Exhaustion, both mental and physical are overwhelming beyond any words of mine. Our situation is the same now as two days ago, a week ago… months ago. We fight, we die, we fall back.
This war is an old man’s game fought like tigers by The budding first born, the only blooming seed and the last in fallen line. Life is measured in hours, not days. This afternoon’s forward recon patrol confirmed what I already know. We’re out-gunned and surrounded. A Georgian farm boy was mortally wounded 12 meters from our lines. I waited until dark to retrieve the rifle and left the body. Soldiers can be replaced, a Mosin Nagant with five rounds of 7.62mm cannot. We’re getting by on bricks and stones for grenades as it is.
My orderly handed me a dispatch this evening with desperate news. It reads: “Comrade Officers….effective 9 October 1942, Political Commissars are hereby abolished in favor of a single military commander within units….stand fast on current objectives.”
—Lt. Alexi Nikon
Stalingrad, Russia
8 October 1942
Stalingrad, Russia
8 October 1942