.13 MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 00000002
23:10:41.13 MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 00000003
23:10:41.13 MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 00000004
23:10:41.13 MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 00000005
23:10:41.13 MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 00000006
23:10:41.13 MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 00000007
23:10:41.13 MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 00000008
23:10:41.13 MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 00000009
23:10:41.13 MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 0000000a
23:10:41.28 GAME -- Company Of Heroes 2, Build [], Language [english]
23:10:41.29 Plat::Win32 -- Desktop PPI 96, DPI Scaling: 1.000000
23:10:41.43 SPDx11 -- Adapter [NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070]: 3072MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 1023MB shared system memory.
23:10:41.43 OPTION -- effectsdensity: 3
23:10:41.43 OPTION -- effectsfidelity: 3
23:10:41.43 OPTION -- modeldetail: 511
23:10:41.43 OPTION -- postprocessing: 1
23:10:41.43 OPTION -- raindetail: 2
23:10:41.43 OPTION -- reflections: 1
23:10:41.43 OPTION -- ambocclquality: 2
23:10:41.43 OPTION -- shadows: 3
23:10:41.43 OPTION -- shrubsdetail: 1
23:10:41.43 OPTION -- terraindetail: 3
23:10:41.43 OPTION -- snowdetail: 3
23:10:41.43 OPTION -- antialiasing: 3
23:10:41.43 OPTION -- verticalsync: 1
23:10:41.43 OPTION -- physics: 3
23:10:41.43 OPTION -- texturedetail: 0
23:10:41.43 OPTION -- worldviewquality: 2
23:10:41.43 OPTION -- modelanimationdetail: 1
23:10:41.43 SPOOGE - Driver[DirectX11_Rendering_Device] version[4,37]
23:10:41.43 GAME -- Desktop refresh rate is 60.000000Hz
23:10:41.43 GAME -- Configuration selected refresh rate is (60.000000Hz) 60000/1000
23:10:41.43 GAME -- Final selected refresh rate 60.000000Hz
23:10:41.43 GAME -- Resolution set to 1920x1080 @ (60.000000Hz) 60000/1000 (fullscreen).
23:10:41.52 SPDx11 -- New Device RefCount [2], New DeviceContext RefCount [1]
23:10:41.52 SPDx11 -- Adapter Description = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070
23:10:41.52 SPDx11 -- Driver Vendor = 0x000010de Device = 0x00001b81 SubSys = 0x85981043 Rev = 0x000000a1
23:10:41.52 SPDx11 -- Driver Version Product = 26 Version = 21 SubVersion = 0 Build = 446.14
23:10:41.52 SPDx11 -- Driver LUID = 0x00000000-0x00009af4
23:10:41.53 SPDx11 -- 3072MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 1023MB shared system memory available.
23:10:41.53 SPDx11 -- [1] GPUs found.
23:10:41.53 ShaderDatabase: using shader profile [ps50]
23:10:41.59 Unable to load shader [coh2_impostor_billboard] so replacing with [defaultshader]
23:10:41.70 SPDx11 -- CreateSwapChain: 1920x1080 @ 60000/1000Hz (60.000000Hz). Sample count/quality: 1/0. Back buffers: 2.
23:10:41.74 SPDx11 -- Actual SwapChain buffer set by DXGI: 1920x1080 @ 60000/1000Hz = Refresh Rate: 60.00
23:10:41.74 SPDx11 -- ResizeTarget: 1920x1080 @ 60000/1000Hz = Refresh Rate: 60.00
23:10:41.75 SPDx11 -- Setting SwapChain State to: FULLSCREEN
23:10:41.75 SPDx11 -- Actual SwapChain buffer set by DXGI: 1920x1080 @ 60000/1000Hz = Refresh Rate: 60.00
23:10:41.75 SPDx11 -- Resizing target to make sure Refresh rate is set properly after FullScreen mode change
23:10:41.75 SPDx11 -- ResizeTarget: 1920x1080 @ 0/0Hz = Refresh Rate: 0.00
23:10:41.76 SPDx11 -- Actual SwapChain buffer set by DXGI: 1920x1080 @ 60000/1000Hz = Refresh Rate: 60.00
23:10:41.76 SPDx11 -- Gamma Caps - Scale/Offset supported: no, Max: 1.00, Min: 0.00, Number of Control Points: 1024.
23:10:41.79 SPDx11 -- Gamma Caps - Scale/Offset supported: no, Max: 1.00, Min: 0.00, Number of Control Points: 1024.
23:10:41.79 SPDx11 -- device requires no additional virtual address space textures, although test may be faulty.
23:10:41.79 SPDx11 -- Setting SwapChain State to: FULLSCREEN
23:10:41.79 SPDx11 -- Actual SwapChain buffer set by DXGI: 1920x1080 @ 60000/1000Hz = Refresh Rate: 60.00
23:10:41.79 SPDx11 -- Resizing target to make sure Refresh rate is set properly after FullScreen mode change
23:10:41.79 SPDx11 -- ResizeTarget: 1920x1080 @ 0/0Hz = Refresh Rate: 0.00
23:10:41.80 SPDx11 -- Actual SwapChain buffer set by DXGI: 1920x1080 @ 60000/1000Hz = Refresh Rate: 60.00
23:10:41.84 SPDx11 -- GPU can do [27923] pixels per usecond. At [1920x1080x1] this is [13466] screens per second. with a CPU overhead of [0.000000] ms, GPU Usage Time [3.564448] ms, QueryWaitCPU time [4.000000] ms
23:10:42.03 SPDx11 -- GPU can do [326] pixels per usecond. At [1024x1024x1] this is [311] screens per second. with a CPU overhead of [0.000000] ms, GPU Usage Time [12.860319] ms, QueryWaitCPU time [14.000000] ms
23:10:42.04 FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, missing alias 'TOOLSDATA:autoloddecimator.lua'
23:10:42.13 SOUND -- Initializing ...
23:10:42.23 INNIMapDCA Key not found: tiger_radio_fuzz:

23:10:42.23 INNIMapDCA Key not found: Reverb_Forest_Subtle:

23:10:42.26 INNIMapDCA Key not found: metamap_result
23:10:42.44 INNIMapDCA Key not found: rudders_rotation
23:10:42.74 SOUND -- Initialization completed!
23:10:42.80 SCENARIO -- Failed to open stream for Scenario 'DATA

23:10:42.81 SCENARIO -- Failed to open stream for Scenario 'DATA

23:10:42.82 SCENARIO -- Failed to open stream for Scenario 'DATA

23:10:42.83 SCENARIO -- Failed to open stream for Scenario 'DATA

23:10:42.88 SCENARIO -- Failed to open stream for Scenario 'DATA

23:10:42.91 SCENARIO -- Failed to open stream for Scenario 'DATA

23:10:42.93 SCENARIO -- Failed to open stream for Scenario 'DATA

23:10:42.94 SCENARIO -- Failed to open stream for Scenario 'DATA

23:10:45.36 GameObjLoader 0ca39e20 - resetting counters
23:10:45.36 GameObjLoader 0ca39e20 - Created loader
23:10:45.36 GameObjLoader 0ca39dc0 - resetting counters
23:10:45.36 GameObjLoader 0ca39dc0 - Created loader
23:10:45.98 CRC & Version Info : exe 0x00005bac:data 0xb87e630b
23:10:45.98 Initializing Scaleform D3D11 HAL
23:10:48.12 SFLoader -- UI DATA:UI\Bin\COH2UI.gfx loaded in 2.128000s
23:10:48.12 MUTING SOUNDS
23:10:49.15 NetworkManager:

23:10:49.15 Requesting ticket
23:10:49.15 SteamAuthManager::GetAuthToken state ID : 1
23:10:49.23 SteamAuthManager::GetAuthToken state ID : 1
23:10:49.28 SteamAuthManager::GetAuthToken state ID : 1
23:10:49.77 OnRequest app ticket returned N
23:10:49.77 SteamAuth received ticket at t=8668
23:10:49.77 SteamAuthManager::GetAuthToken state ID : 2
23:10:52.27 Found 1 profiles for account /steam/76561198075605034
23:10:52.27 Found profile: /steam/76561198075605034
23:10:52.27 RelicLinkListener:

23:10:55.65 ExtensionDoExternalCallEvent ( - response good: 0 bytes,
23:10:55.65 GetAutomatchMaps: Got [467] maps
23:10:59.84 JoinAsync: Starting AsyncJob...
23:11:00.90 Some of the ItemPrices received from the server were removed. Size changed from 9135395440722 to 5270850489415183988
23:11:02.80 Some of the ItemPrices received from the server were removed. Size changed from 9135395440722 to 5270850489415183988
23:11:03.32 BT! - SockInit: SOCK_FD_SET_SIZE = 64
23:11:03.32 DBG - SockConnect: 0/s->stHandle=4032
23:11:03.32 DBG - SockConnect: 0/4032 connect deferred (in progress)
23:11:03.46 DBG - SockAnimateAll: socket 0/4032 connection complete.
23:11:03.62 battleserverrelay - Connected:
Connection [ 1/ 1] - local=, remote=, type=CONNECT, timeTookToConnectMS=300, silentTimeMS=0, lastSockError=0
23:11:03.69 OnlineJoinAsync success
23:11:03.69 Session::Initialize - info, initializing session object, using threads.
23:11:03.69 SessionManager::RegisterSession - Registering RL_NEW session 46c10d00
23:11:03.69 Created Matchinfo for sessionID 231841361
23:11:03.69 OnJoinAdvertisementSuccess - joined online match, server leave notification required
23:11:03.72 Transport:

23:11:03.72 Transport:

23:11:03.72 Allocated route ID=0 for PeerID 0 at WINaddr:;
23:11:03.72 Transport:

23:11:03.72 Session::Connect sid = DD19E51, hostURL = , local addresses = WINaddr:;
23:11:04.12 Session:

23:11:04.12 Session - highest peerID now : 3
23:11:04.12 Session:

23:11:04.12 Session:

23:11:04.12 Transport:

23:11:04.12 Session::CheckAddress - initiating address check for WINaddr:;
23:11:04.12 ValidateCustomData: called with 4983 bytes of custom data
23:11:04.12 Client accepted Peer 3 into the match at address list = WINaddr:;, routes = WINaddr:;
23:11:04.12 Session::GetEvent - probing service provided NAT'd routes
23:11:04.12 WorldwideAdvertisementService:

23:11:04.12 ValidateCustomData: called with 3845 bytes of custom data
23:11:04.12 Client accepted Peer 1 into the match at address list = WINaddr:;, routes =
23:11:04.12 WorldwideAdvertisementService:

23:11:04.12 ValidateCustomData: called with 8463 bytes of custom data
23:11:04.12 Client accepted Peer 2 into the match at address list = WINaddr:;, routes =
23:11:04.12 WorldwideAdvertisementService:

23:11:04.16 Session Connection Event - ReasonID: 0 ReasonDebug: SessionOperationInfo:

23:11:04.16 JoinAsync - got operation info 0

23:11:04.16 local PeerID 3 LOCL ack= 0 ( 0ms~0) unack= 0, retry= 0, highwaterOOS=0 (ip=WINaddr:

23:11:04.16 host PeerID 1 RELY ack= 1 (157ms~0) unack= 0, retry= 0, highwaterOOS=0 (ip=WINaddr:

23:11:04.16 PeerID 2 RELY ack= 0 ( 0ms~0) unack= 0, retry= 0, highwaterOOS=0 (ip=WINaddr:

23:11:04.16 MessageCounts: inval=0/0, seek=0/0, join=1/1, ichk=0/0, sk_r=0/0, deny=0/0, Padd=0/6, Pdel=0/0, drop=0/0, data=0/0, mdat=0/0, voip=0/0, rchk=2/0, nudg=0/0, Thdr=0/0, Peer=1/7, PPrx=0/0, ping=0/0, Pfrg=0/0, rely=1/3, lb_p=0/0, lb_c=0/0, cast=0/0, cdat=0/0, sorq1=0/0, sorp=0/0, acto=0/0, spob=0/0, sorq2=0/0, setp=0/0, actr=0/0, lsim=0/0
23:11:04.29 Accepted matchInfo updated 18 from host
23:11:04.29 Session::GetState - info, session [231841361]'s state changed to [3

23:11:04.32 JoinAsync - completed with JoinResult = 0
23:11:04.32 JoinAsync - completed with JoinResult = 0:AdvertisementJoinEvent::R_Success
23:11:04.32 Party:

23:11:04.32 Party:

23:11:04.32 WorldwideAutomatchService:

23:11:04.32 WorldwideAutomatch2Service:

23:11:04.32 JoinAsync: AsyncJob Complete...
23:11:04.62 [P#3] SrcP# 1 ignoring old retry: 1 expect: 6
23:11:04.62 [P#3] SrcP# 1 ignoring old retry: 2 expect: 6
23:11:04.64 Accepted matchInfo updated 19 from host
23:11:04.73 [P#3] SrcP# 1 ignoring old retry: 3 expect: 6
23:11:04.89 Accepted matchInfo updated 20 from host
23:11:04.89 Accepted matchInfo updated 22 from host
23:11:05.01 Session:

23:11:05.02 Transport - Largest sent is now 36
23:11:05.16 Accepted matchInfo updated 23 from host
23:11:05.53 Accepted matchInfo updated 24 from host
23:11:06.00 Session:

23:11:07.01 Session:

23:11:08.01 Session:

23:11:09.00 Session:

23:11:10.00 Session:

23:11:11.00 Session:

23:11:12.02 Session:

23:11:13.01 Session:

23:11:14.01 Session:

23:11:15.01 Session:

23:11:15.01 Session:

23:11:25.82 Party:

23:11:25.82 Party:

23:11:37.32 Party:

23:11:42.01 Transport - median kBPS [hi/cur] sent = 0.0/0.0, recvd = 0.0/0.0, #p/sec
23:11:47.77 Party:

23:11:58.80 Party:

23:12:05.00 local PeerID 3 LOCL ack= 0 ( 0ms~0) unack= 0, retry= 0, highwaterOOS=0 (ip=WINaddr:

23:12:05.00 host PeerID 1 RELY ack= 9 (539ms~57) unack= 0, retry= 0, highwaterOOS=0 (ip=WINaddr:

23:12:05.00 PeerID 2 RELY ack= 0 ( 0ms~0) unack= 0, retry= 0, highwaterOOS=0 (ip=WINaddr:

23:12:05.00 MessageCounts: inval=0/0, seek=0/0, join=0/0, ichk=0/0, sk_r=0/0, deny=0/0, Padd=0/3, Pdel=0/0, drop=0/0, data=8/6, mdat=0/0, voip=0/0, rchk=11/0, nudg=19/38, Thdr=11/0, Peer=40/54, PPrx=9/20, ping=0/0, Pfrg=0/0, rely=19/22, lb_p=2/2, lb_c=0/0, cast=0/0, cdat=0/0, sorq1=0/0, sorp=0/0, acto=0/0, spob=0/0, sorq2=0/0, setp=0/0, actr=0/0, lsim=0/0
23:12:09.75 Party:

23:12:20.75 Party: