Welcome 2v2 fighters, we have an interesting update for you!
Prize Pool
Prize Pool
Let's start with the Prize Pool. We had a lot of donations. A big thank you to all the donators!
- Currahee
- Tomakaze
- Rosbone
- Ishtari
- Delodax
- KrypticRTS
The current prizepool is 260 euro, but you can still make it grow! You can donate here, 100% of your donation will be used for the prize pool.
Map Pool & Map Updates
Map Pool & Map Updates
As you have seen the Map Pool of Company of Heroes 2 is going to be updated! Relic has been working together with us to update a lot of maps for a long time and now it's finally happening. For more info keep an eye out for an offical Relic post!
As tournament organizers, we hoped that this update would take place before our tournament. We have been talking to a lot of team captains who signed up for this tournament and most of them agree with our opinion that we should use the updated versions of the maps which are in the map pool of the tournament at the moment.
The map pool will consist of the following, updated, maps:
- Minsk Pocket
- Rails and Metal
- Vaux Farmlands
- Elst Outskirts
- Crossing in the Woods
- Hamlet
- Semoiskey Winter
- Moscow Outskirts Summer
The teams will have the chance to see the maps a couple of days before the tournament. If the map pool isn't updated by then.
We offered the team captains the choice between:
- This map pool, with updated maps.
The updates would consist of quite small but really important and great changes. It would take about 10 minutes to check the changes to a map.
- An adapted map pool, with non-updated maps.
This would have meant that pretty much nothing would change. The quite unbalanced non-updated maps like Moscow or Semoiskey would have been taken out for 2 other maps. However, the tournament would still be played on the 4 (by far) most chosen maps, which is exactly what would have happened if we used the non-updated maps in the original map pool. This time, however, 2 other maps than Moscow and Semoiskey would have been banned by the teams.
Most team captains and some other important advisers chose the updated maps, so we are happy to announce that we will use the updated 2v2 maps for this tournament! The players will receive the links to the updated maps a few days before the tournament in a PM here on COH2.ORG!
Extra Day & Extra Games
Extra Day & Extra Games
We are adding an "extra" day in case something goes wrong during the tournament and we are forced to move some rounds to another day. In case that happens, we can use Saturday, 16th December for the semi-finals and finals, and we can use the 9th of December for rounds that could not be played on the first day.
We are also changing the 2nd round of the tournament to BO3 as well. We are doing this because we have seen a lot of high-level 2v2 teams sign up and we think it's a shame if we do not make the 2nd round BO3 as well, because we could miss some pretty good games if we leave it at BO1. So now, only round 1 is BO1!
Score Reporting & Brackets
Score Reporting & Brackets
We have received some questions about where you can report your scores after your round has been played. It's in the original article as well, but we are adding it here again, to make things as clear as possible. Team Captains have to report the scores after a round has been played in the STEAM CHAT of the STEAM GROUP. Also note that the Team Captains of every team ALWAYS have to be in the steam chat of the steam group. If you do not do that, we cannot contact you (or the other way around) which might cause trouble. In case of trouble arising, because you (as a team captain) were not in the Steam chat, you risk being banned from future events!
We are working on the seeding at the moment and the probationary brackets will be released soon! The brackets will be added in this article, but we will make sure you guys know that the brackets are released

The sign ups close at 24:00 GMT, the 30th of November. A seeding will be made the next day and brackets will be made as well before friday (1st of December) night. The next day on Saturday the 2nd of December the check-ins in the CHAT of the STEAM GROUP will open at 16:00 GMT. Check-ins will close 30 min after they opened, at 16:30 GMT. The first rounds will start at 16:45 GMT. The first round will be BO1. Then there will follow 3 rounds who are BO3. The Semi-Finals and Finals (BO5) will be played on Saturday the 9th of December. The check-ins for those start at 16:00 GMT and end at 16:30 GMT. The games will start at 16:45 GMT.
- Check-ins open 16:00 GMT on Saturday the 2nd of December (in the chat of the steam group)
- Check-ins close 16:30 GMT
- Start tournament on Saturday the 2nd of December: 16:45 GMT
- Start tournament on Saturday the 9th of December: 16:30 GMT
Sign Up
You can still sign up for this tournament! Click here to sign up!
There have been a few adjustments casting-wise. FaHu and Sturmpanther will cast the first day together (until the quarter-finals). Sturmpanther and Ashman will cast the second day (semi-finals and finals). Make sure to tune in to the channel linked in the ticker on the tournament days!
Any Questions?
Any Questions?
Send a PM to |GB| The Hooligan and/or Currahee!
We will try to answer your questions as best we can.