Yesterday was a strange day. There was fighting in the streets and I was stuck in a building, sandwiched by enemy soldiers. I was on the 2nd floor of what used to be a very large apartment building. There were Germans on the 3rd floor and Germans on the 1st floor! Most of the stairwells were clogged by rubble and all I wanted to do was get out of there. Windows had been boarded up and there was very little light. I was there alone on a mission to kill Field Marshal Erich von Manstein, but he was nowhere to be found. I crept slowly along a hallway that was covered in dust and debris. Soldiers came suddenly around a corner at the end of the hall and I couldn’t tell if they were friend or foe. They were covered in dust, just like me. I hid, and I may never know the answer.
Today, through a crack in the wall, I can see dug in enemy positions outside in the streets. Machine gunners or anti-tank men behind metal shields, with a small hole cut in the middle. They’re deep in the earth, fully covered in the mountains of wrecked gear and buildings. I wondered if I could invent a new weapon. If perhaps I could attach my sniper’s scope to a personal anti-tank tube carried by the RKKA soldiers, and use that to fire a heavy round through that tiny hole in their shield. Something to try if I ever get out of here.