I`ve recently started playing coh2 (but I got quite a lot of rts background), this match is a small bragging, since I was playing against a much higher lvl player and won, what made this victory feel awesome

Now for the real part, here are few moments that made me feel weird:
1. In streams I normaly see that players have their ammunition level close to zero, somehow they manage to spent it all, while I had over 1.5k left at the end of game. Actually I was seraching for some "big" ability to spent it, but turned out I didnt have anything like IL-2 assault, which costs a lot of munition, so how is it best used with the general I was using?
2. While I was somewhat holding the middle, I still felt like it wasnt fortiified enough, but I didnt have machineguns or mortars, how would you suggest me to fortify the center?
3. M3 car, afaik, should restock unfull squads, so I bought one, but it didnt, it was staying in the middle for quite a while, and the sniper near it wasnt getting reinforcement to fullfill empty places in squad...
4. Um, I dont know what makes me wonder more - historical reasons or balance issues, but for me it felt quite wrong when Ostwind won a fight against t-34 in the middle... Maybe there was something more that I couldn`t see? But I`m prtty sure Ostwind took at least 4-5 shots from T-34 and was still feeling ok, at same time his low-caliber gun, theoretically shouldnt penetreate T-34 at all, or am I wrong?
5. One more about snipers - I assumed that they are invisible all time except for a few seconds window after shot, am I wrong? caz I`m pretty sure he was able to spot my snipers when they were getting close to his positions
Hmm, well thats all for now, I`d really apreciate for advices and shared knowledge on above topics, cheers ^.^
P.S. Oh and one more thing - starting from mid game I was really struggling with manpower, double T-34/85 costs 720! Is there anyway to increase manpower income?