OK here's the ideal build even though my replay isn't optimal at all:
Tier Two
Choose one: Guard Rifle, HM-38 120mm Mortar or Combat Medics if you've lost a lot of models
Tier Three
Choose one: Guard Rifle, HM-38 120mm Mortar or Conscript
T34/76 or T-3485's if you made it to 4 command points which is much more likely to happen on a larger map.
I won three games in a row with this in 21:00 or less. This game seemed in the bag around 5:30 but I made a mortar instead of a Guard even though I suspected a Flamer half-track soon. It looks like Ostheer is going to just sweep me at 8:00 but all is not as it seems.
Some notable moments are:
3:00 Grenadiers step on at-mines even though he saw them placed

3:40 This battle utilizes true-sight quite a bit. The green cover will require the enemy to get very close to see you. From the Ostheer perspective with fog of war on you just get a flicker of my troops.
4:45 Sneaky Conscript micro to dodge a rifle nade. Notice the placement of my Maxim with him and how it's just out of range of his Grens seeing me hiding. true-sight is SO awesome!
5:15 I hop my Conscripts over the fence to flank in what looks like a staged moment to advertise the feature.
5:50 I would have liked to retreat my Combat Engineer about 40 seconds earlier to get the T70 out extremely fast but placing the mine was the safe play to do and it pays off at 9:30 earning the Engineer his Prefix: "Combat" when it kills two fresh Panzer Grenadiers allowing him force them to retreat from his flame thrower.
7:50 I blindly aim my unfired HM-38 where I suspect the enemy to be without having seen him move any troops there and get a nearly perfect hit.
13:00 looks like an exhibition match to showcase a perfect Maxim and ZIS flank with the T70 coming in to clean up the sloppy mess.