I made some drastic changes to improve the map.
- Reduced width by around 50m because some people felt the map is too big. That will give it a VP to VP distance of around 200m which is below average compared to the 2v2 map pool. The base to base distance will be around 280.
See size comparison to old Taman and other maps here (made by Rosbone):

- Slightly changed the camera angle to make it less north/south. I also feel like this improved the visibility of units behind groves and makes it easier to keep an overview of what is going on.
- Added a house on the right side next to "safe" VP to mirror left side. This house will act as a defensive strongpoint so when a team is struggeling for map control being tripple capped can be avoided easier.
- Changed the sightblockers, map is a bit more open now but will open up a lot more than before because I made a lot of groves destroyable by either medium or heavy tanks.
- MGs and AT-guns should be strong on the right side now. The village side remains more suitable to close and medium-ranged infantry in the early game.
- Fuel cut-off has moved to the middle of the map. This allows a team to work together and push through left or ride + middle together and cut-off the enemy's fuel + securing 2 VPs and 2 muni points. Splitting up and going for the sides individually is still a possibility though.