
russian armor

Top 55 AT using maphack ( Keep looking into FOW )

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by HANSVONGROBEL 7th March 2021, 03:26 AM
  • [00:25:36] What game is this?: lmao
  • [00:25:40] s.Pz.Abt. 503: nice map hack
  • [00:25:40] What game is this?: gg maphacker
  • [00:25:41] What game is this?: flower
  • [00:25:41] s.Pz.Abt. 503: confirmed
  • [00:25:46] s.Pz.Abt. 503: trash
  • [00:25:49] satup: wtf
  • [00:25:57] s.Pz.Abt. 503: enjoy your ban soon
  • [00:26:04] s.Pz.Abt. 503: this replay on coh2.org
  • [00:26:08] satup: kk
  • [00:26:12] satup: check it :=)
  • [00:26:13] s.Pz.Abt. 503: u know we're top 50 team , right ?
  • [00:26:15] Flap: ok
  • [00:26:18] s.Pz.Abt. 503: sturmpanther be happy
  • [00:26:20] satup: rly ?
  • [00:26:23] Flap: really?
  • [00:26:30] satup: me top 1
Honor it
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Duration: 00:26:30
7 Mar 2021, 03:26 AM

Posts: 42

Hi everyone ! I just want to let you know these 2 baddies here , even though they are ranked lv16 and top 100 as a team ( other dude is top 55 ) , they are just bad ( probably getting those ranks by using cheats ). SOVIET guy name SATUP is the cheater.

Here i upload the replay with their names so you guys can check it out as well as avoid these 2 noobs. I've reported and help admin banned lots of players in the past already as well as a top 50 player ( used to be ) myself so it's safe to say i want to keep this community clean from scumbags !

No need for timeline since he has always been looking into units in FoW since minutes 2 , as well as super obvious screen pan into Wehr sniper at 2:55. Timeline Edited here for anyone who has doubts:

0:30 : Camera pans exactly on sturmpio moving near building - You must be super skilled to pan cam like that

0:55 : Before Echelon squad even spot the pio squad , he already pans camera right into that Wehr-Pio and act like nothing ( must be pinging his mate since he might not know if it's MG or not )

1:20 : Randomly just put camera right on spot where Volks is building sandbags ( you can argue that sandbag building makes sounds-noise but that is just too random )

1:50s: My sturmpio was already backed away off from LOS and his sniper was just built out from base , immediately pans camera right on sturmpio behind building ( At the point where my Sturmpio was backed away- u can't predict it to be anywhere on the map let alone pans camera right on it )

2:28~: As his sniper was moving into position where Wehr was fighting , wtf is he looking at in Fog again , exactly where my Sturm and Volks behind sandbag , then decide to take the sniper shot ( knowing my units not even near his sniper )- After he shot his sniper , he's moving his sniper away without sight and pans camera directly on top of Sturm-Volk - THis time they are not even in sandbag ...

2:48~: US troops top left not even spotting any Wehr sniper or any units nearby yet , yet that guy immediately pans camera right on top of the Wehr sniper and 2 man Grenadier squad in FOG - T.R STormjeager at this point your argument about checking the fight or not is pretty much invalid , if he checks the fight , why pans camera near the sniper instead ?

3:03 : Wehr sniper moved into the Woodlogs light cover while the fighting was somewhere not near that , again , he pans camera directly on top of them logs instead ( You can say it's ACCIDENTALLY on it too coz skills )- After that , yes ,the sniper has been spotted out of cover , but u can't just say anywhere before or during it happening , only after is when Wehr sniper is spotted ... now he knows Wehr has a sniper - But he already know it isn't he ?

4:50s-6:00 : Jeager on the field but dude just keep looking on screen near the building where jeager hidden behind ( jeager could be anywhere further right corner by now... Immediately backing off sniper knowing my units is attacking , retreat the engineer for apparent no reason ( might be accident ) sending in 2 conscript to intercept sandbag real fast

7:00 : Most obvious move on camera ever , knowing my Jeager already moving back , means there's literally no reason for him to keep looking at the small bush behind heavy wall cover ( where the Wehr sniper is at ) and just keep looking at it

7:40 : Decide to push with Conscript into the bush instead ( must be accident like anyone of the T.Rs said on top )... Wehr sniper could be at the bush near the vertical wall instead , but it has to be " accidental " push into sniper near sandbag instead ... Skillful player

9:25 : Knowing my Jeager was planting trap and not in camo , he tries to make pop shot but failed since jeager popped back into camo ( U Won't know my Jeagers camo or not , let alone they be specifically in that area - they could be anywhere )

9:45 : Not knowing i already have MG-34 , dude randomly micro squads at the Mg-34 edge , immediately pulls back at MG edge ( my MG just pop like 3 rounds off , not even a small burst )

9:50 : Decides not to pop MG instead , knowing Wehr sniper is just in position nearby and backing off immediately ... very skill , much wow
9:56 : Camera pans right on top of tractor where Wehr sniper was hiding-camo without LOS ... decides to move conscript in that exact spot instead of flanking around far right map edge even knowing the MG is in range ( Big brain time ) , Sniper popped MG right out when Wehr sniper moved back a bit

10:20 : AS i was trying to pull a non LOS flank on sniper ( he doesnt even have LOS himself ) , immediately pulled sniper back-stop shooting and intercept Sturmpio with conscript near off map right without LOS ( Very good - much skill )- Notice camera panned a bit right on Sturmpio in fog of war

11:40s : Must be pinging his friend trying to flush out the sniper near the wall , immediately retreats when Wehr sniper pulled back just a bit out of range , decides to shoot his sniper right afterwards then push 3 conscript to envelope the wall to kill sniper in the most blatant cheat way ever

14:00s : Trying to pull his sniper out of Wehr sniper's range ( recon plane kills him , but probably just bullshitting at that point to make it look legit )

15:35 : Must be so good randomly pans camera again on where my Jeager hiding at as well as brief second following ShrekSturm , then after that camera pan following Raketen being pulled up ( Recon squad wasn't even anywhere near spotting range or and beat the wall moments later to spot it so its complete bullsh*t before that happens )
17:00 : Pull camera right at where Wehr sniper at , moving his sniper in position at sniper edge ...

17:23 : Magically HOOOORAH rush the sniper out of position instead ( much skill very wow )

21:50 : Any random squads could be anywhere , Kachiusa just happen to try to shoot right on top of MG-Sturmpio instead ( How random can you be with Kachiusa on the spot in FOG that happens to have most valuable units around ? )

23:10~23:15 : Knowing Wehr Sniper nearby , pop a shot first at OKW troops then back out from Wehr Sniper range ( Take not that how obvious that he wasn't even in cover the entire time and standing out in the open like sore thumb , but now he's suddenly just being cautious out of nowhere with CAMERA PANNED BRIEFLY INTO WEHR SNIPER )

23:50 : After forced retreat all OKW forces off using plane , randomly pushes T-70 into Wehr sniper position ( hasn't been spotted - Brand New out of box - Noted that Plane doesn't take off Sniper camo till spotted by T70 itself ), failed attempt to kill sniper , pushed his own sniper back off the line instead

25:30 : Blatantly pushing KV-1 into sniper ...

Have a nice day and stay safe everyone !
7 Mar 2021, 10:09 AM
avatar of Deadboltt

Posts: 60

I've looked at your replay now and then, I see Not where he supposedly cheats, it may be a coincidence minute 2; 55 that it was luck, but I don't think the hoes and he's not a top 50 player
7 Mar 2021, 10:36 AM
avatar of T.R. Stormjäger

Posts: 3588 | Subs: 3

I don’t really think he’s hacking. Even on the sniper camera pan at minute 2.5, there were a couple axis units engaging a Paths squad, so he probably wanted to see what was there. He never made any suspicious plays, like utilizing odd angles to avoid units he hadn’t seen and reacting to something in the fog of war in a suspicious way. In my opinion, he’s not maphacking.
7 Mar 2021, 10:45 AM
avatar of Deadboltt

Posts: 60

I don’t really think he’s hacking. Even on the sniper camera pan at minute 2.5, there were a couple axis units engaging a Paths squad, so he probably wanted to see what was there. He never made any suspicious plays, like utilizing odd angles to avoid units he hadn’t seen and reacting to something in the fog of war in a suspicious way. In my opinion, he’s not maphacking.

yes i say same
7 Mar 2021, 12:54 PM

Posts: 42

I've looked at your replay now and then, I see Not where he supposedly cheats, it may be a coincidence minute 2; 55 that it was luck, but I don't think the hoes and he's not a top 50 player

Yes and No , that's just the start ... if you keep looking into the replay , i can just write down timeline for what he keeps doing in FOW camera span... If you telling me at around 4 mins and after the 6th mins , he keeps looking into fog of war on my Jeagers without any spotting units , then you guys are clearly trolling at that point ... keep FOG off and follow his camera whole game , you'll see the joke of it ... especially later on and on he's more blatantly using it like KV-1 trying to " crush " the wall and " accidentally " a sniper is there ... or my Jeager camoflaged behind the heavy wall cover , he didn't even move sniper anywhere near it , just dogded it and move conscript up at that same wall instead ... or units just walking into pre-set unit spot that me and my teammate would sit a unit behind LOS to see if he will try to find it or not ... but sadly he did
7 Mar 2021, 12:58 PM

Posts: 42

I don’t really think he’s hacking. Even on the sniper camera pan at minute 2.5, there were a couple axis units engaging a Paths squad, so he probably wanted to see what was there. He never made any suspicious plays, like utilizing odd angles to avoid units he hadn’t seen and reacting to something in the fog of war in a suspicious way. In my opinion, he’s not maphacking.

See after minute 2.5 ... if you telling me that he just always keep track of my Jeager in FOG , that's a big joke. As i said i've done in so many cheaters to STurmPanther , this is just another obvious one... I dont even know if you ever seen or reported one yourself. He did utilized units to try finding out camoflaged units on the map , as well as he pans camera and following some my sturm-volks in fog of war without anything in LOS and keeping his sniper around and away from danger...

I'll just write down timeline of obvious stupid action he did so you can rewatch it ... give me a few
7 Mar 2021, 13:06 PM
avatar of Deadboltt

Posts: 60

Yes and No , that's just the start ... if you keep looking into the replay , i can just write down timeline for what he keeps doing in FOW camera span... If you telling me at around 4 mins and after the 6th mins , he keeps looking into fog of war on my Jeagers without any spotting units , then you guys are clearly trolling at that point ... keep FOG off and follow his camera whole game , you'll see the joke of it ... especially later on and on he's more blatantly using it like KV-1 trying to " crush " the wall and " accidentally " a sniper is there ... or my Jeager camoflaged behind the heavy wall cover , he didn't even move sniper anywhere near it , just dogded it and move conscript up at that same wall instead ... or units just walking into pre-set unit spot that me and my teammate would sit a unit behind LOS to see if he will try to find it or not ... but sadly he did

when I move my units I always look into the fog and was no one should say that he does not look example I do not use a tactical map therefore I like to look into the fog at war
7 Mar 2021, 13:16 PM
avatar of Deadboltt

Posts: 60

so I'm just minute 4 he hears your dare and had motor damage in the fog at what you see that he drives backwards make your headset at so minute 4 no hack and am now minute 6 where you can see that he's hacking this all normal stop annoying now. don't blame people who don't cheat or anything l2p
7 Mar 2021, 14:07 PM

Posts: 42

Full timeline list of " accidental camera pan " in Units in Fog :

0:30 : Camera pans exactly on sturmpio moving near building - You must be super skilled to pan cam like that

0:55 : Before Echelon squad even spot the pio squad , he already pans camera right into that Wehr-Pio and act like nothing ( must be pinging his mate since he might not know if it's MG or not )

1:20 : Randomly just put camera right on spot where Volks is building sandbags ( you can argue that sandbag building makes sounds-noise but that is just too random )

1:50s: My sturmpio was already backed away off from LOS and his sniper was just built out from base , immediately pans camera right on sturmpio behind building ( At the point where my Sturmpio was backed away- u can't predict it to be anywhere on the map let alone pans camera right on it )

2:28~: As his sniper was moving into position where Wehr was fighting , wtf is he looking at in Fog again , exactly where my Sturm and Volks behind sandbag , then decide to take the sniper shot ( knowing my units not even near his sniper )- After he shot his sniper , he's moving his sniper away without sight and pans camera directly on top of Sturm-Volk - THis time they are not even in sandbag ...

2:48~: US troops top left not even spotting any Wehr sniper or any units nearby yet , yet that guy immediately pans camera right on top of the Wehr sniper and 2 man Grenadier squad in FOG - T.R STormjeager at this point your argument about checking the fight or not is pretty much invalid , if he checks the fight , why pans camera near the sniper instead ?

3:03 : Wehr sniper moved into the Woodlogs light cover while the fighting was somewhere not near that , again , he pans camera directly on top of them logs instead ( You can say it's ACCIDENTALLY on it too coz skills )- After that , yes ,the sniper has been spotted out of cover , but u can't just say anywhere before or during it happening , only after is when Wehr sniper is spotted ... now he knows Wehr has a sniper - But he already know it isn't he ?

4:50s-6:00 : Jeager on the field but dude just keep looking on screen near the building where jeager hidden behind ( jeager could be anywhere further right corner by now... Immediately backing off sniper knowing my units is attacking , retreat the engineer for apparent no reason ( might be accident ) sending in 2 conscript to intercept sandbag real fast

7:00 : Most obvious move on camera ever , knowing my Jeager already moving back , means there's literally no reason for him to keep looking at the small bush behind heavy wall cover ( where the Wehr sniper is at ) and just keep looking at it

7:40 : Decide to push with Conscript into the bush instead ( must be accident like anyone of the T.Rs said on top )... Wehr sniper could be at the bush near the vertical wall instead , but it has to be " accidental " push into sniper near sandbag instead ... Skillful player

9:25 : Knowing my Jeager was planting trap and not in camo , he tries to make pop shot but failed since jeager popped back into camo ( U Won't know my Jeagers camo or not , let alone they be specifically in that area - they could be anywhere )

9:45 : Not knowing i already have MG-34 , dude randomly micro squads at the Mg-34 edge , immediately pulls back at MG edge ( my MG just pop like 3 rounds off , not even a small burst )

9:50 : Decides not to pop MG instead , knowing Wehr sniper is just in position nearby and backing off immediately ... very skill , much wow

9:56 : Camera pans right on top of tractor where Wehr sniper was hiding-camo without LOS ... decides to move conscript in that exact spot instead of flanking around far right map edge even knowing the MG is in range ( Big brain time ) , Sniper popped MG right out when Wehr sniper moved back a bit

10:20 : AS i was trying to pull a non LOS flank on sniper ( he doesnt even have LOS himself ) , immediately pulled sniper back-stop shooting and intercept Sturmpio with conscript near off map right without LOS ( Very good - much skill )- Notice camera panned a bit right on Sturmpio in fog of war

11:40s : Must be pinging his friend trying to flush out the sniper near the wall , immediately retreats when Wehr sniper pulled back just a bit out of range , decides to shoot his sniper right afterwards then push 3 conscript to envelope the wall to kill sniper in the most blatant cheat way ever

14:00s : Trying to pull his sniper out of Wehr sniper's range ( recon plane kills him , but probably just bullshitting at that point to make it look legit )

15:35 : Must be so good randomly pans camera again on where my Jeager hiding at as well as brief second following ShrekSturm , then after that camera pan following Raketen being pulled up ( Recon squad wasn't even anywhere near spotting range or and beat the wall moments later to spot it so its complete bullsh*t before that happens )

17:00 : Pull camera right at where Wehr sniper at , moving his sniper in position at sniper edge ...

17:23 : Magically HOOOORAH rush the sniper out of position instead ( much skill very wow )

21:50 : Any random squads could be anywhere , Kachiusa just happen to try to shoot right on top of MG-Sturmpio instead ( How random can you be with Kachiusa on the spot in FOG that happens to have most valuable units around ? )

23:10~23:15 : Knowing Wehr Sniper nearby , pop a shot first at OKW troops then back out from Wehr Sniper range ( Take not that how obvious that he wasn't even in cover the entire time and standing out in the open like sore thumb , but now he's suddenly just being cautious out of nowhere with CAMERA PANNED BRIEFLY INTO WEHR SNIPER )

23:50 : After forced retreat all OKW forces off using plane , randomly pushes T-70 into Wehr sniper position ( hasn't been spotted - Brand New out of box - Noted that Plane doesn't take off Sniper camo till spotted by T70 itself ), failed attempt to kill sniper , pushed his own sniper back off the line instead

25:30 : Blatantly pushing KV-1 into sniper ...

GAME ENDS not long after ... So if anyone who wants to argue or to protect this cheater , please come up with more invalid argument and watch replay carefully

7 Mar 2021, 14:09 PM
avatar of Deadboltt

Posts: 60

i say nothhink gl hf
7 Mar 2021, 14:12 PM

Posts: 42

so I'm just minute 4 he hears your dare and had motor damage in the fog at what you see that he drives backwards make your headset at so minute 4 no hack and am now minute 6 where you can see that he's hacking this all normal stop annoying now. don't blame people who don't cheat or anything l2p

Read the timeline i posted above and watch his camera-perspective ... i know you played with FLAP and FLAP is playing with a cheater so you feel annoyed and u trying to protect a cheater to clear FLAP name , but at this point you are just being petty after all the evidence has been posted ... As i said , i've worked with Sturmpanther and banned many cheaters that's even more harder to spot but this is very ... very blatant.
7 Mar 2021, 14:14 PM
avatar of Deadboltt

Posts: 60

bro i wathced this replay 3x i follow his camara and kw1 not trash u sniper watch the replay
7 Mar 2021, 14:20 PM

Posts: 42

bro i wathced this replay 3x i follow his camara and kw1 not trash u sniper watch the replay

So you telling me at 25:30 , his KV-1 just made another same attempt same as T70 2 mins prior trying to expose a brand new haven't even fired once Wehr sniper and decide to even turning the KV-1 back upwards trying to catch it ? ( He tried even think that Il2 plane that forced my forces off can spot the Sniper too so he just Waltz that T70 in randomly into the spot where sniper is hiding - T70 can be anywhere but it has to be that spot .. not once , not twice , but 4 times over in 1 game at 1 specific spot ). Yeah if you said you watched the replay 3x , you clearly didn't even watched it with-without fog as well as not reading my timeline ... you don't have to lie about watching it 3 times ... maybe once but 3 ? Gotta call that out
7 Mar 2021, 14:27 PM
avatar of Deadboltt

Posts: 60

So you telling me at 25:30 , his KV-1 just made another same attempt same as T70 trying to expose a brand new haven't even fired once Wehr sniper and decide to even turning the KV-1 back upwards trying to catch it ? Yeah if you said you watched the replay 3x , you clearly didn't even watched it with-without fog as well as not reading my timeline ... you don't have to lie about watching it 3 times ... maybe once but 3 ? Gotta call that out

I can only say my opinion, I respect your opinion also everyone has his own opinion
7 Mar 2021, 14:35 PM

Posts: 42

I can only say my opinion, I respect your opinion also everyone has his own opinion

Great now it's " My opinion - Your Opinion " Card ... if you want to have " Opinion " at least make it a solid one , not just random opinion spouting ... Im trying to keep this community clean off from being infested by cheater , proof provided while your " Opinion " tends to be more protective for his case

Without a solid build opinion-argument , please don't bring it into the case. I've had this same experience before many times and 110% ( not 100% but 110% ) , same problem with people trying to protect a cheater , ended up case proven and banned , with many opinions same as yours.

You might be a very good top 5-10 player , but it doesn't mean your judgement is well enough !
7 Mar 2021, 19:12 PM
avatar of Kronosaur0s

Posts: 1701

Great now it's " My opinion - Your Opinion " Card ... if you want to have " Opinion " at least make it a solid one , not just random opinion spouting ... Im trying to keep this community clean off from being infested by cheater , proof provided while your " Opinion " tends to be more protective for his case

Without a solid build opinion-argument , please don't bring it into the case. I've had this same experience before many times and 110% ( not 100% but 110% ) , same problem with people trying to protect a cheater , ended up case proven and banned , with many opinions same as yours.

You might be a very good top 5-10 player , but it doesn't mean your judgement is well enough !

His jugdgement is well enough
9 Mar 2021, 12:59 PM
avatar of berkeley

Posts: 25

is there even a place where ppl can buy maphack? @HANSVONGROBEL
9 Mar 2021, 21:28 PM

Posts: 42

is there even a place where ppl can buy maphack? @HANSVONGROBEL

Don't know , but that stuff been there since coh1 , people acknowledged it's there so it is ...

About the place where u get them ? Google is your friend ( i'm not that scummy so i don't even bother googling it )
10 Mar 2021, 19:09 PM
avatar of berkeley

Posts: 25

Don't know , but that stuff been there since coh1 , people acknowledged it's there so it is ...

About the place where u get them ? Google is your friend ( i'm not that scummy so i don't even bother googling it )

seems you were right. They got suspended, also Deadbolt too? https://www.coh2.org/topic/107763/top-level-player-map-hacking-in-coh2
10 Mar 2021, 20:11 PM
avatar of Deadboltt

Posts: 60

wtf typical coh2 community
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