Review upon request:
In chronological order of my seeing things. FoW on from Soviet perspective.
@ 1:23 you use cons to jump into a garrison vs sturmpioneers with only 2 windows facing the sturms. This cuts your DPS to 2/6 of the normal output because of the lack of windows. Garrisons are good in certain situations, but if they're limiting your DPS substaintially it may not be worth taking the garrison. Optimally you should just stay at max from sturms and fire with all 6 models, or avoid them early on. He charged your garrison as he should have and although he could've avoided all damage on the side with the door he still took some damage because he stood infront of 1 window. Your conscript would have been easily forced away had he not been suppressed by your maxim. Loses the sturm, overall a win because of your opponent.
@3:30 your maxim forces away a volks squad but you have vision of a grenadier squad on the mid VP that could easily flank you. The higher you go in rank the more skilled players you'll face, and they'll push those advantages on you. This opponent did not do that, so your maxim ran away to another point. You could've attempted to suppress that squad. Also it a good idea to support your support teams like machine guns with other units. Once a lone machine gun gets flanked it's very difficult for it to fend off attackers, so you should have at least 1 other squad scouting and helping it suppress attackers.
Both you and your friend are sending squads to both sides of the map. While it is doable to do this, it may be more effective and less taxing for you both if each of you pick a side and focus on it. That way you don't have to watch multiple sides of the map and increase your reaction time to engagements.
Teammate discovers BG HQ being setup mid, that's fine. He pulls back a bit after a volks pushes his squad away. Consider building an AT gun at this point. You know the BG HQ is up mid, so they're probably going to fortify mid a lot. It's also about the 6:30 mark so light vehicles are prone to showing up now, especially the luchs. Although you know he didn't built mech, but still you could use the AT gun to siege the BG HQ.
Your friend wipes an MG42 deep in their territory with a 6 man con, recrews it and then lets it sit there for a bit. If you steal a weapon team, you should heavily consider instantly retreating so you can reinforce it and use it against your opponent. He eventually loses it to an LMG gren squad AND the conscript because I think he got preoccupied with wiping a mortar on right VP. All it takes it 1 button push to retreat. You can even queue up retreats by holding Shift + Retreat after selecting recrew for the conscripts. Teammate also recrews the mortar and begins capping right VP with a 1 man squad. I know being greedy can be rewarding but it's also risky. He moved that same gren over there and could've wiped him, but he did end up getting away.
I would really like you both to build sandbags somewhere. You both have a lot of conscripts and have zero bags on the field. Try and place them where your opponent can't use them against you well, like behind territory points or near parallel with walls.
Lost your T-70 for little reason. Yes you were trying to wipe the MG, and honestly it looked a bit frustrating because it kept reinforcing as fast as your T-70 could deal damage. Don't take snares unless you have a legitment reason to take it. It gives your opponent a lot of veterancy on their squads and heavily reduces the threat of your vehicle. If your opponent had AT guns it would've died immediately. If you take a snare, 99% of the time it's worth it to just back out and repair instead of getting greedy and being caught offguard by a schreck pop or puma. Go back, repair and then apply some pressure again. Coh2 isn't a sprint about 6-7 minute wins, it's about taking good trades and pushing your advantages to the point you force your opponent out of the game.
Speaking of dying immediately, I would HIGHLY and I MEAN HIGHLY recommend using minesweepers when you build a light vehicle, especially against Ostheer. If you hit a single teller mine with any light vehicle that isn't a valentine you will lose that vehicle. Swings like that can end games in 1v1 and 2v2. Neither of you had sweepers.
10 minutes in and you have no healing and BOTH of you don't have AT grenades. You should most certainly have them both since the healing keeps your squads at high HP making them trade better, and AT grenades to protect your light vehicles and support teams.
Losing a lot of support teams to leigs. Eventually recrew a mortar with a flamer engi. Don't do that. You lose your engi squad for no reason, the flamer dropped on the ground and all for a mortar. I mean yeah try and recrew it, but it's quite rare to sacrifice a full squad for a support team, especially as soviets when you can recrew things with cheap conscripts.
Saw S-mines being planted, should know it's OKW fortifications doctrine.
I think it's a bit odd that you built maxims early when you immediately selected defenseive doctrine, which has DSHKs. Consider going 4 cons into healing into tech if you can manage without the maxims. If not well just try and not to overcommit on them so you have room for the DSHKs.
You really need to blob up your infantry and just try for a either mass blob approach or a multi angle approach. You keep sending 1 conscripts into the MG34 and it just gets pushed away by the MG + 1 squad. Even saw the schwer going up during one push and could've destroyed it if you had 3+ squads there. 2 of your cons at that time were AFK. 1 sitting near a house and the other in base at full men.
Your teammate has excess manpower and he/she needs to spend it. Either on more squads or caches. Manpower in the bank serves little purpose. Might as well give your team a little economy boost.
Built another engineer but got another flamer after seeing S-mines planted. You need a way to clear mines, if you don't have a way you'll lose the game to them.
Your teammate should be communicating to you that he/she has incendiary arty ready. It's not perfect but it's the best you've got right now and it should be getting dropped on your opponents forward base as you two push it together. It's a bit difficult to do with the schwer gun up, but mortar smoke or a slow AT gun siege could kill that.
There is a p4 on the field on your teammates side and the entireity of your combined AT forces includes: a zis gun. You both need AT long before this point, and should probably have 1-2 each in preparation for medium tank timing. If only 1 you need mines and snares guarding your AT gun. Although mines and snares should always be in somewhat vicinity to your support teams.
Speaking of AT, you have a katy which is expected because of fortifiactions OKW, but your teammate hasn't teched T4 for some reason and has over 300 fuel. Stalin could be fielding an IS-2 currently with the amount of fuel he/she has, and it would compleley destroy your opponents. They need to tech quicker, especially when they were floating so much manpower earlier, they could've also rushed a T-34 before your opponents even got a P4 and done some good chip damage on the flanks.
That first AT overwatch was way overkill, and I'm sure you even know that since it didn't even drop a single shell. Your teammate should've just recrewed the AT gun with 1 con and pursued with the remaining con squads and attack grounded through the smoke or if worst came to worst, finished it with a final snare, which happened. A missplay by your opponent, but it could've been cleaner from you two as well.
You're using your katy at max range and into FoW. FoW gives it a scatter penalty so it'll be less accurate. For best accuracy, gain vision of the area, typically through infantry pushes or in your case a soviet mortar flare would be perfect, and move your katy closer. Optimal range is just outside of your opponents range so you get the best scatter while also keeping your katy in relative safety. Obviously don't move it into raketen ranges.
Against good players if your MG gets flanked you need to retreat. Your opponent will stand on top of your maxim until it either retreats or dies and they will never let you pack up, move, setup and suppress a flanking squad. I'd get in the habbit of retreating. Although you can make an attempt to pack up and move, you need to respect the squad that's on your flank. If it's an LMG gren sure maybe attempt to move and see if your opponent reacts. If not, then setup NOT IN YELLOW COVER because you'll clump and you'll get riflenaded, but in the open and try and suppress him and hold your point. If it's a panzergrenadier or a ranger with thompsons you need to retreat now. They will wipe you if you attempt to move and resetup and sometimes even on retreat.
Stalin needs to automatically put his AT guns on prioritize vehicles so it isn't shooting infantry and giving away its position. If you give away your ATs position its gonna get flanked and destroyed or worse stolen.
You need to retreat your mortars when they get low HP/model count. Many times your mortars are 1 shot away from being wiped and with it their veterancy. Veterancy is one of biggest factors in this game, and you need to preserve it as best you can.
@23:45 you and stalin are engaging a p4 2v1 but schrecks end up wiping your T34. It got caught on your teammates tank which is a bit on the games fault but you also need to be aware of those things. Had you killed the P4 and gotten away that would've been go time for taking their forward base with 3 t34s and infantry support.
Stalin doesn't seem to react well to panzer tactician. You can shoot through the smoke with the attack ground command. It shoots at the ground but the shell will collide with anything it hits including your opponents units. Use this to your advantage. Just because your units can't auto target doesn't mean you can't hit them.
Lost your mortar teams because low HP and then the katy. If your katy is on CD or not barraging it should be in a near inaccessible position to your opponent. Probably your base. You can shift + reverse move it so it'll auto move after you've ordered your barrage.
So at ~28:00 stalin gets pushed off by a p4 and schrecks because he/she didn't have an MG to stop the schrecks, loses a T34 and AT gun, army is basically destroyed, not good. You drop AT overwatched, which overall was good, but it would've gotten a tank kill if you had snared either the p4 or the 2nd p4 that came in stupidly under AT overwatch. Didn't have snares or medics still.

You call in a 45mm AT gun. That AT gun is primarily useful vs light vehicles. The penetration and the damage drop off quite hard vs mediums so a zis would've been better.
Game ends with base dives and losing most of your armies. Base entrance mines are not always neccesary but if you're floating muni more mines is the way to go. Always plant mines. Mines win games.
So overall there were a lot of issues both individually and as a team. Coordinating pushes together will really help your gameplay. Had you both pushed a side at some point in the game will all your forces you probably could've killed the forward base, but you both kept playing to your sides and running into walls of fortifications.
I hope this helped and it isn't meant to be condescending if it comes off that way at any part. I know I used caps in some areas and bolds. It's just meant to emphasize importance.

Any questions, comments or concerns do not hesitate to ask.