Once again, thx for crunching the numbers. I’m a bit surprised that the S2K a 4 man squad is only 10% faster. From these numbers it seems like the IS-2 pretty good balanced across squad sizes.
One question though: When calculating T2K are you starting the time at 0 shots? If we disregard the time to rotate the turret then engagement basically starts when the first shot is fired. With that in mind, should the T2K not be counted after the first shot instead?
Yeah the small difference between the S2K values seems surprising indeed, given that most people tend to assume a 4 men squad would have to die in 2/3 the time a 6-man squad does. However, you have to keep in mind that this heavily depends on the AOE profile of the weapon and squad formation/spacing.
In the examples above the difference is highest when the average distance between each model decreases between the 4- and 6-men squads, as it is the case for the "stacked" formation (here the difference is up to 25%). Also, the IS-2 has a pretty large AOE radius (5) and minimum AOE damage (28), meaning that even in a fairly spread-out formation each model is likely to receive at least 28 damage even if not directly hit. Hence the low variation between the "wide" 6- and 4-men formations. For a weapon with low scatter and relatively small AOE I would indeed expect the S2K difference in the "wide" formation to be much greater.
You're absolutely correct, the T2K value is calculated after the first shot by taking (number of shots - 1) x (reload + windup/winddown + etc).
But, are you using the correct scatter values?
Well, that's obviously what I've aimed for at least. If you mean whether I'm using the values from the patchnotes or plugged from the editor, then it's the latter. That of course is not to say that the scatter model itself may not be 100% accurate, but it should be very close as far as I can tell.